Services and Offerings

Basic Astrology Reading – $ 160

In this reading, we spend time looking at your natal chart and deepening your understanding of yourself. Who are you at the core? What is your purpose? What is your current growth edge? We also answer any pressing questions.

*Meeting via Zoom

Entrepreneur Reading $200

In this reading, we look at both your natal chart and your business chart, understanding your business and who you are within your business. We look at the challenges and opportunities and look for ways to minimize issues and take advantage of opportunities.

*Meeting via Zoom

Timing Chart – $200

Choose this if you are looking for a good time to start a business or another important event. We choose the best time for launching.  You will be given 3 charts to choose from within a 6-month timeframe.

*Charts are emailed within a week of purchase

Sacred Love –  $160

Choose this reading if you are interested in a partner reading. If only one person is attending, you must have the permission of both parties. In this reading, we look at your relationship in detail, the purpose of the two of you coming together and the opportunities and challenges for the coming year and answer any pressing questions.

*Meeting via Zoom

Business Timing Calendar – $129/yr

Subscribe to the business timing calendar where you can search for the best times to do things in your business. This calendar is designed to help you flow with time to balance your life and choose the most advantageous times to do activities in your business.