Horoscope: Feb 20 – 26, 2017

Feb 20 – 26

Idea Generation

What to expect: Brilliant ideas
What to watch out for: Limiting idea generation
What will it affect? Communications, thinking, beliefs, direction

On Feb 20th we are filled with florescent light bulb moments. It’s a great day for brainstorming and coming up with new ideas. If you’ve been stuck, this is the day to wordplay. No idea is a bad idea. Get them all out on sticky notes and decide later which make the most sense. “Bad ideas” can lead to brilliant ones. The sun will also connect with the nodes leading us in the right direction. It may mean that we leave some people or things behind. With the Sun in Pisces, we are connecting with a spiritual purpose, one that may seem very familiar to us, as though maybe from a past life. This makes whatever comes to us seem easy; like it’s old hat. On Feb 21st we can take all those great ideas and bring them to a diverse group. This is a great time to do market research, gather opinions and test your market. If you already have a product, especially if it’s a workshop or educational product, this is a great time to present and teach.

Why? Mercury Sextile Uranus, Sun Opposition North Node, Mercury Trine Jupiter,

Power and Perspective

What to expect: Backing up solid idea
What to watch out for: Misuse of Power
What will it affect? Communications, structures, foundations

On Feb 22nd the energy will become tense. It will test your integrity. How do you handle power? There is a tendency to misuse power. It’s a good time to build strategy, which is a better way to use the energy. Just be sure you have good intentions at heart.
On the 23rd Mercury will make a helpful connection with Saturn. Mercury is in the last days of Aquarius and is continuing to brim with ideas. Saturn will help to infuse those ideas with solid research and educational grounding. Our beliefs around science may shift and we may be able to back an argument or reformulate an existing thought with a new perspective.

Why? Mars Square Pluto, Mercury Sextile Saturn

Connecting with our family/tribe

What to expect: Building ties
What to watch out for: Fear of our leadership
What will it affect? Communications, thinking, beliefs, direction

On the 23/25th the Sun in Pisces will connect with Ceres (mother and nurturer) and Juno (marriage asteroid) bringing our self assertion, our spiritual purpose, and our commitment to our self and our path, in alignment with family, partnerships and our children. There we find a groundedness and safety which allows us to step out and pursue our true calling. Don’t worry, they are following us. We stand in example to those who love us. This banding together may happen in direct relation to an outside conflict. When the world goes crazy, banding together with our family, the one we were born into, is a now source of comfort and a form of shared guidance. We may also come together with a created family, our soul family, a source of safety as we forge a path towards something together.

Why? Sun Sextile Ceres, Sun Sextile Transiting Juno, Mars Square Vesta

Pisces Solar Eclipse

What to expect: Awakening
What to watch out for: Chaotic feelings
What will it affect? Governments, communication, beliefs, direction, emotions

Pluto in Capricorn has been transforming government and world structures over the last couple of years. As it connects with Pallas in Pisces on the Feb 26th we start to grasp the spiritual patterns and/or the sacred geometry at play. We start to understand things on a deeper level. At the same time there may be some spiritual idea or communication that sets off a crisis of faith or belief. We question everything we have ever known or hold abnormally tight, fighting the winds of change. Not to worry if it’s a little unsettling. That grounded family or tribal energy of the last couple of days is still at play, holding us in a safety bubble, and will allow us to explore new ideas safely.

Mars also makes a connection with Uranus, triggering the unexpected energy of the planet in Aries. This is a fiery combination that is gaining intensity as it makes an opposition to Jupiter. Expect the earth to rumble beneath us. This is an explosive energy and the new realizations mentioned earlier sit in the background of the solar eclipse.
The solar eclipse on Feb 26th is itself in Pisces, and sits close to Neptune and is widely opposing the north node. This makes it a deeply spiritual eclipse. Both Pisces and Neptune are associated with intuition, vision and creativity. They are connected to the mystical, magical and illusory. And as the moon eclipses the sun we are awakened from a dream. There is something explosive and hasty about this Solar Eclipse. We feel urgency and explode into realization like a supernova. We realize something, or everything, and are spurred into action. Facing these realizations may be hard. Though difficult, this is a time to embrace compassion, caring and the spiritual even in the face of the drama. Refrain from trying to numb out or if you need to numb out, choose an award winning film, a water spa or retreat rather than drugs, alcohol or denial.

Why? Pluto Sextile Pallas, Mercury Square Black Moon, New Moon at 8°Pi12′, Mars conjunct Uranus, Mercury Opposition Transiting North Node, Mars Opposition Transiting Jupiter

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Horoscope: Feb 13 – 19, 2017

Feb 13 – 19

 Paul Klee (German (born Switzerland), Münchenbuchsee 1879–1940 Muralto-Locarno)

Getting Interested

What to expect: Learning something new
What to watch out for: Backlash to knowledge
What will it affect? Beliefs, Humanitarianism, Politics, Science

On Feb 13th the Sun is sextile Saturn making it a good day for any work that requires discipline, attention to detail and concentration. The Sun in Aquarius will have us thinking about humanitarian, activist or political causes. Saturn will help us get to work, educating ourselves and making the necessary revisions. Maybe we’ve avoided something because it seemed hard and outside of our ability to understand. Maybe it was convoluted and inaccessible. We now have the ability to change that. Think about wine. It was once inaccessible, snobby and exclusive. It always felt as though it required a Sommelier to know the proper wine to choose. Now wine is inclusive and fun and easy to choose with names like Fat Bastard or Mommy’s Time Out. We can now do the same for a host of other supposed learned or cultured arenas of life. Look to areas rules by Aquarius such as politics or science or activism. Also on Feb 13th black moon Lilith moves into Sagittarius. Lilith became “nasty woman” while she was in Scorpio. There she stirred up Kali in our collective consciousness and put a spotlight on the polarity of thinking around powerful women. She now moves into Sagittarius and wakes up the polarity around the free-spirited, outspoken and/or educated woman. Though we are making being “in the know” seem more “sexy” or relate-able, we may also have some backlash to that movement, especially if woman are involved.

