Horoscope: April 15 – 21, 2019

April 15 – 21

Seeking the Divine

What to expect: Beautify symbolism
What to watch out for: A busy mind
What will it affect? Athletics, relationships, thoughts, beliefs, spirituality

On April 15th Venus will square Jupiter. Venus is in Pisces and values the athletic beauty of spiritual divinity captured in visionary art and sacred geometry. She makes a square to Jupiter in Sagittarius, whose busy expanding our sense of adventure, the scope of our beliefs, the questions in our minds around ethics, politics, and piety. When these two come together in a square it’s not altogether bad. We have a sickly sweet desire to merge with the divine but also to seek, know and understand him or her. In fact, we can find ourselves diving into the search for ontological truth through the prism of a rainbow, which can feel nice. Conversely, we can experience the same thing as the existential angst of a psychedelic trip.

Until 11 pm PST on the 16th Mercury will be in the last degree of Pisces. It’s also where our recent mercury retrograde started. If you are drowning in your thoughts, overwhelmed by the highs and lows, remind yourself that the trip will end when Mercury enters Aries. Once there our thought will return to focus -clarifying what’s ours and helps us to establish and return to certainty.

Why? Venus Square Transiting Jupiter, Mercury Entering Aries

Libra Full Moon

What to expect: Solidify relationships
What to watch out for: Wounds
What will it affect? Balance, relationships, partnerships

The Full Moon is at 29 Degree’s Libra on April 19th. What intentions did you set at the New Moon on Oct 17, 2017? Sometimes things take some time to manifest. Sometimes up to a whole cycle within a moon phase family. This Full Moon may see a culmination in star seeds planted during that New Moon in 2017. Check your emails, text messages, and journal and Facebook posts for that date if you forget what you set into motion. It was a powerful New Moon and it’s also worth it to go back and read what I wrote about it. It was an opportunity for us to bring things out of balance into balance and had a strong possibility for surprises and the unexpected.

Symbolically on that day in 2017, it was announced that scientist had witnessed two neutron stars colliding. It happened 130 million years ago but just reached earth for us to see (via telescope). The collision of two stars created “an estimated $10 octillion—$10 billion, billion, billion—in gold.”
“Normally (if that’s even a word you can use in this circumstance) the type of nuclei formed in these collisions would quickly decay radioactively. Like radioactive elements we see decaying here on Earth, they eject particles and energy and morph into lighter and eventually more stable elements.
In a neutron star merger, things snowball too fast for that to happen. Those radioactive, unstable nuclei should decay in fractions of a second, but with all those neutrons shooting outward, the nuclei keep growing. Some become stable elements like gold, platinum, and uranium.”

Uranus (the explosive planet of surprise) was at play back then and is at play again at this Full Moon! With the Moon opposite Uranus we may experience a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions but we’ll move forward with unique and surprising confidence as relationships, business partnerships, and negotiations stabilize into their own element. The Full Moon makes a close and intimate easy aspect with Juno the goddess asteroid of marriage and partnership. This will help relationships to solidify and most certainly come into balance.

Juno is in Gemini and Mercury (the planet that rules Gemini) is also conjunct Chiron. The magic, miracles, and alchemy will happen through talking, letters and other tools for communication. This brings healing within relationships and personal development within ourselves.

Why? Full Moon at 29°Libra, Sun Sextile Juno, Mercury Conjunction Chiron, Sun Conjunction Uranus

The Relationships We Attract!

What to expect: Relationships extremes
What to watch out for: Looking outside of ourselves
What will it affect? Relationships,

On April 20th Venus is in the last moment of Pisces and Juno the last moment of Gemini. They square at 29.59 degrees before both move on; Venus to Aries and Juno to Cancer. At that last degree, there is a concentration of energy around values and the relationships we attract. Venus in Pisces values compassion merging and giving. But Juno in Gemini is the kind of partner that likes keeping things light and on the surface. In fact partnership for the Gemini Juno could involve more than one partner, with or without your permission. This brings up insecurities within Venus and at this last moment of the signs, this could be critical. It’s helpful to know that Venus, the attraction principle is a reflection on what’s going in inside. The law of attraction works with what we think, believe and value on the unconscious level!

