Horoscope: Dec 31, 2018 – Jan 6, 2019

December 31 – Jan 6, 2019

Wrap Up 2018 and Plan 2019!

What to expect: Great Opportunity for Planning
What to watch out for: Pessimism
What will it affect? Projects, plans, getting things done

December 31 Mars enters into Aries. Mars feels very comfortable in Aries. It’s an action-oriented planet in an action-oriented sign! This gives us the energy to push through the last day of the year with anything we hoped to complete in 2018. Aries is the sign of the Entrepreneur. Sometimes we as entrepreneurs have so many ideas with so many directions that we fail to complete things. Take one of those unfinished projects, something you consider low hanging fruit, and complete it. Just remember not to be too hasty and rushed. Don’t sacrifice quality for quickness.

Even if you do rush, things will slow down. On January 1st the Sun will meet up with Saturn in a conjunction. This is great energy for organizing and delegating any work that needs to be done. If you’re a planner, and I hope you are, this is a great day to get out the calendar and plan things. Saturn and the Sun are in the sign of Capricorn and the combined the energy bring structure and the ability to construct solid foundations. It also gives us a slowed and pragmatic approach to our planning. This helps to ensure quality in our plans and approaches.

Why? Mars in Aries, Sun Conjunction Saturn

Vision and Hope

What to expect: Healing
What to watch out for: Fear and hurt
What will it affect? Inspiration, healing, relationships, collective wounds

On January 3rd, great ideas may come flooding in. Mercury the planet responsible for our thinking processes will make a trine to Uranus the planet of surprises, change, and flashes of insight. Mercury is in the last degrees of Sagittarius so our ideas may be very abstract and lofty. The way to make them doable is to share them. Bring on the inspiration. Bring on the evangelist within. Mercury will also be squaring Chiron in the last degrees of Pisces. This brings up a wound. It’s the collective wound. The wound we all feel. The one we all also feel is out of our reach to fix. Yet we can be inspired to let go of the pain surrounding it! And it’s this inspiration that can help us gain access to the fire within, igniting the passion for change. 2018 is done. It’s time to let go! It’s time to leave it in the past! What visions are you sharing that will inspire us on that path forward?

There is something else that is happening. Venus in Scorpio, Chiron in Pisces and the North Node in Cancer are forming a grand water trine. The grand trine provides an opportunity generally not taken advantage of unless there is tension or an impetus to do so. Uranus mentioned earlier as the planet of surprises, need for change and the flashes of insight, stations on the 5th and will go direct on the 6th. It’s been square to the north node for quite some time but now breaks the tension as it moves direct. The Sabian symbols for the north node is “An Indian girl introduces college boy-friend to her tribe”. The north node, Venus and Chiron want to heal relationships and the differences we experience in them. Does the tribe welcome the boyfriend with open arms? Or do they cast him and her with her new educated ways out? The opportunity is for us to be able to heal and accept differences. There is also an opportunity to heal our money wounds. The educated Indian girl can be seen as a threat. But the opportunity is to welcome her higher education and the opportunity it provides without it changing the values that are important to the tribe.

Why? Mercury Square Chiron, Mercury Trine Uranus, Mercury Trine Transiting Uranus, Venus Trine Transiting North Node, Venus Tri Chiron

New Moon Solar Eclipse

What to expect: Opportunity for intention setting
What to watch out for: unconscious false beliefs
What will it affect? Opportunities, goals, manifestations

Both Saturn and Pluto have settled into Capricorn. For the coming 2019 year, much of the themes we encounter will be Capricorn flavoured. Saturn and Pluto get a harsh rap. They operate in extremes. Pluto drags us through the underworld and turns us out. Saturn brings structure, lesson, and responsibility and is largely karmic. However, if we embrace these two when their energy is present, our lives definitely go much easier. For Pluto to be on your side, you need to step out like a warrior, ready for the hero’s journey it’s sure to bring. Viewed this way, any misfortune or challenge can be seen as character building and wisdom imbuing. On the other hand, for Saturn to work in our favour, we need to have done the work leading up to it. Saturn shouts at us to get down and give her 50! If you’ve done the work, even though those pushups are challenging, you’ll be doing them with one hand. If you haven’t done the work, like a drill sergeant, she’ll whip you into shape, but I promise, it will feel like death getting there. That’s why this particular New Moon is important. The New Moon on January 5th sits between these two, with each of them leaning in to add their flavor.

