Horoscope: May 27 – June 2, 2019

May 27 – June 2

Money is the root of all Love

What to expect: Shifts in what matters
What to watch out for: Changes in money and love
What will it affect? Money, Relationships, values

On May 28th, the Sun will oppose Ceres. Ceres has been retrograde in Sagittarius making us question our beliefs around nurturing. Ceres brings up themes around children, food and the cycles of life and death, planting and harvesting. As these two oppose we think about these topics further. We go deeper into our beliefs around abortion, climate change, overpopulation, overuse and the impact of all of these.

Neptune will also trine Juno. Neptune is said to be the highest octave of Venus though mostly associated with love, is also associated with money. Juno also associated with love – the sustained partnership variety AND is also associated with money. The Goddess Juno Moneta was protectress of the mint! With these two making a trine, relationship are elevated to a higher spiritual level. And this also means that money matters can also be elevated to a higher level.

As Juno in cancer comes to oppose Saturn and conjunct the North node on May 30th, we see a major shift in how money is minted. In truth it’s been happening for a while. With app’s now being released to allow for easier day to day purchase, it seems likely that we may see a surge this week with the use of cryptocurrency. Cryptocurreny embodies a Neptunian concept of money. Many find it hard to grasp. It is structured and lives on the internet and servers. In truth, so does the money we currently use day to day. On the occasion we use it’s traditional paper form, but mostly we transact in a online world. What’s  different is that while banks are centrally controlled, cryptocurrency is not. The large banks are represented at the south node with Saturn in Capricorn. They have been experiencing threats to the centralized banking system by this decentralized technology.

Why? Sun Opposition Ceres, Neptune Trine Juno, Venus Sextile Neptune, Saturn Opposition Juno, Juno Conjunction North Node

Truth, Lies and Confusion

What to expect: confusion
What to watch out for: mistruths
What will it affect? Thinking, Reasoning, Communication

On May 29th Mercury will square Neptune. This is a red flag for all typed of communication, including business communication. Mercury is in Gemini and square to Neptune in Pisces. Both are in mutable signs which increase the likelihood of changeability. Falsehoods may be deliberate, but more likely things will change so fast that something that was once true will now be false. Minds can change and words can be bent. On May 30th Mercury will also oppose Jupiter increasing the likely hood of overconfidence. Sh!t-talk, hogwash, verbal diarrhea, talking a mile-a-min and brain-farts may all be possible. Check in with your intuition for the truth and make sure to check yourself for what may be coming out of your mouth too!

Why? Mercury Square Neptune, Mercury Opposition Jupiter

Money matters

What to expect: Changing Structures
What to watch out for: HOlding on the old structures
What will it affect?Strategy, Money, The status Quo

On May 31st the sun will trine Pallas and that helps us to see the big picture. Pallas is all about feminine strategy making this a good time to figure out plans and goals. Venus is in Taurus were it feels at home. This gives it some strength. She makes a sextile to the north node and juno and a trine to Saturn and Pluto. This helps with being practical in money matters but also helps us to redirect our resources. We no long feel tied to the old structures and are open to new financial and money relationships. There is likely to be huge transformations around our financial agreements especially as we get closer to Venus trining Pluto exactly on June 2nd.

Why? Sun Trine Pallas, Venus Sextile North Node, Venus Trine Saturn, Venus Sextile Juno, Mars Square Pallas, Venus Trine Pluto

Horoscope: May 20 – 26, 2019

May 20 – 26

What needs to change?

What to expect: the need to let go
What to watch out for: Holding on to the old
What will it affect? Governments, business, new ideas, communication

The Nodes are osculating points in the sky where the orbit of the moon crosses the ecliptic. They are dichotomous points at the north and southern hemisphere. In astrology the South Node and North Node represent the evolutionary path for us here on earth. The North Node pointing to the direction that is at this moment right for us to pursue. The south node represents the past – the people, project and habits that must be released. The release does not necessarily mean that those things at the south node are bad, but that they are outworn, outdated and overdone. In allowing them to become overdone, we’ve created a karmic pathology that needs correcting and rebalancing. Planets that connect with the nodes give us a chance to do that course correcting. This week it’s Saturn at the south node currently in Capricorn. Capricorn is about big business, government, ambitions and achievements and quite frankly the patriarchy. This week is an opportunity to let go of those things that no longer work within those structures. This is not an easy thing, but Saturn is currently in its home sign and when the moon joins up with this combination on May 22nd our emotions get involved. Something has got to give! The North node is calling us to nurture, love, support and protect. While the south node in Capricorn may feel that protection looks a little different. It wants to hold on to and protect old structures; the North node is the clan mother who is making sure protection means protection for all.

