July Horoscopes 2013

The arrow has been sailing through the air since the full moon in June and will make its impact on July 1. Its target: the Cancer Sun, which opposes Pluto on that day. Now that’s quite a start to the month. It may show up as a bit of backlash or nastiness especially to women and children. Maybe those who are losing power even start to call the men who are pro-renaissance (you know the one’s… they share their emotions, spend more time with their kids, and cook dinner 2.5 days a week) “Lilly boys”, challenging their manhood.  But not to worry; those who are resisting change may get nasty but Saturn and Neptune have been working together to bring about some heaven on earth.  And whatever happens it will only serve to illuminate the problems and further Saturn and Neptune’s agenda, even if it does so by creating some fire under the butt!

A couple of days later the Sun will square Uranus and this will only add fuel to the fire. It will be exact at 2:22 a.m. EDT. Why am I being so specific about the time? For those of you who see repeating numbers (some of you see 11:11; some of you, like myself see 222). The spiritual meaning of seeing 222 is that you are on the right track. It’s a new beginning. Well, if that is so, I’ll take it… and so will Saturn and Neptune. That’s because the major theme of the month is the grand trine that is formed with Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter. Saturn is in Scorpio bringing structure to death, sex and taxes. Neptune is in Pisces where it has made its homecoming and is raising our spiritual awareness. Neptune also calls for creativity; it slowly and subtly changes structures, unveils deception and innovates the exchange of energy, such as financial currencies. Jupiter is in Cancer and is focused on expanding family values, love, caring and sharing. These three are working together in the backdrop, or forefront depending on your perspective. We have been seeing lots of really hard stuff as the fallout of the Pluto-Uranus squares. But Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter are now working together to highlight what really matters. Songs like Same Loveare hitting the charts. Moms like Ingrid Loyau-Kennett are saying no to violence. New currency exchanges such as bartering (what’s old is new again) and person-to-person lending are transforming economies.  And though they have been gaining ground, we may see these kinds of changes take stage in the mainstream. The height of this energy will be when Jupiter joins these two between the 17th and the 19th.

Saturn has a bad rap, but in fact, Saturn isn’t all bad. And because Pluto and Saturn have been in mutual reception (this means they are transiting in each other’s signs, helping each other out) when Saturn meets up with Jupiter, Saturn will have some reliable insider info to offer. Jupiter will be in Cancer and will be like a super optimistic mom – the one who’s always on the sidelines cheering on her kid’s game, the one who is the volunteer parent on every field trip, the one who is always front and centre at all the PTA meetings… And it’s her optimism that will really help to make things happen.  The PTA’s values in the United States are collaboration, commitment, accountability, respect, inclusivity and integrity… and you better believe these will be Jupiter’s mission over the next year. Think mom has no power, say or influence? Think again; a stunning example was Ingrid Loyau-Kennett.

Also by the 19th Saturn will be direct. In fact, Saturn turns direct on July 7/8.  Even though Saturn is not all bad, a Saturn transit is still quite serious – it’s like having to do your taxes; and when Saturn is retrograde it’s like being audited. When Saturn goes direct on the 7th, it’s like the audit has been completed; but that doesn’t mean there won’t be some changes as a result. Maybe you’ll have had to implement new processes, or something has come to an end and as a result more is required of you. Whatever the case, you can move forward now.  But as you move forward the Goddess Asteroids will pipe in, challenging us to do things a bit differently. In the old days we went overboard to get things off the ground with new enterprises. We denied ourselves, working long hours or neglecting one area of our lives to further goals of a project or another area of our lives. Maybe we neglected our families or children and worked long hours to get a business going. Maybe we studied into the wee hours of the night neglecting our friends and a social life. We are challenged with a lesson on this on July 2 when Saturn squares Ceres. Taking time to nurture your inner child no longer means that we won’t succeed. Later in the month Saturn will square Vesta on July 16. Vesta moves into Leo on July 6 igniting devotion to creativity, or in the negative, to extravagance. Problems with trying to create the perfect work of art or just general workaholism can emerge. We are challenged again with creating balance. The lesson is to have fun while also committing to our gifts that we are offering the world.  Balance IS the key word. The universe is supporting us in bringing forth our creativity, so there is no need to fear balance. We can have balance AND success. So although Saturn may have created new structures for us to follow, know that we can take it in stride.



