Horoscope: Feb 18 – 24, 2019

Feb 18 – 24

Balance and Fairness

What to expect: Spot on Intuition
What to watch out for: Feelings of insecurity
What will it affect? Money, relationships, social situations, gut reactions

There is a lot going on Monday Feb 18th, 2019! The Sun will move into Pisces in the afternoon, but before it does it will trine Pallas, at the last degree of Aquarius. This is particularly important because Pallas is sitting ‘still’ at the last degree of Libra getting ready to go retrograde. Pallas is also in an opposition to Uranus and has been all month. As it goes retrograde it will oppose Uranus again on Feb 20th , as it did on Feb 7th. If you look back at the horoscope for that week, I mentioned that there might be “strikes, walkouts, organized marches and the like”. Uranus the planet of revolution, surprise and change has been making its last upsets in Aries where we have seen marked change in all the ways we define who we are. Pallas, a faster moving goddess asteroid has been opposite Uranus for this month seeking to balance things. In Libra she helps us see the big picture and strategize for balance, fairness and relationships. We can see further development of that this week. When Pallas turns around and goes retrograde, she clashes with Uranus again and then spends some time as she moves back into Libra going over her strategy. Luckily she starts that review with the Aquarius Sun weighing in with its humanitarian and revolutionary insight. The last time Pallas and Uranus will oppose will be on Sept 11th when both will have moved on to the next sign.

The good news is that Mercury is also conjunct Neptune on the same day allowing us to be seers into the future. We should not second guess our intuition because it will be bang on. If you do find yourself ignoring your gut, I can guarantee that you will kick yourself and those familiar words “something told me not to do that… ” will flow from your mouth! Added to the fortunate energy is that the Mercury and Neptune conjunction will form a sextile to Venus and Saturn also conjunct. This is a grounding and trustworthy energy. It helps us to accurately size up all things relational and financial and do a bit of accounting in both. The only shortfall is that Venus in Capricorn and conjunct Saturn is a little insecure. Do whatever you can to build your self-esteem because it’s the only thing that will stop you from trusting your spot-on intuition.

It’s also important to act on your intuition right away. If you wait, by the 22nd mercury will square Jupiter making your judgment and decision making slightly off.

Why? Sun Trine Pallas, Sun Entering Pisces, Mercury Conjunction  Neptune, Venus Conjunction Saturn, Transiting Pallas Stationary, Mercury Sextile  Saturn, Uranus Opposition, Pallas Mercury Square  Jupiter

Full Moon

What to expect: Accepting our Majesty
What to watch out for: Perfectionism
What will it affect? Emotions, wounds related to self

On Feb 19th the Full Moon will occur at O degrees Virgo. This Full moon will make a tense aspect to Chiron who has finally landed and is enjoying its first full day in Aries. But a Full Moon by its oppositional nature already has its measure of tension. This one, a Virgo moon, is structured, orderly and perfectionist. Opposite to it is the Sun in Pisces which is dreamy, has thin boundaries and is unpredictable. Integrating these two energies is challenging. Luckily they have some help from Pallas who is sextile the Moon and trine the Sun. Pallas is still a bit intense because of her retrograde energy, but in Libra, she is all about being the mediator! She says to Virgo “ you have something in common with Pisces, you both givers and like to take care of people!” She says to Pisces “you can help Virgo, you are both emotional, but Virgo is a little less comfortable accepting hers”.

Ultimately this helps with the tense energy that Chiron brings. Chiron now in Aries where it will stay till 2027, will take us on a journey of past wounding and injuries related to who we are. Be yourself is the goal, but as we step into “you do you” the wounds of how comfortable we are with ourselves comes up. The Virgo moon says I don’t know if I can accept just ‘doing me’… I’m not perfect. What Virgo doesn’t realize is that the old regal star Regulus moved into Virgo a couple of years ago, and has been sitting at this initial degree of Virgo bringing with it rank and status. Regulus in Virgo reminds me of an old friend of mine. She was the daughter of King in one of the African nations, sent to school in North America where we became friends. She would always say “I am my father’s daughter”. Though it was “who she was” she was never comfortable saying she was a Princess. This full moon, like my friend, we must face the difficult feelings we have with who we are and with our own majesty!

