Horoscope: Aug 7 – 13, 2017

Aug 7 – 13

Photo by Lou Levit on Unsplash

The Lunar eclipse in Aquarius

What to expect: Clearing something
What to watch out for: Arrogance and ego
What will it affect? Large groups, social change

What happens at a Lunar Eclipse is that the earth gets in between the sun and the moon and the lamination of the sun’s light on the moon disappears. This Lunar Eclipse will occur at 15 degrees Aquarius and it a time is a time to evolve the leadership in service of the people. The Sun is in Leo (Royalty) and regardless of whether you are a King, President, Prime Minister, CEO, Boss or Owner, the Leader’s and now has a moment to caucus and reflect on what they are doing for the people. At the same time, the Moon in Aquarius (Revolution) has the masses searching their hearts for what they feel. Abraham Lincoln once said that “government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish”. The Aquarius moon will decide if something needs to change or perish. On the world stage, this will happen in our governments and in our personal lives this dialogue will likely happen in our businesses and workplaces.

At the same time, the goddesses are also going to be in deep conversation about this leadership issue. Venus in Cancer is at the centre of the conversation. She has a deep value around her family and clan. She is like the Clan Mother.

The Iroquois clan mother is responsible for the welfare of the clan. She names all the people of the clan and holds a position in nominating, installing and removing the male chief, the Hoyaneh (“Caretaker of the Peace”). They are considered the life givers. – Wikipedia

She is looking at the big picture and is also getting into the fine detail. She is taking a look at all contracts; signed, written, spoken and unspoken and is looking at what she wants and needs. She is will to negotiate to get what she wants, but with a sextile to Pallas in Taurus and a conjunction to Ceres in Cancer, there are some important things that cannot be compromised; the environment and the children.

Why? Full Moon at 15°Aq25′, Mercury Trine Pallas, Venus Sextile Vesta, Venus Sextile Pallas, Mercury Sextile Venus, Vesta Trine Pallas

Clarifying our Purpose

What to expect: Clarity of purpose
What to watch out for: Unfair fights
What will it affect? Work, causes, communication, spirituality

On August 10th – 11th there is a sense of optimism and excitement about something that we have recently learned. Something snaps together in our understanding As Mercury and Vesta come together in Virgo we have a clear understanding of the work that we need to do and the work that we need to be in service to. A deeply loving, connected and nurturing energy that takes on a transcendental quality is also being felt as Venus and Ceres come together and reach out to hold hands with Neptune. We are getting clear on our mission, our spiritual purpose and what our cause is. We may have known, but now we are certain and centered in it. We now have the ability to work out of love and to share our gifts in service.

Why? Sun Sextile Transiting Jupiter, Mercury Conjunction Vesta, Neptune Trine Ceres, Venus Trine Neptune, Venus Conjunction Ceres

Mercury Retrograde

What to expect: Review
What to watch out for: Communication (phone, text, computer, email) mess ups
What will it affect? Communication, work

Mercury will retrograde on the 12th and as it does it will first make another trine to Pallas. It made one earlier in the week when we may have gotten clear on our mission. Now it’s time for review. On Aug 13th put together a review plan. As the Sun makes a trine to Saturn we have the ability to concentrate, organize and plan. We’ll be spending the next three and a half week; until September 5th reviewing as mercury makes it retrograde journey. In Virgo is will have us focused on de-cluttering our lives. Spend time de-cluttering your home and work space and also whatever had been getting in the way of your health and well-being

Why? Mercury Stationary, Mercury Trine Transiting Pallas, Sun Trine Transiting Saturn


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Horoscope: July 31 – Aug 6, 2017

July 31 – Aug 6

Photo by Tamara Menzi on Unsplash

Environmental Concerns

What to expect: Need to nurture the earth
What to watch out for: Sparks
What will it affect? The environment, healing, feminine power

August 1st begins with something going awry in the environment. Sun square Pallas, means that the leadership sees it, but they turn a blind eye to it. Pollution? Use of pesticides? What it is, I’m not exactly sure, but it will definitely get environmentalist up in arms. Pallas and Ceres will meet in a sextile, and there is an opportunity for these two powerful feminine energies to work together to help heal the issues. Pallas is able to see the overall pattern of the problem and Ceres will be able to nurture a solution.

Uranus goes retrograde on August 2nd, releasing the revolutionary spark once again. Stations of Uranus tend to be disruptive as the planet of change finds an outlet for the concentrated energy. Uranus happens to be sitting at the same degree and in a trine to the upcoming eclipse point of August 21st. Are we surprised now or later? Well, that’s a surprise! One thing we might want to watch out for as Uranus goes retrograde in the fire sign of Aries is the spark of flames. Things like forest fires and volcanoes come to mind.

