Horoscope: March 26- April 1, 2018

March 26 – April 1

Heart Space

What to expect: Opening up
What to watch out for: Feeling scared
What will it affect? Relationships, wounds, work, wisdom

The week starts with a focus on partnerships. Neptune will conjunct Juno in Pisces on March 27th, connecting us with The Divine in a deeply spiritual relationship. We feel transcendent, unconditional, compassionate, sacrificing. This state of being sets us up for letting in divine love, divine intervention and divine guidance. We dare to partner with God and now that God finally has our partnership, trust, and ear, s/he cracks open a space in our hearts, unexpectedly opening us up to other forms of love.

This crack opening in our hearts leads to a seemly frightening experience. We’re open now and on March 27th and 28th, Chiron will sextile Pallas in Taurus, connecting us to the wisdom of the sages. The only problem is that Chiron will also form a square to Vesta. Vesta, the asteroid responsible for our passions and devotions, is now in Sagittarius- the sign that is related to our belief systems, which can also be dogmatic. This may cause a shakeup in our worldview and a crisis of faith once a piece of information comes into our hearts. Our hearts then speak to our mind, piercing through our myopic thinking, altering and helping us see things in a new light, but also challenging everything we thought we knew.

Venus will conjunct Uranus, the planet of surprises on March 28th and this helps to aid the awakening. Venus and Uranus are in Aries, opening us up to an adventure in love and some unexpected and unlikely connections. We can learn from those who are different from us and they can help change us in positive ways.

Why? Neptune Conjunction Transiting Juno, Chiron Sextile Transiting Pallas, Venus Conjunction Transiting Uranus, Chiron Square Transiting Vesta


Painting Fences

What to expect: Frustrations
What to watch out for: Not seeing the point
What will it affect? Work, money, relationships, lessons

On March 29th, the Sun will square Saturn, making us feel held back. The Sun is in Aries, the sign that is known for its “doer” attitude and lack of patience. Active Aries squares Saturn in Capricorn, who prefers to take time-tested and true steps. This square will make us feel slowed and even thwarted. Mars is also there with Saturn and won’t be in an exact square with the Sun until next week, but the proximity and closeness will make the entire week feel stagnant and frustrating. Saturn and Mars in Capricorn are forcing us to be detailed and methodical. It’s not what we want to hear, but it’s the truth. This energy will not let us take short cuts. There is a good reason for it. With quality and precision comes a certain amount of dedicated and focused time. It will feel like climbing a tall mountain at high altitudes. The air will be thin, making our ability to progress laboured. If you’ve ever been at high altitudes, the trick to acclimatizing to the altitude without making yourself horribly sick is to take two steps forward one step back until you reach the peak. If you’re more of a movie buff then the best analogy I can give you is The Karate Kid. You find yourself, like the Karate Kid, wanting to be in the ring fighting and learning the moves. You won’t see the point of painting fences. Just remember, the teacher has his/her method. The best approach is to practice patience, and to take it one step at a time. Conditioning your mind that this is how things are meant to be right now will help to ease the frustration.

There’s energy we can take advantage of. Venus will be in the last degrees of Aries and will trine Vesta. This energy helps us connect with the fire and love we have for our passions. In the last degree we feel it strongly and it’s a good thing. This is will help us to push through. It helps us remember what we are doing this for. Venus will then move into Taurus, the sign that it feels at home in. When Venus is in Taurus, we shift into a groundedness. Things will feel better and we can start to enjoy a feeling of stability.

Why? Sun Square Transiting Saturn, Venus Trine Transiting Vesta. Venus Entering Taurus


Full Moon Libra

What to expect: Culminations
What to watch out for: Opportunities for balance
What will it affect? Partnerships, leadership, dealing with authority

The Full Moon on March 31st is in Libra and is conjunct Mercury which is currently retrograde. The Sabian symbol for the Full Moon,“A professor peering over his glasses” is opposite the Sun who’s Sabian symbol is “The president of the country.” Libra moons are about bringing balance to relationships and a full moon is about bringing a needed culmination. The relationship that needs our attention is the one where political power and intellectual wisdom are out of balance. It’s truly dangerous to have political power without intellectual wisdom and truly a waste if we have intellectual wisdom without political power. With Mercury retrograde and conjunct this Full Moon, we have the opportunity to review any imbalances. The Sabian symbol for Mercury is “a bomb which failed to explode is now safely concealed.” We breathe a sigh of relief that we have averted danger, but now we need to thank our lucky stars and make sure that the danger never presents itself again. We are on the heels of marches originating in the United States and spreading around the world led by youth fed up with gun violence. In the aftermath of listening to our youth have their say this week, we pull together in a new direction. A new direction is supported by the Sun and Mercury in a trine to the North Node in Leo. We find ourselves led by new leadership. Leo is the sign of children!

