Sept 18 – 24

New Moon in Virgo
What to expect: Leadership struggles
What to watch out for: deception and discouragement
What will it affect? Leadership, communication, collective wounds
The New Moon on Sept 19th is a powerful one! The New Moon happens at the 28th degree of Virgo. The Sabian symbol for that degree is “A bald-headed man dominates gathering of national figures”. On the same day, Venus will be at 29 degree’s of Leo, triggering the solar eclipse New Moon of Aug 21, 2017. This energy brings up again the question of leadership. The guard is changing, but this may not be an easy process. Leaders in place may push their agenda especially if they are not interested in seeing a new type of leadership. But Virgo is a very different kind of leader. Virgo is the Servant Leader – Servant Leaders are characterized by listening, empathy, healing, self-awareness, and things like stewardship instead of selfish spending, and persuasion instead of force. As we shift to this new model of leadership at this New Moon we may find ourselves reacting to an overbearing old leadership model. The New Moon sits opposite Chiron bringing up a collective wound. We may feel angry. But let your anger only serve to you to help you formulate New Moon intentions that focus on the building up this new leadership model!
Mercury, Mars, and Venus are all now moving through Virgo and that means they will also oppose the slow moving planet Neptune, currently sitting across for Virgo at around 12 – 13 degrees Pisces. Neptune has been in Pisces for a while, and in that sign has brought us into a very spiritual time. But spirituality has its light and shadow aspects and now through the end of the month, we will see some of those shadowy aspects emerge. As mercury opposes Neptune on the 19th and we can be sure a calculated lie will be told. It may be told with the practical in mind. Like the kinds of lies we tell to kids when we want to get them to do something we want. Or it could be something that comes through the arts, feels entertaining but throws us into confusion or disillusion. Think of the Mentalist using the “five senses to create a so-called a sixth sense”, but in reality, playing with your mind at a subconscious level to manipulate responses. Sit with any confusion you are experiencing, or even set as part of your New Moon intention, the desire for clarity and the truth.
Why? New Moon at 27° Virgo, Sun Opposition Chiron, Mercury Opposition Neptune, Mercury Trine Pallas
Transformative Words
What to expect: Powerful communication
What to watch out for: opportunities to communicate
What will it affect? Relationships, self-concept, communication
On Sept 21st the Sun will give a big hug to Ceres, making us feel nurtured and comforted. This is a nice break from the New Moon and it puts us in a good mood. It also helps our conversation to love and inspiring when on Sept 22nd Mercury will trine Pluto. This is a good time to negotiate, make a speech, research or investigate. We’ll be able to reach a depth in our communication that we normally would not. By the 23rd Venus will make a trine to Juno and the good feelings continue, this time with our partnerships. Both Venus and Juno are in earth signs so there is a practical realization, maybe that our values are now well matched or that there is an ease that is created from a stream of stability.
Why? Sun Sextile Ceres, Mercury Trine Pluto, Venus Trine Juno
A Moment of Lethargy
What to expect: Laziness
What to watch out for: Deception
What will it affect? Motivation, quality of work
Mars opposes Neptune on Sept 24th and we feel that deception again. This time we also may feel a lack of motivation. Laziness may take over us causing us to miss details or fluff off our responsibilities. The deception may come from someone trying to fluff off their accountability or responsibility. If you have employees, now is the time for the check-in. Make sure to ask lots of questions!
Why? Mars Opposition Neptune