January Horoscope 2015

2014-12-31 09.57.37Happy New Year!

January marks a huge turning point. There will be lots of emotion released, but what I love about January is that seeds planted this month will have so much potential. It may not seem like much. We might discount it because there will be so much other stuff going on… but what we put out this month will have powerful potential to come to fruition.

January starts with Mars opposite Jupiter on New Years day. The energy of the first day of the year says a lot about how the year will pan out. It’s like that sentence at the beginning of the story that foreshadows the plot. When you read it, you don’t quite know the significance, but later in the story your mind flashes back to that sentence and you realize that the author has warned you, warmed you up, and prepared you.

Mars opposite Jupiter foreshadows insistent energy that can create conflicts if left unfocused. If it’s focused, this energy can be directed into positive enterprises with positive outcomes. The key to this transit is consciousness and planned selfless action. Spend New Year’s Day not just setting goals for the year, but really discovering what is driving you toward those goals. Aligning them with a higher purpose will be a good use of energy. Make SMARTE (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Time bound, Evolved) goals rather than just SMART goals.

The Full Moon on the 4th is in Cancer and will line up with Pluto, Uranus, and the North Node. The tension will bring out the clingy, emotionally manipulative, or the fiercely protective mama energy of Cancer. This Full Moon will open up the wounds of the continuing saga of the Pluto/Uranus square. That square has been unsettling for government, big business, and has been upsetting the status quo with fierce backlash from various angles. The Full Moon’s connection with the North Node means that there will be attempts to settle the score. If you find yourself with a handprint across your face from mama, before you retaliate, ask yourself if maybe it was warranted? If it wasn’t… take some time to ponder her perspective. The North Node in Libra will help us make a balanced assessment.

On the same day, Saturn (newly in Sagittarius) makes one of its first connections with Venus and Mercury which have joined together in Aquarius. They bring out the diplomatic mediator energy and will brief Saturn on a humanitarian agenda. They will also give some new and inventive tips on how to move forward. Take heart that whatever moves Saturn makes will be made with good judgment.

32439334_sThe Full Moon and Pluto will also connect with Chiron. Again, the potential for healing is huge this month. The trick will be to allow ourselves to feel. Yes, our emotions might be intense. And yes, there may be a tendency to want to run or lash out. But if we sit with and process our emotions, much can be accomplished.

Luckily on Jan 7th, Mercury will make a positive aspect to Pallas and these two together will give us some perspective on what just happened. They’ll also help us look strategically and communicate tactically (the strategy is the what, the tactic is the how).

Mars will enter Pisces on Jan 12th until Feb 19th. The more our tactics incorporate a spiritual and intuitive approach, the more successful we will be. Otherwise we may get lost in indecisiveness.

Uranus will kick it up a notch between Jan 13/14th. It will help Venus and Mercury come up with more inventive ideas and new approaches to communicating and making money. We can get started on these ideas right away when these two connect with the North Node on the 14/15th, a time when we will work well together in our tribes and make fortunate connections. Though this energy is great for coming up with great and inventive ideas, it can be a little inflexible if opposed. We might experience this a bit from our significant others at this time. Try to be as flexible as possible without giving up on your hopes and dreams. Mars will also square Saturn on the 15th which can throw in some ‘Debbie downer’ energy and self-righteous road blocks. Take them with grace. Criticism and roadblocks often show up to help us consider things we might have missed or to help us slow down our pace. By the 17th, Uranus makes a positive aspect with marriage asteroid Juno – this opens our partnerships to change and our patience and flexibility will have paid off.

On January 19th, Venus will oppose Jupiter. It’s a day when we might be tempted to go over the top with spending and self indulgence. With this energy, I’ll remind you not to count your chickens before they have hatched. On the same day Mars will join together with Neptune. Really it’s a day that we will have a tendency to make poorly thought-out decisions. A better use of the energy is to direct it toward charitable and selfless actions.

The New Moon on Jan 20th will be in Aquarius. The New Moon will be making a positive connection with Saturn in Sagittarius. New Moons are a great time to set intentions and, with this connection to Saturn, success will come if we direct our energy toward new approaches to learning, teaching, a legal situation, or travel.

