Horoscope: Oct 30 – Nov 5, 2017

Oct 30 – Nov 5

Surprising Beliefs

What to expect: Contradictions in our relationships
What to watch out for: Fear of change
What will it affect? Relationships, beliefs, strategy

At the start of the week on Oct 30th, Venus makes a sextile to the north node helping us to move in the right direction with both our finances and our relationships. Jupiter is now in Scorpio and has a focus for the next year on expanding all things Scorpio. Taxes, secrets, sex, share resources are now areas that will see expansion. As Jupiter moves further into Scorpio is opposes Pallas on Oct 31st. This bringing up conflict in our belief system. Pallas in Taurus has a lot of practical wisdom and common sense, but do we practicing what we preach? Is what’s good for the goose also good for the gander? There may be a surprising belief around the issues that Jupiter in Scorpio has brought up, that you didn’t know you had. Venus will conjunct Vesta on Nov 1st, and the energy allows us to work well with each other. Now is a great time for negotiations or mediations. We’ll have a social grace to our interactions and can draw on a creativity that can help us move through any conflict.

Why? Venus Sextile North Node, Jupiter Opposition Pallas, Venus Conjunction Vesta

Collective Healing

What to expect: Healing
What to watch out for: Overwhelm
What will it affect? Collective wounds, personal healing

This week Saturn and Chiron make their last square to each other. These two have been squaring since late last year and as they have done so, they have brought up collective wounds and the need to break free from abuses. Saturn is in Sagittarius and has been assessing the integrity of travel, laws, media, religion and belief systems. Chiron is in Pisces being a teacher and healer in the realm of water, shipping, fishing, oil, drugs, advertising and sales, mysteries, hidden knowledge, films, and photography. At the first square, we saw the water protectors, defending water. At the second pass, we saw challenges to the travel industry as a passenger was dragged off a United plane, and we also saw fact-checking measures to address fake news. And now at the third pass, we are seeing the #metoo phenomena bringing awareness and healing originating in the film industry and flowing out to all.

How do we really feel about all of this? And how does it affect us personally? This is a time for personal development as Mercury will trine Chiron on Nov 1st and will help us to delve into our thinking. Talking it out, journaling and/or meditation will help us to go inside and aid healing.

Why? Saturn Square Chiron, Mercury Trine Chiron

Full Moon in Taurus

What to expect: Culmination
What to watch out for: Inflexibility
What will it affect? Relationships, inner fears, money

The full moon is on November 3rd in Taurus. We have a strong emotional need for stability and routine and prefer to stay away from change. The moon is very comfortable in the sign of Taurus but opposite the Sun in Scorpio may feel pushed into inner depths which may be calling for change. Both are square to Ceres bringing up inner child fears and neediness. The good thing is that the Full Moon also makes a positive aspect to Neptune and our intuition will be strong. We can use this Full Moon to follow our hunches.

The Taurus Full Moon is ruled by Venus and Venus makes some interesting aspects at the Full Moon. Venus is also opposite Uranus, making our money and relationships unpredictable. But she is also sextile Saturn helping us to be practical in our relationship and with our money. So though we may face some surprises, we can approach them in a practical manner. Looking at accounting, budgeting or other financial concerns with openness can lead to surprising breakthroughs. The same goes for our relationships. So though we may feel that Taurus discomfort with change, the best way to approach it is to not hold on too tight.

Why? Full Moon at 11°Taurus 58, Sun Trine Neptune, Venus Sextile Saturn, Venus Opposition Uranus, Sun Square Transiting Ceres

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Horoscope: Oct 23 – 29, 2017

Oct 23 – 29

Different approaches to saying the same thing!

What to expect: Help with communication
What to watch out for: Lack of understanding
What will it affect? Relationships, women’s issues, relationship issues, spirituality

This week starts with Venus square Juno. Venus is in Libra, its home, and favour. She’s all about love and in Libra she love’s with gestures of peace such as apologies, balance such as negotiation and compromise and pleasure with dance and music. She squares off with Juno, the marriage asteroid in the austere sign of Capricorn who is bound up in tradition, “what is right”. Libra wants it to be fair, Juno wants it to be right and though they may want the same things, a clash ensues.

Fortunately, by Oct 24th, a mediator shows up and a dialogue is aided by Neptune. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. Neither feminine nor masculine, dichotomies disappear with Neptune. Neptune in the positive is the angel of spirit and unconditional love. Neptune is sextile to Juno and is softening and getting through to her. As Neptune connects with Juno with sympathy and acceptance, Juno in Capricorn begins to see the point.

Really it’s the feedback from Mercury, now in Scorpio that inspires Neptune and opens Juno to this positive relationship discussion. Mercury in Scorpio provides the truth and Neptune translate with something inspiring. Sometimes you can’t find the words to get your point across. Sometimes words are just too harsh. But a song, poem, video and inspirational quote will get to the heart of it without offending.

Why? Venus Square Juno, Neptune Sextile Juno, Mercury Trine Neptune, Mercury Sextile Juno

Powerful Messages

What to expect: Strong communication
What to watch out for: Backlash
What will it affect? Power, communication

The Sun and Jupiter meet up in Scorpio on Oct 26th taking us into the deeper mysteries of Jupiter in Scorpio. Jupiter in Scorpio delves into secrets, sex, taxes, death. So far Jupiter in Scorpio has held to its promise exposing sexual abuse and manipulation; sparking #metoo, and other campaigns in response that has drawn us into our intimate world of betrayal and trust. As the Sun moves into Scorpio and joins with Jupiter we explore our identity within this discourse. Who are we really? How have these experiences defined us or not defined us? How do our egos respond?

