Horoscope: March 11 – 17, 2019

March 11 – 17

Right Fighting

What to expect: Conflicting values
What to watch out for: Middle ground
What will it affect? Nurturing, partnerships, values

Sometimes you make the right decision, sometimes you make the decision right.
Dr. Phil McGraw

At the beginning of the week, Juno in Gemini is opposite Ceres in Sagittarius. Ceres represents nurturing and in the sign of Sagittarius nurturing happens when allowed to explore and expand our minds. The problem is that once Sagittarius feels they have found the truth, they can be a bit dogmatic. Their truth is THE truth.

They say that children learn love not from how they love their children, but from how they love their partner. Juno represents contractual partnerships. But what happens when Juno, in Gemini needs a polyandrous lifestyle and Ceres in Sagittarius has a conflicting belief around what partnership should look like. Well, Ceres says “you wouldn’t do this if you loved me!” Juno says “I love and care for you and that’s separate from what I do within my relationships”. If Juno doesn’t see it the way Ceres does, Ceres feels as though the love and nurturing is being taken away from them.

Luckily, Venus is there to steps in between both to mediate. Venus represents love, but also our value systems. Venus in Aquarius values unconventional and odd relationships. Venus in a sextile to Ceres gives Ceres the nurturing she needs by helping her to feel her self-worth and recognizes the love that’s their regardless of the uniqueness of how it operates. She helps Ceres feel nurtured while also creatively exploring the differing values. Venus also makes a sextile to Juno, which opens up the partnership relationship to evaluate values and make compromises. If everyone remains open, though uncomfortable, much learning can happen.

Why? Venus Sextile Ceres, Juno Opposition Ceres, Venus trine Juno

Centered Doing

What to expect: Confidence
What to watch out for: Overconfidence
What will it affect? Self-concept, beliefs, ambitions, structures

On March 13th the Sun will sextile Pluto making this a great time to work on our selves. Reading self-help books, working with a coach or seeking advice from a therapist will be great ways to use the energy. The Sun will square Jupiter making us confident, but if we take the time to work with someone and explore what is driving us it will help to make sure we are not operating from a place of overconfidence. The following day Mars will trine Saturn giving a tremendous amount of imitative to focus in on tasks and projects that we need to complete. If we’ve done the work on ourselves, it will greatly help to make sure our efforts are not in vain or directed on misguided paths. We’ll be doing and getting it done from a stable centre within ourselves.

Why? Sun Sextile Pluto, Sun Square Jupiter, Mars Trine Saturn

Listening to Intuition

What to expect: Review
What to watch out for: Errors
What will it affect? Communications, intuition

On March 14th Mercury goes into a deep review. Mercury, still retrograde, conjuncts the Sun in Pisces. This is a great time to go over communication previously written; memo’s, letter and contracts. This is a great time to ask for clarity, understanding meaning and make things clear. The Sun and Mercury also make a trine to the North Node, so bring together your dream team and review things together. Be open to learning and allowing that learning to point you in a new direction. We may have missed something before and while going over things realize that we need to re-route slightly.

On the 15th Mercury retrograde will square Jupiter. This is a time to be open. What we know at an intuitive level may be in conflict with what we think we know. Jupiter is in Sagittarius and may try to override our gut with opinion and “truth”. It may push for decisions that in the end will be flawed. The problem is that Mercury will also be sextile Pluto and will deliver a convincing argument. Take the time to read between the lines of what is being said. Again, this is a time to lean on our intuitions.

By March 17th Mercury will conjunct Vesta and sextile Mars. We’ll be able to access on a deep level, metaphysical truths. This will allow us to review our passions and make needed corrections. Are we aligned with our passions? Do our passions hold the purpose we intend? We can make sure that we are aligned on both a conscious and unconscious level.

