November 2015 Astrology

First week Nov 2 – 8th


The Allure of a Money-Making Plan – Nov 2nd

What to expect: Planning how to spend or save in practical ways.

What to watch out for: Underestimating how sexy a money plan can be!

Who and what it will affect: Relationships, partnerships, money, and shared resources.

At the beginning of the month we can start to put some thought into how to use our resources. Christmas is coming which might spark our desire to save money. In fact, this might be a partner effort. Excitement can be sparked by looking at budgets and planning. You’ll both be able to see into the big picture and patterns of spending might emerge. You may also get some insight on how to save a dollar or how to make your money grow. Yes, sometimes candles, flowers, and a romantic dinner can turn us on but at the beginning of November, a nicely laid out money-making plan can have the same result! Look at it another way – money is the number one relationship wrecker (having no money) so it stands to reason the opposite can send the sparks flying.

Why? Mercury goes into Scorpio, Mercury sextile Pallas, and Mars conjunct Venus.

Inuksuk experiences – Nov 3rd

What to expect: Dreams, visions and guidance

What to watch out for: Forgetting your dreams or dismissing messages.

Who and what it will affect: Thoughts, healing, relationships, nurturing ourselves, and our self esteem.

Some of you have been having prophetic dreams – the kind of dreams you wake of from and wonder if that was real or a dream. If you have been having these types of dreams, pay attention. There are VIM’s – very important messages – embedded, pointing you in the right direction. Others have been meeting the most inspiring and surprising teachers in unexpected places or in unexpected people (and some with animals). They come with simple messages, but sometimes we get so wrapped up in our grief or our guilt that we miss the message. The focus of this time is on our collective and personal guilt. Guilt can make us feel undeserving, filling us with “shoulds” and the need for self punishment. Grief can simply paralyze us. This grief and “the shoulds” can especially show up within our parent/children relationships or within our personal relationships at this time. But we can’t access the power within us if we stay in that frame of mind. Healing is available to us now in big way! We have way more power to serve if we let it go and break free.

Why? Mercury Square transiting Ceres, Jupiter Opposition transiting Chiron, and transiting Uranus Opposition transiting Juno.

Powerful Stories – Nov 6th

What to expect: Accessing the ability to write and create.

What to watch out for: Letting the opportunity slip away

Who and what it will affect: Communication, our egos, our creativity, and personal power.

On the 6th, we have quite a bit of personal power. It’s a great time to share our vision and take people along with us using a story that has a powerful impact. If you have visions of a TED Talk, this is the day to hash out the storyline, practice in front of a crowd, or even deliver it on the TED Talk stage. Messages with a personal story and a compelling vision will have huge impact today.

Why? Sun sextile Pluto and Mercury trine Neptune.

Role Reversal Confusion – Nov 7/8th

What to expect: A time to figure our male/female “roles.”

What to watch out for: Codependence or independence – strive for interdependence.

Who and what it will affect: Money and relationships.

Just before Venus goes into Libra, causing her to be much more romantic and partnership oriented, she wants to make sure that she is sorted with the money situation. There is a love and money dynamic going on here. It’s good on one hand. Venus is bringing us into the money, but we are having trouble balancing our newfound money with our relationships. Some of us women feel that once we have money, we don’t need relationships anymore. Wrong! We just need a different kind of relationship. Men are feeling the discomfort too. Do I stick with the hot mess codependent relationship? I don’t know how to relate to a woman who seems to not need me! It’s the financially independent woman relationship struggle story again. This is a time when men and women are getting closer to figuring out how to relate and be in relationship of a different kind. The rules have changed. We’ve seen some people make it work… so how do WE that do that?

Why? Venus conjunct North Node, Venus opposite Vesta, and Venus goes into Libra.

 44275141_sSecond Week – Nov 9th – 15th

Great Start to the Week! – Nov 9/10th

What to expect: High energy and inspiration.

What to watch out for: Useless agreements or fights.

Who and what it will affect: Social change, getting things done, beliefs, and that about which we are passionate.

On Monday morning, we’ll wake up and feel very purposeful – even ready to change the world. The optimism continues the next day as more opportunities come up. We might be catching up on our inspiring talks as we move through the week. We might hear them in the car or in the background on the radio as we work, but is really inspiring us, making us more confident in reaching out to others and sparking us into action. This week I see lots of intense and powerful conversations about change. Sometime we can be all talk, no action. Not this week! One thing to be aware of though at this time is that if we feel blocked, we can get overly aggressive about our direction. Taking a more feminine approach will be less combative and will make other more receptive.

Why? Sun trine Chiron, Sun sextile Jupiter, Mercury sextile Pluto, Mars conjunct North Node, and Mars opposite Vesta.

