Horoscope: April 10 – 16, 2017

April 10 – 16

Libra Full Moon

What to expect: Focus on relationships
What to watch out for: Fights
What will it affect? Relationships, social change, laws, business partnerships

The Full Moon on April 10th is in Libra at 21 degrees. The Moon in Libra is seeking balance and fairness. Libra is also the sign of connection. Ruled by Venus, it’s often in love with love and feels incomplete without relationships. But, as always at the full moon, the Moon is opposite the Sun. The Sun is in Aries forging new frontiers, ready for action and putting others things before relationships. So it should be no surprise at this full moon that we have a strong focus on relationships and relationship conflict/balance. Whatever is at the heart of it, this Full Moon wants to bring it to a head and a culmination.

The Libra Moon wants us to remember the honeymoon period, bringing us back to the original honeymoon period. Think about Adam and Eve, hanging out in their beautiful garden – that connection before the original fight. What was it like? Now is the time we can remember that innocence. That time before we projected all of our shame, guilt, and accumulated all of our mistakes.

Also at the full moon is Uranus who’s been in Aries for a while, stirring up revolutions, fights for freedom and sincerely desiring change. It brings the moon energy into it the larger social context. So partnerships on a large scale come into focus. How do men and women relate, partner and find balance? It’s not a simple question. It brings in gender parity, employment equity, equal pay, marriage and all other gender imbalances currently seeking balance.

Why? Full Moon at 21° Libra, Mars Conjunction Ceres, Uranus Square Vesta, Sun Conjunction Uranus

Desire for Impact

What to expect: Focus on impact
What to watch out for: Ego clashes
What will it affect? Work, motivations, social causes

On April 14th and 15th we’ll have a little prep work for what’s coming on the weekend. Mars makes a gentle angle to Vesta igniting our passions and turning up the volume on our desire for making an impact. The only problem is that the Sun which represents our egos will also square Vesta, so egos might get in the way. Where do you find the agreement and the common ground in the midst of common purpose? Find this, and you will find the way through.

Why? Mars Sextile Vesta, Sun Square Vesta

Healing the Feminine

What to expect: Powerful healing energy
What to watch out for: Too much too soon
What will it affect? Relationships, original wounds

Venus goes Direct on April 15th. It’s been retrograding for 40 plus days, taking us into a search for what we value. It started off by focusing on what we value in ourselves and then taking us deeper into the waters of the unconscious to clean out some karma or outdated/loose ends. It stops at 26 Degrees of Pisces and then spins to move forward again.

Venus is joined up with Chiron at this point and makes a sextile to mars. It’s a sexy combination and with Venus in spiritual and emotional Pisces and Mars in tactile earthy Taurus. The added energy of Chiron brings in a healing/awakening energy. This is the kind of energy that may awaken your Kundalini; the energy set at the base of your spine that is said to take you to a higher level of consciousness and even psychic ability. But raising your Kundalini comes with a big warning. It’s powerful energy that can throw you off kilter. Can you face all of your wounds and crap all at once, in the midst of intimacy and spiritual connection? It’s meant to be a deeply healing energy, but one that is intended to for those who are prepared, have done “the work” and who are emotionally and spiritually ready. If you are not ready for this kind of energy, this is an excellent time to get ready. Deep wounds can be healed right now. Relationships can be repaired. Not only in our personal lives, but also on a higher, more social level. But take it slow.

Why? Venus Direct, Venus conjunct Chiron, Mars Sextile Chiron and Venus



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Horoscope: April 3 – 9, 2017

April 3 – 9

Channeling power

What to expect: Power and influence
What to watch out for: Spending
What will it affect? Plans, money

On April 5th Mars is in Taurus and on a powerful degree; One that has historically been associated with turbulent events. It trines  Pluto helping us to tap into a power source, even if it’s a bit turbulent, that channeled correctly, can help us to create solid strategy, influence, and benefit. But, now is the time to come up with the strategy, not necessarily to act on it. Particularly if there is a budget attached to it. The reason is that on the same day Saturn will go retrograde. Saturn loosens up in terms of finances when it goes retrograde. For businesses, it’s like the CFO has taken an extended holiday. Great! Now we can push through that buy/sale that she’s been blocking us on. Not so fast – Between now and the end of Venus retrograde on April 15th hold on to your change purse. With Venus and Saturn both loosened up you could end up wasting a lot of money or purchasing things that are worthless or that you never use. Just take a look at that treadmill in the corner with all your laundry hanging off it and let it be your caution sign.

Why? Mars Trine Pluto, Saturn retrograde

Highs and Lows

What to expect: Truths
What to watch out for: Overwhelm
What will it affect? Relationships, power structures, beliefs, core beliefs

We’ll be on a roller-coaster that may feel bipolar for the next couple of days. We are up and then very quickly, we are down. It starts with us up as the Sun opposes Jupiter on the 7th making us confident, but more than likely overconfident.

On April 8th, Venus retrograde, now in Pisces will rise as the morning star (look up in the dawn to see her) and will square Saturn also retrograde and at the galactic centre. Normally when these two come into a square, we feel lonely with a need for soul searching and deep introspection. This is even more the case now as Saturn moves away from the galactic centre, the point associated with truth. We get some distance and can see the truth of all of the unconscious material that has risen in the last little while in full objectivity.

On the same day the Sun will square Pluto, bringing up power struggles. Maybe our newly conscious material has us standing up for ourselves in new ways that triggers a backlash. Or we could be so uncomfortable with the truths that are coming up that we seek out ways to control it.

Accessing tools for emotional intelligence is essential right now. And don’t be afraid to reach out for help. A counselor, coach or best friend might be helpful now.

