Horoscope: Jan 1 – 7th, 2018

Jan 1 – 7th

Full Moon in Cancer

What to expect: Culminations
What to watch out for: Conflict
What will it affect? Family, career, creativity, unconditional love

The full moon is in Cancer on January 1st. There is a conflict between what we want to achieve and our family relationships. But this conflict now acts as a catalyst for bringing us to a new level. There is always a natural conflict that happens between our achievements and our family life. It seems something always needs to be sacrificed for the other. But at this Full Moon not only do we want it all and we CAN have it all.

The Moon is in the family and home sign of Cancer and is making helpful trines to both Neptune and Mars. This creates a grand water trine bringing in a deep connection to our intuition and emotions, to our self-confidence and boundaries and to something greater than ourselves.

The sun is always opposite the moon at the Full Moon and joining it this time are Venus and Pluto. What is now available to us is the ability to build enduring and stable relationships that will also be transformative. The Pluto energy allows us to rethink the structure and to make necessary adjustments. The Sun, Pluto and Venus also making a connection to Neptune and Mars in a mini grand trine. They draw to their practical transformative relationship energy, the energy of intuition, creativity and unconditional love. We can make sacrifices and are able to transcend the difficulties that may be inherent in those sacrifices. This is a Full Moon where career vs family sacrifices are redefined and found to be working and good.

Why? Full Moon at 11°Cancer, Sun Sextile Neptune, Venus Sextile Neptune

Business Expansion

What to expect: Breaking Free
What to watch out for: Balancing Power
What will it affect? Money, investments, cycles of growth, direction

Between Jan 2 – 7th Jupiter and Mars in Scorpio will square Ceres and the North Node in Leo.

As Mars and Jupiter move together they create an excellent energy for business. Projects can get started. There is a focus on Scorpio energy, and so it’s also a good time for investments, loans and shared endeavours. There is a slight chance for overconfidence, but generally the Scorpio energy will have us investigate and research before taking action. We may be interested in managing our own portfolios, now made easier through the online banks or sites like Questtrade or investing in crypto-currencies may be attractive.

This energy then makes a square to Ceres and the North Node. Ceres at the North Node sets us in a new direction, a new cycle, a new form of leadership. But these two square Jupiter and Mars we will feel a strong impulse to breaking free. We are balancing our need for independent and full control with our need to rely on the powers that be. Many businesses like to bootstrap so that they maintain full control and greater personal returns. But they risk not getting off the ground or moving slowly due to not having enough capital. To go big, fast, we sometime need investors. By doing so, we may see our businesses and investment take off. But they will come with a cost: a loss of control and shareholder power. As Ceres and the North Node square Jupiter and Mars, we’ll be making these big decisions about how much to share and how much to control.

Vesta will also make a trine to Chiron, so we feel a sense of commitment, not just to our passions, but also to the greater good. If we are launching businesses they are likely to be the kind that make life easier for world, if we are making investments, we are likely to be focused on new and upcoming companies that do the same.

If you are launching anything, there are some Magical Stellar days this first week of January to do so. Check them out in the Free Introductory Business Timing Calendar.

Why? Jupiter Square Ceres, Mars Square North Node, Mars Square Transiting Ceres, Ceres Conjunction North Node, Mars Conjunction Transiting Jupiter, Chiron Trine Vesta

Market Testing

What to expect: Innovative ideas
What to watch out for: Fear and paralysis
What will it affect? Creative ideas, originality, inner fears

On January 6th Mercury will trine Uranus. Uranus moved direct on January 2nd and so its energy is full steam ahead. As these two meet up, we have breakthroughs in our thinking. Finally we are able to move forward with ideas and change initiatives. Our ideas are top notch. But though they may be a stroke of brilliance, Mercury will also make a square to Chiron; as we gain momentum on our new path of thinking, fear may come up. This is likely to result in a bit of indecisiveness or analysis paralysis. We lack trust in their brilliance and may begin to think that no one will be interested or even worse that our amazing ideas are stupid. At some point you need to stop brainstorming and living in the world of ideas and put it out there. Let the world tell you if it’s good or not. Don’t decide that for them. This is the time for the mantra “I will feel the fear and do it anyway”.

Be smart about it. Working with the energy of the planets can help to make your projects work better. Cross check your plans and make sure your timing is going to work with the Free Introductory 2018 Business Timing Planning Calendar.

