Horoscope: April 1 – 7, 2019

April 1 – 7th

Intuition and Inspiration!

What to expect: Healing
What to watch out for: Opportunities to write
What will it affect? Communication, healing, relationships, strategy

As the week begins Mercury, which recently went direct in the sign of Pisces, will conjunct Neptune. We’ll have a rich dream life this week. Look for any messages in your dreams that your unconscious mind may be trying to communicate to you. We are also deeply intuitive. This is a great time for writing poetry, or any other type of creative writing. It’s also good for visioning exercises. What do you want to create? How do you see yourself in 2 years, 5 years, 25yrs?

On March 3rd Mars will sextile Chiron the wounded healer currently in Aries. Mars is in the communication sign of Gemini. This adds to the energy by allowing us to use words and writing to release our thoughts and heal wounds. Mars in Gemini is also a bit chatty, so if we talk to others or even teach others, it can be quite healing to ourselves. As they say, you teach others sometimes what you need to learn. Mars in aspect to Chiron brings up warrior healing energy and so helping actions like these can be good for building self-esteem. Also, If you need to say something to someone, as John Mayer says “say what you need to say”. Pallas is in the relationship sign of Libra and is trine Juno the marriage and partnership asteroid in chatty Gemini. This is an amazing time to sit down with your partner to hash out any relationship issues and to build some strategy around how you want to work together. You can also use this energy with a coach, spiritual teacher or gurus which are also a type of relationship.

Why? Mercury Conjunction Neptune, Mars Sextile Chiron, Pallas Trine Juno

The New Moon in Aries

What to expect: Intention setting
What to watch out for: Imagined Limitations
What will it affect? Projects, business, travel

On April 5th, the New Moon is in Aries at 15 degrees. New Moons are a great time for setting intentions. This time focus your intentions on anything entrepreneurial. Aries energy is all about courageously going for it. It’s the doer. It’s the one that acts first and then thinks later. Aries is fairly unconcerned with consequences. For Aries, it’s okay to fail, but that’s not the plan! The New Moon is trine Ceres. Ceres is in Sagittarius and feels nurtured by adventure and freedom. This is a wonderful combination for entrepreneurial activities. It’s great energy if you want to embark on a path of higher learning. If so, now is the time to get clear with who what you want from the school you choose and what you envision for the teachers you will have.

Why? New Moon at 15°Aries, Sun Trine  Ceres

Start a project!

What to expect: Getting things done
What to watch out for: Intuition
What will it affect? Business, projects

On weekend, April 7th Mercury will sextile Saturn. Mercury is still in Pisces and Saturn is in Capricorn. This combination helps to ground our intuitive thoughts. We are able to view things with a deeply intuitive and critical eye.

Though I don’t often talk about the moon aspects in the horoscope, they are very important for initiating anything new. All thing initiated have a birth chart. Business, relationships, project, these will all do well if they are started with good energy behind them. This weekend the moon will be in earthy, grounded, does-well-with-money Taurus and will make amazing aspects to Venus, Mercury, Neptune, and Saturn. What intentions did you set on the New Moon? Is this weekend a good time to get started? Things that will do well include anything inspirational, healing, and musical. If you feel like this is good timing, trust your gut! It is! If you don’t have anything ready for launch, that’s okay, use the energy to plant!

Why? Mercury Sextile Transiting Saturn

Horoscope: March 25 – 31, 2019

March 25 – 31

Transcending our Resources

What to expect: Shifts in values
What to watch out for: unexpected shifts
What will it affect? Relationships, money, resources, all things of value

On March 26 Venus moves into Pisces focusing our values on the sublime. Anything that moves our spirit and helps us to transcend will become the focus. Relationships happen not just for the company but for purpose and spiritual growth. Money is not just for security but becomes worthless or priceless depending on its value in furthering our enlightenment.

Venus will then make a sextile to Uranus. Uranus is in Taurus unearthing our resources, but as Venus makes a sextile to it we have the opportunity to shift our values around resources to something more tactile yet ethereal. You may be asking yourself “what is money”? Money used to be coin and paper notes representing something concrete; gold bullions or reserves. Money then shifted over time. We no longer exchange coin or paper. Instead, we have cards and bank balances. Money also used to be independently controlled but then shifted to being centrally controlled through banks and governments. And in all of these shifts, we lost a real connection to it; the ability to see it, touch it, taste or smell it is now gone. Taurus loves the 5 senses and Pisces loves the 6th. We may never go back to holding and hiding our money neither in mattresses nor in a hole in the back yard. But, this energy opens us to unexpected inventions. What may emerge is something that lets us connect back to money more tangibly and with meaning.

