Sagittarius Eclipse – May 26, 2021

The Full Moon on May 26th, 2021 is a Lunar Eclipse. It is in the sign of Sagittarius at 5 degrees. A Sagittarius moon makes us feel adventurous and itching to travel. If travel is limited it will send us off in our minds exploring theories, philosophies, theologies, and even legalities. At this full moon eclipse, we can expect to encounter some truth. Likely a shocking truth!

Since it is a Full Moon Eclipse this is a truth that has been bubbling beneath the surface for some time and is now making itself know. A couple of years ago I was in New Orleans. I had met some people from Europe who told me that Europeans love Trump. I found this shocking assuming that everyone had a problem with Trump. Two days ago I came across a list of nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize in Norway for 2021. It said that Trump was nominated for the second time. It explained exactly what the European tourist explained as the reason. While he was in office he did not bomb other countries. Other countries saw him as the most peaceful US President. Wow! I realized then and again now, how I saw the world was not how everyone saw the world. It was the second time that I had been thrown off by my liberal eco-chamber. If you have been living in an eco-chamber of like-minded individuals, scoffing at others in a reality that you presume to be THE Reality, this may be the eclipse to remind you that this is not the case. Even if the truth is a little disorienting, shocking, or ego-crushing, just remember, the truth will set you free!

Sagittarius is said to be the bachelor sign, and so it often wants to enjoy its pursuits alone. This will be challenge as the the Sabian symbol for the Lunar Eclipse is “a game of cricket”. While some games can be played alone, some one-on-one, cricket is a team sport, played with others. Team sports such as cricket teach how to work together as a team, to play up each other’s strengths, to read each other, and encourage and build strategy. Sagittarius is also said to be the bachelor(ette), wanting to go off on its own. Though we may not feel comfortable in a team setting, this full moon is calling on us to sit with our discomfort and to participate with others. We have something to teach. Or perhaps someone on the team has something to teach us. The trick will be delivering or receiving the message in a way that can be heard. Plato said that intelligence is not intelligence if it is not imbued with the soul – with these two together, they become wisdom. Truth imparted with wisdom is what creates team solidarity. Truth lacking in soul and wisdom only creates perfectionism and winning at all costs. It fractures and leaves hurt feelings.

If you do get your feelings hurt, this may be the last straw and you’ll know these are not your people. Just be sure that you are responding with your own inner truth and not just a hurt ego. The full moon’s ruler is Jupiter in Pisces bringing in excessive emotion. This emotion may be excessively positive or excessively negative – there is no in between. The moon is also square Vesta in Virgo asking you to try your best to balance through prayer or mediation or some other practice that helps you to ground and to stay true to your convictions.

During the eclipse, the shadow of the earth comes between the moon and the sun blocking out the sun’s light on the moon, this time for a full 15 minutes. The sun is in Gemini and the temptation will be to shut off or Gemini’s curiosity. It may also shut off the lights only for us to see things differently when they are turned back on. The sun’s ruler is mercury, which just entered its shadow phase will be going retrograde shortly. It also just squared Neptune and is close to Venus. This can bring up flirty words that upset, fibs, white lies, or whole untruths.

All in all, this is a time to take in information, try our best to balance, and contemplate our next steps. Try not to take hasty actions. Anything done during an eclipse is always a done deal – no going back!

I don’t advise any ceremony today. Just go with the flow and respond!

Scorpio Full Moon – April 26, 2021

The Scorpio full moon on April 26th occurs at 7 degrees opposite the sun at 7 degrees of Taurus. Among other things, these two signs are about resources. Taurus is what’s mine and Scorpio is what is ours. Taurus has a focus on things of value – security is a big deal and so is food and money. Taurus is all about self-reliance. Scorpio on the other hand views resources differently. Other people are involved – What’s yours is mine. And without your money and resources, it faces destruction – think of taxes, insurance. This is also why Scorpio has a penchant for power. If I lose you I lose my resources (or alternatively, if I lose myself through death, you get my resources). And so Scorpio holds on for dear life. Survival is its key goal. This full moon brings tension to these two dichotomous viewpoints on resources.

This is also a very significant full moon because this is the degree of the first Saturn (currently in Aquarius) Uranus (currently in Taurus) square, which happened in February. Essentially this triggers the story that came about during that first square. The Saturn Uranus square is a year-long transit, with the planets meeting up exactly three times. Do you remember what happened during the first meet-up? It was the Robin hood/Gamestop Wall Street takeover!

If you missed it, the stock trading app, Robinhood, and users on the discussion forum Reddit converged to stage a Wall Street coup using the failing Gamestop stock to undercut the Wolves of Wall Street who had bet against that stock. It was a true Robinhood story (taking from the rich to give to the poor) and let’s just say it cost Wall Street A LOT!