Why? Chiron Entering Aries, Full Moon at 0°Virgo

New Directions in Love and Money

What to expect: Pushiness
What to watch out for: Not standing your ground
What will it affect? Relationship, money, communication

Between Feb 22nd and Feb 24th the focus shifts to relationships and money. Venus will conjunct Pluto creating power imbalances. This is further exaggerated because they are both in Capricorn. Venus feels insecure in Capricorn, while Pluto there is busy transforming governments and old and status quo structures. Venus is also related to money, so this week we can see some structurally and transformative moves with regards to money. Lot has happened already in the world of currency and banking. This is likely to be another change.

We may also see this personally in our business or personal relationships. Don’t let insecurity’s and a pushy person pull you in a direction you don’t like!

Mercury will sextile Pluto helping to get to the bottom of things. Our investigative skills are top notch at the time. Though someone may be trying to manipulate or pull power plays we will be able to read between the lines. Additionally the energy helps us to say things we need to say in a very powerful way. Mercury in Pisces adds to it by giving us a hypnotic voice! Kulning draws cows, sirens lure sailors…. you don’t have to push to convince. Sometimes all you need is a magnetic and spell bounding voice!

By Feb 24th Venus will oppose the North Node sending us on a new path. Not everyone is up for the adventure, but those who are with us will come along.

Why? Venus Conjunction Pluto, Sun Square Juno, Mercury Sextile  Pluto, Venus Opposition  North Node

Horoscope: Feb 11 – 17, 2019

Feb 11 – 17

Breakthrough Healing

What to expect: Intensity
What to watch out for: focusing on the tension
What will it affect? Collective wounds, social injustices, relationships

The week starts with some gnarly energy. It has an opportunity it in, so don’t be dismayed. Chiron is at the last degree of Pisces getting ready to go into Aries. While Chiron has been in Pisces, we have come face-to-face with our collective wounds. At times we wondered if something went wrong. Did we collectively turn the channel? Did we all unconsciously decide to switch timelines? Things have happened in our world that has collectively thrown us all for a loop. As Chiron gets ready to move to Aries, the intensity of the collective wounds that Chiron has been having us examine intensifies. This week what do we collectively need to face?

To answer that question, I first need to give you a lesson on boomerang Yod. A Yod, also called ‘The Finger of God’ happens when two planets are sextile and those two planets make an inconjunct (150-degree angle) to another planet. In the case this week a Yod is formed when Chiron and Juno are sextile and making an inconjunct to Pallas. A boomerang Yod is when a planet sit’s at the midpoint between those two sextile planets and opposite the planet, they are making an inconjunct to. In this case, there are two planets. Uranus and Mars!

I know… that’s a lot of info, so to help you grasp this, imagine a bow and arrow. The bow is the two sextile planets. The arrow is in the middle of the bow, pointed out. Normally you would be able to pull back on the arrow and it would send it flying out into the world. It might not go straight. It may hit its target, or it may not. As you stand there getting ready to shoot your arrow you feel the tension between Chiron (the one side of the bow) and Pallas (the arrow). Chiron in Pisces deeply bringing up our collective wound and Pallas is in Libra which has been keenly aware of the patterns in our social conditions that are contributing to it. You also feel the uncomfortable energy between Juno in Taurus (who is sitting at the other side of the bow) who doesn’t want to rock the boat because she likes security and predictability and again Pallas (that same arrow) that shoots her a look that says “get a grip, our society is falling apart”. Your bow (consisting of Chiron and Juno) are able to work together to heal. Chiron brings up all of our unconscious crap and Juno says “give me a hug”. The problem is your arrow (Pallas) doesn’t really care what the bow is saying. A hug may feel good, but it doesn’t address the social issue of how are we all going to get along? So you stand there like Robin Hood, bow in hand and prepared for release. You know with all this tension that if you release the arrow it may not hit its target. But now you have a helper. Right there in the middle of that bow, you have a planet (actually two). It’s a planet that helps you to have focus, aim, and the potential for mastery. It’s a planet that changes you from a regular ‘guy’ with a bow and arrow into an Archer. In comes Uranus and Mars in the last degree of Aries! They are both right there in the middle of our bow. They are our helpers!