Jupiter in Sagittarius will also sextile Pallas in Libra. Our beliefs and learning are expanding. And right now we are learning to have faith and to bring a strategic balance to all that we value.

Why? Venus Entering Pisces, Jupiter Sextile Pallas, Venus Sextile Transiting Uranus

Power and Belief

What to expect: Banding together
What to watch out for: Power struggle
What will it affect? Family, Generations, tribes, nations

Mercury Goes Direct on March 28th. Many will be breathing a sigh of relief. But not so quick! Neptune is in close conjunction with Mercury and will continue to be into next week. This concentrates the energy on spiritual thought, but also creates fog and confusion. The Sabian symbol for the degree they are both sitting at is “an Easter parade”. Parades happen to bring people together who think the same way, believe the same things and help express their collective pride. It’s a time for spiritual unity which might get confused with fanatical unity. This is because on the same day Pluto is opposite the North Node. Pluto is in Capricorn and has been shaking up things with governments, large corporations, and institutions that have been around for a long time. The thing is Pluto likes power, refuses to let go of power and will go down with the ship in order to hold onto it. Pluto in opposition to the North Node means that it’s conjunct the south node. The North Node and South nodes are polarity points. They sit opposite one another. They are also not planets but sensitive points associated with the moon. Also because of earth wobble, they are not consistent, they oscillate back in forth. So while March 28th is the day Pluto will be exactly opposite the mean North Node, it has in fact been in a dance with the true North node which moves back and forth. All that to say, this energy is in play all week.

The Nodes are karmic points. The North Node is what we should be working to incorporate more into our lives. The North Node is currently in Cancer, putting the focus on developing healthy family, tribal and generational connections. The South Node is in Capricorn. Capricorn is used to achievement and has difficulty letting go of the reigns. But with Pluto at the south node, it means an end to a power struggle.

As an example, just today I saw a new game called ‘Monopoly for Millennial; Forget Real Estate, You Can’t Afford it anyways’. Places on the board include living in your parent’s basement. Millennial bashing is a thing! And it may be that there are Baby Boomers, the ones who’ve held onto control for a long time, making this so. But it’s all smoke and mirrors. The south node in cancer is calling on the Boomers and Millennial to make nice. And it’s actually the Boomers – the Capricornian older generation that Pluto will be disruptive with. Power struggles can end in empowering and also unsettling ways. It’s up to us to decide.

Why? Mercury Stationary Direct, Pluto Opposition Transiting North Node

Remain Curious

What to expect: Mass movements
What to watch out for: unconscious actions
What will it affect? Strategy, transformation in big business, government, old traditional institutions

On March 30-31st Pluto squares Pallas and Pallas squares the North Node. This formation in Astrology is called a T-square. On one hand, Pallas in Libra is very concerned about a balanced approach to things. It’s about fairness in strategy and a gentle approach with a view of being liked. But Libra can also be war. She’s the iron fist in a velvet glove; she can be dogged and determined when pushed too far. As Pallas squares Pluto mass movements may emerge to address any power imbalances. With the nodes involved with both planetary bodies in a tense angle to the nodes, any organized movements that emerge will be out of sync with the North Nodes goal of healthy family, tribe and generation. Some more focus needs to be placed on understanding ourselves. What makes us who we are and what motivates us to action? We don’t have to change who we are, but we do need to come from our highest self.

Mars moved into Gemini on March 30th and will help if we allow it. When Mars is in Gemini, we are motivated by ideas, information, and learning. Curiosity without judgment is our best friend. If we can use this energy to remain curious about ourselves and others with the goal of expanding understanding, we are much better off.

Why? Mars Entering Gemini, Pluto Square Pallas, Pallas Square North Node

Horoscope: March 18 – 24, 2019

March 18 – 24

Happy Full Moon and Spring Solstice!

What to expect: Endings and beginnings
What to watch out for: Holding on
What will it affect? Wounds, transformation, new beginnings, direction

The Full Moon is on March 20th at 0°Libra. March 20th is also equinox; the first day of spring. This means at this particular Full Moon we are bringing something to completion and at the same time, something is initiated and begun!

The Sabian symbol for 0 Libra is “A butterfly made perfect by a dart through it.” This symbolism brings two things to mind. The first is the idea of a full span butterfly pinned to a wall with a dart through it. It’s not so much made perfect, as it is frozen in its perfect stance. It brings to mind human nature wanting to capture and hold onto something good – To possess and make available at our pleasure. The butterfly is perfect and we want to keep it that way. But as soon as we do, it loses its animation and its life.

