Nov 6 – 12

Equity & Equality
What to expect: Push for fairness
What to watch out for: Injustice and inequality
What will it affect? Work, beliefs, change
The balance may be upset in the world of work at the beginning of this week as Vesta opposes Uranus on Nov 7th. Vesta is in Libra and is interested in partnerships and equality. As she opposes Uranus we can expect for some sort of rebellion seeks fairness in work. Maybe it’s that women will ask again for equal pay or equal treatment to men. Perhaps the harassment disclosures in Hollywood will spark a movement for amends and improvements in all workplaces that seek to correct the imbalance.
Saturn in Sagittarius, will sextile Vesta and will help to ground new thinking and attitudes in the workplace. Work towards new policies or legislation spurred on by these new attitudes will likely make the news.
Why? Saturn Sextile Vesta, Uranus Opposition Vesta
What to expect: Relationship Transformation
What to watch out for: Running from sharing
What will it affect? Relationships, partnerships, shared resources
We have some help in our relationships this week. Juno and Pluto are coming together in a conjunction on Nov 11th. As they move closer, the Sun will send a beam of light, shining from the Scorpionic depths to both of them. Juno and Pluto are in Capricorn bringing up the issue of commitment and long-term partnerships. It’s also is bringing up respect and respect issues within our relationships. As they come together, the energy of Pluto wants to transform these issues. The energy of the Sun in Scorpio joins hands with Pluto to unearth the issues that lie beneath.
Venus is opposite Pallas in the middle of all of this, so a conflict may arise throws our head and intellect into conflict with our heart and values. Venus is in Scorpio and is aching for intimacy. If she doesn’t get it, she may through caution to the wind and seek it out in other ways.
Why? Sun Sextile Juno, Venus Opposition Pallas, Sun Sextile Pluto, Pluto Conjunction Juno
Open to Change
What to expect: Changing beliefs
What to watch out for: Resistance
What will it affect? Beliefs, ideologies
By the weekend Saturn will trine Uranus. Saturn is coming to the end of his time in Sagittarius. Sagittarius can be committed to an ideology on one end and just plan dogmatic on the other. While Saturn has been in Sagittarius it has been testing our beliefs. It’s been difficult to open up to new ideas and to accept that we may not know everything or that we may have even been wrong. But there is no better time than now to check in with those beliefs. Are they false beliefs? Do they drive us to hurt ourselves or worse, hurt others? Taking responsibility for our incorrect perceptions opens the door to changing our behaviour. We are open to change as Uranus gives us that “break-free” energy.
If you have any breakthrough or leading edge ideas, now is a good time to share them. Not everyone will be onboard, the Sun will square the Nodes, and some will move forward with us embracing change. Others will need a bit more work on themselves before they can open allow themselves to follow that path.
Why? Saturn Trine Uranus, Sun Square North Node