Why? Uranus direct, Mercury Trine Uranus, Mercury Square Chiron

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Horoscope: Dec 25 – 31, 2017

Dec 25 – 31

Practical Christmas

What to expect: Practicality
What to watch out for: Guilt
What will it affect? Relationships, money, values

If you usually go overboard on Christmas, this year the planets will help us out. Venus will conjunct Saturn on Christmas will tame things, bringing restraint when it comes to relationships, money and all of those holiday treats. Let’s hope that Santa brings you some money this year. This energy will also have us focusing on financial concerns. It might look like you’re playing around with that new game on your new Smartphone, but you may find yourself categorizing your expenses on your Mint app or catching up on your accounting on QuickBooks, Zero or Freshbooks. Don’t let anyone make you feel guilty if you do. Though it’s Christmas, this is a day for practical concerns.

Why? Venus Conjunction Saturn

Belated Holiday Giving

What to expect: Generosity
What to watch out for: Going the easy route
What will it affect? Giving, charity, philanthropy

If you haven’t had a chance to give during the holidays, December 27th will be a great day for real gift giving. Mars is in Scorpio making a water trine to Neptune. Secret monetary gifts or gifts that embody sharing will embody the energy. Think of buying a goat for a family on behalf of someone you care deeply about. Philanthropy for a business is often momentary, but real giving is giving your time and being of service. Doesn’t our hearts turn to mush when you see someone who could easily give money, but who decides to give their time instead? Think of Scarlett Johansson handing out food to victims of Hurricane Katrina or volunteered at an AID’s clinic in Rwanda as an example. Yet, it doesn’t have to happen during a disaster or in a far away land. It’s as simple as giving a listening ear like a psychologist would. Listening to someone in their dark moments can be scary. But if you can go there, as they talk to you about their fears of death, thoughts of suicide, and experiences with sexual abuse, not only will you be honoring the energy, you may make THE difference in someone’s life.

Why? Mars Trine Neptune

Quitting Our Childish Ways

What to expect: Maturation
What to watch out for: The need for a balanced approach
What will it affect? Learning, nurturing, wisdom, direction

As the year comes to a close Mercury, now direct, will trine the North Node and Ceres in Leo.
Mercury is the wisdom-seeking sign of Sagittarius and wants to teach us a little something about nurturing our inner child. The Sabian symbol for the degree that Mercury is at is “Tiny children in sunbonnets.” The Sun gives us our much needed Vitamin D. In these last couple of weeks, those of us living in the Northern hemisphere have become keenly aware of that. But the Sun can also be dangerous, shining down on us harmful rays that can damage our skin. We can play, but do we have the right protection? We need protection, but more than that, we need teach our children about safety and moderation.

At the same time, Jupiter will square the nodes. The Sabian symbol for Jupiter’s degree is “a woman the father of her own child”. Many of us have learned to mother our own inner child, not having gotten what we needed when we were young. Maybe we were sent out to play without a hat or sunscreen, felt the pain at the time and live with the damage many years later. With mother (HEART EMOTION) we think about nurturing and caring and so we learn to put on the hat and sunscreen. With fathering (HEAD) what comes to mind are structure and rules. And this is where teaching and nurturing come together. We learn how to care for ourselves by imposing structure and boundary.

The problem is Jupiter in a square always goes over the top. It’s square to the Leo/Aquarius nodal axis, with the North Node being in Leo and the South Node in Aquarius.

Scorpio mixed with Leo is money risk taker. So there are some things you can do that will either go horribly wrong or famously right! Invest in something leading edge… like Bitcoins, but where you will find success is combining the risk (HEART EMOTION) with calculation (HEAD).

Scorpio mixed with Aquarius, on the other hand, is the powerful revolutionary. Jupiter in Scorpio is about the dark, deep truth about the dirty secret, but combine it with ‘power to the people” and the Aquarius need to change society and we may see some truths revealed…. Can you handle the truth? Parents, governments, churches and other social intuitions sometimes think not. Yet the year will end with maturation in one way or the other designed to help us to handle the truth.

When we were children, we thought and reasoned as children do. But when we grew up, we quit our childish ways. – 1 Corinthians 13:11

The ability to handle the truth may come in two ways. If we are lucky we have the right parenting when we are young, but most of us need to parent our inner child. This process of parenting our inner child helps us to grow in maturity and wisdom – but it doesn’t happen without work. Now is the time when we bring together mother and father, head and heart, masculine and feminine and what will ultimately happen is balance.

Leo is also the sign of leadership. And true leadership comes from a balanced well-nurtured child – after all, we can’t have adult children running the country.

Spend the end of the year mothering, fathering or both your inner child to prepare for the new leadership direction that the north node is taking us to.

