Horoscope: May 7 – 13, 2018

May 7 – 13

Smoke and Mirrors

What to expect: Powerful deceptions
What to watch out for: Our own dishonesty
What will it affect? Communication, relationships, money, power dynamics

The beginning of the week starts a little off-kilter. There are two difficult aspects that should be paid attention to and extra caution should be taken.

First Mercury will square Pluto. Mercury now in Aries has no filter. Not much thought is given to what is said before it’s said. When it squares  Pluto in Capricorn it adds in power dynamics. Words said at this time may be offensive or break trust. We want what we want, but we may not give much thought to how we are going about getting it. It’s all in the way it’s said and not necessarily in the sentiment alone. You may have a worthy cause, but lose respect in how you go about it. Mercury is also sextile to Pallas, the goddess of strategy, so words will have a strategic angle. Be wary because combined with the mercury energy words may only have a short-term win.

The bigger problem at this time is that Venus in chatty, curious and not-always-so-truthful Gemini. It’s square Neptune, mixing “white lie” with dishonesty.  It seems nothing is clear when it comes to our relationships and money. The best approach is to refrain from reacting, making decisions and most of all to stay away from our own fabrications.

Why? Mercury Square Pluto, Mercury Sextile Pallas, Venus Square Neptune

Partnership Misjudgments

What to expect: Overestimating our relationships
What to watch out for: moving in opposite directions
What will it affect? Work, relationships, self-assessment

On May 8th, the Sun will oppose Jupiter amplifying confidence and optimism. This pulls in the Taurus/Scorpio dichotomy of self-sufficiency vs collaboration. We may feel we can do it all alone or on the contrary that we can do it only because of our partner. On the same day, Vesta will go retrograde. Generally an unnoticed retrograde, this time Vesta will retrograde just as its squaring Juno the Marriage asteroid now in Aries. The retrograde turns up the intensity of its energy. Vesta is in Capricorn and is focused on work, structure, and authority and when it squares Juno in Aries, it creates a tension in partnerships. Juno in Aries reacts with a need for more freedom and exploration. What it’s really calling us to do is evaluate the balance between our work and relationships. Are we taking our partnerships for granted? This is a time to make sure you are moving in the same direction and appreciating the value and worth of who you are together. The thing is, you may be making assumptions from a place of over-confidence and over-optimism and overestimating the foundations and security of what you have together.

Why? Sun Opposition Transiting Jupiter, Transiting Vesta Stationary, Vesta Square Transiting Juno

Seismic Shifts

What to expect: Surprising Shift
What to watch out for: Resisting Change
What will it affect? Transformation

On May 11th we move into transformative energy. On a personal front, we can use this energy to go inward and make important inward shifts. The Sun in Taurus and will sextile Pluto in Capricorn. The path to transformation is more easily accessed through earthy types of experiences. Taurus asks us to use our senses and Capricorn asks us to access know-how. Seek out experts in EFT (Tapping), Osteotherapy or Equine coaching to name a few.

Between the 12th and 13th, Mercury will conjunct Uranus and the two will square Mars. This brings a lot of attention to Uranus, currently in the last degree of Aries. Later this month Uranus will enter Taurus and we’ll soon find out what that energy will bring, but for now, mercury will deliver its last message to the energy of Uranus in Aries. When Uranus entered Aries in 2011, we experienced an earthquake in Japan that created a tsunami and then demolished a nuclear plant which then sent nuclear waste into the ocean. It was a mix of the fire that Uranus was entering and water the energy that Uranus was leaving in Pisces. It was also a reminder that the elements in our lives are powerful and to be respected.

Uranus will enter into Taurus next week on the 15th. However, Uranus will retrograde back and forth for the next year before entering permanently into Taurus. Over the next week, while Uranus moves between the two elements of fire and earth, Mars will push the button on any energy that needs to be released. So while we are in this liminal space we will likely experience a similar mix of intensity that encompasses both the energies. Uranus’s job is to bring enlightenment and change. How well did we do with revolutionizing our courage, independence and self-discovery of “who am I” while Uranus was in Aries? Its ways are often abrupt and disruptive, so if we’ve missed anything, it will now bring it to the surface. How does the material coming to the surface segue into the revolution that is to come? Uranus be moving into an energy that will have us revolutionize what we have, what we own and the measure of our self-worth.

The trick to having a smooth ride with Uranus is to allow and make conscious. Alas, nobody really likes change!

