The History of The Corporation & Astrology

The History of The Corporation & Astrology

The Corporation was a Roman concept and some of the oldest corporations are still in existence, but it was the first mercantile corporation that really set the tone for business. The East Indian Company was a monster corporation. And with one other real competitor – the Dutch East Indian Company – and its products of tea, opium, and, of course, people through the slave trade, it took over the world.

Okay, so their business was a bit sketchy. But what is so fascinating about the British East Indian Company is what happened to it when Pluto went into Capricorn in 1762.

I’m not a big history buff, but I have recently been doing a bit of research for my book The Corporate Culture Detox. I thought, ‘if I am going to be talking about the Corporation, I should talk a bit about where they originated , how they have evolved, and their growth. This research led me to a blog post called A Brief History of the Corporation. As I read the post, a chill went up and down my spine.

It was the story of the British East Indian Company; a story of greed, power, sketchy business practices, an economic bubble, and eventual revolution (American Revolution to be specific) which started because of Tea. As the story unfolded, a theme way too familiar seemed to be emerging! It happened in 1772 and it was happening again. Because of this, I had a sneaking suspicion that the culprit was Pluto in Capricorn.

Pluto has an orbit of 248 years so the timing seemed about right, but I had to check it out. I did two things: I went to my astrology software and pulled up a chart for December 31, 1600 – the day the East Indian Company was incorporated. Then, before setting off to write a blog post about it, I did another quick Google search. That search produced a blog post written in 2004 by Shane P Ward. Damn! Another Astrologer had beaten me to the punch!

If you love that feeling of getting goose bumps as you read something eerily correct, check out his post!

So rather than rehash the story that was already told, I thought I would post the British East Indian Company Incorporation Chart to show you how powerful looking at an incorporation chart can be and then tell you my astrological take on where the corporation is growing.

EIC - Pluto TransitThe East Indian Company, established in December, had a Capricorn Sun. In addition it had North Node, Mercury, and Mars in Capricorn. Pluto crossed the chart’s Sun in 1767. The Sun of a corporation is how the company is perceived and the image of the company. Capricorn then crossed over its North Node, landed exactly on its Capricorn Mars, and was about to square its Pluto when the company went to the Bank of England on July 15, 1772 for help. By 1773, a full bailout occurred from the Bank of England. In response, the British (needing to repair the financial damage) decided to pass a Tea Act which basically exempted the British East Indian Company from taxes. Well, they needed a way to make back the bail out money! But this act negatively impacted the colonies, including America.

The United States reaction to that Tax Act was the Boston Tea Party in 1773. A revolt ensued and the formation of independent America occurred on July 4, 1778 – which incidentally gives the US chart a Sun in Cancer, the exact opposite sign to Capricorn.

Astrology 101: A conjunction to Capricorn planets will be an opposition to Cancer planets AND just as transformative!

And that’s where we are today. Pluto in Capricorn making transits opposite the US chart’s Sun, having already hit its Cancer Venus, Jupiter, and, just this past year, its Sun. It will oppose its Cancer Mercury and conjunct its Pluto by the end of the Pluto in Capricorn transit in 2023.

Okay, so yes America is not technically a Corporation – but neither was Britain, though it was highly influenced by the British East Indian Company – and I think we all know how influential some companies are to the United States.

This point leads me to Pluto, currently in transiting in Capricorn, which started in 2008 (236 years later). Some things are similar: government bail outs, increased taxes, and resultant backlash (even calling themselves the Tea Party movement) and a “great idea” to help repair the damage… fracking oil.

This time tea is not being thrown overboard – this time (metaphorically at least) it’s Oil but let’s hope it doesn’t end up in our water! Since 2008, fracking has made the US a major producer for oil. If tea taxes undercut the Americans, resulting in the American Revolution, the question is who does America’s reorientation in oil production undercut? While many might worry about the Tea Party movement and backlash to taxes. Some will worry about backlash to oil prices globally but just remember that it was the American farmer who threw off Britain! And it’s this small point that gives me hope…

Here’s why.