The Sun and Mercury will enter Gemini on May 21st and make a conjunction. This is a good time to talk things out. Communication will be paramount. We’ll have an opportunity to express our thinking, negotiate contracts, and discuss topics. Our curiosity is insatiable. As we allow ourselves to brainstorm and generate as many options as possible we move us closer to breakthroughs. On May 22nd Mars will sextile Uranus and innovative thinking and breakthroughs are possible.

Why? Saturn Opposition North Node, Sun Entering Gemini, Sun Conjunction Mercury, Mercury Entering Gemini, Jupiter Trine Transiting Vesta, Mars Sextile Transiting Uranus


Working through the pain

What to expect: Opportunity for healing
What to watch out for: spiritual bypass
What will it affect? Communication, healing, need for control

On May 23rd Mercury will sextile Chirons and we can make a connection with our wounds to talk about them in productive ways. This is a great time for journaling, meditation, and connecting with our inner self to sooth and reaffirm. The problem will be that Mars is also making a square to Chiron and this bring in the temptation to deal with things quickly with the likelihood of some spiritual bypass. The danger is that we want to get through our pain in a hurry and are a little uncomfortable with the feelings that come up. The best way to deal with this energy is to slow down and ‘enjoy’ the path. There is no shortcut to forgiveness! You can’t get to forgiveness without going through the spectrum of emotions – anger, blame, sadness and acceptance.

On May 23rd Pluto is also square to Vesta which brings out an extremely manipulative energy. Pluto in a square to Vesta brings out the negative side of both energies. Pluto wants to control, manipulate, and can be vindictive. The negative side of Vesta, the sacred flame in a fire sign is a strong commitment to independence and personal autonomy. When these two square off, extreme power struggles are the result. As you allow yourself to feel all the emotions, you may feel a need to lash out. Go in your garage and through plates at the wall. In other words, try working through the emotions in a safe environment. Another time will come for action. One where you are not putting yourself in danger, even if it’s only emotional danger.

Why? Mercury Sextile Chiron, Mars Square Chiron, Pluto Square Vesta

Breakdown to breakthrough

What to expect: Strong debate
What to watch out for: High emotion
What will it affect? Food, children, life and death, our personal wounds

On May 24th Mercury is opposite Ceres and this brings us deeper into conversations about the cycles of life. Mercury is in Gemini where it loves to talk, have conversations, discuss topics and news. Ceres, the dwarf planet responsible for the cycle of life, currently in Sagittarius is taking us deep into our beliefs around motherhood, children, food and nurturance, life and death. Topics include climate change and affects on our food supply, children and abortion, Sagittarius can be dogmatic when challenged and this is exactly what Mercury in Gemini does. Expect heated discussions and remember to manage your own emotions. The good news is on May 25th Mercury will trine Pallas. Pallas is in Libra and is helping us to see all sides and to envision balance. The two work together to help develop strategy around bringing things into balance. In addition on May 26th the Sun in Gemini will sextile Chiron and will help us to continue our spiritual and healing work.

I strongly believe that those we are emotionally and spiritual evolved are better able to handle these energy. If you can focus on increasing your emotional intelligence through doing your inner work, you’ll be better able to handle these energies and effect the world from a stronger place.

Why? Mercury Opposition Ceres, Mercury Trine Pallas, Sun Sextile Chiron

Horoscope: May 13 – 19, 2019

May 13 – 19

Inner vs outer worth!