Why? Sun Trine North Node, Sun Conjunction Mercury, Mercury Trine North Node, Mercury Square Jupiter, Mercury Sextile Pluto, Mercury Conjunction Vesta, Mercury Sextile Mars

Horoscope: March 4 – 10, 2019

March 4 – 10

Mercury Retrograde in Pisces

What to expect: Tech and communication issues
What to watch out for: Frustration
What will it affect? Travel, communication, commerce

On March 5th Mercury goes retrograde in Pisces at 29 degrees. There is a fixed star called Scheat that mercury will be conjuncting as it goes in its retrograde motion. Mercury retrograde is generally pretty frustrating. It affects travel, all forms of communication and merchants. It’s the reason our messages disappear, our cars go on the fritz, our travel gets delayed etc. As it travels in the last degree of Pisces a water sign and along Scheat, it can make travel and communication woes a little worse, if not treacherous! Watch out for anything that could be detrimental in these areas. Things like flooding, leaked confidential documents, sending a sensitive text to the wrong person and so on.

Back up your computers, websites, and emails. Maybe even consider waterproofing them!

The best way to use this energy is to take your time going back over things. Recheck, review, redo. Stay away from starting anything new. Go back and complete what remains outstanding.

If things do get frustrating, don’t get pulled in by it. Take a break… maybe it’s you that needs to be renewed!

Why? Mercury Stationary Retrograde

New Moon in Pisces

What to expect: Creative Genius
What to watch out for: Egos
What will it affect? Intention setting, creativity, inspiration

The New Moon occurs on March 6th at 15 degrees Pisces.

The New Moon is conjunct Neptune making it great for setting intentions for creativity. Vesta, also conjunct the New Moon, is associated with the energy of the vestal virgins who were celibate in order to focus their energy onto their task as the holder of the sacred flame. Vesta represents where we can focus and channel our creative energy. Areas that are particularly great for focusing our creativity at this time include anything meant for healing, inspiration, or escapism – film or video are both represented by Pisces, music or other art.

Because Mercury is in Pisces, it picks up the energy of this New Moon. The retrograde energy allows us to go back and pick up and finish off projects we may have neglected or put on the shelf. We can also review and polish up completed projects. There is always room for improvement. This energy helps us to bring an ethereal quality to our workmanship. If you have a creative project sitting on the shelf, now is the time to dust it off and complete it!

The New Moon with Vesta and Neptune alongside it are also making a sextile to Saturn. With all of this Pisces and Neptune energy, this is good new! It helps to ground the energy allowing us to focus on actually getting things done. Without this grounding, we could spend days in the clouds fantasizing and envisioning and getting very little done! Saturn helps bring it back down to earth and gives our creativity some structure.

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “In a quiet moment, the flow of inspiration”. Inspiration is something that has divine influence. It moves through us, sometimes surprising even us. As it moves through us, we become clear that it is beyond our own personal intellect, capability or creativity. It is Divine! But for inspiration to happen, we have to get into a state of flow. If we are able to move out of our own way and push aside our egos, we may see some masterpieces as a result of this New Moon!

Why? New Moon at 15°Pisces, Sun Conjunction Neptune, Neptune Conjunction Vesta Sun Conjunction Vesta, Sun Sextile Saturn, Mars Sextile Neptune, Saturn Sextile Vesta, Venus trine Juno

Uranus in Taurus

What to expect: Financial Revolution
What to watch out for: Resistance to change
What will it affect? Finance, values around security

Uranus Enter Taurus on March 6th. Uranus will now make its home in Taurus for the next 7 years. Uranus is the planet of revolution. Anything outdated will be updated. Anything outworn will be renovated. Change and surprising turn of events will happen in all things Taurus. This is a bit upsetting for Taurus as it’s a fixed sign. Fixed sign don’t do change very well. Fixed means it remains fixed sometimes way beyond the time that things need to change. For this reason, Uranus in Taurus may be a bit difficult. Taurus is also a sign that likes security, predictability, and dependability. It’s all about values and as you well know, values are very difficult if not almost impossible to change. Uranus upsets all of that. It brings change to the things that Taurus represents; the earth and all that resides in it; rock, gems, food. It also represents money, possessions, stocks, and bonds We are likely to see big changes throughout these 7 years in all of these things. We’ve been seeing them coming. More people are living off the grid. Homestead gardens are increasing, investments in cryptocurrency have risen. These may or may not take route while Uranus is in Taurus… but they have come along to show us the signs. Things need to change in the food industry, the financial markets and in the way we define security. How this will all look in 7years remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure, it will look different. My advice to you is to roll with the changes!

