Horoscope: Jan 28 – Feb 3, 2019

Jan 28 – Feb 3, 2019

Futuristic Plans

What to expect: Innovation and breakthrough
What to watch out for: Letting the energy pass
What will it affect? Society, change, plans, communication, relationships

At the beginning of the week on Jan 29th, we have amazing energy for making plans. Mercury is conjunct the Sun bringing into alignment our thought with our will. Both are in Aquarius which helps us to formulate plans that are forward-thinking and innovative. Uranus will sextile Vesta which also reinforces innovative thinking and breakthroughs. This is especially true as Uranus is now at the last couple of degree of Aries and has increased and concentrated energy for breaking down the old and creating the news. Uranus works well with Vesta the asteroid goddess currently in Aquarius focusing our plans and creative breakthroughs towards making society better.

You don’t have to do it alone. As Juno sextiles the North Node, working within our partnerships can help us to move in the right direction.

Why? Sun Conjunction Mercury, Uranus Sextile Vesta, Juno Sextile North Node

Spiritual Discipline

What to expect: Grounded spirituality
What to watch out for: Allowing humility
What will it affect? Structured guidance, spirituality, spiritual practice

On January 31st Saturn will sextile Neptune. Saturn, currently in Capricorn is concerned with structures, doing things right and taking responsibility. On its own, it can be fairly harsh. But as it makes this sextile to Neptune, its ways are softened. Neptune is in Pisces and is spiritual, creative and imaginative. Both Saturn and Neptune are in their home signs making them both very sure of themselves and their energy. It also allows them to work well together to connect the material world (Saturn) with the spiritual world (Neptune). There is nothing better than grounded spirituality. Neptune lends a faith to our ambitions. This is great energy for meditation and intending. If you don’t know how to mediate now would be a great time to learn. This energy lends itself to being disciplined with our thoughts and desires. If we are easily distracted, we can now learn to be quietly patient with our wandering minds. If we use this energy to connect to source we learn much about ourselves. We learn what we want, what is in alignment with who we are and what we need to do to manifest it. We can bring about our desires as well as bring about the necessary detachment from the desire to allow them to happen. Some suggestions for how to use this energy include a Vipassana retreat where you learn to meditate. Listen to a lecture from Esther and Abraham Hicks, or put into practice a deep yoga practice. Doing these activities can help us make the necessary life changes we desire.

This energy will happen two more times before the year is up, on June 18th and November 8th.

Why? Saturn Sextile Transiting Neptune

Power vs Freedom

What to expect: Freedom to Explore
What to watch out for: Power struggle 
What will it affect? Direction, power structures, relationships, exploring relationships and self, learning 

On the 1st of February Mars will square Pluto and this represents a test of integrity and intention. The truth is this is power struggle energy. Mars in Aries can be tactless and direct and Pluto in Capricorn and can be authoritative and power hungry. It’s a test to work together to transform structures. Be vigilant under this energy. The likelihood of someone being oppositional is great.

Venus is also busy at the same time. She’s in Sagittarius igniting her need for exploration and adventure. She makes a sextile to Pallas which is currently in Libra. The danger is that she will try to see everyone’s perspective which leads to people pleasing. She may want to explore dangerous territory, but warned by friends she may worry that she’s insulting them by ignoring their advice. Venus also makes a square she makes to Chiron bringing up hurt feelings in relationships. But, it may be time to make a break. Venus also makes a trine to Uranus which encourages that break to happen. You may even receive an unlikely invitation. Even though it may appear a little odd, accept it! The good news is that Mercury will sextile Jupiter and you are taken on an adventure that will educate, deepening learning and awareness in ways you didn’t expect.