Why? Sun Square Pallas, Pallas Sextile Ceres, Uranus retrograde.

A Fine Balance

What to expect: A flight for fair
What to watch out for: Unfair fights
What will it affect? Politics, governments, relationships, All ism’s (racism, feminism, etc)

This week we also move into a square with Jupiter and Pluto. It’s exact on August 4th. Jupiter is in Libra and wants to increase fairness, justice, love, and relationship. It also rules politics, war, and peace. As all things ‘Libra’ expand, they also come up against some power and control issues represented by Pluto in Capricorn. This is the patriarchy, the old boys club, the old institutions. They don’t want things to change and they are doing everything at this time to make sure of it. Power plays at this time, however, are likely to backfire. Expect lots of conflict, anger, and divide and conquer strategies.

Sometimes we see this old school drama come not from just men, but also from women. This is likely the story this week as Venus, now in emotional and nurturing Cancer will oppose Juno in Capricorn. Have you been watching the handmaids tale? Have you read the book? The shadow side of Juno in Capricorn is like the Commander’s wife; supporting a form of patriarchy and enslavement of women, even as she is enslaved in her own role as “wife”. If you haven’t seen or read the book (I recommend you do), know that this is a traditional energy that supports a patriarchal agenda.

What’s interesting is that Mars is also squaring Pallas on the same day. If we are not directly affected we question whether we should get involved. We grapple with the consequences of taking a stand and how it will impact our lives. Do we turn a blind eye?

There is a positive way to use this energy if you can stay away from conflict and power plays. It’s to use the energy for reformation and restructuring. Just make sure you are breaking down structures that will be rebuilt in a positive and progressive way.

Why? Venus Opposition Juno, Jupiter Square Pluto, Mars Square Pallas


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Horoscope: July 24 – 30, 2017

July 24 – 30

Photo by Tim Graf on Unsplash

Values Upgrade

What to expect: Value changes
What to watch out for: Elusive understanding
What will it affect? Relationships, values, communication, ancestral beliefs

At the beginning of the week, Venus is in Gemini opposite Saturn in Sagittarius will have us question our relationships and loyalties. We may not have had a full grasp on what we really value and as we gain clarity we may feel a new path emerge. Added to this is that Mercury, now entering the shadow period of the next retrograde, will trine Uranus. It’s also at the degree point of the upcoming eclipse. This means that insights may come in quickly helping to guide our thinking. Insights may also give a preview to what the upcoming eclipse will bring. Don’t worry if the insights or ideas become concrete or if they fade. Learning usually comes in layers and the upcoming Mercury retrograde will helps us to move through those layers. The reason things may submerge is that what comes up may be very challenging. Part of it may have something to do with us going against everything we have ever known. What have we been taught by our parents and our linage to expect? Going against values that were instilled in us may feel like a betrayal and so they sink just below the surface. Not to worry, clarity will come and when it does it may reorganize our value system.

Why? Venus Opposition Saturn, Mercury Trine Uranus, Juno Opposition Ceres

Motivated Action

What to expect: Action
What to watch out for: Doing it on your own
What will it affect? Projects, motivation, relationships, work.

The 26th through to the 28th will be good for starting new projects. What intentions did you set at the New Moon on Sunday? Now is the time to get going on them. The energy is perfect for it! Mars will help to spark the action. Incorporate some competition into the mix and you will find you’re even more motivated. If you’re not a competitive person, you can compete with yourself. What was your last best number? Beat that! With Venus (partnerships) sextile the North node (destined path) and Vesta (work) trine Juno (relationships), you can also form an accountability partnership. One that will help you to work towards your goal, to motivate each other and keep each other on track.

Why? Sun Conjunction Mars, Venus Sextile North Node, Vesta Trine Juno

Relationship Snags

What to expect: Relationship upset
What to watch out for: Respectful conversation
What will it affect? Relationships, communication, healing

By the end of the week, we hit another snag in our relationships. It’s a painful one, but one that will lead to healing. Venus is currently in Gemini and can get bored, restless and a little bit of a flirt. As she forms a square to Chiron, this brings up a major wound. We may need to allow for a little more freedom or maybe we need the freedom ourselves as Venus is also in a sextile to freedom loving Uranus. This is likely the source of the problem. Can Venus in Gemini be a flirty social butterfly and also be respectful? Mercury, the conversationalist, will trine Juno, the marriage asteroid helping us to have a good conversation about it. Mercury is now in Virgo, so expect to approach things in a detailed and precise manner. Juno in Capricorn will appreciate a respectful approach.

Why? Venus Square Chiron, Venus Sextile Uranus, Mercury Trine Transiting Juno



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