Taking the Plunge – New Moon at 19°Sc00′

What to expect: A call to move forward.

What to watch out for: Paralyzing fear.

Who and what it will affect: Our purpose, wounds, and self esteem.

The New Moon is in Scorpio, the sign known for being intense, penetrating, and a bit of a researcher. Scorpios like to plunge to the depths of the psyche and human behaviours. Scorpio is unafraid of the shadowy, murky places and sometimes even enjoys it. This New Moon takes us back to those messages we received the first week of November – the ones that showed up through our dreams or as an unexpected person. At the New Moon we say, “now what?” The path has been laid out for you, but you sit like the character Santiago in the book The Alchemist, wondering if you take the chance and set off on an adventure to find your personal legend. Do you need to go deeper into yourself to uncover what holds you back? What are your blocks, your upper limits, and your false beliefs that are tripping up your forward movement? Now is the time that you can send out intentions (New Moons are good for new beginnings) to start your new way of being or to dive deeper into what is holding you back from doing so. But here’s a hint: going forward is the only way to help uncover all of this. Yes, this New Moon has the power to uncover the dirt, sending us into healing crisis. If you’ve ever experienced a healing crisis (and anyone who has been to a naturopath and been on a detox diet will know), you feel like the biggest bag a crap with a headache the size of Alaska and then when the toxins leave, you feel like you have arrived in seventh heaven. Like Santiago, you will be swirling things around, turning metal into gold. Embedded in the experience is the path to find self-love.

Why? New Moon in Scorpio, sextile Jupiter, and trine Chiron. Venus trine Ceres.

A need to talk about it! – Nov 12th

What to expect: Needing to talk to someone we trust.

What to watch out for: Talking to someone who doesn’t challenge us.

Who and what it will affect: Old wounds, male/female dynamics, and relationships/partnerships.

On the next day (Nov 12th), we are ready to move forward with our plans. We are helped greatly by knowing that the best approach is to balance the masculine with the feminine parts of ourselves. Know that any male female “wars” that happen in the external world are only wars that exist within us. Talking about it with someone we trust will help, but stay away from the conversations that seem healing but are really just commiseration designed to keep us stuck in one place.

Why? Mercury trine Chiron, Venus square Pallas, and Mars conjunct Libra.

Coming to Agreements – Nov 13th

What to expect: Finding middle ground.

What to watch out for: Missing the opportunity for agreement.

Who and what it will affect: Beliefs, relationships/partnerships, and our commitments.

By Nov 13th, we have navigated the murky water. We are feeling and speaking more optimistically. We’ll be able to see into the future and see the big picture. We’ll feel like we have traveled long and far and have now arrived at some truths. We are also feeling more stable in both our relationships and in our money. It’s a day that allows better judgment and agreements in both our personal and business relationships

Why? Mercury sextile Jupiter and Venus sextile Saturn.

38068968_sThird Week – Nov 16th – 22nd

Writing a Masterpiece! Nov 17-19th

What to expect: Feeling inspired to communicate.

What to watch out for: Thinking that you have to do it alone.

Who and what it will affect: Communication, connecting with our tribe, and the things that matter to us.

Nov 17/18/19th will be great days to hammer out a speech or write that book you keep saying you’re going to write. If you can go to a writing retreat, all the better. These couple of days will be auspicious for getting to the heart of matters, finding clarity, and communicating with passion. The group, team, or mastermind effort will help to take this off the charts. If you are not writing a book or a speech, you can easily use the energy for writing an inspiring email or your best blog post!

Why? Sun conjunct Mercury, Mercury sextile North Node, and Mercury trine Vesta.

Grounded Research – Nov 20th

What to expect: Finding really good information.

What to watch out for: Thinking the only way to research is in a library.

Who and what it will affect: Visions, ideas, and finding our path.

By the 20th, you may realize that you need to do some more research for your ideas. Now is a great time to connect with people and explore whether your ideas resonate with others. You can also get them to help you formulate your ideas. It a time when we will also be working synergistically off of each other and realizing that you have that opportunity will get you to your goals faster. It also helps you to expand your worldview. No idea is bad; they’re all just ideas. Watch out for strong opinions at this time and others may be invested in forcing their perspective on you. In fact, one of you may get a little bit pushy. The best approach is just to allow all ideas, even uncomfortable ones, to have a voice and then spend some time discovering your own truth within them or, if needed, apart from them. Trust yourself if your intuition is telling you something at this time. We will be keyed into other on an almost psychic level. We can transcend difficulties with faith and a touch of spirituality.

Why? Sun sextile North Node, Mercury goes into Sagittarius, Venus square Pluto, and Neptune sextile Pallas.

Freedom in the Structure! – Nov 21st

What to expect: Digging deep to keep ourselves nurtured.

