Horoscope: Nov 28 – Dec 4th, 2016

Nov 28 – Dec 4th

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New Moon at 7°Sagittarius

What to expect: Proposals
What to watch out for: Something missing
What will it affect? Relationships, money

The New Moon on Nov 29th is in Sagittarius. The New Moon conjuncts Juno, the asteroid associated with marriage. With this New Moon, we can have relationships that allow for a lot of freedom of movement and thought. Its a marriage, however, that needs agreement in belief and direction in order to work, otherwise we may find our projects or processes opposed or resisted. Supporting this energy is Venus sextile Chiron and square Uranus, which makes the need for freedom and the likelihood of painful interactions likely. This is not just within personal relationships, but also business partnerships. A whole different approach to our personal interactions is called for, and this new moon will give us the opportunity to search for and make intentions for new and innovative approaches. Though what we believe about relationships comes into question and is challenged, we have the willingness to move in a new direction. We are inspired by possibilities, and confused by options. To be successful at this, we first need to figure out the new ways of meeting our independence need, currently in opposition to our need to achieve and have stability. Sometimes we think we need a partner to meet this last need…. and this is exactly what comes into question.

Why? Sun Square North Node, Sun Conjunction Juno,Venus Sextile Chiron, Venus Square Uranus, Juno Square North Node, Sun Square Transiting Neptune, Venus Square Transiting Ceres

Words of authority and Power

What to expect: Authoritative words
What to watch out for: Postulating
What will it affect? Communications

November was a watershed month. Neptune’s position opposite the North Node brought to light some truths, but in ways we could have never predicted. The truth of our power, the truth of the powers that be. The truth of the hearts of men and women.

December begins with Mercury moving into Capricorn. Mercury will be in Capricorn for all of December, retrograding later in the month. For the first part of the month we are seeking authoritative opinions, approaching things with skepticism and some caution. We may seek to impress with our words and to be highly intellectual. Mercury will travel towards Pluto, speak to Pluto, and proceed to walk off stage in a retrograde motion. Mercury does not quite touch Pluto –this will happen in January. As Mercury moves it becomes more and more concerned with the deeper truth. By the time mercury retrogrades on the 19th, we will become more curious about what is pretention and what is real authority. More on Mercury retrograde later in the month.

Why? Mercury in Capricorn.

Launching Projects

What to expect: Focused energy
What to watch out for: Rose colour glasses
What will it affect? Projects

We can get busy between Dec 1 – 3 on any project that we are hoping to get off the ground. Saturn, currently in a two and a half year visit to Sagittarius, is doing an audit on all things Sagittarius –laws, media, religion, beliefs, foreign lands and foreign relations and travel. Saturn will sit between Mars and Jupiter and these two will join together to accomplish tasks for Saturn. We’ll have focus and a mixture of optimism and realism as we put our plans into action. It’s likely that projects will centre on humanitarian issues and issues of change as Mars brings in Aquarius’ energy and connects it to Jupiter in Libra. This energy is currently concerned with expanding diplomacy, peace, justice and fairness. Even if your business’s main focus is separate from these areas, they will play a subtle but pivotal role in its sustained success. What does your Human Rights policy look like? Do your marketing and media products reflect diversity? These areas and more can be acted on with success.

As we get to work, our initial approach may be one of rose coloured glasses, as Neptune squares relationship asteroid Juno. However, Jupiter and Mars will help us to recognize viable projects.

Why? Mars Trine Transiting Jupiter, Mars Sextile Transiting Saturn, Neptune Square Transiting Juno

Horoscope: Nov 21 – 27th

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Nov 21th – 27th

The Truth of Others

What to expect: Opposing beliefs
What to watch out for: Common ground
What will it affect? Relationships, projects

The sun moves into Sagittarius on Nov 21. All year we have been questioning our beliefs and are surprised to discover what others really think. Being forced to make a stand for what we believe has brought to the surface for all to see who we really are. As long as we’ve been able to keep things on the surface, we have been able to maintain friendship, but finding out someone is a trump supporter, a Brexit supporter, a Dakota Rock supporter, a black lives matter supporter or the opposite has caused some friendships and associations to prune. The problem is that we have not been willing to listen to each other. However, at this time we have the opportunity to join together with others, express our passions and learn with tolerance and acceptance. Though we may be very opinionated and direct with our ideas, we are open to finding common ground. The most productive groups are those that have a change agent visionary and a naysayer skeptic who is willing to challenge popular ideas. Right now we are blessed to have both. One that is able to envision a way to nurture change with innovation and actionable, impactful steps and the other, with Mercury conjunct with Saturn on the 23rd , helping us to be realistic, concentrated in our efforts, and sure that we are not making mistakes or wasting our time. The trick to maximizing this energy is to blending the energies and look for the best in both.