Why? Mars Square Pluto, Venus Sextile Pallas, Venus Trine Uranus, Venus Square Chiron Mercury Sextile Jupiter

Horoscope: Jan 21 – 27, 2019

Jan 21 – 27

Getting it Right

What to expect? Obstacles
What to watch out for? Feeling like quitting
What will it affect? Direction, lessons, strategy

On Monday, Mars squares Saturn. Mars is in Aries and wants us to get going on things. It makes us want to push ahead. To want to fight and defend. However when it makes a square to Saturn, there are limitations. Saturn in Capricorn wants to make sure we are doing things correctly. Saturn is like a coach. But not a normal run of the mill coach. Like an Olympic coach. One who expects the best. Expects perfection. Will not let you take shortcuts. Or let you be second best. So if you find yourself held back or limited in some way this week. Ask yourself how you can do better. These two energies are clashing, but they can get along if they can find middle ground. Aries likes strategy and to win and can lessen the frustration of the Capricorn slow down by focusing on that.

Mercury is opposite the North Node and this gives us a chance to course correct. Mercury and the North Node are also squaring Pallas, the goddess of feminine strategy in Libra. Pallas in Libra has a balanced view and may feel a little pushed around my the Capricorn Mercury who has a clear idea of how things should go. In a way Mercury is right. We do need to pick a side. Even if we can relate to all perspectives, what is right for us? Check and double check, and then decide you really do want to win. And then do it. As they say “those who hesitate are lost”

Why? Mars square Saturn, Mercury opposite North Node, Mercury square Pallas

Take a Risk

What to expect? Luck
What to watch out for? Going beyond your limit
What will it affect? Money, relationships, adventure, risk taking, debate

On Jan 22 Jupiter and Venus meet up in a conjunction! These two are in Sagittarius and could ignite the travel bug. Sagittarius is the sign that loves adventure and travel. Its also the sign that loves to philosophize and to get into deep academic debate. Venus has us deeply value these activities and Jupiter expands and brings an optimism to it. It’s a also a great aspect for business. Businesses that will benefit include travel, education, and retreats that have a learning component.

Later in the week after Venus moves on a tiny bit, Mars will come up to trine Jupiter and this brings some excitement and drive to the mix. This is an unstoppable combination and if you are a bit of a gambler, it’s also a gambling combination. Gambles can include taking a risky chance at love or money. It can be exciting and fun, but as the gambling corporation says. “know your limit, stay within in it”.

Why? Venus conjunct Jupiter, Mars trine Jupiter

Healing Wise Words

What to expect? Healing mental blocks
What to watch out for? Bad advice
What will it affect? Thought, structures, collective wounds

Mercury squares Uranus and sextiles Chiron on Jan 23rd. The good news is that there is a opportunity to bring healing to our thinking. Mercury is in the last degrees of Capricorn. Mercury speaks with wise authority here and doesn’t suffer fools. But when healing Chiron in Pisces connects with this Mercury, messages from our elders must be listened to. First it is important to know that you are listening to an elder. I’ve said this before. Just because someone is old, doesn’t make them wise. You know you are receiving wise messages when they are delivered with a joyful, detached from the outcome, peace. Even if they are serious. Whatever message we receive, Mercury’s square to Uranus promises sudden and unexpected changes in thinking and in speech.

Why? Mercury square Uranus, Mercury sextile chiron

Horoscope: January 14 – 20, 2019

January 14 – 20th

Old vs Wise

What to expect: Leaving the old
What to watch out for: Carrying forward wisdom
What will it affect? Old and outdated issues, customs, traditions, ways

Last week Venus, Chiron, and the North Node were dancing in grand trine providing an opportunity for us to heal our hearts and open to relationships. This week Venus moves on, but Ceres the minor planet associated with nurturing and mothering moves into the same spot to dance with Chiron and the North Node in a different but equally healing grand trine. All three are in water signs. Ceres will be in Scorpio helping us to work on trust and intimacy issues. It connects with the North Node in Cancer, which encourages us to look back on our lineage to unearth any karmic hereditary issues. They both connect with Chiron in Pisces to treat our collective wounds in self-care and nurturing. This entire aspect can bring up a raw emotional feeling, but deep healing can occur if we let ourselves go there.