Why? Sun Trine Pluto, Mercury Square Mars, Mercury Conjunction Uranus, Mercury Entering Taurus


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Horoscope: April 30– May 6, 2018

April 30 – May 6

Entering a New Stage

What to expect: Creative expression
What to watch out for: Inner resistance
What will it affect? Leadership, soul growth, creativity

“There is in every child at every stage a new miracle of vigorous unfolding, which constitutes a new hope and a new responsibility for all.” – Erik Erikson

The beginning of this week (on April 30th), Ceres will meet up with the North Node and the Sun will square them both.

The symbol for Ceres in astrology is a sickle. A sickle is a hand held agricultural tool for harvesting crops. And that is what Ceres is all about. She is the goddess energy of agriculture and nurturance. Called a goddess asteroid by Demetra George, Ceres has gone through many transformations from planet to asteroid to dwarf planet. She has lived many different incarnations and as such her lessons are also that of transformation and of letting go. In the sign of Leo, Ceres focuses on the energy of courage, risk, leadership and self confidence. As she meets up with the North Node, she asks us to let go of reliance on the gang or group of friends and mindlessly going along with their rebellion. What do you stand for? We are thrust in front of an audience, a spotlight is cast upon us. What do we do when we have the centre stage? Who are we and what do we stand for? Feeding our soul at this time involves finding our inner muse and unleashing our creativity, no holds barred.

The Sun in Taurus will square Ceres and the North Node and there will be parts of ourselves that will want to hold on to the tried and true status quo and all that represents security and stability. This energy may even show up in the form of a person who pooh-poohs at the risks you are taking.

Why? Sun Square Ceres, Sun Square North Node, Ceres Conjunction North Node


Being Seen

What to expect: Love through words
What to watch out for: Filling the silence
What will it affect? Confidence, self-confidence, self expression

On May 2nd and 3rd, Venus will sextile the North Node and Sextile Ceres. Venus is the planet linked to relationships and money, but at her heart, she is all about worth. After all, worth has a lot to do with what, how and whom we attract in the realm of love and money. Venus is currently in Gemini, where she is chatty, curious and full of money-making schemes. She makes a fortunate sextile to Ceres and the North Node. This energy is one that can slip by. We need to consciously take advantage of it and this is definitely energy you want to embrace. If we channel it properly, we can make money from the love that comes from communication. In fact, this is wonderful energy if you are a coach or therapist. Don’t forget that loving communication also includes listening. Tending and encouraging self expression and creativity through listening, reframing and validating. You don’t need to fill the spaces with words or unnecessary dialogue. In fact, you might be freaked out by the money you make by just having a good listening ear!

Why? Venus Sextile North Node, Venus Sextile Ceres

Grounding Into Spirit

What to expect: Channeling the divine
What to watch out for: Forgetting to ground
What will it affect? Guidance, creativity

On May 6th, the Sun will sextile Neptune. The Sun is in Taurus and Neptune is in Pisces. This combination creates a tactile spirituality. You can use this energy for grounding with Mother Earth and connecting with the universe above which may allow you to access something from beyond. From this deep grounding and higher connection, we can tap into creativity, divine guidance and channel music, poetry and messages. This is the kind of energy that if you’re a busy kick-ass entrepreneur, you’ll feel resistant to. You may even imagine that to take advantage of this energy is a waste of time. Go out into nature, find a large tree to sit in and an opening for the sun to shine on your face and enjoy this one! It will teach you something deeply productive about stillness, silence and just being.

Why? Sun Sextile Transiting Neptune


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Horoscope: April 23 – 29, 2018

April 23 – 29

Passion and Inner Significance

What to expect: Finding inner meaning
What to watch out for: Offending our partnerships
What will it affect? Work, passions, values, relationships

On April 24th, the Sun trines Vesta and sparks our passion! We are looking for what gives us meaning plus stability and authority. Venus will go into Gemini and make a sextile to Chiron. This starts the discussion in our partnerships and out will come all the things we are dissatisfied with, including the areas where we lack passion and meaning. Venus in Gemini values conversation, exchange of ideas and debate. It is extremely curious and its curiosity often leads the Venus in Gemini into trouble when it comes to partnerships. When Venus makes a sextile to Chiron the same day, we are faced with questions about our loyalty. The lyrics of the Tegan and Sara song “I’m not unfaithful, but I’ll stray” comes to mind. But it’s not just love relationships. It’s any partnership. The real question is, are we giving each other enough space? Do we need others to give us meaning and fill our cup or do we find our own inner significance? Chiron in Aries wants us to start valuing the independent individual and make us realize that having curiosity and outside interests don’t always spell out disloyalty to our partnerships.

