Horoscope: Feb 6 – 12, 2017

Feb 6 – 12

Imposed vs fashioned family values

What to expect: Family Values
What to watch out for: Narrow definition of family
What will it affect? Family, Tradition, Feminism

On Feb 6, Jupiter in its retrograde motion will square the holder of the sacred flame asteroid Vesta. Vesta is in Cancer and in that sign feels a deep commitment to family, family values and tradition. Jupiter in Libra is concerned with fairness and balance. These two are clashing with each other bringing about strong beliefs. Be warned, this energy brings about religious fundamentalism and dogmatic thinking with the eye of protecting family values, patriotic values and or perceived fairness. Egging this on, on the same day is Mercury. Mercury comes up with clever comebacks as it makes an easy aspect to black moon Lilith. It’s that challenging “nasty women” feminine energy that questions all patriarchal power. It may not solve the problem, but It  will definitely be defiantly witty.

Why? Mercury Sextile Black Moon, Jupiter Square Vesta

Fostering Inner Care

What to expect: Renewed commitment to a cause
What to watch out for: Exhaustion
What will it affect? Causes, nurturance needs, societal healing

On Feb 7, the communication planet Mercury enters into the sign of Aquarius. Communication will focus on humanity and social change. We experience a renewed sense of passion for healing the collective. Yet, we may become so committed to the change that we forget about our own needs. We may expect nurturing to just happen, or that others will see or should know what we need. We may also mistake the overall idea of the movement we have become committed to as having the ability to recognize our personal and individual need. It will not. We will still need to ask, politely for what we need. And if we feel like we won’t get those needs met, we need to look within to nurture the inner self that believes that lie. This inner transformation is in fact the secret to the success of the bigger revolution. The good news is that, yes, we will have a renewed sense of commitment to healing, AND our ability to truly carry out this mission will depends on recognizing and feeding our own inner nurturance needs. Remember masculine energy is doing, feminine energy is attracting. Do or be – whatever is easiest. Both are equally powerful!

Why? Mercury Entering Aquarius, Mercury Square Ceres, Chiron Trine Vesta

Full Moon at 22°Le28′

What to expect: Call for Leadership
What to watch out for: Misuse
What will it affect? Leadership, Innovation

The Leo Lunar eclipse is exact at 4:32 PST/ 7:32 EST on Feb 10th in the sign of Leo. This eclipse forms auspicious aspects to fixed star Spica. The Moon will sextile Jupiter on the fixed star Spica and the sun will trine it. I don’t often talk about fixed stars. I’m bringing this one up because it is very fortunate. Spica gives “success, renown, riches, a sweet disposition, love of art and science” on the other hand it can also bring about “unscrupulousness, unfruitfulness and injustice to innocence”. The Moon will be eclipsed giving it more power when its light returns. The eclipse brings up the Leo/Aquarius dichotomy. With this Leo eclipsed Moon we see leadership springing forth. It is a mature leadership, but comes from the young, women or young women. We see innovation spring forth. It’s also the culmination of the new moon intentions in August of 2016 or more likely Aug 2015. There comes with this eclipse a level of confidence and optimism. What kind of leaders are we and do we want? Are we leaders concerned only about attention and stroking out ego (Leo) or are we also focused on and incorporating humanity (Aquarius). This is an eclipse, so we may be very surprised by what happens.

On the same day Mercury will make an easy aspect to Venus. Generally eclipses are not a good time to make big decision because they will be permanent. But if the deal looks good, go for it! These two planets favour deals, contract and finances. They are signs that bring out the energy of inventiveness, independence and freedom.

Why? Lunar Eclipse, Sun Sextile Uranus, Sun Trine Jupiter, Mercury Sextile Venus

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Horoscope: Jan 30 – Feb 5

Jan 30 – Feb 5

Mighty Words

What to expect: Intense communication
What to watch out for: Power plays
What will it affect? Communication, Power Structures, Status Quo

Between Jan 28 and 31st mercury in Capricorn will finally meet up with Pluto and then square Uranus. Conversations will be intense. It’s a good time to negotiate, make speeches or investigate anything that needs deep research. Our minds will be busy with lots of ideas and breakthroughs may happen.

This energy may also spark some revolutionary energy as it makes these connections with Pluto and Uranus. When these two were squaring in the years of 2012 – 2015 authoritarian power structures were established and challenged – Arab spring and the occupy movement happened. On a personal level many were faced with upheaval and transformative change. This year we experience the finishing touches on this energy. Mercury will likely communicate to within these couple of days clearly just what needs to be completed.

Why? Venus Trine Transiting Vesta, Mercury Conjunction Transiting Pluto, Mercury Square Transiting Uranus

Exploring what we know

What to expect: Insight
What to watch out for: Expressing overconfidence
What will it affect? Wounds, Causes, Beliefs, The unconscious

Feb 1st and 2nd are good days to talk it out or write about it, but if your ideas are controversial or represent a major paradigm shift, others may oppose you. Work it out with others you trust – A good friend, a therapist or coach. Or write in your diary to help to clarify and uncover subtle patterns. Neptune comes together with Pallas giving us an especially intuitive, even psychic ability to get to the heart of things. The problem will come if or when we decide to communicate “out there” what we know. Our beliefs and opinions are strong and ardent right now. And we may be overconfident in expressing them.

