April Horoscope 2013

Ceres moves into Cancer this month on April 4th.  This is a very nurturing and emotional expressive place for the Mother Goddess Asteroid to-be.  Pallas has just arrived in Taurus and will be joined by Venus on the 15th and will be followed by the Sun and Mars to a total of four bodies in the earthy sign of Taurus by the end of the month.  The earth, security and status quo, and emotions will be the focus for the month of April!

Spring officially started on March 19th but spring fever starts on Saturday night, April 6th.  Venus, still in Aries, makes a love connection to her favourite male planet Mars igniting some hot passion.  Bedrooms and dance floors should be electric with this passionate energy.  Venus moves into Taurus on April 15th where she loves to be.  Here, she is at home in a sensual, aesthetic surrounding.  Here she brings out our enchanting and feminine aspects.  She touches Neptune on the 18th creating a romantic and dreamy environment.  Feelings of insecurity and defensiveness pop up on the 22nd when she opposes Saturn, but a couple of days later she trines Pluto reigniting the passion felt at the beginning of the month; but this time in a more committed, sensual and transformative way.

There is a lunar eclipse in April.  It happens on April 25th. Full moons are always times of completion, but with a lunar eclipse, the completions tend to be a big deal.  This happens on a societal level, but also on a personal level if the moon touches any planets in your birth chart.  Full moons are emotional, lunar eclipses are even more emotional.  A lunar eclipse in Scorpio, an emotional water sign, makes it even more emotional and then to add to it, this lunar eclipse forms a grand trine (triangle in the sky) with Ceres, the Mother Goddess Asteroid, and Neptune, the dreamy planet of the unconscious. This is an eclipse that is seeking emotional release in a big way!  The lunar eclipse is conjunct Saturn.  Emotional control will only result in loneliness, but this is a moon that fears vulnerability.  Saturn there alongside the moon is calling for us to question how emotionally authentic we are.  The lunar eclipse is also opposing a stubborn Mars in Taurus who may be irritated by a change, but the grand trine acts like a cosmic bear hug, encouraging us to let go and ensuring us that we can get through it.  On the same day, Pallas and Venus join in Taurus. Together, these two care very much about the beauty and protection of mother earth and feminine power.  They are sextiling Chiron, the wounded healer, making healing easier, but squaring Juno, the Marriage Goddess Asteroid.  That old issue of women meeting their needs for creativity and contribution come up against relationship needs.  You might again start to ponder those old questions.  Can you have a career and a family?  Is it really true that you can have it all, but not all at once?  You may have a defeated feeling that we have not left the 17th century.  Fear not… these are all just feelings!  Work through them and we will all come to the other side.  Venus and Pallas in Taurus help us to challenge those old “either/or” ideas about feminism, helping us to hold on to our true femininity and to also be powerful.

Pluto goes retrograde on April 12th.  What just happened?  We’ll retrace our steps to go deeper into the transformation that is happening.  Pluto is in Capricorn and is transforming the institutions in our lives. Governments, family, marriage, education and our world economics are experiencing this transformation and so are we in the institutions of our minds.


A lunar eclipse in your eighth house this month could mean deep a transformation in your life.  Your self-worth and sense of financial security will be challenged.  But support comes from family, foundations and deep wells of your unconscious.  Heal this and you will transform your intimacies.


Something in your significant relationships is seeking closure this month.  Not one to change once you’ve made up your mind, you may feel like digging your heels in.  You may not even realize that neighbours and friends are gaining up on you.  They won’t be hurling harsh words at you.  Instead, their love and forgiveness throw a spin on things, taking you out of your comfort zone.


I hope you’ve been taking care of yourself, Gemini.  Work, career and money will come together to help bring healing.  Your restless nature can sometimes miss the deep messages from the unconscious and you may want to push them down.  Allowing it to happen can give you just the right information to create a much needed healing crisis. Get to the other side of this and you will feel fantastic.


Taking a vacation in a distant land that has you focused on yourself and having some real fun can bring real healing.  There is a conflict with your own sense of hopes and wishes, or maybe your friends are stubbornly pulling you in a direction that doesn’t serve your purposes.  Do what you know is best and you and what feeds your sense of recreation.


You’re closing the book on a family matter, Leo.  Part of you has already moved forward blazing into your career, but there is just a little more work to do to clear the air.  Secrets and close intimate ties will work together to help you with your completion.