New Moons are times of intention setting, envisioning new projects, and turning over a new leaf. This New Moon is also a Solar Eclipse which gives it even more intention setting power. In what area of your life do you want to set intentions to welcome in structure and transformation?

When we think Capricorn the sign of this New Moon, we think of a stern fatherly energy. But it might surprise you to know that Capricorn is a feminine sign. Feminine signs are receptive, intuitive and inward-oriented. The energy is magnetic, drawing to it the circumstances it envisions. With Saturn’s Karmic energy leaning in, it has the power of manifestation. It is therefore important that we are careful in our construction of what we envision for manifestation at this time. The New Moon will sextile Neptune in Pisces which connects us deeply with spirit, intuition, creativity, and emotion. There is a very powerful key to manifestation. The key is to combine clear and well-defined goals with that spirit-filled, heartfelt emotion. The stumbling block is that Capricorn and Saturn can draw us into pessimism. Mercury now also in Capricorn also throws a damper on our thoughts. Now is the time for building our confidence and to speak what want with authority and confidence. To do this it will help to uncover any false core beliefs and clear them. My advice is to take the transformational energy that Pluto leans into the New Moon with to become clear on those internal false beliefs. Then through whatever means possible, transform the structure of those thoughts! Then and only then, set your intentions for the New Moon!

Why? Sun Sextile Neptune, Mercury Entering Capricorn, New Moon at 15°Capricorn, Partial Solar Eclipse

Horoscope: June 11 – 17, 2018

June 11 – 17


What to expect: Fun and adventure
What to watch out for: Escaping responsibilities
What will it affect? Work, communication, family talks

On June 11th the Sun in Gemini will sextile Juno in Aries. To be satisfying, our relationships will need to be filled with adventure, communication, and even sport. Doing activities together will be enjoyable, but they may also be distracting. Sometimes distractions are good and sometimes they lead to other problems. This is particularly the case if you have responsibilities to keep.

June 12th Mercury will enter Cancer and then oppose Vesta. Communication shifts to talks about real estate, family and possibly also a family business. The problem is, the opposition to Vesta may make us all talk no action. We talk a big talk without having any real intentions of following through. This is a time to temper your words and not make promises you can’t or won’t deliver on.

Why? Sun Sextile Juno, Mercury Entering Cancer, Mercury Opposition Vesta

Spreading Our Wings

What to expect: Opportunities to fly
What to watch out for: Lack of confidence
What will it affect? Projects, communication, relationships, self-confidence

The Full Moon on June 13th is at 22 degrees of Gemini. The Sabian symbol for this degree is “Three fledglings in a nest high in a tree”. These baby birds may be safe and sound high up in the trees, but at some point, they will have to leave the nest. The only way is to spread their wings and fly. The good news is that they have the ability to hardwired in them. It’s innate! But that’s not to say that they don’t first have to be ready, and second, that the first flight won’t be scary and a bit awkward. Those are both true. At this New Moon, we can set intentions for making our way out into the word. The New Moon is ruled by Mercury and on the same day, Mercury is sextile to Uranus, giving us impulse to spread our wings and fly. The only problem is that Mercury is also square to Chiron making us indecisive and unsure of ourselves. This second aspect is making us want to hold on to the nest! Two things are true. We will never truly be “ready” and so it will behoove you to head the advice “start before your ready”. The second is that we learn from our mistakes. So even if our first flight is a bit uncomfortable, we are sure to build confidence from taking that step. We may even fail, but failure will help us to learn a thing or two about how we will do it better next time!

On the same day, Venus will enter into Leo making it a good time for praise and accolades. Recognition and self-expression will be valued. So if you see someone trying out their wings… give them the fanfare that will help lift their confidence. They will appreciate it. If we don’t get what we need… well Mars will also oppose the North Node, giving us the energy to break free. If mama is holding us in the nest, we rebel. If friends are holding us back, we break away. We get clear about the groups of people who are for us and who are against us and make decisions about their value in our lives. With Venus in Leo squaring Uranus in Taurus the following day, we may literally or figuratively sell all of our belongings and run off with the circus!

