Horoscope: Jan 8 – 14, 2018

Jan 8 – 14th

Potent Energy

What to expect: Opportunity
What to watch out for: Wasting it
What will it affect? Money, investments, projects, leadership

The Sun and Venus come into a conjunction on Jan 8th. This amazing energy for financial activities and we may do well with investments. It’s in the ambitious sign of Capricorn bringing in grounded respectable energy. These two are also within one degree of Pluto, which draws in a transformative energy.

The three in conjunction also make a sextile to Jupiter and Mars. This is powerhouse energy, to say the least. Nice because it will hold us captivated for a couple of days. This is Kombucha mixed with vitamin b, coconut water, beet, berries, and wheatgrass, shaken with red bull and boosted with ginseng. The energy is potent. The energetic connection holds space for confidence and optimism and for learning something new. It also lends itself to the energy of transformational leadership. |We can project a magnetic influential approach that draws people to act from their own volition towards anything and anywhere we are directing. It’s also great for healthy competition. I say that because, with Pluto there, it’s important that leadership actions are done with the proper use of power and come from a place of the good of all.

I’ve always said that entrepreneurship is the best self-help course you could ever take. That’s because it will test your grit. This is a time we can push stronger, longer, harder. We can start projects putting things out into the world or do deep inner work… the kind that makes a lasting impact on our outer world.

This energy is really unlike anything we will experience for quite a while. In fact, these two days are a couple of the handful of days I mention as magical stellar days in the Free Introductory Business Timing Calendar. Make sure to take advantage of it in your own power centered way. And if you want to know when the next magical opportunity will be, download the calendar!

Why? Sun Sextile Jupiter, Sun Conjunction Transiting Venus, Venus Sextile Transiting Jupiter, Mars Sextile Transiting Pluto, Sun Conjunction Transiting Pluto, Sun Sextile Transiting Mars, Venus Conjunction Transiting Pluto, Venus Sextile Transiting Mars

Careful Critical Thinking

What to expect: Focus on detail
What to watch out for: Pessimism
What will it affect? Contracts, details, structures

On January 10th mercury enters Capricorn and within two days will conjunct Saturn. Our thinking and communication become planned, careful and authoritative. We can be slightly structured, skeptical and will need more convincing. It’s a good time to check facts and figures, contracts or even the structure of things. We are able to see mistakes and look at things with a critical mind. This sounds a lot like mercury retrograde, but now is actually a good time to write important documentation, sign contracts or to take other important actions.

Why? Mercury Entering Capricorn, Mercury Conjunction Transiting Saturn

Partnership Tests

What to expect: Relationship curve balls
What to watch out for: Inflexibility
What will it affect? Relationships, partnerships, money, healing

On between January 13th and 14th Venus and the Sun comes into a square with Uranus. Relationships and finances may become unpredictable. Venus will not enjoy this ride as she is in Capricorn, the sign that enjoys committed enduring relationships. The Sun in Capricorn will be pushed to cautiously break free… But Uranus will make sure that the break free energy cannot be avoided. Venus and the Sun will also make a sextile to Chiron bringing an opportunity for healing. It’s a good time to work with a coach or do some other form of inner work. Don’t hesitate to bring your partner. Where does this need for freedom come from? Uranus wants us to pay attention to what needs to be changed and is targeting the supposed tried and true. Not to worry, Chiron in Pisces will help us to transcend old structures and to heal.

Why? Venus Square Uranus, Venus Sextile Chiron, Sun Square Uranus, Sun Sextile Chiron


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