What to watch out for: Poo-poohing structure.

Who and what it will affect: Nurturing, self care, and our discipline.

The Sun gets a little intense on Nov 21st before going into Sagittarius. It’s been sort of intense all month because it’s been in the sign that loves intensity, but in its last moment it intensifies even more. Scorpio often gets a bad reputation, so much so that I’ve even met Scorpios who lie about their sign. But this energy brings out the highest in Scorpio – tenacity, staying power, and resilience. If we need to involve ourselves in a task that we would otherwise abandon, today is the day to do it. Once the Sun goes into Sagittarius, we will feel like going off on an adventure. Maybe we’re dreaming of a vacation, which is okay as long as it’s not to escape the things we need to do. Sometimes we have to create structure and form to achieve things we don’t much like in order to really nurture ourselves. Think of taking the time to cook every day. Sometimes we feel like it’s a chore, but ultimately it nourishes us and is way better than the less nutritious (albeit easier) shortcut – hotdogs, fast food, or frozen dinners.

Why? Sun trine Vesta, Sun goes into Sagittarius, and Saturn sextile Ceres.

Fourth Week – Nov 23rd – 30th

2015-11-01 13.23.56On a Mission – Not Sure to Where!

What to expect: Inspiration that takes us out of our comfort zone.

What to watch out for: Trying to control everything.

Who and what it will affect: Creativity, money, relationships, structures, and belief systems.

On the 23 and 24th, we may wake up with a lightning bolt of creativity. This is a time when it’s best to just go with the flow. Trust that things are going in the right direction. The heavens are also gifting us with a tremendous amount to endurance and fortitude to get the job done, even if we have no clue if it’s going in the right direction or if it makes sense. Now is the time to just follow your nose. Resisting or trying to control will only be a recipe for frustration and fear!

Why? Venus opposite Uranus and Mars sextile Saturn.

Full Moon in Gemini – Nov 25th

What to expect: A pull between one side of the coin or the other.

What to watch out for: Going the negative route.

Who and what it will affect: Perceptions, beliefs, and the way we care for others.

At the Full Moon, we are revisiting our thoughts and perceptions. Have we made any moves forward on the new intentions that we set at the New Moon? We get really wrapped up in a knot at this Full Moon, worried if we are being realistic. We might be very “she’s the type of person” with our thoughts and conversations, meaning we will easily pigeonhole people and cling to prejudices. We’ll pick on something minut, but make huge meaning of it – for example, we might see a man eating with a fork in his right hand rather than eating with a knife and fork. We might make a judgment that this person comes from a lesser refined background, but in fact they may have sprained their left pinky and are just living with a modification! Now is a time when our “shoulds” will come out in full effect. We might be feeling extremely doubtful and misconceptions can be strong. But rather than “the shoulds” focusing on ourselves, they become the “shoulds” of society and those around us. “They should do this” or “it should be this way.” In many ways, this Full Moon will challenge us to just deal with what is without judgment and without fear! We have access to it. In fact, the energy exist to take on a very different perspective. We have the ability to tap into higher intelligence and compassion, honesty and quick solutions, caring for and defending others -and ultimately, rapid progress.

Why? Full Moon at 3°Ge20′, Mercury conjunct Saturn, Mercury square Neptune, Mercury sextile Ceres, Mercury sextile Mars, and Mars trine Ceres.

A Change Brewing – Nov 26th

What to expect: Changes that will dissolve old structures.

What to watch out for: Thinking it’s not happening (we won’t likely see it yet!).

Who and what it will affect: Old structures, the collective unconscious, and belief systems.

Neptune went direct from its retrograde motion on the 18th. It’s a planet that presents all that is hidden, from unearthed oil to the collective unconscious. When it goes direct, it works in a bit of a counter intuitive fashion. It exposes things while retrograde, but becomes secretive again when going direct. Neptune will go retrograde in June of next year again; until then, lots might happen out of public view. In fact, I think we might be stunned by what comes to light in the middle of June 2016 and here’s why: Saturn and Neptune are going to square on Nov 26th . Saturn represents structures and Neptune is anything but. Neptune can dissolve structures and did so in 1989 when the Berlin wall came down and again in 1998 when it dissolved a lot of currency across Europe in favour of the Euro. The first of those squares happens on Nov 26th and I think it plants the seeds of the next thing to dissolve on the world stage. What will go? This one is tied to beliefs and the collective unconscious. Why was it that Romeo and Juliet could not be together? It seemed to be a long held belief that no one could remember the origin of, yet they clung to it. Someone somewhere is summoning the courage to go against their parents!

Why? Neptune goes direct, Neptune square Saturn, Sun square Neptune, Sun conjunct Saturn, and Mars square Pallas.