Why? Sun Square Transiting Pluto, Venus Square Transiting Saturn, Sun Opposition Transiting Jupiter

Mercury Retrograde

What to expect: Letting go
What to watch out for: Difficulty letting go
What will it affect? Communication, communication equipment, travel

Mercury goes retrograde on Sunday, April 9th. Mercury begins the retrograde journey at 4 degrees of Taurus and discarding the past is its theme. Taurus is a sign that likes its belongings. It likes attachments and material things. Also, It’s often literal and likes to use the five senses, discarding, minimizing or rejecting the 6th sense – intuition.

Mercury will take us on a journey back over all that we are clinging to. We may want to avoid all the unconscious reason why we hold on. Years ago a friend asked me to help her go through her clothes and belongs fearing that she would have a hard time de-cluttering. She did. I let her hold on to one dress from the 80’s just so she wouldn’t collapse under the weight of anxiety. The rest had to go. Why did she want to hold on to those dresses? She didn’t know. Many of us will have a similar experience with our belongings. Letting go is difficult, and doing so may even leading to an existential crisis. But keep going. As mercury heads back into Aries, we will find courage.

Remember as always with mercury retrograde, back up your computer, make sure you have insurance on your phone and refrain from taking things out on the photocopier when all of these things give you trouble. Use the time for reassessments, review, revisions.

Why? Mercury retrograde

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Horoscope: March 27 – April 2, 2017

March 27 – April 2

Aries New Moon

What to expect: New Intentions
What to watch out for: Lack of focus
What will it affect? Emotions, Charities, philanthropic projects

This week stars with a New Moon in Aries. Aries is the initiator, the doer, the ‘let’s get it going” woman. Impetuous and impatient, acting and then thinking later… or maybe never thinking about it… no time to think…. Aries is the entrepreneur, full of ideas. Trying one and then another. The serial entrepreneur… who creates and gets something off the ground and then looses interest once it’s going.

This New Moon we can set intentions for getting our projects off the ground. The new moon is ruled by Mars and on the same day, Mars will be sextile Neptune, giving an extra boost to service, charity or philanthropic projects.
Aires is also the first sign of the zodiac. It’s the sign that says “I am… I matter”. It’s the place we go to define ourselves and to nurture healthy selfishness. If you have found that you have lost yourself, maybe in a partnership, relationship, family dynamics or a job, you can now set intentions for reclaiming who you are. Maybe that means carving out more time for yourself or saying “no” more often. Maybe it means being or trying things alone. Now is the time to set those kinds of intensions as well.

Why? New Moon at 7°Ar37′, Mars Sextile Neptune

Plan Plan Plan!

What to expect: Putting together a plan
What to watch out for: Too much negative thinking
What will it affect? Plans, projects, teams, partnerships

By the 29th of March we can start setting things into motion, lining up our team and creating a project plan. It doesn’t have to be a perfect plan. Mercury is trine Saturn helping us to think through things critically and to have an added measure of caution. But it’s also in its shadow period, which means that during mercury will retrograde next month, so mercury and Saturn will chat several more times about this matter and be able to sort through any kinks. Mars is trine partnership asteroid Juno and will help us to assemble the right partnership or team. The two of them are in earth signs, so they will be planned and cautious, but also ambitious and motivated. Pallas the asteroid responsible for feminine strategy will also go into Aries on the 29th adding in some warrior goddess energy to the mix.

Why? Mercury Trine Transiting Saturn, Mars Trine Transiting Juno. Pallas Entering Aries

Fight for Fairness

What to expect: Power Struggles
What to watch out for: Outdated thinking
What will it affect? Beliefs, journalism, higher education, status quo, governments, large corporations

On March 30th Justice squares off with the old boys club! Jupiter in balanced and fair seeking Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn currently restructuring old structures and world governments. Legal battles and ego’s, strong belief and power plays are all to be expected.

On March 31st, Mercury moves into Taurus affecting messaging and communication. It will sound status quo and may trigger those who are frustrated by the inflexibility. However mercury does make a trine to the North Node, pushing us in the right direction. Even if you don’t like what you are hearing, you can be assured that actions and reactions will push us in the right direction – Even if they are negatively reinforced.

Why? Jupiter Square Pluto, Mercury Entering Taurus, Mercury Trine North Node

Feminine Battle Cry!

What to expect: Feminine war strategy
What to watch out for: unconscious motivations
What will it affect? Values, world events, money, love, the feminine

On April 1st Venus still retrograde will conjunct Pallas. It’s happening at what is called the Aries point – 0 degree of Aries. It stands at the precipice between spiritual love (Pisces) and war (Aries) and has a big impact on world events. With Venus and Pallas here we feel again that feminine warrior energy. Venus retrograde connected Pallas means that clarity of values, karmic debt around the feminine and feminine strategy also emerges. Women go about things much differently than men. And as the feminine energy emerges and becomes stronger than the outdated patriarch model, we also see a new approach to war emerge. Pallas was the goddess of war strategy. It’s interesting that as a strategist Pallas “disliked fighting without purpose and preferred to use wisdom to settle predicaments. The goddess approved of fighting only for a reasonable cause or to resolve conflict. She encouraged everyone to use intuitive wisdom rather than anger or violence”. (Wikipedia) As these two connect April 1st, we’ll likely see this type of feminine intuitive approach emerge and strengthen.

Then on April 2nd Venus will slip back into Pisces where it takes us on a deeply spiritual karmic journey. It’s the morning star now and the archetype of our love (or lack thereof) both shadow and light will become the focus. Use this time to peel back the layers of your ability to give and receive love and to connect with divine love. What is standing in the way? Or are you a way-shower? If so, what are you doing about it?

Why? Venus Conjunction Transiting Pallas, Transiting Venus Entering Pisces, Pluto Trine Transiting Ceres


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