Pluto squares the North Node on January 21st the same day that Mercury goes retrograde. This transition marks a turning point on matters that have been brewing. Mercury going retrograde on the same day in Aquarius will ask us to slow down, turn inward, and reassess our thinking. Aquarius is very good at coming up with ideas and, though usually those ideas are usually ingenious, our confidence can make us a little too sure. January 21st to Feb 11th will be a time to re-check our drawings, our alignments, and our wirings. When Aquarius is involved, even a small error can lead to explosive results. From now to the end of the month, Mercury will reconnect with the North Node and Uranus and Pallas helping us to pick up the errors that we have missed.

Venus will move into Pisces on Jan 27th. Love and money will take on a tinge of universal love. This is also a very romantic sign for Venus to be in which is great for Feb 14th. I give you this sneak peek into February because Venus will also be aligned with Mars, making the potential for a very romantic February. Start planning your romantic surprise now!

On the 30th, we might be inspired to write and share our thoughts with someone. However with Mercury still retrograde, our ingenious and witty communication might not have its intended impact. Venus will also square Saturn on the same day and Mars will sextile Pluto. It’s a time when we will be assessing our loyalties and investments. It’s also a time when we might be a little pushy with our actions. The better way to use this energy is to journal, assess our relationships, and to come up with a strategy privately. When Mercury returns to its direct motion, we will have more clarity to act on our internal investigations.

Uranus will connect with the North Node on the last day of January. On the same day, Mars will connect with Chiron and Mercury with marriage asteroid Juno. We are now getting deeper into our healing and figuring out what is right for us. If these things have remained unconscious (and I hope they have not), they will still come out. The likely target – our partners (marriage or business) or the institutions of marriage and business. Whatever happens, we will be connecting with a path that is right for us, however messy it might look.

January horoscope 2015 for each sign…

Read both your sun sign and your rising sign/ascendant sign for a more accurate horoscope. If you don’t know your rising sign/ascendant sign click here for a free report (you’ll need your birth time).

Aries: You might have found yourself marching on Parliament hill or protesting in front of embassies lately. Or maybe you found yourself in New York marching for a cause you felt needed some attention. This month will mark the turning point on how you get your message heard. Aries is the warrior, but aiming to be the spiritual warrior may be a better path this month. New hopes and dreams might spring up at the New Moon on the 20th. From Jan 21 – Feb 11th, the Mercury retrograde will be a good time for you to lay low and refocus on your humanitarian or political efforts.

Taurus: What you had always believed has been ripped to shreds in the last little while. At times you may have felt that you didn’t know yourself anymore due to a crisis of faith. Your faith will be challenged again this month, but getting in touch with your emotions will give you clarity. New career ideas spring up at the New Moon on the 20th. From Jan 21 – Feb 11th, the Mercury retrograde will provide a good time to retreat from public life or your career and reassess where you’ve been.

Gemini: Hopefully you didn’t go overboard at Christmas this year with your credit card or other shared resources. If things haven’t been going so well, this month you might find yourself crying over your financial statements. It’s time for some financial reform. The pressure to be something you’re not is finally coming to a head. New beliefs spring up at the New Moon on the 20th. From Jan 21 – Feb 11th, the Mercury retrograde will help you do a review on your old belief systems.

Cancer: This month your fierce protective energy may go overboard – or your thick protective wall could go up as well… you get to choose. You may be feeling like you need to protect yourself in your relationship and, if you are really being harmed, this might be the right approach. The potential for a deeper level of intimacy exists which may scare you to bits. You can breathe new intentions into what you desire in term of intimacy at the New Moon on Jan 20th. Between Jan 21 – Feb 11th, the Mercury retrograde will help you to re-evaluate your intimate communications.

Leo: Do you have a job or do you have a career? This month, this question might be pushing buttons within you causing you to seek something deeper and more purposeful. You might be setting intentions for a change within your relationships. Maybe you decide you want a business and a business partner. The New Moon on Jan 20th will help you breathe life into these intentions. From Jan 21 – Feb 11th, the Mercury retrograde will help you review your communication with partners.

Virgo: They say that we learn from our children, but you hadn’t anticipated them changing your life this much. Most parents feel challenged letting go of their baby, but you are being challenged to let go in a way that seems even more challenging. The bottom line is that you need to take care of yourself. The New Moon on Jan 20th will help you to set new intention for your health and well-being (physical and emotional). From Jan 21 – Feb 11th, the Mercury retrograde will help you to review your routines and schedules in this area.