Why? Sun Trine Transiting Vesta, Venus Entering Gemini, Venus Sextile Transiting Chiron

Deep Inner Work!

What to expect: Transformation
What to watch out for: Holding on to the past
What will it affect? Learning, communication, the past, power

Between April 23rd and 26th, Mars meets up with Pluto, which has recently gone retrograde. The two make a sextile to Jupiter which is also retrograde.

This is amazing energy, however, the retrograde energy of this connection turns the energy inward. In this particular aspect with Jupiter in Scorpio and Mars and Pluto in Capricorn, we are reflecting on our ambition, drive and need for power. How do we use power? Is it used for a good cause and in good ways or is it used inappropriately, even if it is inadvertently inappropriate? This energy is a good time for working with coaches, counsellors, and self-help books to help us understand our inner workings. This is also a good time for checking out your astrology chart. Astrology is one of the best tools for going inward and examining our inner landscape. Jung did it, as Bernadette Brady recently published book on Carl Jung outlines in The Astrological World of Jung’s Liber Novus.

Caution: Mercury is still in its shadow period and covering old ground. We’ve been here before just weeks earlier. It will trine Ceres and the North Node in Leo between April 25th and 27th, making us nostalgic and longing for the days of old. However our inner journey may not be a completely smooth road. On April 25th, Mercury will square Saturn bringing us down a bit. We may come across as negative and skeptical. We are being asked to let go of the so called “glory days.” In fact we may have rose coloured glasses as Neptune also makes a square to Pallas. All we may see is the security we had and the stability it offered. But was that really true? Was it ever really there? Facing the truth can help us move past our negative thinking. Time to move on!

Why? Mars Sextile Jupiter, Mars Conjunction Pluto, Mercury Square Saturn, Mercury Trine Ceres, Neptune Square Pallas, Mercury Trine North Node


Full Moon in Scorpio

What to expect: Powerful connections
What to watch out for: Abuse of power
What will it affect? Relationships, community, use of power, direction

The Full Moon is on April 29th in Scorpio. The Sabian symbol for the Full Moon is “A fellowship supper reawakens unforgettable inner ties.” The Full Moon puts the focus on community. More specifically it puts the focus on exclusive community or in some cases “secret society.” One of the more recent secret and interesting societies is nicknamed Circada 3301. It’s an internet society based around a puzzles and alternate reality games. It’s said to be linked to cryptocurrency and speculated to be founded to recruit intelligent code breaker types. This fits with the energy of this Full Moon. It speaks of power, money, emotional intensity, transformation, extremes and the secrets or mysteries of life. The Full Moon squares the nodes in Leo/Aquarius, so will bring about a new direction or possibly a call to a mission “if you so chose to accept.” Many of us feel called, but back down when asked to step into our leadership or to claim our inner strength. Face this Full Moon like a child. Remember how your innocence and lack of experience allowed you to take risks and to believe you could do anything? We are being asked to approach this full moon with that kind of childlike courage. Thankfully, we get some help from Saturn, now retrograde in Capricorn. It’s making a trine to the Sun and sextile to the Moon. This helps to ground our decisions in common sense. Therefore even if we approach our decisions with childlike courage, we skip any childlike stupidity, which promises to keep us out of any childlike trouble! The Full Moon is a time of culmination and the link to Saturn also helps us with the required discipline to complete tasks and bring us to the next level.

There is, however, one tricky energy pattern at the Full Moon. Chiron makes one of its first aspects since its arrival in Aries last week. It will conjunct Juno the marriage asteroid. Earlier in the week it connected with Venus for similar relationship energy. We are in the early days of Chiron in Aries, and its energy may well show up as a hurtful situation. For example, our partner’s criticisms can paralyze us as they call up similar old inner wounds, or they can send us into battle as we try to defend who we are. However, combined with the energy of the Full Moon, we may find that this angry and hurtful energy is needed to help us find our truth and direction. We are challenged to have the courage to be who we are in our relationships, without hurting or destroying them.

Why? Full Moon at 9°Scorpio 38′, Sun Trine Saturn, Chiron Conjunction Juno


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