The Saturn Uranus cycle however is a long one – about 45 years long. And since these two have been meeting up throughout this cycle, a bigger story has been developing. There are three words that capture it – deregulation, financial failure, and buyouts.

Read more on the Saturn Uranus square here.

Will we see Robinhood strike again? The ruler of the Scorpio moon, mars is in cancer. This brings strong, powerful, and crisis-like emotions and protective action. The only one with anything to protect in this scenario is Wallstreet. The sun is also particularly strong at this full moon. It’s beside Uranus, making it creative, inventive, unpredictable. Its ruler, Venus is beside it in Taurus, a sign that she loves, she is attractive and among the things she attracts is solid and reliable resources. She also has mercury standing with her. Taurus in mercury whispers in her ear traditional knowledge. These are old ideas, but carry wisdom and good judgment. Mercury in Taurus whispers ‘A SYMBOLICAL BATTLE BETWEEN “SWORDS” AND “TORCHES.”’ It’s the Sabian symbol of that degree!

I can’t help but want to see Robinhood fight again and win. And at first glance, the Sabian symbol seems to say FIGHT! But look closer and you will see the better approach to this full moon is to release the action of battle and to focus instead on what the battle is symbolic of? This is true for both the swords (Scorpio) and the torches (Taurus)! The Scorpio full moon asks us to peacefully look out across the lake at the still reflection of the moon and to meditate on the spiritual lesson it is trying to illuminate. It doesn’t ask us to release our mission or battle or crusade but to focus on the spiritual lesson or the value behind it, understand it, and take wise action.

Leo Full Moon – Jan 28, 2021

It’s a Leo full moon on Thursday!

Recently I’ve been exploring my mars (my masculine energy within). Both black moon Lilith (a point in astrology) and Lilith (the asteroid) are conjunct my mars… it’s the reason I had both of them set up in my astrology software, which is why they popped up today when I pulled up the full moon chart. It’s also the reason why I decided to pull out my book on Lilith (signed by the author at the UAC conference in 2018) and give her a read.

The Lilith story: Lilith was said to have been Adam’s first partner (Believe it or not, if you’ve read the Bible, there is some hint to the fact that there might have been someone before Eve) But he wanted her to submit to him. She was like “hell no, we are equal”. He was like “nope”, she said “screw you” and off she went and hung out with the bad boys (daimons) and had lots of sex and babies. Adam was lonely and wanted her back. She was given an ultimatum “go back or all your babies die”. She didn’t go back. Eve was pulled from Adam’s rib to replace her (and submit) and all Lilith’s babies died. So Lilith is a wild one. She’s associated in astrology with the wild instinct feminine… and she’s Anti patriarchal!

At this full moon, Lilith the asteroid is with the sun opposite the moon and black moon Lilith is with mars, which is squaring the full moon. There also another asteroid many astrologers have been following, Hygeia, associate with health and well-being who is practically merged with the moon in Leo (only a second apart).

In Lilith, Healing the wild, Tom Jacobs considers Lilith to be very instrumental in connecting us to our health in a wild and instinctual kinda way. When I read the pages below, I had to flip to see when the book was published (2012) because it felt so right now.

The moon in Leo, which rules children is normally playful and theatrical, but with all this Lilith energy may throw a temper tantrum! Our autonomy feels threatened, we can feel backed in a corner, given ultimatums making us feel angry instinctual, with a deep sense of loss… and it’s all about our feelings about health!

Emotions are likely to feel scary but feel them fully and I promise they will give you information about what matters to you…. and then dissipate!

As Tom says…. “breath the wild up and out!”

happy? full moon!

* this was originally a Facebook post. I was censored – unable to post the very long quote that I wanted to share from Tom Jacob. Here are the pages where he talks about health and its relationship to the archetype of Lilith. He shares those with Lilith strong in their charts may be asked to disconnect from their instinct about their bodies with the prime example being the birth control pill. I was able to post the picture of the book cover only.

I want to also share a video. It’s shared on the Bit Chute site… which has lots of banned video. You do have to wade through the site, but I thought her talk was very solid – it was taken down from Youtube. She presents some things to think about around the vaccine and is not herself anti-vaccine. The reason I’m sharing it is that I had a sneaking suspicion with the ‘child theme’ of Lilith and Leo in this full moon, that there would be some child-related information… and there was! And I think, at least for me – she presents information that should have some solid answers to.

I’d also like to add that Lilith is a well-hidden myth – most people don’t know it. In Tom’s book, he says that only the Jewish rabbis were allowed to know the myth/story. It feels a little like Lilith also has some connection to censorship!