Why? Sun Entering Sagittarius, Vesta Trine Juno, Mercury Sextile Jupiter, Pallas Sextile Ceres Mercury Conjunction Saturn

Balancing Large Structures

What to expect: Need for change
What to watch out for: Power struggles
What will it affect? Government, Large institutions, Status Quo

On Nov 24/25th Venus will Conjunct Pluto and the two will square Jupiter. Jupiter is in Libra right now, striving for balance. One thing that is often overlooked about Libra is just how far it will go to achieve what it sees as balance. Money will be a huge focus right now. Who has the money, how are they using it and how does balance need to be restored? There is an opportunity right now to transform large institutions, Governments, old patriarchal structures and structures that have maintained the status quo. Problems related to overconfidence and power struggles may arise. Those who hold the power don’t want to give it up. Those striving for change will push harder. This is also a throwback to the Pluto Uranus square between 2011 and 2015. Where are we now? How far have we come? How much change has been achieved? And is it fair? We revisit the progress we’ve made, brush off the dust and get back to addressing the necessary push for change.

Why? Jupiter Square Pluto, Venus Conjunction Pluto, Venus Square Jupiter

Unintended words

What to expect: Hurtful words
What to watch out for: Holding a grudge
What will it affect? Communication, nurturing, passions

On Nov 26th something gets said that opens a wide a wound. As we hear it, we may suddenly be paralyzed by our thoughts, or we may dig our heels in and refuse to budge. It seems that what comes up is a huge incongruence within us between spirituality and belief. Are we as broadminded as we thought? With a willingness to face our wounds added to a strong ability to nurture with just the right words, we are able to move through to other side. We may think we need something and are suddenly surprised that we don’t and that what we need is actually very different to what we thought. What we find is sudden access into a new world that truly nurtures us.

Why? Mercury Square Transiting Chiron, Mercury Trine Uranus, Mercury Trine Ceres, Sun Trine Vesta, Mercury Sextile Pallas

Horoscope: Nov 14 – 20th

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Nov 14th – 20th

 Full Moon in Taurus

What to expect: High expectations
What to watch out for: Disappointment
What will it affect? Relationships, commitments

On Nov 14th the full moon is in Taurus. This Full Moon sits in a jewel shop with the most magnificent jewels…. well at least according to the sabian symbol for the degree this Full Moon sits on. The problem is that the full moon is also square to Pallas in Aquarius. Promises made at this time seem attractive, but may lead to disappointment. On the same day Mercury is conjunct with the marriage asteroid Juno, both of which are in the bachelorette sign of Sagittarius. It’s not that we are unable to commit, but that we need more than ever to bond through our shared beliefs, shared philosophies and shared need for freedom. Strangely enough we may share the same need, but arrive at very different ideas of what that looks like. The good news is that we won’t waste much time in making a final decision. We are decisive and quick to make our assessments and move on to the next. If it’s not right, it’s not right.

Why? Full Moon at 22°Ta37′, Mercury Conjunction Juno, Mercury Sextile Mars, Mercury Trine Transiting Vesta, Mars Opposition Transiting Vesta

Avoid Decisions

What to expect: False information
What to watch out for: Missing details
What will it affect? Communications, contracts

Nov 17th and 18th communication can be tricky. It’s also a pivotal time for decision making. However, communications are likely to be riddled with missing, misleading or outright false information. It will be important not to take anything at face value. Verify terms and conditions, repeating back and checking on what was said and what was understood, and checking for what was intentionally not said will all be useful strategies at this time.

These couple of days are best to avoid big business transactions or agreement.

Why? Mercury Square North Node, Uranus Sextile Pallas, Mercury Square Neptune

Suspending our Disbelief

What to expect: Overlooking things
What to watch out for: Blinders
What will it affect? Relationships, Money, Direction

Neptune goes direct on Nov 19th. When in direct motion, Neptune once again suspends our disbelief. We are swept yet again into fantasy, action, feats of bravery, we are asked to gloss over facts, excuse inconvenient truths, and be selective in our attention. In truth… ignorance is sometimes bliss. And we may wholehearted need a break from reality. Reality, as they say, sucks! Neptune turns on its heels and heads back in a direct motion, blowing kisses to Venus. Venus has just finished getting her bearings from the North Node and so knows just how to react and respond. If you’re wondering where she got the answer… and where you might too, go back in your journal and check what you wrote at the beginning of the month. Even if you are glossing over reality, at least it’s in service of moving forward. Maybe you decide to overlook someone’s minor flaws. The trick to knowing if it’s right, even though it’s wrong, is listening to and following your heart. And in the words of Selena Gomez, the heart wants what it wants.

Why? Neptune Stationary, Venus Sextile Neptune, Venus Trine North Node