Libra: If you have been holding everything in for the last couple of weeks, trying to be a good sport over the holidays, you might finally reach your boiling point. Maybe you feel sandwiched from generational stress and you’re getting it from all sides – parents and children. Normally you can rely on your partner but they seem to be having a midlife crisis too. In all of this, how much are you feeding your creative side? Set intentions for yourself at the New Moon. The Mercury retrograde from Jan 21 – Feb 11th will help you to reassess your creative expression.

Scorpio: If you are starting to feel like you could write a self help book on “being yourself” without fear, this month marks the turning point on your data collection. Maybe the material for this has been coming from upsets at work or with your health. Maybe the two are linked. Are you getting sick from not being yourself at work? You can set new intentions at the New Moon for stronger foundations. From Jan 21 – Feb 11th, the Mercury retrograde may mean some breakdowns in your foundations. They may show up in your house, but trust that they are just reflecting your own inner workings.

Sagittarius: Things are coming to a head in the money department. This might be as simple as coming to the realization that kids cost money – more money than you thought. Or it could be that you took a risk with money and it turned out extremely well; even elevations in money can stress us out. The New Moon will provide opportunities to set intentions for better communication and from Jan 21 – Feb 11th the Mercury retrograde will help you to reassess your communication style.

Capricorn: You’re projecting yourself in a different way and it’s really being noticed. This month you might be getting so good at getting your way that you ruffle feathers or hurt feelings. Your foundations of who you are have been revolutionized and it’s becoming more apparent. The New Moon will help you to set intentions on your self-worth but before they come into being, the Mercury retrograde from Jan 21 – Feb 11th will have you reviewing how you’re communicating your sense of self.

Aquarius: Things keep floating out of your mouth that seem to get you in to trouble. The problem is that the words are being formed in your unconscious and are escaping into the world without censor, edit, or review. The New Moon on Jan 20th will help to set intentions for how you now want to project yourself into the world, but from Jan 21 – Feb 11th, the Mercury retrograde will have you reviewing your communication and personal branding.

Pisces: Everything from your friends, to your Facebook friends, to your group associations seems to be challenging you. This month, things will come to a head. A revolution is occurring in your self-worth and your emotions are floating to the surface. At the New Moon , you can set intentions for letting go of limiting beliefs floating around in your unconscious. From Jan 21 – Feb 11th, the Mercury retrograde will help you to reassess how you’re communicating with your intuition and your hidden beliefs.

December Horoscope 2014

Merry Christmas! It’s time for the December Horoscope 2014… Already!

The first couple of days of December, while many of the planets are still in Sagittarius, we will be driven and upbeat. We are feeling very driven towards our goals on December 1st on the 4th we will be feeling positive and inventive, filled with bliss, joy, and desire for love and fun. But on the 5th, something might arise that brings up a wound. At first we may be just expressing our unusual or ‘outside of the status quo’ views. Then at the December 6th full moon in Gemini, our minds are further stimulated and there will be lots more chat. It could be about our past hurts or much of it could be influenced by our past hurts. However on the 8th, we can expect nurturing conversations that will help to point us in the right direction. Oftentimes, when we learn to re-parent our inner child, we have a conversation that sounds a lot like Mom – or what we needed from Mom. But at this time we also need to have Dad in on the conversation. The childhood voice of Dad is often authoritative, scary, and devoid of feeling. But what is needed now is emotionally-available Dad. The re-parenting teamwork between Mom and Dad will be particularly rewarding at this time. Jupiter will also go retrograde on December 8th, sending us into a time of self reflection and assessment.

Jupiter will retrograde in Leo. Leo is about our leadership and authority. It’s about our need to shine and nurture our inner child through play and creativity. This retrograde will be a time for assessing how well we are doing at expanding those things in our lives. On Dec. 9th, Jupiter Retrograde starts off with a clash between our ethics and need for achievement. Did we have crazy soccer mom or hockey dad? How do we really feel about leading the game, playing the game, and winning? This may be influencing our leadership model; how we lead other and what we expect from them.

On December 10th, Venus enters into Capricorn. Venus in Capricorn can be affectionate, as long as there is status involved and money that doesn’t trail too far behind. Venus will be instrumental in what happens for the remainder of the month… However, whatever trouble Venus gets into, something is happening on another level. Those who have connected and healed their inner child dialogue will be inspired on Dec. 12th. Positive thinking will be on the rise and the planets will bring brings universal transcending love energy into the mix. The Sun trine Jupiter on the on December 14th will help to keep the positivity going.