Your already established beliefs this month might get you into trouble. You religious or ethical zeal is coming up against an issue in your immediate environment.  Partners and friends seem to be against you. But it’s for your own good. Pluto’s retrograde motion through your fifth house of fun and romance will start questioning everything you thought you knew on love.


The money that you share with others, a business deal or maybe even the money from your spouse will be challenged this month.  If you’re going through a divorce or dissolving a business – not to worry. Something about how this all unfolds will not only be the best thing ever, but actually have you moving in the right direction.  Call it a course correction.


Something is not working in your relationships. But is it really?  Or is the problem something inside of you? This month, you will get very clear on who you are.  This bolt of insight might come while expanding your mind in the pages the latest new age book.  Maybe you discover that ego is not such a bad word or that needy and having needs are two different things. Unleashing your creativity can help give you that much needed aha moment.


Don’t let work get in the way of your spiritual development this month.  You have the opportunity to go deep.  Allow things to bubble to the surface and you might find yourself wondering if you are a little bit psychic.  Don’t doubt that you know that you know what you know.  You do.


You have stubborn ideas about love.  You may even be rigid about your creativity.  It feels like nobody gets it. Nobody understands.  They do, Capricorn.  They see that you are in your own way, and they are just trying to help you let your guard down so you can achieve all your hopes and dreams.


You’re rising in status and you have the magic touch knowing how to work and make money.  Push-back from your family and foundations are helping you to figure out this work smart formula.  People will be looking to you in awe. How did she do it?  Part of the formula is that necessity is the mother of all creation!


You are seeking love and beauty in your environment. Your restlessness may make you a bit rash. Unconscious material is emerging to help question all that you thought you knew and sending you off in a new direction in terms of your creativity.  Take your time with it all.  Sometimes moving in a new direction needs to be spontaneous. Sometimes it needs to be well considered.  Connecting with your guides and teachers will help.



March Horoscope 2013

Follow the leader into Aries this month; first Mars, then the Sun, then Venus.  Mercury went retrograde on February 23rd and will be doing its apparent backward dance in the sky until March 17th.  It will follow the rest into Aries in April, but for now, Mercury is hanging back in Pisces to go over some things.  The conversation with Mercury will go something like this:  First Mercury will conjunct Venus asking the question ‘do I really have what I value in my life?’  The next day it will trine Saturn and sextile Pluto getting us to think about the structures in our lives a little deeper and by the 9th Mercury will square Jupiter making us likely to come up with a grand plan.  Just wait until Mercury is direct again on March 17th before making a move.  Retrogrades are best used for revisiting and reviewing.  Making a move before then may not work out so well. 

Juno moves into Aquarius on March 13th.  Juno in Aquarius loves to experience freedom in partnerships. Nice and easy sextiles first from Juno to the Sun on March 23rd and then from Juno to Venus on the 24th will help us truly understand how freedom in relationships works.  Gone are the days of co-dependency!  The theme will be co-collaborative, co-creative, co-active – anything that is co-freedom!  If the message is a little too subtle during this time, the full moon on March 27th will make it loud and clear.  The moon will be in Libra, the sign of partnerships and opposing a Sun-Venus-Uranus conjunction in fiery and independent Aries.  Again, the theme is freedom, embracing who you really are as an individual and making it work, I mean really work, in partnerships.

Pallas and Ceres are in a dance, sextiling exactly a number of times between the 19th and 27th.  Pallas is still in Aries providing the right recipe for brainstorming or fired up initiative for worthy causes.  Combined with Ceres, great energy exists if you are teaching or taking a course tinged with the feminine or nurturing.  Amazing insights and opportunities happen at this time when combining learning, wisdom and nurturing.  Don’t think they exist?  Check out programs like Marie Forleo’s B-School for women entrepreneurs or the New Feminine Power course by Katherine Woodward Thomas and Claire Zammit, which focus on accessing your feminine gifts to transfer onto the world.  Make a commitment to this new direction on the new moon on March 11th and more blessings will rain down.  The new moon is in Pisces, blessing any consciousness-raising projects.  Common sense initiatives that focus on incorporating sustainability, reducing carbon footprint or other ways in which to love the earth will get wings when Pallas moves into Taurus on March 30th.