Uranus has been in Aries for a while. It has been the reawakening identity politics… race, sex, national boundary…. what defines us? What makes us who we are? How are we advantaged or disadvantaged by who we are? Uranus has brought it up and challenged us to transform those ideas of identity. It’s not been easy. Its lead to Arab springs and occupy movements. It’s brought forward Black Lives Matter and many many other similar movements based on identity. But have we come up with an answer? Have we healed the issue?

There is an opportunity to use this energy for a deep and everlasting breakthrough and it happens between Feb 11th and 12th when Uranus and Mars are exactly conjunct. Use these days to focus less on the discomfort and tension (stay away from blame or endless focus on the problem) and more on what we need to transform in our identities to make social situations ascend or in arrow terms – soar and hit their target!

Why? Chiron Sextile Juno, Mars Conjunction Uranus, Mars Opposition Pallas

The Power of Thoughts

What to expect: Thin boundaries
What to watch out for: Taking on others crap
What will it affect? Communication, nurturance needs, causes that involve helping

On Feb 12 – 13th Mercury will conjunct Vesta in Pisces. This puts us deeply in connection with our intuitions and causes us to feel passionate about helping. We can merge with the collective wounds and lose ourselves to a cause that is greater than us.  However, If you are Empathic, this energy may be difficult. You can feel the weight of the world, the heartache of the person sitting next to you, the confusion of thoughts floating through the air and get lost. It’s now important to have tools to help you identify what is yours and what is another’s. Empath’s are important people. They are needed to save and heal our world. But the Empaths has to first learn how to nurture and take care of and to keep themselves safe. Have you learned how to stay grounded while throwing out the lifesaver for help? Or do you jump into the ocean of feels only to be pulled under by the current?

Added to the problem is Vesta squaring Ceres which can make us feel alone and isolated. Like the latchkey child of the ’70s sitting at home by themselves making cheese with cornflakes sandwich on white bread to comfort themselves until Mom gets home from work, it can make us feel a deep well of loneliness. Mercury is also square Ceres which creates a lonely internal dialogue with your inner child. I’m not safe, I’m not loved, no-one cares. The second tool that you will need now is how to take care of and nurture your own inner child. Thoughts are powerful. If you’re feeling challenged with this one, watch the documentary HEAL for some inspiration and tips.

Why? Mercury Conjunction Vesta , Vesta Square Ceres, Mercury Square Ceres

Two Steps Ahead

What to expect: Creative thinking
What to watch out for: Fearing change
What will it affect? Relationships, money, security

On Feb 17th the Sun will sextile Uranus. The Sun still in Aquarius, the sign that likes change and innovation works well with Uranus to implement any new directions that you now feel moved to work towards. On the same day, Venus is also sextile Neptune allowing us to be visionary. Venus is in Capricorn and is slow and methodical in her approach to money and relationships, but in a sextile to Neptune in Pisces she able to be visionary in practical ways. What needs to change? What are the grounded and steady steps we need to take to make it happen?

Mars entered into Taurus on Feb 14th and Uranus will follow soon. Revolution on the things we feel security and stability around is on its way. Change is never comfortable. But what visionary steps can we take to bring in the revolutionary energy in, in the way we desire?