I hate gloom and doom astrology reports. And I love Christmas. It’s one of my favourite times of the year. But many find December the most stressful part of the year. Expectations are high; the pressure to be happy when you are not, to feel gratitude when you don’t, and to spread loving cheer is often just too much for many. Unfortunately this year we can expect it to be a little more tense. Pluto and Uranus square off again in December, exact on December 15th. As they move closer together, the tension builds again towards another turning point.

Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and Jupiter are all what are considered the outer planets. They live in the universe farthest from the earth and take a considerable amount of time to orbit around the ecliptic. Neptune takes 165 years, Jupiter just 12 years, but because they are so slow going, their energy sets up the big picture of what’s going on. Pluto and Uranus have been doing their dance, moving to and fro from 2012 and are nearing the end of their dance set in early 2015. December 15th marks the second last square off between the two planets , with one more happening in March 2015.

Here is the bigger picture of these two in their dance. Pluto transforms, Uranus revolutionaries. What really is the difference between these two energies? Both can be destructive. Both will not leave you the same afterward. Uranus is really concerned about change. It wants to see us evolve and to break up the old and outdated ways of doing things. It’s like the constant upgrades to the operating system on your phone. The purpose is always to make things new and supposedly better. Pluto on the other hand is concerned with renovating. It walks into the living room, decides that it doesn’t like the chair right there anymore, but instead of just moving the chair to a new place, it tears down the walls, replaces the floors, paints a new colour, so that when you do move that chair to a new place, that chair will look reborn… like new. Not the same.

So imagine what happens when extreme makeover and constant operating system upgrade clash. It’s like Jason meets Freddy Kruger, Terminator vs Robocop, Heathers meets Mean Girls… It’s not a pretty scene.

In real terms, Pluto is walking into the halls of all of those old buildings – The government, old money, big business (represented by Capricorn) and is tearing down policies, status quo, and exclusive practices…. We’ve seen it. Capricorn likes to reform others, but it doesn’t like it much when it happens to him. Especially with Pluto involved, there is a tendency to want to hold on to power, by hook or by crook. Uranus in the hands of Aries on the other hand is a trail blazer. Aries always acts and then thinks later and when Uranus the planet of surprise is there it makes it all that much more unpredictable. One thing is for sure – we can expect the unexpected and we can expect it coming up against the government, big business, and old structures. If you have planets or important points at or close to this degree (12o of the cardinal signs), you can expect the same kind of reformation in your life or business. If you are feeling it, you can always get an assessment to see what’s going on.

Mars moved into Aquarius on December 4th, putting it in mutual reception with Uranus. This means they are helping each other out in December. Mars in Aquarius fights for change, but it’s the good kind of change. In Aquarius he is concerned with Humanitarianism and social change. Mars will dance with other planets helping us to have breakthroughs in these areas and will hold hands with destiny on Christmas Eve 24th which will create a positive alliance.

Venus will be a little bit of a trouble maker. Think of Scarett O’Hara in Gone with the Wind – that is what Venus will be like during December. To begin, on Dec 14th., she will delight her to put on a ballroom gown and to charm and be charmed at the Christmas Ball. How she dresses, who she goes with, and who she interacts with will all have an agenda though. It’s in her nature. Also on Dec 15th the energy will be turned up causing her to be very self determined and individualistic. And this sets the stage for what happens on the 20th when Venus conjuncts Pluto and squares Uranus. If you saw Gone with the Wind, you will remember that all of Scarett’s marriage alliances to first, second, and third husband’s all served a very Capricorn purpose. Business and “love” were not separate for her. Remember also throughout the whole movie Scarlet was hell bent on getting Ashley, her “best friend’s” man. She stopped at nothing. Remember how she threw herself at him and found herself in a passionate embrace on Christmas day? As in the movie, when Venus conjuncts Pluto and squares Uranus, Venus’ advances might not go as expected. After Venus finds herself in a bit of trouble, she may turn around and do what Scarlett did in the midst of the civil war. She rolled up her sleeves and did some grunt work (Capricorn will do this if need be). This might happen on December 21st but don’t expect her to stay there for long. On the 22nd, Venus will either be back in the game or banished from it for good.