After making some completions during the first half of the month, you’re ready to step out and let yourself shine.  “I am beautiful, I am confident, the world is mine, I am free” will be your mantra.  Someone close might challenge all of this by the full moon on the 27th.  Don’t be afraid to make some adjustments if you need to.


Mercury is retrograde in your 11th house.  Things may be a little off with friends; things may clear up by the 17th; and they may give you some food for further thought when your Sun, Mars, Venus, Uranus and Pallas swim around in your house of secrets and the unconscious.  Whew!  If this feels uncomfortable, comfort yourself with those tangible things you love most.  Just don’t go overboard or stop yourself from getting to the real nuggets of your unconscious.


Now that your career has taken off, spending some time with your friends or donating your time to a charitable cause may be where you’re headed.  Things are good and you’re feeling philanthropic.  This month you’re also learning how a lover can also be a friend.


Your visionary ideas may need some retracing at the beginning of the month.  This is a needed process too, as the second half of the month will see you making your mark on the world stage and in your career.  You’re more comfortable in the home sphere, so if you’re going to take off your shell and share openly your loving and creative vision, taking the time at the beginning of the month will help you not retract out of a need for safety.  Show them your stuff, Cancer!


All that hard work you’re doing around transforming who you are, how you come across, and your style of give and take needs some rewarding.  A vacation and even better, a vacation with friends, may just be what is called for.  If you can’t get away, taking an online course with your favourite visionary may be just the ticket.


There is some hard work ahead in the “you and me” category.  Mercury retrograde will help you look at your partnerships with fresh eyes.  Maybe you have taken things for granted or misunderstood things.  Whatever the case, the second half of March will challenge your shared resources and call for deep transformation.  There might be a little escape in your career where you are feeling a whole lot better.  Just remember to keep the balance.


The Sun, Venus, Mars and Pallas will all be in your 7th house by the end of the month.  You may be sharing your wisdom about balance in relationships with the world.  You have a lot to share and your message does not mean forgetting yourself or being “all about me”.  How do you do this, Libra?  Sage advice will be illuminated at the full moon in Libra on March 27th.


On one hand you’re having a blast for the first part of the month; on the other hand your game may be a little off.  You may be double checking the need for a breath mint or whether you forgot to apply deodorant, but in the end, it may be that you have a little bit of “foot in mouth” syndrome.  Work will take a bigger focus in the second part of the month.


After you have made your house and home warm and fuzzy you’re ready for romance and fun.  The Venus, Uranus, Sun conjunction in your fifth house of romance mixed with your freedom-loving Sagittarius ways will make you hard to pin down.  Your partnerships are where you find nurturing and expansion these days.  Friends may help with some words of wisdom if you are holding yourself back from what you truly desire.


You’ve had lots of activity with neighbours and your community recently.  If you’ve been bothered by a neighbour who knocks on your door every two minutes to borrow sugar, by the second half of the month you’ll find the right words to set your boundaries. Mercury will go retrograde in this area helping you to reassess.   End of March will be focused on your home, beautifying it, making it your sanctuary and a place where your spirit can roam around free and be renewed.


Now that you have your finances all worked out, it’s time to make a contribution in your community.  You may feel inspired by letting yourself give in ways that allow you to express creativity and nurturing with children or youth.  Maybe you’re even doing this as a philanthropic arm of your business.  Or you’re realizing that you can make money, help the community and have fun all at once.


You’ve hit your groove and have been showing everyone just who you are.  You’re getting ready to put that renewed self into money-making ventures.  How much time you have spent on yourself and how much effort you have invested in raising your self-esteem will now pay off.  With Mercury retrograde in the first couple of weeks in your first house, you can clean up and put the finishing touches on your self-presentation.





February Horoscope 2013

February starts out with Ceres, the universal mother, going direct on February 4th, joining Jupiter who went direct just a few days earlier on January 30th. Both are in Gemini unleashing nurturing and fertile communications, joy and gathering. If you find your Twitter, Facebook and all other forms of social chit chat lighting up and feeling especially warm and fuzzy, blame it on these two!

February is a short month and before the blink of an eye it will be Valentine’s Day. Venus squares Saturn on the 10th, but any difficulty experienced then is well ahead of the break up to make up due date of the 14th.  Lilith will be moving into trine Venus bringing together sex and love.  They are in Gemini and Aquarius respectively, keeping it cool and intellectual, but let’s not forget the best sex starts in the mind and in the words of Confucius “words are the voice of the heart”.