Why? Mars Entering Taurus, Sun Sextile Uranus, Venus Sextile Neptune

Horoscope: Feb 4 – 10, 2019

Feb 4 – 10

New Intentions & Inventions New Moon

What to expect: Visionary ideas and inventions
What to watch out for: Not capturing the ideas
What will it affect?  Ideas, ideologies, humanity,

The New Moon is on Feb 4th in Aquarius. It’s an optimistic New Moon filled with exceptional potential. This is because it’s conjunct Mercury also in Aquarius and sextile Jupiter, currently in Sagittarius. Aquarius is inventive and forward thinking. It’s liberating and humanitarian. It’s futuristic, and often before it’s time. Making a conjunction to Mercury the planet associated with the mind, communication and with thought processes not only increases the likelihood of breakthroughs and inventions but it is also evolutionary leaps. Jupiter is the planet of optimism, expansion and in the sign of Sagittarius it’s home it expands those characteristics. As it makes a sextile to the New Moon and Mercury it makes us fast-paced, sharp and is likely to make is a little frayed and frantic. You’re gonna want a pen, a piece of paper or several sticky notes and a note taker. Don’t let the flashes of insight come only to lose them. The pace will be fast. WRITE THEM DOWN!

New Moons are always great times for setting new intentions and you’ll want to take advantage of this one! Pull together a think tank, mastermind group, study group or team of experts and channel the energy into intentions for the next step. This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius… But what does that mean? The truth is that it doesn’t really matter. You have the ability to create it! What kind of world do you want? Now is a powerful time to set intentions for the manifestation of that world. Venus is also sextile Vesta now in Pisces lending us a compassionate vision for mankind.

Why? New Moon at 15°Aquarius, Sun Sextile Jupiter, Venus Sextile Vesta

Towards Progress

What to expect: Getting things done
What to watch out for: Rebellion
What will it affect? Actions, communication, direction, social change

On Feb 7 Mercury will sextile Mars. Mercury is still in Aquarius and Mars in Aries. Mars gives us tremendous drive and in Aries, is happy to push into unknown territory. This works well with Mercury in Aquarius, filled with innovative ideas and revolutionary ideologies. The push forward towards our new ideas will be immense. The good news is that this also makes us energetic and decisive. If you need to get things done and work towards progress now is the time. Mercury is also squaring the North Node which helps us to break with anything or anybody that may be holding us back. This includes those who we have through to hold authority over us. In fact, this may feel like a rebellion to many! Pallas, the asteroid responsible for feminine strategy is in Libra. She’s being opposed by Uranus which again brings in surprising splits and rebellious actions. Pallas in Libra likes fairness. If pushed too far she fights to regain balance. Expect to see strikes, walkouts, organized marches and the like.

Why? Mercury Sextile Mars, Mars Square North Node, Uranus Opposition Pallas

Uranus in Aries Last Words

What to expect: Breakthroughs
What to watch out for: Resistance
What will it affect? Social change, the big picture, relationships, partnership wounds

On Feb 9th Mercury enters into the last degrees of Aquarius. Mercury is sextile Uranus in Aries also at the last degree. Uranus is about to leave Aries for good but definitely has some last words. Mercury helps to get Uranus’s message across. Once Mercury moves into Pisces things may get hard to grasp or even explain so pay attention for crystal clear messages now. This is truly the last chance for laser-sharp clarity understands of what Uranus has been trying to tell us for years. Mercury also makes a trine Pallas. Pallas is able to help us see strategy and patterns and together they help us see and clearly envision the big picture. It’ll be hard not to get the message!

On the downside, Mercury will square Juno. Juno is in Taurus and is mostly concerned with feeling safe and secure. If the ideas that emerge challenge those values in any way, expect to hear and see resistance in our relationships. Chiron is also sextile Juno, so these ideas may lead to an opportunity for healing some long-held wounds in our partnerships.

Why? Mercury Sextile Uranus, Mercury Trine Pallas, Mercury Square Juno, Chiron Sextile Juno, Mercury Entering Pisces