The New Moon happens on December 21st in Capricorn. This is also the Equinox, the beginning of winter and shortest day of the year in North America. We now have a whole lot of energy in Capricorn (The Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Pluto, and Vesta). This energy puts a focus on status, power, prestige, and tradition. On Dec 23rd, Mercury will create a strong focus on these areas in thought and speech. On the same day Saturn ingresses into Sagittarius. Saturn will return briefly into Scorpio in 2015, but will remain in Sagittarius until 2017. Saturn in Sagittarius will examine and restructure our moral code, our education, religious, and legal systems.

Christmas Eve and Christmas day bring back the fireworks as Mercury conjunct Pluto and squares Uranus. Here’s some advice for keeping the peace. While nestled in with the family during these days (something most of us will not be able to avoid), stay away from discussing politics, religion, sex, death, past relationships, age, appearance, or money. Oh and don’t make any jokes involving the aforesaid topics. The more you can just open presents, smile with gratitude, and put some food in your mouth anytime you would like to make a point, the better off you will be. The reason? Rigid thinking will be even more rigid – strong opinions will be stronger. Mercury makes an aspect to the planet responsible for healing wounds, so even if you do have a blow out, you will be able to find access to healing the parts of you that were perhaps unheard or misunderstood as a child. By Boxing Day, your new insights and deepened intuition might lead you in a new direction. This however might be set in the backdrop of more drama. Vesta will conjunct Pluto and square Uranus. Secrets could be revealed. Or you may have deep and penetrating insight into the problems within your psyche. It could have you acting rebelliously and, with Mars opposite the marriage asteroid Juno, this could result in a blow up with your partner.

At the end of the month Pallas moves into Sagittarius and joins Saturn. At this time, we might see a sneak peek into campaigns against socially unjust laws and fights for justice though reform. Well Pluto and Uranus have certainly set the stage for it!

 December Horoscope 2014 for each sign:

Aries: The focus of energy will take place in your career house. You may have a face-off or competition with others who think they should have gotten that massive company recognition bonus instead of you. They can’t understand how you got it. Jupiter retrogrades in your 5th house calls you to reflect on how you are expanding your creativity and need for attention.

Taurus: There may be some ‘holier than thou’ drama in your life this month. If you are traveling to a distant culture over Christmas, this may be a culture clash. Be careful and don’t automatically assume that our North American standard and ways of doing things apply. If you find yourself saying “but I’m an American” or “But I’m a Canadian”… you might be making matters worse. Jupiter retrogrades in the 4th house causing you to examine of your need for attention and play within your family.

Gemini: You prefer to keep things light, but this month you will be thrown into a deep transformation as your shared resources and intimate relationships create a power struggle – a big power struggle. Your struggling now with your definition of status and success and they might not match up to your partners. Jupiter retrogrades in the 3rd house causing you begin an examination of how lead a conversation.

Cancer: Plenty of drama this month in your relationships – this could be your spouse or a business partner. You might be facing a total restructuring of your agreement. Check your vows or business contract. You may need a renewal or a rewrite. Jupiter retrogrades in the 2nd, giving you some time to reflect on your investments. Are they risky? Are they too speculative?

Leo: Be careful during that workplace Christmas party. There is sure to be drama and it could involve the workplace version of Sandra Bullocks the proposal – it may not be as dramatic as finding yourself betrothed to the manager in order to save their butt, but close. Decide how you want to be of service and set your boundaries. Jupiter retrogrades in the 1st causes you to reflect on your leadership self-image.

Virgo: If you’re in the dating scene, things may get heated. Maybe you double-booked yourself for the same Christmas party. Maybe you love one but see the other as more beneficial to your financial ambitions. If you have children, this might be some drama with a child. You might learn that you cannot project manage your children. Jupiter retrogrades in the 12th which has you focusing on your acting ability. Do you know who you are anymore? There may be so many roles (mother, sister, daughter, friend, caretaker) that you play in your life that you might have lost the real you. Jupiter retrograde will help you to go inside to discover.

Libra: More than any other sign, you will be prone to family drama and power struggles during December. It’s Christmas though so it will be hard to avoid. The issue might be that they want you to take over the family business – but you just want to make your own way in the world. Jupiter retrogrades in the 11th helping you to go inside and reflect on your hopes and dreams.

Scorpio: They don’t call you the Stinger for nothing. The words that come out of your mouth can and do sting, but this month something will come up causing you to rethink your communication strategy. Does it burn your bridges? Does the power strategy you’ve always used no longer work? Jupiter retrogrades in the 10th house causing you to reflect on your need for fame and fortune.

