Horoscope: Feb 12 – 18, 2018

Feb 12 – 18

Devil in the Details

What to expect: Goals, visions and passions
What to watch out for: Falsehoods and fears
What will it affect? Money, relationships, passions and visions

This week is Fat Tuesday, Valentine’s Day and the Solar Eclipse.

The week starts with Sun and Juno in Aquarius making a sextile to Uranus. We are being asked to implement changes and new processes in the structure of our partnerships and our finances. Juno will be strong in this week’s energy. Venus rules relationships and money, but so does Juno. In fact, one of the epithets of Juno is Juno Moneta. She is the protector of money and finances. She asks, how can we make needed changes in a guided and protected manner?

Mercury will square Jupiter helping us to see the big picture. But the devil is in the details, so please do not overlook them when making your grand plans. At this time, we are likely to Photoshop out the ugly parts in our vision, which can end up being costly. The good part of this energy aspect is that Mercury is in Aquarius and can help us envision the future. And with a square to Jupiter in Scorpio, we’ll have a fair amount of skepticism. Should we listen to this deep inner wisdom? We’ll be forewarned, so the thing to watch for is overconfidence and flawed judgment.

Added to this is the fact that Neptune will square Vesta. We may seek to escape in the ideals of our passions. It’s not that there is anything wrong with our passions. For example, many of us have been envisioning a rising feminine world where the masculine is not necessarily toppled, but balanced instead. Okay, I’ll admit it, that’s my vision with Clan Mother Worldwide. But even good and positive visions can have their blind spots. Now is not the time to get lost in the passion of vision and purpose without acknowledging the downfalls. There does exist a dark feminine and a dark spirituality. Keeping blinders on about that or any other dark sides to our passions is a danger this week. Be honest with yourself. What are the possible deceptions and disillusionment? How do you ensure that you are not being myopic? How do you ensure you are being passionate but not fanatical?

Lastly, Pallas will square Ceres. If we want to bring our goals, visions, and passions into reality we are likely going to need to remove a lot of fear. We’ve been doing it, but this is one more test to challenge those false beliefs conditioned by our childhood or lineage. This is your parent who never went to university questioning why you would ever want to go to school. It’s your Mom who just wants the best for you, raining a downer parade on your entrepreneurial visions. It may even be your own inner voice asking you to “dumb it down” or not to get “too big for your britches.” Now is the time to challenge those thoughts and to give yourself a little leveled-up re-parenting.

Why? Sun Sextile Transiting Uranus, Transiting Mercury Square Jupiter, Uranus Sextile Juno, Neptune Square Vesta, Pallas Square Ceres

New Moon Aquarius Solar Eclipse

What to expect: Innovative ideas for survival
What to watch out for: Imbalances
What will it affect? Ideas, innovations, money, relationships, partnerships

The Solar Eclipse on Feb 15th is in Aquarius. The Sabian symbol for the eclipse is “a tree felled and sawed to ensure a supply of wood for the winter.” I don’t know about you, but I love the ingenuity, hard work, connection and respect for nature that can sometimes go into finding ways to survive. You become intimate with this kind of intelligence when you live in remote areas and tend to lose it in the big city. The eclipse will help us to combine these kinds of survival skills with intelligence and the Aquarius notion of innovation to brainstorm ideas for our continuity. We are moving into very different times. Change is coming and so we are asked to dig deep, pay attention to even seemly hare-brained ideas and project what may be needed for our continued existence. The possibility exists for a quantum leap. Right beside the Sun and Moon at this eclipse are Juno and Mercury. As this is an air sign eclipse, its connection with mercury makes it even more cerebral, but the moon will block out the Sun at least partially and will help us to connect with our ideas on an emotional level. This is important, because it’s the head and the heart connection that makes things happen. There will be lots of chatting, writing, and discussion about our ideas, but it’s that little spark of emotions that adds the special sauce showing us how we can work together to make our ideas happen.

