Horoscope: May 15 – 21, 2017

May 15 – 21


What to expect: Positive change
What to watch out for: Opportunities to move forward
What will it affect? Faith, learning, legal issues, travel, media, foreign affairs

Though the Sun is in Taurus, the sign that doesn’t not like change, it makes a nice connection to Chiron, the wounded healer, currently in Pisces bringing an earthy gentle touch healing to our broken dreams. This is a good thing because on the 18th Saturn will also trine Uranus. Saturn has been diligently working on its audit in Sagittarius where it’s put some pressure on foreign affairs, news media, and the travel industry. In our personal lives, it may have put pressure on our faith, an area of learning, legal issues or an area we feel strong advocacy for. With a trine to Uranus, changes will happen. Plans or approaches that may have been met with resistance will see movement. Ideas, inventions, and innovations all benefit from the practical application. This is a great week to move forward with reforms or modernization.

Why? Sun Sextile Chiron, Saturn Trine Uranus

Too much too fast

What to expect: A new you
What to watch out for: Excessive energy
What will it affect? Relationships and partnerships

Venus is in Aries and is making it way forward since the retrograde back in March. On May 19th it’s back where it started at 13 degrees of Aries.

Remember what I said about Venus in Aries when it started its retrograde journey?

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. Its associate with “I am”, meaning it focuses on who we are as individuals. Aries is a sign that seeks independence. It pioneers and frontiers, seeking meaning in sovereignty. But how do we incorporate this energy into a relationship? Perhaps the meaning in the Sabian symbols for each degree of the zodiac can help us understand.

Technically, as we move over the 13th-degree mark, we are moving into the energy of the 14th degree of the zodiac. If we look at the Sabian symbol for that degree we get “a serpent coiling near a man and a woman”. The meaning of this degree is about the acceptance of relationship as a higher spiritual purpose. We remain independent but are brought together through a weaving union that expands the energy and draws it to heaven. To get there we need to know and love ourselves and this is fundamentally an Aries prerogative.

But Venus in Aries is notoriously the chaser. This chasing energy is not the Venus way. Venus attracts. And when she is in her element she does so without needing to lift a finger – she is magnetic. Venus in Aries is impatient and aggressively pursues a relationship, forgetting that what makes her attract and ultimately able to accept the relationship, is knowing and loving herself. When she fully knows who “I am” is she is magnetic. But until she does, she is in a constant state of the ‘fear of merging’ even though on the surface it looks the opposite. She is the consummate commitment-phobe who vehemently denies it by saying “I’m out there all the time, dating and trying”. BUT the truth is Venus never tries.

Through the retrograde Venus slipped back into Pisces and got a bit spiritual there and since moving forward she’s been working on knowing and loving herself. Now as we return to the same degree it made it’s retrograde, we are at the point of integrating our lessons. But Venus opposes Jupiter on the 13th degree on May 18th and we get an excessive and overconfident energy. That “a serpent coiling near a man and a woman” can move at a furious rate, bring to mind the image of a kundalini being awaken too quickly. If you’ve done your work during the retrograde, it will be a pleasant time. But if you haven’t, the excessive overconfident energy can lead to too much too fast. The best approach is to focus on the energy of Jupiter in Libra at the other end. The meaning of that symbol is “A noon siesta”, bringing to mind the idea of using the excessive energy for a lazy lunchtime rest. Sleep is great for allowing the body to integrate healing and the mind through dream, to integrate lessons.

Also, the Sun will square the nodes, which have recently moved into Leo and so there may also be some resistance to the new you from others, so you’ll need your rest!

Why? Venus Opposition Jupiter, Sun Square North Node, Pallas Square Juno



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Horoscope: May 8 – 14, 2017

May 8 – 14

Personal Alchemy

What to expect: Transformation
What to watch out for: The unexpected
What will it affect? Relationships, change, ideas, thinking, ego

At the beginning of the week, we have spectacular energy for personal transformation. The sun makes excellent connections to both Pluto and Juno for intensely transformative experiences with a partner, coach, shaman, or therapist. Plan a dive deep to transform structures. This energy is also grounded, with all three in earth signs. Connect to your our inner work through your body. Use your five senses and somatic therapies to help work through blocks to ambitions and to partnerships. Plants, salts, and metals can also help. Use this energy wisely. Positive transformations within ourselves helps us to master positive transformations in the world and it’s the key to powerfully positive leadership.

Mercury will also be conjunct Uranus again, so we can expect huge breakthroughs, flashes of insight and unexpected movements.

Why? Sun Trine Juno, Sun Trine Pluto, Mercury Conjunction Uranus

Full Moon in Scorpio

What to expect: Emotional highs and lows
What to watch out for: Resentful or manipulative behaviour
What will it affect? Relationships, emotions, strategy

The Full Moon on May 10th is in Scorpio. The earth’s bodies of water have bigger swells and troughs at a Full Moon. This is because the earth and moon are gravitationally pulling at each other and of all the masses on earth, water is the most changeable. And so the waves dip low and swell high during the full moon. We have similar swells and troughs with our emotions at this Scorpio Full Moon; Scorpio loves that kind of intensity. The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon is “A soldier derelict in his duties” and it brings to mind the Veterans for Standing Rock; standing for waters that for many means the right of many wrongs.