Sagittarius: You might buy an expensive and beautiful present in the hopes of impressing. Maybe even as a business-related “bribe” but key into your intentions as this may backfire. You might not be able to afford it both in terms of your bank balance and your self esteem. Jupiter retrogrades in the 9th causing you to reflect on your ethics.

Capricorn: Your self-projection (how you project your power and status in words and in deeds) will be the focus of December. Capricorn can look down on others or feel that they don’t match their standards. But check in with what your standards really are; you may need to do some adjustments. Jupiter retrogrades in the 8th causing you to reflect on your shared resources. How are others investing in you and how can you build their confidence?

Aquarius:   If you have been hiding your ambitions and desire for success and tripping yourself up to make sure you never get it, you may be facing some unraveling reveals. If that’s what you want, go for it… Stop sabotaging yourself. Jupiter retrogrades in the 7th house causing you to reflect on the playfulness or lack of it in your relationships.

Pisces: Maybe you think you’re all knowing because you’re the oldest of your friends. Maybe you are even quite a bit older them. They have a thing or two to teach you and this month your interactions with them may have you checking in with yourself. Jupiter retrogrades in the 6th house causing you to reflect on the phrase “do what you love and the money will follow.”

November Horoscope 2014

“Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.” John Donne.

The beginning of November is somber. The leaves will be gone (at least here in North America). The night’s longer, the skies a bit grey. November is also Remembrance of the end of hostilities on the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour (11.11.11). War, atrocities, and the loss of life will be on our minds – the ones of days gone by and the ones those that are fresh.

This month we get a better understanding of the big picture. Even if the big picture is one that we would rather not see, it doesn’t shut us down. Saturn, Venus, and the Sun will still be traveling through Scorpio and, on the heels of a solar eclipse last month in Scorpio, we are asked to delve deeper. One by one the Sun, Mercury, and Venus will move into Sagittarius by the end of the month, putting us in the mood for a vacation and adventure but there is work to do be done before that point.

Saturn has us doing the hard work around our identity, our word, and our values. There is some help to clarify what needs work. On the 1st, Mars (now in Capricorn) is sextile Neptune in Pisces. This positioning gives us a sense of responsibility to our collective human being and we might be filled with a sense of vision for something better. On the same day, Mars will help us to find practical ways to direct that vision. Mercury is also sextile Jupiter, expanding our minds and our creative thinking. We’ll be able to make a fair assessment of the possibilities. Yet, Venus in Scorpio is sextile Pluto making us a little intense. We might get so passionate about our ideas that we want to impose them on others. With the Sun square Juno, the tension may revolve around how we relate to one another. How can we be ourselves, express our identities pursue our dreams, and still be in relationship to others? Uranus is trine Vesta, so we may feel the need to put our passions first. We can fight through patterns of thinking through and create new neural pathways. This month holds so much energy to envision, drop the barrier, and to manifest a new way of being. Doing it in groups will help establish new collective neural pathways.

Though this is a time for change, the full moon in November is on the 6th in Taurus – and Taurus does not like change. This full moon will be opposite Venus in Scorpio making us to feel a little awkward within our relationships. It’s also square Juno in Leo leaving us a little uncomfortable in our skins. And with a square to Jupiter, we might waiver in our new direction. We waiver between building castles in the safe sandbox and building castles in the sky. Two more transits are adding to the confusion. Neptune is square Ceres, confusing us about our true source of nurturance. Venus is square Jupiter, craving some intensity which can border on codependence. Codependence is when we go outside of ourselves to feel fulfilled and complete. But no other person can give us the security, the nurturance, and the fulfillment we crave. The trick will be to honour our inner child’s needs for safety with the need to move forward into change.

The anxiety may intensify on the 10th and 11th of November. Mars will conjunct Pluto and Vesta will sextile the North Node. This is a combination that might lead to a blow up. It might also be a wakeup call with Mercury trine Neptune. Even if it is harsh and things do fall apart, it will bring our vision into sharper focus. And as we stand at attention in remembrance on the 11th, our silent reflection will lead us to connect with our intuition and to reconnect with our vision. The new is calling us forth.

“Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.” -William Yates

On the 12th Venus will conjunct Saturn. This makes us take pause and consider again our values. How have we been spending and sharing our inner resources of love and commitment and our outer resources – our money. Mars square Uranus triggers our collective inner warrior again. Our level of consciousness will determine if it expresses itself as a warrior of light or a warrior of destruction. The good news is that Mercury sextile Chiron signals breakthroughs in connecting with the inner warrior of light. It connects us with our head and our hearts, allowing for self healing. It also helps us to communicate our healing to others. We might feel so good about our newfound selves that we go a bit overboard on the 13th when the Sun (which is our ego) squares Jupiter in Leo (the sign that rules the sun and our egos).

By the middle of the month, the outer planets of transformation and revolution will be chatting with the goddesses. Uranus trine Juno helps us to express ourselves in our relationships with a little more freedom and self expression. Pluto sextile Pallas is helping us to see the patterns of the new paradigm in greater focus. Mercury sextile Pluto and conjunct Pallas on the 16th has us thinking and talking about these big changes. With Venus conjunct freedom-and-adventure loving Sagittarius the same day, think of an updated version of the free love hippie movement of the 60’s. What would we call a 2000s version of this? By the 16th we’ll likely come up with a term for it!

On the 16th, Neptune also goes direct. Neptune has been retrograde since June 9th. When it goes direct, we will again go into a dreamy state of collective unconsciousness. The good news is that the direct motion will help us to be a little more hopeful. I’m glad for this as I think hope is something we all need in the world right now.

November 17th is a great day to take a break and have a spa day. Purifying our minds with a seaweed wrap, yoga session and a country hike will bring us back into renewal. Make sure you check into a country spa and not a hustle-and-bustle busy city one. Ste. Anne’s spa is one of my favourites.

With a renewed body and mind, we can get back to the matter at hand when the Sun conjuncts Saturn on Nov 18th. We are now refocused on our projects and might find that the amount of work is intense. You’ll be glad you took that spa day. Though the amount of work to be done may feel like a burden, we will all feel an incredible amount of passion and purpose as Jupiter trines Vesta. If you’re not in your purpose or following your passion, then this time might be a little tough for you as Mars squares the North Node. If you haven’t been hearing the call, you might get pushed into the ring anyhow.

Chiron trine Pallas provides us with amazing energy to imagine and weave the life that we want. If you find you’re not good at manifesting, the 18th would be a good day to give it another try. One of the keys to manifesting is not just to see it, but also to feel it. Chiron will help you heal anything that has been blocking your ability to get into the feeling space of it.

The visioning continues on when Venus is square to Neptune on the 20th. On a good note, it helps us to visualize and be idealistic about our goals. On the other hand, it is not a good time to make decisions or put any of our goals into action. For instance, if you envision a project or a business that you are certain will make you money and is going to change the world…. wait. You likely don’t have all the information about the money to support this vision and it will follow you like a bad cough if you launch it now. With the New Moon in Sagittarius conjunct Venus and Saturn and this square energy to Neptune going on, we are very much at the idea stage of things. Now is the time to get out your sticky notes. Write out all of your ideas. Brainstorm with the energetic space of thinking that “no idea is a bad idea”, knowing that a “bad idea” voiced might spark a really good idea. But it is just that – the idea stage. Mars is also sextile Mercury so, if given the forum, the ideas will be firing on all cylinders!

One of the reasons that we won’t be able to see the forest for the trees is that our creativity is still at odds with our ideas of commitment and relationships. We want to go one direction and our partners might be saying “are you crazy” or they are bothered that it’s taking away from the relationship in some way. With Mercury conjunct Saturn and square Jupiter, we might have a couple of days of strong opinions and serious communication around this topic.

At the end of the month on Nov 26th, Venus in conjunct Ceres in Sagittarius. It’s a great day to go off on an adventure – One that nourishes you and feeds your aesthetic senses. Maybe this is a hike in the country or the first time you experience dinner at an Ethiopian restaurant, including lentils served on a shared plate with injera and the fragrant tea. Soak up the experience! Venus is also trine Uranus, so you can just set out for an adventure and expect the unexpected!

Mercury moves into Sagittarius on the 27th expanding our worldview some more, but we might struggle at first with Venus square Chiron. Our religious upbringing or faith in old, outdated traditional systems might get reignited, bringing up a need to consider if these things are working for us anymore. Uranus trine Ceres will allow us to grant more freedom to the ways in which we take care of ourselves and with Chiron also square Ceres we might be feeling in conflict with what “Mama says” and what is good for us. This tug of war might show up on the social level as a conflict with traditional western medicine vs. non tradition forms of healing.