Why? Mercury Trine North Node, Mercury Trine Ceres, Jupiter Square North Node


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Horoscope: Dec 18 – 24, 2017

Dec 18 – 24

No Pain, No Gain

What to expect: Reform
What to watch out for: Fear
What will it affect? Ambitions, governments, traditional structures, time

On December 20th Saturn will move into Capricorn. Saturn will finally leave Sagittarius where it is has brought restriction and lessons to all things Sagittarius. Its move into Capricorn will be a comfortable one for Saturn as Capricorn is the sign that Saturn rules. It will stay in Capricorn for about two and a half years. The fact that Saturn is in its home sign doesn’t mean that we won’t see lessons brought to the areas it rules. We will. All things Capricorn have been experiencing a transformation as Pluto has been there now for a number of years. Now with Saturn joining the party, we’ll see structure brought to the Pluto transformations. The government, bureaucracy, administration, large traditional corporations, and traditional structures will all see reform. We may see borders change, Governments tighten up rules, but we may also see need structural change as Saturn audits these areas over the next couple of years.

Saturn gets a bad rap because of it serious, hardworking and controlled nature. But as they say “no pain, no gain”. This is Saturn’s motto! Or does it have to be?

Know this, the next couple of years we can really achieve…. if we put in the work!  And we work smart! As Saturn moves through Capricorn I’d advise you on two things in that regard. Get yourself a copy of The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. Saturn and Capricorn are all about achievement, but they are also known for their fear. The first part of the The Big Leap will be great at helping you through that. But the second part of the book, the part that talks about bending time, that’s where the rubber hits the road! Saturn is father time. It rules time cycles, watches and any other device that measures time. So the second piece of advice I have for you is to download the Free Business Timing Planning Calendar. There really is a time for everything and once you learn when those times are and how time really works, you can really start to master time and flow.

Here’s the interesting thing that is said about Capricorn. When Capricorns are young, they seem old and when they are old they seem young. My theory on this is that as they grow older they have mastered time! There is nothing like flowing with life to make you seem easy and youthful – Perfect for Saturn in Capricorn

Why? Saturn in Capricorn

Partnering with the Universe

What to expect: Direction
What to watch out for: Loss of faith
What will it affect? Passions, purpose, relationships, faith

On the 20th Vesta in Scorpio is also squaring the nodes. We are re-focusing our passions and commitments. We may go in one direction or another. This may also mean letting go of some of our personal commitments as Venus also makes a square to Chiron. As we commit to a cause or purpose we may realize that others may not be interested in going along with us on the adventure. As Chiron is in Pisces, this may be a momentary challenge to our faith. But the more we partner and trust the universe rather than people – who can sometimes fail us, the more we will grow spiritually and be better prepared for the adventure.

And then comes the surprise….

“At the moment of commitment, the entire universe conspires to assist you.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

As you make that commitment, expect the unexpected. Your partner may suddenly have a change of heart or someone even better may show up on your path ready for the hike! You can’t will them to do it. You just have to commit 100%  to your path with no expectations.

Why? Vesta Square Transiting North Node, Venus Square Transiting Chiron, Venus Trine Transiting Uranus

The Long and Short of it…

What to expect: Sober thoughts
What to watch out for: Being too hard
What will it affect? Nurturing, fun, commitments, self-concepts

On the Winter solstice, the Sun will move into Capricorn and meet up with Saturn. In the western hemisphere is the shortest day of the year! In many ways, it’s perfect energy for the shortest day. We’ll feel serious, restrained, and conservative. We may even find ourselves rigid and strict without selves. As we fail to meet our own high standards, we may sink into self-judgment. It’s a dark feeling that matches the dark and limited day.

As Vesta in Scorpio squares Ceres in Leo, we also find ourselves at odds with our passion/purpose and play. It feels good to play, but does it lead us into trouble. Innocence seems to be stripped and suddenly we may struggle with guilt vs. shame. It’s a great idea to take a couple of minutes to differentiate between the two. Sometimes it’s good to have a sober assessment of ourselves. But shame can be a poison as Brene Brown explains in her video differentiating the two.

Use this time to honestly assess our shortcomings, but then find a compassionate way.Luckily we are able to take creative and educated risks as Venus Sagittarius makes a trine to Pallas in Aries. Any patterns of behaviour can be learned from and shared with others. We teach what we seek to learn.

Still can’t shake the Capricornian seriousness? Ah well… since were also close to Christmas, why not snuggle up and re-watch The Life of Brian. We can still enjoy ourselves… just a with a little Capricornian sarcasm and black humour

Why? Venus Trine Pallas, Vesta Square Ceres, Sun Conjunction Saturn, Pluto Sextile Vesta


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