Aquarius is charitable and concerned with humanity, but with Juno there, it’s also concerned with our business dealings. Juno is the marriage asteroid; let’s face it, marriage is the ultimate business arrangement. Juno and Mercury together help us to discuss the likely outlay of expenditures. She helps us to cost things out not just in terms of the finances, but also the cost of balancing power and recognizing (or not) women’s rights in contractual relationships. Ultimately her influence while in Aquarius is to seeks out equality, fairness, and friendship.

Venus now in Pisces will also sextile Saturn lending some practical magic to this time. Venus is dreamy, spiritual and magnetic in Pisces and gets a dose of grounding with Saturn. As you look at the structures of your partnerships, accounting, budgeting or other financial systems these two will help you to ground your visions for how you want them to become. Once you’ve established your vision, sense how it will feel in your etheric body. Then feel it concretely in your body. Sense that what you have envisioned has already happened. Now that it’s already happened, you can declare it with the proclamation “So it is!” Now, wait for it to show up! This is the formula for practical magic combined with a super-powered manifesting eclipse moon!

Why? New Moon at 27°Aquarius, Sun Conjunction Juno, Mercury Sextile Uranus, Mercury Conjunction Juno, Venus Sextile Saturn, Vesta Trine North Node, Sun Conjunction Mercury

Tricky Communication

What to expect: Unclear communication
What to watch out for: Deceit, laziness
What will it affect? Communication, employees, motivation

Mercury enters Pisces on Feb 17th and thinking and communication become vague. Now is a better time to connect with messages on an intuitive level. Messages may be hard to grasp or hard to explain. To add to this issue, Mars now in Sagittarius will square Pisces. This is red flag energy for business. Mars rule motivation, ambition, and also rules employees, so problems can arise with staff. Motivation can plummet and attention to detail can wane. There’s also a propensity for deceit. There is a saving grace. Mars will trine the North Node, so if things do go south, it’s likely because that’s part of the plan. To add flammable oil to the fire, the Sun will also move into Pisces on the 19th making us become more sensitive and suggestible. Use the energy of this time to open to divine guidance, but make sure while you’re doing so, you also check for misinformation or missed information.

Why? Mercury Entering Pisces, Mars Square Neptune, Sun Entering Pisces, Mars Trine North Node

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Horoscope; Feb 5 – 11, 2018

Feb 5 – 11

Defining our Partnerships

What to expect: Unusual relationships
What to watch out for: Cynicism
What will it affect? Relationships, optimism, individuality

On Feb 5th, Jupiter in Scorpio will square Juno in Aquarius. Relationships are a focus. Though Jupiter is expansive, gregarious and extroverted, Scorpio’s energy is private. As Jupiter has been moving through Scorpio, we’ve seen a lot of hidden private matters become public. Some not so nice private matters have become exposed with lots that have made us feel slightly uncomfortable. Juno the relationship asteroid is in Aquarius, the sign of all things unconventional. So when these two come together in a square, a conflict ensures. We are torn between our need to fly our freak flag and be individual and the need for depth and privacy. The square may also create a cynicism around the motives within our relationships or possibility a cynicism that we can operate our relationships in the individualistic way in which we would like. Take this time to work together to work out true motives and what’s right for you. It doesn’t need to be socially acceptable; it just needs to be acceptable to you.

Why? Jupiter Square Transiting Juno

Inner and outer transformations

What to expect: Opportunity to grow
What to watch out for: Detachment
What will it affect? Nurturing, self-care, transformations, work and passions