Another formation is taking place in the sky on February 14th, a Yod, with Vesta forming a lovely sextile toPallas but in a stressful aspect to Saturn in Scorpio.Vesta and Pallas play nicely together, mixing their goddess strengths of focus and dedication and finding the right words to mix with intellect. The tension comes with Saturn challenging this to be done in service, with right purpose and without resentment. Time to grab our goddess bosoms and dig deep for the love.

The full moon on February 25th will form a stressful square to Jupiter.  The mood may be overly optimistic and prone to unrealistic tendencies. Decisions made now may be unrealistic.  The Sun conjunct Neptune doesn’t help matters, making us more apt to want to escape ourselves.  Hopefully, it will be a clear night as the best way to use this energy may be to stare at the moon and dream without trying to make them a reality just now.


With Jupiter and Ceres in your third house of communication, you will be the one starting all those joyful and nurturing conversations at the beginning of the month.  The Sun, Venus and Mercury will have you sharing the love with your friends as it travels though your friendship house. Mercury goes retrograde on the 23rd so miscommunications are likely during that time.


Your career has been flying high with Mercury, Venus and the Sun all on your side. Watch for some disruption as Mercury goes retrograde on the 23rd. The Sun will catch up with Neptune on the 20th in a combination that can see you momentarily confused about your hopes and dreams; and when the full moon squares Jupiter on the 25th, relax and have some fun.  This may help you refocus.


Have you got the travel bug? With Saturn traveling through your house of work and health, maybe you’re off in distant lands working or taking care of your health in some way. Don’t let that stop you from learning the language of love in distant lands. The Sun, mercury and Venus in your house of long distance travel will help you along.


I hope you’ve been taking care of your finances. Shared resources may have been a pain in the butt as of late, but Jupiter will be a like an angel on your shoulder. Ceres moving forward will help you get in touch with unconditional love. These are two aces in your pocket.


Are family responsibilities bumming you out? Gratitude is the key. You’ve got friends and partners on your side.  Try not to have “foot in mouth” syndrome later this month when Mercury turns retrograde in your partnership house. Even in you do find yourself in the dog house, you’ve got lots of joyful and nurturing supporters in your friendship pool.


You’ve been working tirelessly, being of service and maybe you have been seeing nothing in return.  Jupiter is finally moving forward in your house of career and Ceres moving forward on the 4th will make sure that you are recognized for your tireless efforts. I know your motto is that it is much better to give than receive, but let yourself take in some of that nurturance.


Sookiesookie… you’re on a romantic high all month. When the sun shines a light on your house of romance and creativity on the 18th, you’ll be flying high. Mercury goes retrograde on the 23rd in the same house and don’t forget Neptune will be fogging things up by the full moon. Having fun and not taking it too seriously is your best bet. Libras know how to stay out of conflict, so I know you will fare well.  Just don’t mislead anyone and nothing will need to catch up with you later. Keep creating that positive karma!


Have you been feeling serious about everything, family, love, your community, yourself? The Sun will move into your fifth house of romance, fun and children on the 18th, letting you lighten up for some fun.


Never one to sit still, you have been doing your thing for your community. Your focus will move to home projects. Even if the start gives you a little grief, by the 18th you will be in your element. Maybe you don’t really feel like getting into those deep unconscious issues that have been giving you trouble, but with Saturn retrograding through your 12th house starting on the 18th in the house of the unconscious, a meditative home project could be a step in the right direction to help sort a lot of things out.


Money is likely to be on your mind all month. Boundaries are important. Knowing your worth is also, but remembers that it is better to give than receive. Jupiter and Ceres are moving through your 6th house of service making this even more true. You will find giving, even in your seemingly dire moments, to be rich and fulfilling and healthful.


The first part of the month is yours. Taking care of yourself and having fun are top priority. Later in the month your drive to make money will really heat up. Watch out as Neptune is also there fogging things up. Saturn also goes retrograde in your house of fame and career. Careful planning and even retracing your steps and some gentle reflection on how you are projecting yourself may be in order.


You’re in a cocoon for most of the month. Mars has already got you fired up ready for the world, but there are still some behind the scenes or soul seeking that needs to be done. Jupiter and Ceres will be moving forward in you 4th house of home and family, so spending some time focused on these areas will serve you well and will recharge the batteries for next month when it’s all systems go.