Why? Full Moon at 10°Li44′, Sun Conjunction Mercury, Sun Trine North Node, Mercury Trine North Node

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Horoscope: March 19- March 25, 2018

March 19-25

Good repartee

What to expect: Initiating talks
What to watch out for: Missing important details
What will it affect? Negotiations, contracts, work

On March 19th, Mercury will conjunct Venus. These two meet up in Aries. This is excellent energy for negotiations.

Though this conjunction is excellent for signing contracts and initiating business deals, there are two things that make it not a great time to do so.

The first issue is that the Sun is at the last degree of Pisces and on a very malevolent fixed star called Scheat. It’s associated with accidents and catastrophes. For this reason, Scheat is always to be avoided when initiating anything new. In rare instances its energy can be beneficial, but with the Sun also conjunct Chiron and square to Mars in Capricorn, the dangerous side is much more likely.

We are also so close to Mercury retrograde. In addition, Mercury is at the degree within which it will retrograde, so its energy is strong. It is in its shadow period and though not technically retrograde yet, the retrograde energy will be apparent.

This energy is better used by talking things through, making plans, and hashing out the details. Uranus is also trine to Vesta, the asteroid associated with work and commitment, so we may find ourselves working through unusual work arrangements or atypical commitments.

All in all, this is excellent energy for initiating talks, but wait until the retrograde comes and goes before making a firm commitment as we are likely to overlook hazards or miss important details.

Why? Mercury Conjunction Venus, Uranus Trine Vesta


Mercury Retrograde in Aries

What to expect: Stalling our Initiations
What to watch out for: Frustrations
What will it affect? New beginnings, new projects, review

On March 20th, the Sun will go into Aries and on March 22nd Mercury will go retrograde at 16 degrees of Aries. Being a cardinal sign, Aries is the sign that likes to “go.” In fact 0 degrees of the Sun in Aries initiates the beginning of spring. It’s a time when we plan and plan. For many in business, it’s a new financial cycle, the end of the tax season and the beginning of a new budget.

In the business world this is the second quarter (Q2). As we begin Q2 though, we are being asked to review our new beginnings. With spring only just begun and a new cycle of initiation, this can be hard. Frustrations are sure to be the result of pushing and forcing matters and can also result in impatience and recklessness. Mercury represents all forms of communication and travel, so be careful with your words and in your travels.

We now have a chance to revisit, review, revise and even reconsider. What happened in the first quarter (Q1) January, February, March and since the last mercury retrograde that ended towards the end of December? Whatever we seeded during that time can now be replanted, giving it more light, more room and more nutrients.

Aries is associated with the pioneer, the warrior and the entrepreneur. During the retrograde we have the opportunity to reflect on our bravery, our assertiveness and how self-reliant we are. Are we too forceful? Are we not forceful enough? During its retrograde, Mercury will meet up with the Sun and the two will make an easy aspect with the Nodes in courageous Leo. It will be a time when we’ll be able to reconsider our ”guts and valor.” Many people feel we are living in dangerous times. How do we face the danger? Many have stepping into or are stepping up their entrepreneurial efforts as spiritual, purposeful and political endeavours. Do we have the grit, courage and the spirit to kill it in our businesses and change the world? Use this time to assess just where you may be lacking…. or overdoing it. Getting this balance will help achieve the fortitude necessary to make our hoped for impact!

Mercury will retrograde until April 15, 2018.

Why? Mercury Stations Retrograde, Sun Entering Aries


Ego Tests

What to expect: Challenges
What to watch out for: Nasty competition
What will it affect? Relationships, money, self concept, ambitions

On March 23rd and 24th our egos are challenged.

First Venus will square Pluto. Venus in Aries will not be hemmed in, but Pluto in Capricorn is not so keen on that. Power plays may show up in relationships and with money. These power plays are designed to bind, control and may look a lot like sabotage. This is because the square between these two planets generate insecurity and protectiveness bordering on jealousy. Then on March 24th the Sun will get along with Ceres, making us feel playful, carefree and loving, however they are both making difficult aspects to Mars in Capricorn. Mars in Capricorn is ambitious, driven and serious and may see this playfulness as unnecessary and childish. In tandem, this creates two days of “war of the roses” energy and “frienemy” competition, both of which make us feel driven to win! Expect impatient cutthroat rivalry of the “no pain, no gain” variety. Unlike the planets currently in fire signs, Pluto and Mars in Capricorn have endurance and may win by sheer perseverance. In truth these are further tests of our stick-to-it-ism (Venus in Aries) and our ability to nurture our self-reliance and our ego (Ceres in Leo).