Why? New Moon at 22°Gemini, Mercury Sextile Uranus, Mercury Square Chiron, Venus Entering Leo, Mars Opposition Transiting North Node, Venus Square Uranus


Building our Self Confidence

What to expect: Deep intuition
What to watch out for: Pessimistic attitudes
What will it affect? Thinking patterns, wounds, relationships, nurturing.

On June 14th Jupiter in Scorpio will trine Pallas in Cancer and we can connect deeply to our emotions and intuition. These two are still in close proximity to Neptune and form a water grand trine. If we can key into this energy we are able to connect with something both deep within ourselves and on a higher level, something greater than ourselves. From this connection, we can find spiritual wisdom and guidance. This will be particularly important as on June 15th Mercury in Cancer will oppose Saturn in Capricorn. This brings in a pessimistic energy that can make us over emotional, gloom and doom and overly self-protective. Venus in Leo will trine Chiron in Aries bringing up a relationship issue or possibility and issue with money. Its an issue if worked through can help to build our self-esteem and confidence.

On June 16th the Sun will sextile Ceres. Give a little praise and recognition and not only will it make you feel good, it will also likely be returned to you making you feel even better!

Why? Jupiter Trine Pallas, Mercury Opposition Saturn, Venus Trine Chiron, Sun Sextile Ceres


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Horoscope: June 4 – 10, 2018

June 4 – 10

Don’t believe the hype!

What to expect: Questioning reality
What to watch out for: Making decisions
What will it affect? Work, communication, power, ambitions

Chiron in Aries squares Vesta in Capricorn on June 4th – As we continue to work with our self-confidence we meet a challenge in our work and ambitions. Chiron in Aries is bringing up wounds related to being who we are and as it squares work related Vesta in the sign that loves status quo – Capricorn. we feel stifled and hemmed in. The good news is that the Sun will conjunct Mercury in Gemini, so we have the right recipe for talking things out. On the downside, the sun and mercury are moving into a square with Neptune adding to the recipe the possibility of white lies and deceit. This is especially the case on June 6th when the moon will also join Neptune in Pisces. Things can start to feel a little Alice-in-wonderland; we can lose touch with the what’s real and what’s not real. Add to the mix that Venus will oppose Pluto and we add the element of power struggle. This one will be confusing. Don’t be surprised if you feel like someone is gaslighting you. Remember that Gaslighting is when someone makes you question your reality. It’s when we lose touch with what we know we know. Seriously doubt can creep in. For this reason, it’s a terrible time to make any major business decisions.

Why? Chiron Square Vesta, Sun Conjunction Mercury, Venus Opposition Pluto, Sun Square Neptune, Mercury Square Neptune

Celebrate Breakthroughs!

What to expect: Work innovations
What to watch out for: Crossing boundaries
What will it affect? Work, communication, innovations, finances, power

“Politeness is the poison of collaboration.” – Edwin Land

On June 7th Mercury will sextile Juno and communications in all of our relationships immediately start to get better. Uranus now in Taurus will also trine Vesta in Capricorn on June 8th and our work also gets a surprising uplift. Taurus is the sign of money; banking, financing, and loans. In a trine to Vesta the asteroid related to work and passions, it helps us to focus on our finances into innovative areas of work. Breakthroughs are possible and will help us to achieve our ambitions.

By June 9th mercury will move into a sextile with Ceres. This is great energy for getting together for group activities. It favours, food, communication, relationship, leadership, and play. This combination will help to your team building, so take advantage of any good weather and get out and enjoy it! If you have something to celebrate, it’s also a great day for that. As they say, celebrate early and often. This helps to keep engagement and motivation.

One word of cautions – If you do end up at a company party, don’t forget your professionalism and boundaries. Pluto will also square Juno, making it clear who’s in charge.

Why? Mercury Sextile Juno, Uranus Trine Vesta, Mercury Sextile Ceres, Pluto Square Juno




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