Not long after when both move on – Venus into Aries and Juno into Cancer and the tables turn. Our values shift to valuing our independence. However, Juno moves into Cancer finally bringing us partners that desire to settle down and nest! Will things always be out of sync? Use this shifting energy to get clear with what is in your conscious and unconscious to bring them into alignment. Eventually, the partnerships you attract will align with what you value!

Mars will oppose Ceres. Ceres in Sagittarius is nurtured by freedom, exploration and religious searching. Mars is speedy, evasive and in Gemini is too distracted to listen to the pontifications needed by this Sag Ceres. This is a time when we might get offended and hurt by someone not seeing our point of view or listening to our well-researched theories. It would be worth our while to take the time to understand Why Facts Don’t Matter.

Why? Venus Square Transiting Juno, Venus Entering Aries, Juno Entering Cancer, Mars opposite Ceres.

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Horoscope: April 8 – 14, 2019

April 8 – 14th

Remaining Open!

What to expect: Relationship imbalance
What to watch out for: Snobbery
What will it affect? Ideas, strategy, relationships, optimism, learning, beliefs

On April 8th Jupiter is opposite Juno. Jupiter is in Sagittarius and has been expanding our beliefs and ideals. In an opposition to Juno in Gemini, we may push our beliefs and ideas on our relationships or feel threatened if our partners do not agree with us. Saturn will also square Pallas and this brings in intellectual snobbery and the tendency to make our partners feel stupid. The challenge will be to allow others a genuine sense of curiosity and to calm any hint of dogmatism within ourselves.

On the same day Ceres, the planet responsible for nurturing goes retrograde in Sagittarius. In order to learn, we need to be taught and/or learning in our own individual learning style. Are we auditory, visual or kinesthetic learners? We’ll have a chance to explore what nurtures learning within us! The more we can adopt the right style the more our learning and teaching will be effective.

Why? Jupiter Opposition Juno, Saturn Square Pallas, Ceres Stationary retrograde

Fly your Freak Flag

What to expect: Self-expression
What to watch out for: Opposition
What will it affect? Money, relationships, artistic expression, wounds

On April 9th the Sun in Aries will oppose Pallas in Libra. We have lots of ideas and our problem-solving abilities will be excellent. The difficulty is that our ideas will likely be a challenge to someone. For this reason, we struggle with sharing them. The Sun in Aries is seeking to strengthen our egos. In this sense, ego is not a bad thing, but something that helps us to define and understand who we are. But with Pallas in Libra, we’ll worry about offending people. We may be too attached to people liking our ideas.

Chiron is conjunct Vesta the same day both in Aries. This strengthens this wound of being seen. As we explore and express who we are, the question will be “can I safely express my passions”? Does doing so isolate me? Or does it serve to bring something to light that must be healed? Vesta is Aries and represents our commitment to working on ourselves. Wounds around codependence, alienation emerge to help evolve and redefine freedom and independence.

The good news is that we also have some energy that will help. Do you sing or write music, paint, or write poetry? Channel you’re ideas through your art as Venus conjuncts Neptune. Ask for guidance from the divine to help connect with your audience. Mercury in Pisces will also be trine the North Node on the same day. The world needs your message to help point us forward and to bring us together as a world community. We all have something to contribute and all of our contributions matter and count even if it’s initially uncomfortable.

Deliver your message on April 10th as Mercury sextile Pluto. This helps to deliver a powerful and transformational message. The Sun will be Square Pluto so that opposition will still be there. We’ll still feel or actually experiences blocks. But with the Sun in Aries, courage is asked of us!

Why? Sun Opposition Pallas, Mercury Trine North Node, Venus Conjunction Neptune, Chiron Conjunction Vesta, Sun Square Transiting Saturn, Mercury Sextile Transiting Pluto

Reviewing the Big Picture

What to expect: Intuition
What to watch out for: Lack of details
What will it affect? Beliefs, education, law, foreign affairs