The second image is something a little less selfish. Imagine a fine needle instead of a dart – An acupuncture needle. I’m not sure if butterflies are receptive to acupuncture, but the imagery helps us to envision helping and releasing rather than freezing and possessing.

Chiron at 1 degree Aries shows a similar idea of release. The Sabian Symbol is “A comedian entertaining the group”. In truth, we all know the funniest comedians hide a pain somewhere deep inside of them. Yet they have a knack for taking that pain and transforming it into humour. They tell the joke and we laugh, releasing the endorphins to heal that oh-so-true-collective-pain. These two ideas of release are present at the Full Moon. Look at what you may want to hold and possess. How can you use this full moon to deeply let it go? How can you allow a certain type of pain to send a rush of endorphins to the needed areas so that wellbeing and healing can occur?

The Sun at O Aries and also conjunct Chiron shows that we are initiating into a new level of healing. The Sabian symbol is “A woman has risen out of the ocean, a seal is embracing her”. It speaks of a new emergence. Seals are very intelligent and so that feminine emergence comes with intelligence. Yet that can also hold pain within it. We can’t unknow what we know… and yet that knowing will come with the kind of pain that comes with awakening and raising consciousness.

We are given some helpers at this Full Moon Equinox. Mercury is sextile Saturn. Mercury is still retrograde, so this helps us to go over things in a methodical way. It will help to make sure we don’t miss anything. Pluto is trine Mars, which lends transformative energy. It allows us to create strategy and provides a powerful energy to influence a new direction. Mars and Vesta nicely aspect each other and make positive aspects to the North Node in Cancer. This helps us to increase our passion and purpose and to direct this energy and new beginning down a path that will nurture our emotions.

Why? Pluto Sextile Vesta, Full Moon at 0° Libra, Sun Entering Aries, Mercury Sextile Saturn, Mars Trine Pluto, Mars Sextile North Node, Vesta Trine North Node, Mars Sextile Vesta, Sun Conjunction Chiron


What to expect: Good times
What to watch out for: Hastiness
What will it affect? Money, relationships, passions, strategy, conflict

On March 21st Venus will square Mars. Venus will also make a sextile to Jupiter. This is a great time for starting a vacation – great news if you have planned a March break vacation! It, however, is not so great for business. This is because the energy between Venus and Mars is hasty. Venus is related to values and right now in Aquarius, it’s enjoying odd and unusual situations. Mars is in Taurus, and while he stubbornly goes after what he wants, which Venus may find interesting, he also likes things to be tried and true. It may take a little while for Venus to realize, but when she does, it will present conflict. The problem is Jupiter’s sextile to Venus is making her optimistic! It’s a combination makes her likely to rush into deals she’ll later regret.

Jupiter is also in a square to Vesta increasing our passion and dedication and Venus is trine to Pallas increasing our desire to be strategic with love and money. If we can slow down and allow more information to flow, we’ll see that in the long range things may not work out. But for a short time, things can be quite exciting, which is why if you’re off to explore and travel, you’ll return with excellent tales to tell! But if you’re making long-range decisions, they may become a cautionary tale!

Why? Venus Square Mars, Venus Sextile Jupiter, Jupiter Square Vesta, Venus Trine Pallas

Missing Something Important

What to expect: Fogginess
What to watch out for: Misrepresentations
What will it affect? Relationships, secret, things hidden

Between March 23 and 24th this will get a little foggy. Mercury still retrograde, will conjunct Neptune. Mercury doesn’t actually move in a backward direction. The direction of mercury when retrograde is a geocentric optical illusion. We’ve all experienced sitting in a car where the vehicle beside is moving backward, but we press hard on the breaks thinking it’s us moving. The moving vehicle viewed out of our periphery vision makes us think we are moving. Now add to that scenario the fog and confusion of Neptune; it’s like sitting in a car filled with smoke from cannabis and the exact same thing happens. One of two things may happen. We may get paranoid and freak out at the experience. Or we may think its cool and somehow find deep meaning in the incident. In what areas is this most likely to happen? Neptune and Mercury are squaring Juno the marriage and partnership asteroid in Gemini. This may increase communication with our partners, but it’s also likely to increase misunderstandings, mistruth, and misrepresentations!

Why? Mercury Square Juno, Neptune Square Juno, Mercury Conjunction Neptune