Having some fun with your family may be on the agenda for July. If everyone else misses the “have fun” point you can give them pointers by the end of the month.  There might be a bit of miscommunication with family members at the beginning of the month. To avoid a national lampoon’s style summer vacation, don’t assume they understood what you meant; make sure they do.


Jupiter and Mars have you wanting to do things around the community, but Mercury could interfere with communication or car problems. You will really enjoy yourself just staying home. Venus warms up your house like a cozy fire in winter.


Whatever you do, do not make any financial deals until after the 20th. Mars will make you want to do it, Jupiter will make you optimistic about it… but trust me, money will be lost. Fun can be had by holding a block party with the neighbours. You will be talking about it for years to come.


It’s your birthday month, but at the beginning of the month you might be coming across all wrong. Saturn in your 5th house has been teaching you a thing or two about fun and creativity, but you can give your self-esteem a boost by nurturing your inner child.


You might be battling demons in your dreams at night or fighting a bit of insomnia. Both your dream state and your wakefulness will help to bring awareness to your thought processes or your unconscious thoughts. Even if you’re getting no sleep (or restless sleep) you’re still looking good with Venus in your first house.


You’ll be out having fun with friends all month. Mercury is retrograde in the 11th house of friends and Venus is in the 12th house of secrets. You know that song Blurred Lines By Robin Thicke? Try not to do that.  You can have fun and nurture yourself by extending some unconditional love… And the goal is to heal Karma, not accumulate more.


Your career should be going well this month. At the beginning of the month, try to do more listening than talking, especially since you will be in the spotlight. Mercury retrograde could have your followers on twitter raising their eyebrows to that weird tweet.


Your self-presentation is changing as you’re becoming more spiritual, yet you are somehow infusing your career into your higher learning and spirituality in a beautifully feminine way. Sharing this new way of being is better done by being and less by telling everyone about who you’ve become. The message comes across smoother by letting it just be.


You might go overboard, especially with your significant other’s money or resources. Try to hold in the reigns particularly at the beginning of the month, otherwise this can truly be a disaster. Luck will really be on your side if you hold off until after the 20th, when both Mars and Mercury will be in a better place.


Your marriage and business partnerships are a major focus this month. Mercury can cause a bit of miscommunication, but sometimes a good heart-to-heart when things go wrong is just the remedy for deepening the intimacy. By the end of the month you be glad for your mistakes, for they will teach you much.


You may feel like all work and no play, but give yourself a break or you will make mistakes especially during the first part of the month. You will benefit the most and will have the most fulfilling fun by spending time with your partner.


You will struggle the most with work-life balance this month. In fact things can go a little off while having fun that will make you think you’re better off just to spend the time working. If you feel you must work, make sure you are doing the kind of work that you find fun.