Jupiter has been traveling through Sagittarius since the fall. This week on the 10th it will go retrograde. Sagittarius is the sign of travel, exploration, higher learning, religion, law, and foreign affairs. Jupiter is the planet responsible for expansion and optimism. This year as Jupiter is traveling through Sagittarius it is also in a square dance with Neptune. This has brought in an element of over-optimism and scandal. We’ve seen this with the airline industry and faulty Boeing planes, the celebrity education scandal, and in foreign affairs, etc. Similar secrets may have been revealed in our personal lives. As Jupiter goes retrograde we’ll have a chance to go back over things and review. On the 11th Mercury in Pisces will square Jupiter in Sagittarius and this will help us to see and grab hold of the big picture. This is not particularly good energy for getting into the weeds and seeing the detail, but we are also given the energy of Venus sextile Saturn. Venus is also in Pisces, which can make us idealistic, but with a sextile to Saturn, it becomes grounded in energy which helps us to be practical and intuitive in our accounting of things. Even if you don’t see it concretely, trust your intuition. With Venus also trine the North Node and sextile Pluto between the 12th and 14th, it will save you or even make you money! Write down what your concerns are and check the detail on another day. Challenges may arise to expressing what you know on a gut level. This is because the Sun is squaring the North Node and Pluto at the moment. Someone doesn’t like what we are saying, particularly if we have no concrete proof. If they push to make it go away, push back!

Why? Jupiter Stationary Retrograde, Mercury Square Jupiter, Sun Square North Node,
Venus Sextile Saturn, Sun Square Pluto, Venus Trine North Node, Sun Trine Jupiter, Mercury Square Juno, Venus Sextile Pluto

Horoscope: April 1 – 7, 2019

April 1 – 7th

Intuition and Inspiration!

What to expect: Healing
What to watch out for: Opportunities to write
What will it affect? Communication, healing, relationships, strategy

As the week begins Mercury, which recently went direct in the sign of Pisces, will conjunct Neptune. We’ll have a rich dream life this week. Look for any messages in your dreams that your unconscious mind may be trying to communicate to you. We are also deeply intuitive. This is a great time for writing poetry, or any other type of creative writing. It’s also good for visioning exercises. What do you want to create? How do you see yourself in 2 years, 5 years, 25yrs?

On March 3rd Mars will sextile Chiron the wounded healer currently in Aries. Mars is in the communication sign of Gemini. This adds to the energy by allowing us to use words and writing to release our thoughts and heal wounds. Mars in Gemini is also a bit chatty, so if we talk to others or even teach others, it can be quite healing to ourselves. As they say, you teach others sometimes what you need to learn. Mars in aspect to Chiron brings up warrior healing energy and so helping actions like these can be good for building self-esteem. Also, If you need to say something to someone, as John Mayer says “say what you need to say”. Pallas is in the relationship sign of Libra and is trine Juno the marriage and partnership asteroid in chatty Gemini. This is an amazing time to sit down with your partner to hash out any relationship issues and to build some strategy around how you want to work together. You can also use this energy with a coach, spiritual teacher or gurus which are also a type of relationship.

Why? Mercury Conjunction Neptune, Mars Sextile Chiron, Pallas Trine Juno

The New Moon in Aries

What to expect: Intention setting
What to watch out for: Imagined Limitations
What will it affect? Projects, business, travel

On April 5th, the New Moon is in Aries at 15 degrees. New Moons are a great time for setting intentions. This time focus your intentions on anything entrepreneurial. Aries energy is all about courageously going for it. It’s the doer. It’s the one that acts first and then thinks later. Aries is fairly unconcerned with consequences. For Aries, it’s okay to fail, but that’s not the plan! The New Moon is trine Ceres. Ceres is in Sagittarius and feels nurtured by adventure and freedom. This is a wonderful combination for entrepreneurial activities. It’s great energy if you want to embark on a path of higher learning. If so, now is the time to get clear with who what you want from the school you choose and what you envision for the teachers you will have.

Why? New Moon at 15°Aries, Sun Trine  Ceres

Start a project!

What to expect: Getting things done
What to watch out for: Intuition
What will it affect? Business, projects

On weekend, April 7th Mercury will sextile Saturn. Mercury is still in Pisces and Saturn is in Capricorn. This combination helps to ground our intuitive thoughts. We are able to view things with a deeply intuitive and critical eye.

Though I don’t often talk about the moon aspects in the horoscope, they are very important for initiating anything new. All thing initiated have a birth chart. Business, relationships, project, these will all do well if they are started with good energy behind them. This weekend the moon will be in earthy, grounded, does-well-with-money Taurus and will make amazing aspects to Venus, Mercury, Neptune, and Saturn. What intentions did you set on the New Moon? Is this weekend a good time to get started? Things that will do well include anything inspirational, healing, and musical. If you feel like this is good timing, trust your gut! It is! If you don’t have anything ready for launch, that’s okay, use the energy to plant!

Why? Mercury Sextile Transiting Saturn