Why? Uranus Entering Taurus

Horoscope: Feb 24 – March 3, 2019

Feb 24 – March 3

Dreaming New Directions

What to expect: Tribe building
What to watch out for: Deep emotions
What will it affect? Visions, communication, direction, emotions

On Feb 25th Mercury in Pisces makes a trine to the North Node. Bring together your dream team for some tribe building, goal setting, and direction. Mercury in Pisces makes us imaginative, visionary, and creative. As it makes a trine to the North Node currently in Cancer, we can come together with others to envision new ways of nation-building and creating new traditions. We are challenged to move away from nationalism to nurturalism. Yes! That’s a word that I’ve made up! The root of it is ‘nurture’. At the heart of it, the North Node in Cancer wants to move is in the direction of emotional security, safety, and peace. Cancer does, however, have a wall or should I say a shell; one that if safe, allows you and others in. Sometimes we believe a wall will keep us safe. But the truth is that safety is an inside job. Remember the TV show “No Shalom in the Home”? Shallom is peace and peace starts from within. The good news is that Moon is in Scorpio and is completing a water grand trine with the North Node and Mercury. This helps us to connect our deepest most turbulent emotions with healthy intuitive thought processes to help us create that peaceful new direction.

Mercury is about to go retrograde so this is an aspect that will happen two more times allowing us to review and course correct any ideas that need it in the next couple of months.

Why? Mercury Trine North Node, Moon trine North Node, Moon trine Mercury

Incorporating Feminine Strategy

What to expect: Focused direction
What to watch out for: Wanting to wander
What will it affect? Values, strategy, direction, inner needs

On Feb 27-28th the Sun will sextile Mars. We’ll get a chance to kick start new directions or projects. The Sun in Pisces will increase our ability to channel creativity into the project. As it makes a sextile to Mars in Taurus, we can take advantage of a focused, driven and persistent approach.

The Sun is also squaring Ceres in Sagittarius which brings up a conflict with our need for creativity and our inner need for wanderlust and independence. We may feel like being out there climbing mountains and exploring. Sometimes though, you have to sacrifice. If we can hold out, we’ll get lots of work done and at some other point in time, we’ll have the opportunity to go off on an adventure!

The thing is that Venus in Capricorn is at the last couple of degrees of Capricorn making a square to Pallas at the last degree of Libra. The energy is about to shift and you may already be sensing the shift about to happen. But before it does, Venus has one last challenge to work through. Pallas is feminine intelligence. It’s strategic and political and especially in Libra, is a negotiator. So how do we combine the status quo, especially when it’s been so patriarchal, with this powerful warrior like feminine intelligence? This is the challenge as Venus square Pallas and it deserves all of our attention!

Why? Transiting Sun Sextile Mars, Sun Square Ceres, Venus Square Pallas

Relationship Breakthroughs

What to expect: Healing
What to watch out for: Unpredictability
What will it affect? Relationships, money, change

On March 1st Venus now at the last degree of Capricorn and will square Uranus in the last degree of Aries. Uranus will move into Taurus next week on March 6th, but before it does we have some last minute opportunities for breakthrough especially in the area of relationships and money. Things can be a little unpredictable!

Later in the day, Venus will move into Aquarius helping us to embrace any change that has occurred and as it does it will also sextile Chiron in Aries helping to heal any wounds with our self-image around relationships and money.

Why? Venus Square Uranus, Venus Entering Aquarius, Venus Sextile Chiron