On the 29th, Venus is trine Juno and sextile the North Node. Finally we are feeling more comfortable with the idea of a relationship as a soul mate adventure. This is different from the relationships of the past. The conclusions we reach now will send us off in a new direction as far as committed relationships are concerned. What a great way to end November!

November is filling us with ideas and vision. Read each sign to see where the creativity will emerge for you:

Aries:  In the beginning of the month, you will be taking a hard look at your finances and how your shared resources are in need of liberation. You’ll feel resistance at first, as the feeling of expressing yourself without a relationship will make you feel naked. By the end of the month, you will be transforming your beliefs and will have some great ideas on how to move forward.


Taurus:  You’ll be taking a hard look at your partnerships. You might resent at first what you come to learn. It means that you now have to change. It’s something that you would rather not do. Later in the month all of your ideas lead you to see how you could have financial freedom, so the security-loving side of you will have something to drive it forward.


Gemini:  The situation at work is coming into sharp focus. You might not like it, but it’s helping you to see where you values are misaligned with the work you do. Crap. Does this mean you have to find a new job? All that job researching and resume revision will make you feel like ditching the idea. By the end of the month, you will be seeing how new partnerships are going to be a better alignment. Maybe this is a business partnership or a new team project partnership. You may have to leave, but maybe you don’t. Keep focused on the vision and the way will emerge soon.


Cancer:  You love to mother, but there is something about what you are mothering or how you are mothering that has outlived itself. At first your own ideas might feel insulting. The defensive words “I’m a good mother” might float out of your mouth. Later in the month, you’ll be able to separate your ideas of how you mother from who you are which will allow you to find new ideas for new outlets to serve and give.


Leo:  Your ideas of your family (Mom and Dad) are coming into sharp focus. Maybe you see some bad in them or even so good in them that you don’t want to see. You are invested in your image of them, so the fierce protective lion might initially want to lash out and scratch. By the end of the month, you will see how much more creative you are when you let things be.


Virgo:  You may have never questioned the way you speak. You also may take for granted the thoughts that pass through you mind as truth, but something is seeking to be transformed in this area. Virgos love roles – husband, wife, helper, server. This is because you know what to expect and what is expected of you when you have a role. It’s tempting to reject new ideas related to the roles that you play. Later in the month, you will start to envision a new foundation which will help you to feel rooted once again.


Libra:  You are assessing your value and your resources this month – what’s given, what’s taken, and the boundaries around what is yours. You may initially want to go overboard on seeing the other person’s point of view. By the end of the month you will discover new ideas on how to communicate your new sense of value. This will make it easier to focus your own point of view without expending it for the sake of another’s.


Scorpio:  You might have an epiphany about yourself this month which leaves you feeling very uncomfortable. As you start to realize some of your faults you might become sharp with others who shine any light on it. Later in the month as your vision and ideas of yourself start to broaden, and you can see how they will increase your self esteem, you become more comfortable with the changes. You see now that they must come.


Sagittarius:  At first you feel the rumblings of something new wanting to emerge from deep within your unconscious. Maybe it pokes out into the light of day for a moment. You may be tempted to push it back into the far and unreachable parts of your mind. By the end of the month you will feel more comfortable will allowing your beliefs and who you are to emerge. It’s your birthday month and you’re starting a new cycle and this new cycle is a biggie!


Capricorn:  You’re assessing the value and resourcefulness of your friendships. You are seeing patterns that you may not want to see at first. As you examine your communication, ideas, and patterns of response, you might start to address them first on an unconscious level. They say that everything happens at the spirit or soul level first and then manifests later on the material level. The soul level is what you will be deciding this month.


Aquarius:  New ideas are emerging about your career. You might have the feeling like Moses had when God told him he was chosen to lead his people out of slavery… “why me???” You might go into serious doubt and rejection of the idea at first. Later in the month you will start to see how you might be supported to go forward by your tribe. The ideas that they bring forward will be inspiring and the idealism in you will help push you forward.


Pisces:  You prefer not to commit to any one vision. However, your ideas of pluralism may be carefully constructed forms of keeping you from the leading and teaching that you have been called to do. The vastness of commitment has you remaining in a fog. This might be to a religion or to anything that you must put your faith in. As you find it within yourself to commit towards the end of the month, you become centered in your ability to lead.