June Horoscope 2013

Whew!  We made it through May!  Well, not so quick… June will have the last word on events in May.  It may feel like one step forward, two steps back! 
The lunar eclipse on May 25 was squaring Neptune, but Neptune was trining Saturn.  Did we go into denial or have we decided to do something about it?  For the month of June Neptune and Saturn will remain in a trine position which will be exact on June 12.  Saturn and Neptune were also trine back on Oct 10th 2012 and they will kiss again this July. The worldly (Saturn) and the otherworldly (Neptune) are working together. Saturn in Scorpio is reforming and Neptune in Pisces is idealistic and spiritual.  Together they can make dreams possible.  And so this month, we will start to see money going into the hands of the dreamers and idealists.  Medical discoveries will be aided especially in illnesses that have eluded us, spirituality will be brought into the word of structure and corporations, and things will happen that some never thought (and sadly still might not think) possible.  Change will happen, but only if we have had the guts to move forward.  For those of us daring to dream, here’s some advice… Stop listening to the naysayers!!!
Neptune and Saturn get some extra help with cameo appearances from Mercury and Venus.  Mercury will form a grand trine with the two on June 3 and will help with communicating our ideas and visions.  Also, the communications we make will resonate with others better on this day. 
June 7 is a bit of a complicated day.  Neptune turns retrograde making its dreaminess and idealism even more meta as Venus forms a grand trine with these guys.  Love does matter, especially the nurturing and caring kind, and will aid in making things possible.  But on the same day, Mars conjunct Pallas and the moon are squaring Neptune.  Used poorly, it will make us want to act in haste and want to defend our cause.  Used constructively, we can attract some real supporters.  Which way you go will all depend on the level of consciousness you are operating from.  Do you believe in love, magic and miracles?  Then there is no need to push!  
Mercury and Venus then trigger the Uranus Pluto square; first, with some emotional words from Mercury on the 8th.  Mercury also rules the New Moon on the same day, so a proclamation of new beginnings related to some form of social change may be made; a couple of days later an outer “crab-like” shell on love and finance emanating from Venus and may mean no love for institutions such as governments, school systems and the church. When mama ain’t happy, nobody is happy!
Jupiter is entering into Cancer on June 25, just days after summer begins and will be in that sign for the next year.  Jupiter expands and brings optimism to whatever it touches, so in Cancer, we can expect tradition, nurturing and family values to increase.  The home, taking care of our loved ones and good home-cooked meals will be the focus.  This would be a great time for a family reunion or researching the family tree.  However, Mercury is going retrograde on June 26, also in the sign of Cancer and may cause some miscommunication with family.  If you are planning any of these great family ideas, you may want to wait until the end of July or August.  Unless of course, you want to have some good stories about what uncle Fred did at the BBQ or start family feuds over who got overlooked on the invitations. 


Big changes have been happening in how you present yourself.  Your personal power and public standing are getting the cold shoulder from your family this month, but you can work with them to aid you as you delve deep into the recesses of yourself.  It’s your family heritage and tradition that will help you to tap into intuitive realms.


Your partner and your friends have been real supporters.  Your siblings or neighbours will chime in to really support you this month.  On the other hand, these same folks can be a real pain in the butt, challenging your beliefs and challenging all that unconscious stuff you’ve been trying to keep down under the surface.


Your friendships and intimacies are starting to look really different.  Hiccups with money seem to be part of the picture. Well, money can really highlight the sincerity of both these groups… or your sincerity towards them.  For some reason news about work and career can work for you but against them.  Try to work towards the best of both worlds.  You can have both love and career.


Whether you’re giving the cold shoulder or words of support, you personal power will make ripples publicly and possibly with open enemies.  Not to worry.  Your actions are still appreciated, supporting new beliefs and ideologies… and the children, which have always been important to you!


The first part of the month you are quite your normal social Leo, but as the month moves on you move more and more into the shadows.  Leo, it’s not like you to hide out, but hide out you will.  Strangely enough, an undercover love affair may help you to explore the depths of your mind.  Just make sure it doesn’t clash with your work and loosens your grip on your beliefs.


A short trip with your honey may help inspire your hopes and dreams – even if those same hopes and dreams seem to clash with your shared resources and having fun.  Ugh!


As if having your family and your partner breathing down your neck wasn’t enough, now you’ve also got some tension from your career.  Take heart because those same career problems can be the magic formula for making more money and working at the things you have been dreaming about for a while. You hate conflict Libra, but if you rise above it, big things can happen.


Your work and day to day surroundings are changing. You may receive some challenges from overseas or maybe your studies will start to clash with these areas. These same challenges will support your self-expression and creativity, which is what the world needs at this point.


You may have been experiencing difficulties as a result of the gambles you’ve made with money but your intuition is supporting you this month.  And though you may have experienced losses, you can trust the universe for support.  You may also be able to count on your family and strangely enough, the bank. It’s all in your approach.


All kinds of relationships seem to be there for you – your friends, your neighbours and even some surprises from your honey, although your honey might be coming across hot and cold.  Take the best and leave the rest.


You have some amazing work ideas and you’re a bit more loving and nurturing than you normally are which has you noticing the difference it makes on your career and ability to make money.  This communicative mushiness is playing a number on your subconscious structures and your day to day dealings.  Don’t worry.  It may feel uncomfortable, but it’s all good.


Money and friends might have been the source of some grief and you might experience some blocks in terms of creativity.  Let yourself have fun though.  It’s through having fun that your high ideals and self- expression will work for some amazing outcomes.


