New Moon in Aries – April 1, 2022

The Sabian symbol for this New Moon in Aries is “a flock of wild geese”. When Dane Rudhyar breaks down the meaning of this degree he points out how in tune these birds are to planetary alignment and cycles on one hand and points out the concept of ‘heaven meeting earth’ represented by the earth-born birds being able to master flight into the heavens, on the other.

Interestingly enough, the asteroid leleakuhonua which in Polynesian means “where heaven meets earth” is exactly conjunct the New Moon pointing again to something about the horizon.

This space where heaven meets earth or the horizon is an important part of the sky when you are born. It’s the rising sign (or ascendant) and it describes who we are, how we are seen, and what is shown to others.

And who we are is a major theme of the new moon.

The asteroid Chiron is conjunct to the New Moon. Chiron in Aries is a wound. A wound from expressing ourselves. A wound that requires courage. A wound that may cause us to fear assertiveness or self-reliance. It’s a wound that scars our personal freedom, our personal power. Aries says this is who I am and Chiron says “I’m sorry, who you are is not okay”.

Someone recently made a joke about the geese convoy flying into Ottawa Canada causing “statesmen and authoritarians to relive the traumatic events of the Freedom Convoy” with their honking. This is the time of year when Canadian geese make their springtime trip back to their home. They swoop across the sky in a V shape honking as they fly by. They are just doing their thing. Expressing who they are, operating in line with what is natural to them…Imagine if someone declared “no more honking”, no more flying in a V, and now you can’t fly through or out of Canada. The geese may say… but this is who we are and these are our God-given rights!

This new moon asks you to be unapologetically YOU, despite the name-calling, the disapproval, and blatant request not to be you. It asks you to do so because it is cosmically how you were designed.

That said, it is not permission to be the lowest version of yourself! Mercury and the asteroid Niobe are also conjunct the new moon. Niobe represents undue pride in who you are and what you have accomplished. You will need to be humble and kind in expressing yourself. Things that are said in spite, even if true, can lead to a fall from grace!

Happy New Moon in Aries

Aquarius New Moon – Feb 1, 2022

New Moon Feb 1, 2022

The New Moon on February 1st is at 12 degrees of Aquarius. It is conjunct Saturn and squaring Uranus. Saturn and Uranus are now moving away from their year-long 2021 square with each other. This new moon brings this energy into focus. This energy brought a fight between government, structure, old systems, and Uranus’s need for change, revolt, disruption. Saturn is cold and contracting. Uranus is excitable and electric. This clash saw governments impose mandates, one fixed solution (Aquarius is a fixed sign) in the vaccine a new and innovative solution (also Aquarius). It saw a move to QR codes, passports, and the focus on the group (Aquarius) over the individual. This clashed with Uranus in Taurus, which rules the five senses, things that are tangible, reliable, and predictable. It rules plants and gardens, as well as money. Finally, it rules all things of worth, including ourselves. The push triggered the buttons of those who care what they put in their bodies, who rely on alternative health, who distrust the government, and who believe money is behind all motivations. The result was a split society! Those behind the government and those fighting it.

Because it is an Aquarius new moon we have the chance to set new intentions around this energy. Do you want to form a new group? Do you want to spread love and peace? Do you want to innovate?

The asteroids Astraea and Diana are also conjunct this new moon. Diana symbolizes freedom. She is the goddess of the hunt. She represents strong feminine warrior energy. Astraea, represents moral values, reasoning, and good judgment. This new moon will be a good time to defend our freedoms and fight for what we believe in, but with a feminine warrior approach. Think of Moana restoring the heart in the movie Moana. Something new wants to come in. We are done with the Saturn Uranus fight… what do we now want? Use this new moon energy to set intentions for the coming age of Aquarius… how do you imagine it?

Happy New Moon!

Taurus Lunar Eclipse – Nov 19, 2021

The Full Moon on November 19 is also a lunar eclipse. This eclipse opens the eclipse window and unleashes the changes that eclipses always do.  The best approach is to respond to situations. Anything that is decided at an eclipse is a done deal… there’s no going back.

The eclipse is at 27 degrees of Taurus and is conjunct the asteroids Phaethon and Sedna.

Taurus is the sign of value; money, assets, and personal value. It’s the earth sign that has a deep connection with the land; gardening, farming, and environmental concerns. At this full moon eclipse, something comes to light regarding our valuables or our value and we come face to face with the need to secure, protect and stand up for those things that matter to us.

Phaethon represents reckless behaviour, usually stemming from a place of needing to prove something to others. In the myth, Phaethon’s father let Phaethon drive his chariot so that Phaethon could prove that he was his father. Zeus saw that he was driving like a crazy person and causing mayhem, and shot him out of the sky stopping him from doing more damage. This energy speaks of an authority taking charge to stop damage. It’s also the need to recognize that our need for approval can harm us.

Sedna is about staying true to yourself (she is rejected and punished for her choices). It’s about being betrayed (her father throws her overboard to save his own life) and finding power and purpose out of a crappy situation (she lands on the bottom of the sea and becomes the goddess of the sea). It’s about taking responsibility, making the best of a situation, and becoming powerful within it.

In all three the theme is “value”. Taurus brings up the topic of our value. Phaethon says trying to prove our value to others can get us hurt. Sedna says that we have power and value even if others don’t see it or treat us that way.

The Sabian symbol for this degree is “a mature woman reawakened to romance”…. and again the topic of value emerges. She doesn’t feel the need to be skinny, youthful, sexy, or to prove her worth… she is mature and knows her inner worth. She feels safe to open up knowing that her recognized value and maturity will attract someone of value.

But knowing, standing up for, and going after our value will not be an easy thing at this full moon eclipse. The moon is opposite mercury in intense and sometimes manipulative Scorpio. There will be a struggle between our heart and our head. The light of the moon gets blocked at the eclipse, blocking for a few short hours our connection with our heart and causing us to listen a little too much to the powerful and intellectual, and deeply researched words of mercury. However, this is a north node lunar eclipse, so the more we follow our heart, the more we move in the right direction. We have some other supports – the moon is trine pluto, giving us the personal power we need, and its sextile Neptune, giving us access to intuition if we choose to listen. These connections will also be momentarily lost while the moon is eclipsed, but that can help us to see them ever more clearly when they return.

Happy Taurus Lunar Eclipse!

Warning: eclipses are powerful, so if you choose to do a full moon ceremony, know that a great deal of power may be unleashed.