Why? Mercury Sextile Chiron, Neptune Conjunction Pallas, Mercury Square Jupiter, Mercury Opposition Vesta

Two types of Women

What to expect: Friction
What to watch out for: Clashing values
What will it affect? Feminism, the feminine, women, marriage, relationships

On Feb 2nd Juno, the marriage asteroid will enter Capricorn; the competitive, sophisticated perhaps even trophy wife. Then the next day Venus will enter Aries; the head-strong, independent, girl-boss woman. And then the two of them square off. Is this a cat fight? Well I can tell you, there’s no love here. This energy represents so starkly the two types of women that exist. One who’s ambition to be a wife may make her decisions out of love, but more likely out of her ambitious need to depend on a man. The other who feels hemmed in by a man, but will accept him if he can be, and allows her to be free. It’s the codependent vs the inter-dependent relationship issue again. It may show up as a war between the two types of women the metaphorical Melania Trump vs. Eleanor Roosevelt or a war of these two types of women within ourselves.

Why? Juno Entering Capricorn, Venus Entering Aries, Venus Square Juno

Jupiter Retrograde

What to expect: A need for balance
What to watch out for: Pushing for outward expansion
What will it affect? Relationships, Negotiations, Politics, War and Peace

On Feb 5 our window of direct planets ends when Jupiter goes retrograde. Jupiter is in Libra, so this is a time when we can expand inwardly. The examination will be around relationships, balance, and fairness. A Review of laws, negotiations, politics, war and peace may happen now.

Why? Jupiter Retrograde

Horoscope: Jan 23 – 29th

Jan 23 – 29

Art Appreciation

What to expect: Expressions of Art
What to watch out for: Hiding our brilliance
What will it affect? Artistic expression, Communication

On January 23 get out your lyre and makes some music. The energy lends itself to visionary and artistic expression. Colour, form, line, shape, space, texture and especially value all become important now. We know our art may be good, but not all good art attains value. This is because we are often told what to value instead of allowing what is truly valuable to emerge. Not only that, we may hide our art falsely labeling it ourselves as not valuable. Now is the time to let your art shine!

Why? Mercury Sextile Transiting Neptune

Raw Passionate Emotion

What to expect: Powerful goddess Kali energy
What to watch out for: Dis-empowered view points
What will it affect? Feminine Energy, Feminine Power

During the entire week we merge into a dance with Mars, Vesta and Lilith in a water grand trine of emotion. This energy pulls us inward and deep into our motivations and raw emotions. Our commitment issues come up again. We want a partnership that fosters freedom and independence and the anger around any inability to achieve this lights a flame of indignation. If we recognize it clearly, we’ll realize that it’s a flame of feminine power and passion which can be positively directed. Venus is also conjunct Chiron in Pisces, allowing us to go deep spiritually and heal our love wounds. By Jan 25 we start to feel the love again as marriage asteroid Juno makes a trine to nurturing Ceres. We are getting there and can now taste how good it feels to find a balance between independence and feeling close and nurtured. It been a long time coming.

Why? Mars Trine Transiting Vesta, Mars Square Transiting Juno, Venus Conjunction Transiting Chiron, Juno Trine Transiting Ceres

A Weird Science New Moon

What to expect: The unexpected
What to watch out for: Loneliness
What will it affect? Intentions, directions, relationships

Knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world – Albert Einstein

How many have you have wondered over the last couple of months if we skipped to a different universe? A different time-line? Are we are in some parallel universe where all the opposite to what we thought should be happening, is happening? Though Albert Einstein’s theories evade most of us, his theory of relativity, evolved to theory of time and quantum mechanics, then quantum entanglement and eventually his “Spooky-action-at-a-distance” theory. When you start to examine his theories, you get a weird sense of time, the spiritual, the psychic, the past and the future. It seem sci fi and impossible. But quickly we are coming to terms with the idea through science that the spiritual and the material are not separate. The New Moon on Jan 27th is at 8 degrees of weird science Aquarius. Although the moon is making no major aspects, it provides an opportunity to be emotionally distant, unconventional and innovative. And it will help us to incorporate some of this spooky-at-a-distance thinking into our intentions. If you don’t like the time-line your on, you can clarify your intentions to affect what is happening on the level, and universe you’re in. Or just skip to a whole new one… the Aquarius new moon will help to allow you to entertain the possibility.

On the same day Venus will square Saturn and we may feel lonely and on the outside. Venus in Pisces wants to merge and feel one with the universe, their partner and with love, yet something is preventing it. Likely the source of this loneliness comes from within so it’s a good time for soul searching to examine where we are disconnected with ourselves. In truth we can never be separate. We can use this new moon to set intention that will surprise us with their outcome. The trick is to suspend our belief that we and all things are separate. The trick is to have faith! Mars also enters into Aries igniting our ability to enter bravely into unexplored territory.

Why? New Moon at 8°Aq15′, Venus Square Transiting Saturn, Mars Entering Aries