Why? Venus Square Pluto, Sun Square Mars, Sun Trine Ceres


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Horoscope: March 12- March 18, 2018

March 12 – 18

A Commitment to Healing

What to expect: Transcending wounds
What to watch out for: Learning opportunities
What will it affect? Karma, commitments, intellectual ideas, feminism

On March 12th, Saturn will Sextile Juno and Pluto will trine Pallas. As the story goes, Athena was not born of a woman; she was born out of the side of her father’s head. This is one of the reasons she is associated with intellectual pursuits. At her most negative, she can be harsh and competitive with other women, or those “born of a woman.” In those instances she has a hint of the patriarchy within her. As she makes her trine to Pluto, she is able to mix the intellectualism and wisdom she is known for, with the power to transform structures that Pluto in Capricorn is known for. This dynamic allows us to grow and transcend some of these patriarchal wounds. Capricorn is also associated with karma and the Pluto in Capricorn energy can help her to make amends. This transformative energy along with Pallas in Taurus, the sign associated with grounded, tactile healing, can help us find the right formula for deeply nurturing medicine that helps to cure both body and mind.

Saturn’s sextile to Juno brings in the energy of grounding and commitment. Saturn has been slowly making its way through its own sign in Capricorn and is helping to build and test our grit and fortitude. As it makes this sextile to Juno, it also helps ground our dreams. It does so in a positive way. There is nothing better than combining our romantic imaginings with reality. It’ creates the perfect chemistry for longevity and helping us to see things through.

Why? Saturn Sextile Juno, Pluto Trine Pallas


Staying Present

What to expect: Tricky emotions
What to watch out for: Spiritual bypass
What will it affect? Relationships, emotions, wounds, learning

March 13th will be a tricky day. First Venus will square Saturn making us feel a bit lonely. Venus in Aries likes to be independent and likes to take charge, but may have some difficulty receiving love. This sends us into a soul-searching mode and we may question our partnerships. The temptation is to look outward and to blame others for us feeling unloved. The truth is, much of this insecurity comes from within us. Mars will also square Chiron and this presents an even trickier energy. Even if we decide to do some soul searching, we may look like we are doing the work, but spiritual bypass is more likely. Spiritual bypass happens when we use things that are spiritual in inappropriate way. For example, obsessively reading self help books, overdoing yoga, we can even do this with Astrology, obsessively looking for the transit, planet horoscope avoid. We may try to intellectualize what is happening rather than just sitting with the feeling, experiencing the pain and letting the tears flow. Spiritual bypass is a defense mechanism, so don’t be too hard on yourself if it happens. Just notice, stop and attempt to stay present with your feelings.

The good news is that the Sun will also trine Jupiter. With these two planets in water signs, emotions are the key to providing the opportunity for deepening our learning and expanding our knowledge.

Why? Venus Square Saturn, Mars Square Chiron, Sun Trine Jupiter


New Moon in Pisces

What to expect: Taking it to the next level
What to watch out for: Doubts
What will it affect? Dreams, ambitions, purpose

The New Moon is at the 27 Degrees of Pisces on March 17th. The Sabian symbol for the New Moon is “A harvest moon illuminates a clear autumn sky.” This is strange because a “harvest moon” is a full moon that happens in the Fall and signifies a time when things are brought to completion. A new moon is a time for new beginnings. We can set intentions for what we intend to manifest and integrate the “harvest moon” energy that the New Moon Sabian symbol refers to. Now is a good time to take what we have already brought into being and bring it to the next level. We’ve harvested the wheat, now it’s time to make the bread. We have already awakened and now we deepen and mature. The New Moon is also conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer. Perhaps our wounds have lead us towards a path that is more satisfying and purposeful. Now is the time travel further down that path. It’s also a great time to connect with your guidance crew and to listen for higher wisdom.

On the same day, Mars will enter Capricorn giving us a boost of ambition and determination. It will help us find the motivation to pursue our intended path. Venus will also trine the North Node, pulling us in the right direction when it comes to money and relationships. We can also find the connections and resources that we need as Mercury will be in a close trine to the North Node as well. We experience synchronicity of maps and guidance to direct our way.

There are two tricky aspects to this New Moon. First, the Sun will square Vesta. This brings some conflict with spiritual and work needs. We may feel that we can’t make money while pursuing our passion. We may doubt that we can “follow our passion and the money will follow.” Jupiter will also oppose Pallas, making us question our beliefs. We may wonder if we can we go against tradition and still succeed? This is likely an internal conflict more than an external one. Making this balance work within ourselves will help make it work out in the real world. The world is only an reflection of our internal state!

Why? New Moon at 27 Pisces, Venus Trine North Node, Mars Entering Capricorn, Sun Conjunction Chiron, Sun Square Vesta, Mercury Trine North Node, Jupiter Opposition Pallas, Sun Square Vesta


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