On Feb 6, Mercury will oppose Ceres and will move opposite the January 31, 2018 eclipse degree. More information will come to light regarding whatever came up during the lunar eclipse. Its opposition to Ceres will also bring up conversations regarding nurturing and care. Ceres represents children and also our inner child, so now is a good time to have conversations with our inner child. Do you listen to her? What does she need? How can you meet her needs? What do you need to do to help her grow and mature? Mercury in Ceres will help us to nurture with ideas and words. Don’t be cold, don’t ignore and don’t be detached. Connecting to the needs of our inner child will help us with the deep transformational energy carried over from the recent eclipse. Mercury will also make a sextile to Vesta in Sagittarius. This brings in communication and ideas around work and the causes we are working on. On the same day, Venus will sextile Uranus putting us in contact with some interesting people. Though they are unlikely connections they will none the less be very beneficial. If we are open to it, these relationships will spark innovations and ideas. The energy will come full circle when Vesta trines Ceres. We are on fire and putting that fiery energy into our passions helps feed our souls and is deeply nurturing and satisfying. Take care of and transform your inner child and the output of this energy will show up in your work/passions and will be highly productive and beneficial for all.

Why? Mercury Opposition Ceres, Mercury Sextile Vesta, Venus Sextile Uranus, Vesta Trine Ceres

Law of Attraction

What to expect: Fulfilling our desires
What to watch out for: Inner Conflicts
What will it affect? Direction, motivations, Optimism

By the end of the week, Feb 9 and 10th is a good time to get out the map and revise the route. Mercury is opposite the North Node and our conversations and thinking will help us to move in new directions. Mars now in Sagittarius moves into a trine with Ceres in Leo giving us motivation and inspiration to move forward in our desires. The more we feed ourselves with play and fill our cups with fun, the more we feel inspired to move forward. One word of caution. The Sun will square Jupiter. We are torn between scepticism and overly optimistic ideas about what we can and can’t do. For things to really work out for us, we need to bring this conflict into agreement. Venus will help us as she moves into Pisces. She helps us to focus on faith, imagination and being at one with the universe. Venus is magnetic and works very well at attracting what we need into our lives.  For this reason, working with the law of attraction will be extremely effective while Venus is in Pisces. But to truly work for us, she needs your wholehearted faith and alignment with the universe.  Start by bringing any internal conflicts into alignment,  nurture yourself with play, then trust the universe and venus will help you do the rest.

Why? Mercury Opposition North Node, Sun Square Jupiter, Venus Entering Pisces, Mars Trine Ceres
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Horoscope: Jan 29 – Feb 4, 2018

Jan 29 – Feb 4

Leo Lunar Eclipse

What to expect: Relationship Adjustments
What to watch out for: Ego
What will it affect? Relationships, leadership, groups, group dynamics

The lunar eclipse on Jan 31 has two sides to it; a major tension and an underlying tension.

Let’s start with the underlying tension. The Lunar eclipse is happening at 11 degrees of Leo. At the same degree on that day is Ceres, the dwarf planet responsible for the circle of life; fertility birth, mothering, loss, planting, growing, nurturing, and harvesting. They are forming a tense angle to both Lilith in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces. It’s what’s known as a finger of God. Technically in a finger of God formation, two planets are working well together, but three’s a crowd. And when that third planet comes along, it shines a light on some issues, and that light brings in tension. In this case, Lilith and Neptune are working together to bring in harmony; spirituality, and the right use of power and control. But there is a tendency to believe that we need to do it all, to martyr ourselves. And that is what this third planet is telling us. The third planet is the Moon and Ceres (operating as one as they are at the same degree). It’s asking us to balance our big spiritual task with nurturing. The problem is, we have a little bit of Leo ego in the way. Ego leads to pride. And pride comes before a fall. This fall has to do with believing that there is no one else who can do what we are doing. It leads to a depletion of our energy and burn-out. When the lunar eclipse happens, it will show us where we are not nurturing and kind to ourselves. What we are learning with this eclipse is to stand in our leadership and authority, but to recognize that leadership includes letting go and having faith in others. And taking care of ourselves. We are letting go of old leadership models and egos. The one’s that say “Only I can do this”

Some tips to creating that balance; train others, delegate and create a ritual that helps to nurture yourself. If you don’t have one use this Eclipse energy to create one. Meditation, prayer, things that incorporate fun. My latest is sewing and beading! The Free Introductory Business Timing Calendar will also help. I know that’s a plug for the free calendar, but It’s loaded with advice to slow down, flow with the energy and will help to guide you with how to pay attention to the energy.