What to expect: Security shakeups!
What to watch out for: Stubbornness
What will it affect? Ego, relationships, material things, expectations

As I sit here writing this, I flip over my mouse to turn it on. “made in China”. I turn over my 5 days a week Knock Knock mouse pad… “Hecho en China”. I make my coffee, but before I pour, turn it over “made in China”. I pick up my iPhone to google “where is iPhone made?”… well, all over really, but mostly assembled in China. The Sun is transiting in the sign that loves creature comforts, a favourite mug it doesn’t care to give it up! A mouse pad that allows you to plan on it, a phone that you’ve used for years and just know. The material things that represent stability. As the Sun in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn we are pushed to transform. The structures are changing and Pluto in Capricorn is making sure of it. Taurus doesn’t care for change. It likes security, predictability and the known. We are being pushed to transform something inside of us that doesn’t want to give that up. Do we fight back? Do we get disciplined with money? What needs to transform deep within us to allow for us to meet our needs? This is an easy aspect so we can work with a coach or healer to gain understanding. You can also access the same information though bodyworkers such as chiropractors. Incorporate gemstones like black obsidian to gently help you access the truth.

Pallas in Libra will then square Juno in Cancer and tensions arise between our relationships and family expectations. We can’t please everyone. By the 15th Venus will enter Taurus and Mars will enter Cancer, but before they do on the 14th Venus will sextile Mars at the last degree of Gemini and Aries. Relationships will feel exciting and intellectually interesting. At the last degree, there may be intensity to it. Others will challenge us in a good way! Eventually as the two move on it will settle into secure, traditional and protective, so maybe there is nothing for the family or the tribe to fear!

Why? Sun Trine Pluto, Pallas Square Juno, Venus Sextile Mars, Venus enter Taurus, Mars enters Cancer

Inspiring words forward

What to expect: Mental clarity
What to watch out for: Fear and backlash
What will it affect? Structures, status quo, communication, direction, passions.

On May 15th Mercury in Taurus makes a sextile to Neptune in Pisces. Everything seems melodic! There a transcendental feel to the music that brings us in connection with divinity. Use all the inspiration of the day to fill you up! Music can stir the mind and heal the soul. It call also help you to download guidance and direction.

The next day Mercury will trine Saturn and Pluto and south node. Our thoughts become more practical. We are able to look at things critically and methodically. This also helps us to pen words, be they for a speech or a negotiation. A lot is happening at the South Node with Pluto and Saturn. The south node, also called the dragon’s tale represents the past. It’s karmic and regressive in a way that represents a lack of soul growth. It’s comfortable, easy and known, but sets us backward if we succumb. With Saturn and Pluto there, the pull is strong. On the other side also making an aspect to Mercury is the North Node. It’s in Cancer. And so if we focus on acknowledging the pull backward an, even taking the best of what’s there into the future, we can use this energy well. Tap into emotion, intuition, mother energy for the way forward.

On the same day, Vesta will square Saturn, Pluto, and the nodes as well. This brings out the worse side of Vesta. Vesta is passion and dedication, but with these two present, we may see obsessive, power hungry and workaholic energy that can be destructive. This is even more reason to create words that inspire love and nurture!

Why? Mercury Sextile Neptune, Mercury Trine Transiting Saturn, Mercury Sextile Transiting North Node, Mercury Trine Transiting Pluto, Saturn Square Transiting Vesta, Vesta Square Transiting North Node

Scorpio Full Moon

What to expect: A culmination
What to watch out for: Surprises and fear
What will it affect? Secrets, the unknown, magic

May 18th is the Full Moon at 27 degrees of Scorpio. This is an emotionally intense Full Moon with the potential of access to secrets. The Sabian Symbol for the degree is “the king of the fairies approaches his domain”. The word Fairy was derived from faie or fee which meant a woman skilled in magic, and who knew the power and virtue of words, of stones, and of herbs. If a fairy is a woman, who and what is a fairy king? What is his sphere of influence? We may be too quick to assume that his sphere is a kingdom that rules over woman fairies. With the full moon in Scorpio, the unseen, the secret, and the hidden come to culmination. We may get a peek into what usually lies outside of our knowing. The king of fairies approaches his domain and something is revealed.

On the same day Venus will conjunct Uranus and we can expect surprises in the realm of money and relationships. It’s always a bit difficult to understand why Venus represents both love and money, but often the two are intimately tied, especially in Taurus. Taurus is the sign of security, comfort and material things. At this level, it’s easy to see how the two are connected… no money, no love!
Use the energy of the full moon to understand your loyalty and devotion and your own resourcefulness!

Why? Full Moon at 27°Scorpio, Venus Conjunction Uranus