In addition, Jupiter will oppose Pallas. Jupiter is in Libra and is still in retrograde motion focusing our expansion inwardly. We are in an introverted mood and are energized to balance all things Libra; relationships, partnerships, conflicts, and as in the minds of the Veterans of Standing Rock and other alike,  the wrongs of many wars. Opposite to Jupiter is the goddess of feminine strategy, Pallas. Pallas is currently in the Princess warrior sign of Aries. As we try to mix both feminine strategies with the need to balance, we find ourselves contemplating the wise words of Winston Churchill… “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen”

With the high emotions of the Full Moon, you would also be wise to also contemplate his words “if you’re going through hell, keep going” At this Full Moon, getting through the sea of emotions means riding them or diving deep into them.

Why? Full Moon at 20°Scorpio, Jupiter Opposition Pallas

Fault Lines

What to expect: A desire to act
What to watch out for: Misinformation
What will it affect? Actions, contracts, business

There is a propensity for deceit and the likelihood of a fatal flaw or, the design of a fatal flaw, is high. This week Mars squares Neptune on May 11th. Under this type of energy, we make mistakes, miss information, mislead or are mislead. The good news is that Mercury is trine Saturn which will give us a certain amount of caution. The potentially bad news is that Mars will trine Jupiter and sextile Pallas, making us sure that we have the right strategy and giving us optimism and the desire to take risks. Whatever decisions we make will lead us down a path that may have a dangerous fault line. The best course of action is to avoid any major actions. Better times will come for making your big strategic move.

Why? Mars Square Neptune, Mercury Trine Saturn, Mars Trine Jupiter, Mars Sextile Pallas, Mercury Trine North Node


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Horoscope: May 1 – 7, 2017

May 1 – 7

Inner meaning communicated outwardly

What to expect: The outside to match the inside
What to watch out for: Ignoring our power
What will it affect? Communication

This week on May 3rd Mercury goes direct. It’s at 24/25 degrees of Aries. The Sabian symbol for the degree is “a double promise holds inner and outer meaning.” When I think of the meaning of this degree in Aries, I think of the job of Aries; to define “who am I.” Aries focuses on self, seemingly selfish, but with the aim of knowing who he or she is. If you don’t stand for something, you fall for everything. Once there is a definition in place of “who am I,” then you understand what your boundaries are, your deal breakers, what you are willing and not willing to do. Once this is clearly defined in a promise to yourself; a promise that goes something like “I promise to treat you always like you matter”, then the promise’s double meaning becomes apparent. The inner meaning allows for the outer meaning. I know myself, and now I can know you. I love myself, and now I can love you. I respect myself, and now I can respect you. You matter to me, and now others can matter to me too!

While Mercury was retrograde, it covered a lot of ground. Mercury always affects communication and all things related to communication such as phones, computers, text messages, and emails. It also affects travel and all things related to travel such as cars, planes, and trains. Some cool things happened. Some crappy things happened. The solar flare CME that scientist was sure was going to miss earth, hit. The cool thing was we had beautiful Auroras (Northern Lights) reaching pretty far south. Solar Flares, which cause the geomagnetic storms and the Auroras are also said to help us access higher consciousness and grow spiritually. The crappy thing was that it knocked out power grids in L.A., New York, and other major cities. Pepsi released a faux pas commercial which required some damage control. United Airlines was also majorly under “fire” for their legging dress code and for dragging passenger off their plane. The “problem” is that we as consumers don’t miss much, thanks to smartphones and social media. We have quicker responses, louder voices, and stronger market influence than ever before. So as Mercury turns on its heels and goes direct, and as we access inner clarity about who we are and what we stand for, we define the marketplace and realize our power to do so.

Why? Mercury goes direct

The Dark Side of Optimism

What to expect: Optimism
What to watch out for: Minimizing
What will it affect? Wounds, beliefs, communication

Saturn is still in close connection with Chiron, and some pain may still be coming to the surface to be healed. One thing to realize is that often when pain comes to the surface to be healed, it’s because we are in a stronger position to be able to handle it. The problem this week is that Mars will be in Gemini and opposite Lilith in Sagittarius. Lilith in Sagittarius has a dark side around optimism. She sometimes fails to see when things could go wrong, or her “you’re strong, you can do it” attitude can put too much pressure on others beyond what is realistic or comfortable. Mars opposite Lilith this week will aggravate that tendency even more. Mars in Gemini might have a lot to say, but he doesn’t care to go too deep. In combination with some of the pain that might be emerging this week, we could easily go into sympathy versus and empathy frame of mind. Check out Brene Brown’s video to understand the difference.

On the bright side, on May 3rd the Sun in an excellent flowing energy connection with Neptune which creates a beautiful day for imagination and creativity. Use this energy to help you to keep in contact with any heavy feelings and to work through them use writing, art, poetry, music or paint as a medium to access your emotions.

Why? Sun Sextile Neptune, Mars opposite Lilith



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