The second tension with the Full Moon eclipse has to do with our relationships. This Eclipse will have us pushing the boundaries of our relationships to help pull our interaction out of outdated tradition and into the future. In order to help revolutionize and refashion love some of us will be leaving people or groups of people behind and some of us joining with new. This is because the Moon is opposite the Sun, Venus, and Juno in Aquarius. With this eclipse, we let go of tradition in our relationships in favour of something different that incorporates friendship, freedom, humanity and, unconditional love. Normally when we think of unconditional love, we think of sacrifice. That’s the Pisces version on unconditional love. The unconditional love associated with Aquarius is more like unrestricted love. It’s broad-minded, liberal and equalitarian. And so with this Full Moon Eclipse, get ready to leave behind what no longer works and to incorporate what may seem a little unconventional.

Why? Full Moon at 11°Leo 37′ Lunar Total Eclipse, Sun Opposition Transiting Ceres, Mercury Entering Aquarius, Venus Opposition Transiting North Node, Sun Opposition Transiting North Node,

Fact Checker…

What to expect: Faulty thinking
What to watch out for: Decisions
What will it affect? Decision making, speeches, common sense

Towards the end of the week, Pallas gets a lot of attention. Pallas is the asteroid responsible for intellect, patterns and is the goddess asteroid of feminine style warfare. At the end of January, Mercury will move into Aquarius and the first thing it will do is square Pallas on Feb 3rd. Mercury in Aquarius is filled with new ideas, but Pallas in Taurus may cause us to make connections in our minds where there are none. This may lead to more than one “stupid moment”.

There is another tense formation to Pallas from Mars currently in Sagittarius. This may cause us to take single-minded or even dogmatic actions. Added to this is Mars making a sextile to Mercury which is great for debating and decisiveness, but given the setting, might get us into trouble by causing us to say or make a quick decision.

Saturn will trine Pallas the next day, bringing the authorities in to weigh in. This is a good thing, as it brings with it a grounded common sense. The trouble is that Saturn might also dole out a good lesson! The lesson, if you can heed it in advance, is to take your time, check your assumptions, check your facts and check your sources.

Why? Mercury Square Transiting Pallas, Mercury Sextile Transiting Mars, Saturn Trine Transiting Pallas


What to expect: Being tested
What to watch out for: Losing faith
What will it affect? Investments – both money and love

On Feb 3rd Venus will also catch up to conjunct Juno in Aquarius exactly. These two feminine relationship energies come together at 21st degree of the sign. The Sabian symbol at that degree is “ A woman, disappointed and disillusioned courageously faces a seemingly empty life”

These two will also square Jupiter, which causes us to be excessive and to lack discipline.

Jupiter is in Scorpio and has us diving into the depths of our psyche. It also has us looking at our resources and investments. When unrestrained, Jupiter can lead us to push past our boundaries in unhealthy ways. Venus and Juno are asking us to hold fast to our values and to the need for balanced and healthy relationships. When the energies square Jupiter in Scorpio, it presents a beauty and the beast conundrum. It’s calling on our need to face the adversity associated with being both strange and ugly and to the idea that we can have the love we desire. There may be someone out there who wants what we are offering. And the reality is that there may also be no one.

If we turn this thinking towards our resources and investments we may see if more clearly. There are plenty of examples of those who spent a lifetime investing in their love of something, only to see it present little return. One of my favourites was Dan Blankenship, who invested in finding treasure on Oak Island in Nova Scotia, investing years and resources, only to run out of money and to face the loss of his dream.

But, as the saying goes, nothing ventured nothing gained. So how do we handle it if it looks like nothing will be gained? Do we compromise our values? Do we harbor resentment? Or do we build inner resilience, faith and find ways to keep moving forward?

Why? Venus Conjunction Transiting Juno, Venus Square Transiting Jupiter


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