May Horoscope 2013

April showers bring May flowers we never even knew existed!  April was quite an emotional month with a lunar eclipse towards the end and May has some more eclipses in store – a solar eclipse on May 9 and another lunar eclipse on May 25.  In addition, there is a third Pluto Uranus square in the series of five, happening from 2012 to 2015.  This is one jam-packed and eventful month!
The solar eclipse on May 9 is conjunct Pallas and Mercury in Taurus.  Pallas is good at seeing patterns and Mercury is good at communicating them.  The combination with the eclipse in Taurus brings a creative intelligence that helps us to kinesthetically ‘get it’.  Areas that we will wake up to include the earth, how we treat the earth, what we value in our lives and what we say and how we say it.  This solar eclipse is sure to bring the consciousness awakening release that it promises. 
Pallas then moves into Gemini as does a host of other planets.  This year, the planets are moving together creating quite an impact in each sign as they move.  So as we move through the month, Venus will arrive in Gemini, followed by Mercury, the Sun, Pallas and finally, Mars.  Together in Gemini they are very chatty and they work together to help us to ‘get it’– heart, mind and spirit.
As mentioned, Uranus is squaring Pluto this month.  Ceres and Vesta come into the line of fire with these two; Ceres between May 5 and 7, close to the solar eclipse and Vesta on May 23, close to the lunar eclipse.  Uranus and Pluto have been moving back and forth in the skies and made two exact squares last year and will make several more in the coming years.  This is the third square in the sequence.  The last two have been blamed for the ‘Arab Spring’ and extreme frustration of youth, the fall of dictators and for much seemly senseless violence.  Pluto is associated with deep transformation and sometimes death and is in Capricorn, a sign that is associated with large institutions such as the government, financial systems, power and authority.  Uranus, the planet of upheaval and surprises is in fiery Aries.  It’s a tension that blows through like the Tasmanian devil and together the two seem to be calling for deep and transformative social, political and institutional change.This month, as these two square each other again, they also oppose and square Ceres, the mother Goddess Asteroid, which is moving through the sign of Cancer.  Ceres in Cancer is true mothering and nurturing.  If you were a latch-key kid of the 70s and 80s you missed it and if you were a Generation Y’r of the 90s and beyond, you probably got too much of it.  What is the fine balance here?  Before we find it we may need to work through all of those destructive ways we have been nurturing ourselves in one extreme or another.  For instance, the way our institutions are structured may be causing gaps in the way we are able to nurture.  After all, the fact that school hours don’t match up with work hours gave rise to the latch-key kid.  On a societal level, the bureaucracy and instructional ways in which we deal with issues of nurturing, from world famine to the use of pesticides and the artificial ways that we mass produce our food may come into question.  How much time our children are nurtured by others such as in daycare, or by things such as video games and iPads or 24-hour TV may also come into serious question.On an individual level, our imbalanced ways of nurturing ourselves may create a crisis. Things to watch for could be as extreme as binging,anorexia or bulimia or as simple as choosing fast food rather than cooking a nutritious meal.  Why do we do these things?  Solar eclipses are about new beginnings, so whatever happens will be sure to bring a flash of insight and will set the pace for a new way of being.  It may look bad in the beginning, but it sets the stage for a potential new and healthier way of life.
Later in the month as Uranus and Pluto move closer to their exact square, Vesta will also be in on the picture.  Vesta is the Asteroid Goddess energy associated with the keeper of the sacred flame.  She is dedication and can be dedication to the extreme.  In the sign of Cancer she is also concerned with the family and ideas of nurturance.Those who do not fit or feel at home may come across like rebels without a cause or may use personal power inappropriately.  Hunger strikes or suicide bombing to prove a point could be the worst, but can just as easily be acted out by having a string of sex partners without a condom.  How we integrate others, allow for diversity and create a place that feels like home and is love is calling for attention and reaches critical mass this month.
Finally, the lunar eclipse on May 25 is in Sagittarius and makes a square to Neptune.  This has been a heavy duty month.  Earlier eclipses have been releasing lots of emotions and have brought important information to consciousness; so has the Pluto Uranus square.At this eclipse we may we may convince ourselves that smoking weed brings us closer to God and is helping us in our understanding… but is it?  Beliefs and perceptions can be easily distorted at this time and escapism can be twisted to look like we are actually dealing with the situation.  Marx once said that “religion is the opiate of the people”… the point is that with Neptune the truth is always in the spaces between the concrete.  This is a tricky one, so exercise, routine and keeping a clear, perhaps even meditative mind, may be a better route. 