In truth, we can be quite complacent about using the energy of a grand trine, but as we move closer to the lunar eclipse on the 20th of January, the Sun starts to oppose the North Node. The Sun and North node will help to bring this energy into a fairly special astrological formation. The Sun will sextile Chiron and Ceres to form a mini trine (or triangle). Ceres and Chiron will trine the North Node to form a grand trine (or equilateral triangle). Together they join to form what looks like a kite. The kite can only fly with a little bit of tension and that tension comes from the Sun opposite the North Node. The North Node is in Cancer and brings family, roots, lineage and family traditions to the focus. But with the Sun in Capricorn at the South Node, we want to hold on to the old, the tried and supposedly true. This can be an amazing time to let go of “old no longer working” customs and move forward with new. It is time to create new traditions, new family, and new foundations.

Recently I had the opportunity to spend some time with an Elder who taught me that there is a big difference between old and elder. An elder has the same amount of age as the old, but the difference is that he or she has amassed wisdom. We have another fortunate astrological configuration on the 18th. Mercury will conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. With both in Capricorn, we can draw on a pearl of deep and penetrating wisdom. Grandfather and Grandmother wisdom. The Elder wisdom of these two in conjunction to help us make wise, measured, laser sharp decisions. In fact, it may not be a bad idea to seek out the advice of an elder. This helps to bring the needed transformation to the foundations and structures mentioned above.

Why? Sun Opposition  North Node, Ceres Trine  North Node, Sun Sextile Ceres, Sun Sextile Ceres, Sun Sextile  Chiron, Sun Square Pallas, Mercury Conjunction Pluto,

Adventurous Magnetism

What to expect: A magnetic spark
What to watch out for: Misleading offers
What will it affect? Relationships, money, optimism

Venus and Mars will be in an exact trine until January 18th. We can enjoy the magnetism that these two will generate. Venus in Sagittarius and Mars in Aries create a fiery combination. This combination works much better if there is a bit of a chase. Mars in Aries jumps in with spontaneity and Venus in Sagittarius is definitely up for the adventure. Great things to do to take advantage of this energy are day trips or weekend trysts. Try out a new hiking trail or forge into new territory with a new type of foreign food. Entrepreneurs take note… use the energy to capitalize with adventurous offers. But buyer beware. Jupiter is still in a close square to Neptune and by the 20th Venus will square Neptune exactly. This is not so great energy for businesses. It brings about vagueness or dishonesty with money and relationships. Make sure to be clear and honest in your dealings.

Why? Venus Trine Mars, Venus Square Neptune

The Real Lion’s Gate – Lunar Eclipse

What to expect: Endings
What to watch out for: The need for courage
What will it affect? Leadership, courage, ego’s, change

The Lunar eclipse happens on January 20th at 0 degrees Leo. The Sabian symbol of this Lunar eclipse is “Under emotional stress, blood rushes to a man’s head”.How symbolic! When this total lunar eclipse is exact, it will look like a big red ball, like blood rushed to a man’s head. This degree represents the fire we feel as our egos are bruised and we are inflamed to defend. We are like the lion king. Maybe we’ve been living a life of Hakuna Matata (no worries) up until now. But now is the time to step up to lead! We’ve been working towards this energy all week! We are now ready to let some things go and to move into change. At this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, the Sun which is opposite the Leo Moon is in Aquarius. It’s definitely ready for change, innovation and progress. But when the earth gets in the way to block the Sun from translating its light to the moon, change progress and innovation may desert us momentarily. Do we lose our courage?

The Sun will also square Pallas. Yes, we see the complete story. But with Pallas in Libra, unfortunately, we try to see both sides. Rather than make a decision to move forward, we may decide to sit on the fence. Fortunately, the Eclipse will square Uranus helping us to break through the indecision. Suddenly we roar. Our faces may be red with the adrenaline coursing through our bodies. In fact, it might come out of the blue and surprise even us. Did I just say that? Did I just do that? Well now that you have, there’s no turning back!

Mercury trines Juno so whatever we say, even if it is a bit shocking will get the support of our partners!

Why? Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 0°Leo, Sun Entering Aquarius, Pallas Square North Node, Sun Square Uranus, Vesta Square Juno, Mercury trine Juno

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