Why? Black Moon Entering Sagittarius, Sun Sextile Transiting Saturn

Celebrating the Power Couple

What to expect: Power couples connecting
What to watch out for: Keeping to yourselves
What will it affect? Relationships, nurturing, direction and purpose

Juno the marriage asteroid and Ceres the nurturer are moving into a grand trine with the North Node. The North Node is the point associated with bringing us in alignment with our direction and purpose. This grand trine is exact on Feb 15th, but the North Node vacillates, so we will definitely feel it on Feb 14th; Valentine’s Day. The energy is all about the right relationship. It will help us to get into alignment and grounded with the right partner for our soul’s purpose. This is particularly so if the purpose of our relationship involves being helpful, kind-hearted, or healing. The energy of the grand trine is grounded and nurturing and when it brings together partners, it does so in a way that they realize they are way better together then when they are apart. It is not co-dependent energy; energy that cannot live without the other. But rather co-creative energy; energy that builds each other up. Its purpose is to bring the energy of stability and nurturing to the partnership. But is it also has the greater purpose of extending love out to inspire and build others up as well.

Why? Juno Trine Transiting North Node, Ceres Trine Transiting North Node

Inspired Action

What to expect: Getting into action
What to watch out for: Getting angry
What will it affect? Family, tradition, humanitarianism, causes

Uranus comes into a square with Vesta on Feb 15th and something or someone might ignite a flame within us or a fire under our butts. If you find yourself getting all fired up, it’ll likely be around family and tradition. And if do get fired up, mercury will help you to debate your cause. The energy is decisive, direct and won’t mess around with doing what we need to get done. So if you’re on a mission, your mission will get a kick start!

Why? Uranus Square Vesta, Mercury Sextile Mars



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Horoscope: Feb 6 – 12, 2017

Feb 6 – 12

Imposed vs fashioned family values

What to expect: Family Values
What to watch out for: Narrow definition of family
What will it affect? Family, Tradition, Feminism

On Feb 6, Jupiter in its retrograde motion will square the holder of the sacred flame asteroid Vesta. Vesta is in Cancer and in that sign feels a deep commitment to family, family values and tradition. Jupiter in Libra is concerned with fairness and balance. These two are clashing with each other bringing about strong beliefs. Be warned, this energy brings about religious fundamentalism and dogmatic thinking with the eye of protecting family values, patriotic values and or perceived fairness. Egging this on, on the same day is Mercury. Mercury comes up with clever comebacks as it makes an easy aspect to black moon Lilith. It’s that challenging “nasty women” feminine energy that questions all patriarchal power. It may not solve the problem, but It  will definitely be defiantly witty.

Why? Mercury Sextile Black Moon, Jupiter Square Vesta

Fostering Inner Care

What to expect: Renewed commitment to a cause
What to watch out for: Exhaustion
What will it affect? Causes, nurturance needs, societal healing

On Feb 7, the communication planet Mercury enters into the sign of Aquarius. Communication will focus on humanity and social change. We experience a renewed sense of passion for healing the collective. Yet, we may become so committed to the change that we forget about our own needs. We may expect nurturing to just happen, or that others will see or should know what we need. We may also mistake the overall idea of the movement we have become committed to as having the ability to recognize our personal and individual need. It will not. We will still need to ask, politely for what we need. And if we feel like we won’t get those needs met, we need to look within to nurture the inner self that believes that lie. This inner transformation is in fact the secret to the success of the bigger revolution. The good news is that, yes, we will have a renewed sense of commitment to healing, AND our ability to truly carry out this mission will depends on recognizing and feeding our own inner nurturance needs. Remember masculine energy is doing, feminine energy is attracting. Do or be – whatever is easiest. Both are equally powerful!

Why? Mercury Entering Aquarius, Mercury Square Ceres, Chiron Trine Vesta

Full Moon at 22°Le28′

What to expect: Call for Leadership
What to watch out for: Misuse
What will it affect? Leadership, Innovation

The Leo Lunar eclipse is exact at 4:32 PST/ 7:32 EST on Feb 10th in the sign of Leo. This eclipse forms auspicious aspects to fixed star Spica. The Moon will sextile Jupiter on the fixed star Spica and the sun will trine it. I don’t often talk about fixed stars. I’m bringing this one up because it is very fortunate. Spica gives “success, renown, riches, a sweet disposition, love of art and science” on the other hand it can also bring about “unscrupulousness, unfruitfulness and injustice to innocence”. The Moon will be eclipsed giving it more power when its light returns. The eclipse brings up the Leo/Aquarius dichotomy. With this Leo eclipsed Moon we see leadership springing forth. It is a mature leadership, but comes from the young, women or young women. We see innovation spring forth. It’s also the culmination of the new moon intentions in August of 2016 or more likely Aug 2015. There comes with this eclipse a level of confidence and optimism. What kind of leaders are we and do we want? Are we leaders concerned only about attention and stroking out ego (Leo) or are we also focused on and incorporating humanity (Aquarius). This is an eclipse, so we may be very surprised by what happens.

On the same day Mercury will make an easy aspect to Venus. Generally eclipses are not a good time to make big decision because they will be permanent. But if the deal looks good, go for it! These two planets favour deals, contract and finances. They are signs that bring out the energy of inventiveness, independence and freedom.

Why? Lunar Eclipse, Sun Sextile Uranus, Sun Trine Jupiter, Mercury Sextile Venus

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