By the 27th Venus moves into a square with Pluto sparking power imbalances within relationships. The backlash to the strengthening voices of the disempowered may also appear. Luckily Mercury will also sextile Pluto, so we’ll easily be able to see through whatever is said. If we have something to say, this will also be a good time to say it. If you have a message that the world needs to hear, now is the time. Words will be goosebump worthy.

Why? Sun Conjunction Jupiter, Venus Square Transiting Pluto, Mercury Sextile Pluto

Revising our Communication Strategy

What to expect: Moving forward
What to watch out for: changes to communication
What will it affect? Communication, strategy, work, direction

By Oct 28/29th we may see our work moving forward. We’ve grasped a certain amount of balance in line with our work and our vision and feel the ease of forwarding movement. As we start that forward movement, however, we do hit a hitch. Our ethic and ambitions may clash. We may feel compelled to drive towards the truth, but our sense of security obscures the picture. Do we stick our neck out and risk our safety? Do we hold our secrets out of a sense of common sense? And does doing so mean we lose ourselves and our purpose? Mercury will square the North Node and marks a great time when we can revise our communication strategy. If we need to switch up our message, now is the time.

Why? Vesta Sextile North Node, Sun Opposition Pallas, Mercury Square North Node


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Horoscope: Oct 16 – 22, 2017

Oct 16 – 22

Writing and Sharing

What to expect: Focused work
What to watch out for: Oversharing
What will it affect? Communication, writing, ideas, undisclosed information or ideas

The week starts with some excellent energy for getting work done. The Sun is sextile Saturn, so we can put our head down and get any work that requires some discipline done. With the Sun in Libra and Saturn in Sagittarius, it will be particularly good for writing, or any form of journalism.

On the 18th get ready to deliver whatever you’ve written. Mercury will conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio. It’s a great time for delivering a message, teaching and bringing together groups. Since both of these are in Scorpio, group processes that involve transformation are favoured. Bring in such elements that use communication as tools such as guided meditation, or guided hypnosis. It’s also a good time for disclosure. Secrets, information that has been covert, hidden or classified up until now is now ripe for sharing.

Why? Sun sextile Saturn, Mercury conjunct Jupiter

New Moon in Libra

What to expect: Opportunity for balance
What to watch out for: Serious challenges to our balance
What will it affect? Relationships, peace, harmony, feminine emergence

The New Moon on Oct 19th is in Libra. A new moon in Libra gives us the opportunity to set intentions for new beginnings in all things Libra. Peace, harmony, negotiations, relationships, aesthetics. If things are out of balance in these areas, we can use this energy to set them right. Balance will be the New Moons goal. Libra can go to war and fight to bring things to balance. It’s not necessarily the most popular or common approach for Libra. Libra can also compromise too much to bring about harmony. Though balance is the goal, the Sun and the Moon will be exactly opposite Uranus in Aries. Unpredictable is the best way to describe it! The Sabian symbol for the degree is an “airplane hovering overhead”. Is it a UFO? A help plane dropping supplies? A warplane dropping bombs? A drone taking pictures? A time machine? The thing is we don’t know. The Sabian Symbol for Uranus’ degree is at is “through imagination, a lost opportunity is regained”

Lilith is also making an aspect to the New Moon. She is at the Galactic Centre at 27 Sagittarius and sextile the New Moon. The Galactic Centre is said to be the point in space were “divinely inspired information is downloaded”. With Lilith there, we can expect to see a little feminine magic. The feminine ways are mysterious. They are non-linear and magnetic. In fact, they are the perfect formula for intention setting. This energy the New Moon may open up a direct line to and from God or Goddess.

Pallas also squares Ceres. Many of us had superpowers when we were children. We could see spirits, talk to imaginary friends, say strange things to our parents that predicted the future. As we grew older, our intellect took over and those powers disappeared. Usually ‘our intellect’ was some disapproving grown-up, fearful of the spirit world that helped to shut us down. A tension emerges again at the New Moon. Our imaginary friends are calling out to us, but our sense of security-like intellect wants to shut it down.

The best way to approach this New Moon is to get focused, centred and grounded. Honour the feminine approach, trust our intuition and listen to our inner voices. And maybe even our imaginary friends. Doing so will make it more difficult to get thrown off our feet and will help us to imagine a future that we really do want. One that represents balance!

Why? New Moon at 26°Libra, Sun Opposition Uranus, Pallas Square Ceres, Lilith sextile Sun


What to expect: Attempts to divide
What to watch out for: Immature approaches
What will it affect? Communication, work, teams and groups, emotions and intellect

Between Oct 21st and 22nd, the idea of working together is challenged. Pluto in Capricorn is challenging world government to transform, but Pluto likes power and Capricorn likes status. Giving up and transforming power has been a struggle. Old status quo structures are grasping to hold on to power. Vesta is currently in Libra and loves the idea of working together and collaborating with passion and purpose. As Pluto squares, Vesta, divide and concur may be the growing approach. Venus in Libra will sextile Ceres and will provide some strength for nurturing and caring for each other. But Mercury, Pallas, and Ceres are also caught up in a T-Square causing us to say things that get us into trouble. Little truths slip out in inappropriate ways. Some of it may be trigger by childlike temper tantrums or stemming from stubborn ideas. We can get through it by working together, acting with maturity and incorporating flexibility as we share our ideas and principles. And don’t underestimate the strength of sharing some home-baked cookies.

Why? Venus Sextile Ceres, Pluto Square Vesta, Mercury Opposition Pallas, Mercury Square Ceres

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