You’re starting to see the connection between how you spend resources and how it reflects your inner worth.  Deep changes are happening within yourself that reflect on your career and just how sweet “home sweet home” is.  If your plants at work are lush and the ones at home are dying, this may be sending you a strong message.  Pay attention to the message contained within your surroundings.


The changes you have been making will all quickly become apparent.  Maybe you’ve been losing weight and it’s been happening for a while, but all of a sudden everyone notices.  Whatever changes are happening and are being noticed will prompt you to want to spend some of your hard earned cash on yourself to match.  Just remember that sometimes as we change on the inside and out, others in our lives may start acting weird. Instead of taking a “that’s their problem” attitude, working with them to adjust to your changes can ease things considerably.


For the first part of the month, your mind is racing and so are your dreams – that’s if your mind isn’t keeping you from sleeping.  What you value and what you’re passionate about seems to be changing; or perhaps the real you is emerging.  As you allow parts of you to step out this month others find you irresistible, even on the platonic level.  There is something still brewing in behind the scenes that is giving you that allure.


You have a caring and loving heart, Cancer.  You may feel yourself acting like mama bear protecting her cub this month.  It may feel at times like fun times have come to an end or that it’s an uphill struggle.  Not to worry; friends and acquaintances will help you along your path and it may even feel sometimes like you have a guardian angel working behind the scenes on your behalf.  Your voice is heard and you find much fulfillment in humanitarian endeavours.


Your career is taking off this month.  You are being seen as the leader you feel that you truly are within. Even though this is happening, you’re feeling a bit nervous as you draw on your spiritual convictions and sense of purpose.  It’s important to withdraw to find your balance and to make sure you’re balancing your work and your home.  This month finds you on the path to your true hopes and dreams.


You’re deeply philosophical and questioning everything this month.  You feel you must do something and this can have you seriously considering a career that takes you abroad or maybe back to school.  Maybe you’ve been deeply affected by an experience romantically or with your children that has set you down this path.  Whatever the case, you may find your surrounding and your day to day change, or something happens that gives you the conviction to change it.


“My barn having burned to the ground, I can now see the moon.”   This is a Chinese proverb that you will deeply resonate with this month.  Experiences are deeply transformative and even though you may have to shell out some cash or go to bat legally or politically to replace that barn, you will find enlightenment in having glimpsed that moon.


You’re taking your relationships to new levels.  You’re talking, getting the deeper or larger picture of it all and doing something about it.  There is no in between in the action of what you do – it’s either going deeper or getting out.  If you are going in deeper, you will find this month deeply intimate. If you are getting out, it will be just as intense.


Not one to sit still, still this may be a month that has you focused on your health.  If you are overdoing it, you may need to slow down.  Or maybe you need a food and exercise schedule to pull you out of that funk.Better yet, maybe it’s a bit of TLC that will do the trick.There may be something to that Marvin Gay song about ‘sexual healing’.


You may experience an ‘aha’ that will help you see the pattern you have been repeating in your love life.  How you’re nurtured and how much you give and receive in your all of your relationships is experiencing huge transformations.  This is because you have been experiencing huge transformations in who you are.  This is not always an easy experience, but your confidence will be really showing in your work and contribution.


Is this the third time you’ve moved in two years? Something in your surroundings is changing yet again and it looks like this time it’s your home.  Maybe you’re moving, renovating, you’re having a child or a child is moving back in.  Whatever the case, there is lots of activity in your home this month.  Just make sure you have marked off an area in your home for an inner sanctuary.  This is a time in your life when you need it.


You feel the most happy at home this month.  You will feel motivated to make your surroundings comfortable and may even take up an online course rather than venture out.  You may just as easily invite others over for dinner parties or afternoon teas.Approaching things in this manner may help you to get to know you neighbours and forge new relationships right from the comfort of your own home