The Cosmos is not completely the same as in the late 1700’s.The difference is that Neptune was in Virgo back then and this time, for the most part, it is in Pisces – its home. Neptune in Pisces has historically seen revolutions with the masses generally feeling the pinch of the haves and the have not’s. Some of the current “Rich” (1%) get this (see plutocrat ted talk The Pitch Forks Are Coming).

But what I think is more interesting is that Neptune only arrived in Pisces in 2012 but has brought the rise of a new kind of faith, utopia, and ideology brought about by a new invention that blew up when Neptune was Conjunct Uranus in 1993 – the internet. Innovation on the internet has created connections, apps, and speed that are now making what was once inaccessible to the regular person accessible. This is the kind of revolution that has the potential to do amazing things.

As an individual I can now brand and incorporate myself. I can offer my attention, skills, and abilities to what I love and enjoy. I can create my own company. I can limit my liability and when I really get rolling, I can build a team of others virtually who are also on the same page to help my business grow – I can do it all because of innovation and the internet. Not only that, but I can slow down as not as much of my personal time is needed. If something needs to be done you can be sure that “there’s an app for that.” I can move out of town, to cheaper suburban land – as long as there is an internet connection. If I have a product-based business, I may also need a post office. As for those product-based companies, I don’t have to buy from the large super companies. I can buy from Etsy or someone in my tribe and my tribe can be connect me with like-minded individuals all over the world. Don’t believe me? There are books being written about it – Read Think Like a SheEO. and courses popping up to get you there quickly – Check out Marie Forleo’s B School.

As for oil, I can go back to basics with a garden and a windmill or solar panel, thus growing my own tea and producing my own energy. I can stick my tongue out to the large corporation – particularly the ones that are driven by oil and profit and ruining the environment. I can declare that I am a corporation! Think that it’s idealistic? Well, that’s how idealistic Neptune in Pisces can be. When it comes to business, never underestimate the idealism of Pisces! Some of the most successful entrepreneurs are Pisces (Steve Jobs, Wyatt Earp, Levi Strauss, Daymon John). They are successful because they’re idealistic and they BELIEVE their idealism!

Perhaps it is the rise of the entrepreneur – the small guy who will challenge the powers that be this time! If that is the case then what does that mean for the large corporation? It means it needs to rethink its way of doing business… And for that a good start is to read The Year Without Pants.

February Horoscope 2015

2015-01-30 10.17.12February Horoscope 2015

Is there a better way to start the month of love than with Venus conjunct Neptune? When these two come together, it’s romance, universal love, and high ideals. It’s not very grounded, so don’t make any big decisions about love or money. But it is creative, so use the day to pour your passion into something you love, whether that’s a creative project that will make you money at a later date or a relationship filled with promise. On the last day of January, Mars was conjunct Chiron which triggered some wounds on the collective level. It had to do with the idea of authenticity and ourselves. The more we can allow one another to be ourselves authentically, the more we will feel that universal love. All four planets are now in Pisces at the beginning of the month, so the volume is turned up on universal love. With the Moon in Cancer opposing Pluto, it promises to be a highly emotional day.

The Full Moon happens on February 3rd. The Moon will be in Leo joined by Jupiter, creating no less than a flare for the dramatic. We might as well set up a speaker’s corner for this one. Those who will want to be heard will be on their soapbox. If you do hear one of these rants, stop and listen. There is likely to be some original and forward thinking taking place. It may even be a warning Evan Almighty style that will come completely out of left field. But we are now able to see the big picture of what is emerging – if we look and listen closely. Not only might they gain some support for new and exciting ideas promoted, they will also garner a serious commitment to action.

One caveat: The full moon will be sextile the North Node in Libra. This alignment points to the direction that we SHOULD be moving toward universally. Libra is fairness and negotiation – it is the sign that rules love. At the same time, it’s also in a trine to the South Node which is conjunct Uranus, the planet of surprises in Aries – the sign that rules fighting, action and war – so it seems that there may be commitment on both sides. The South Node always feels easier because it’s what we know. Because the North Node can seem unknown and uncomfortable, those who are committed to moving the collective toward love might question themselves. But if action is taken on their end, they can also gain commitment. That commitment will carry on for a couple of days with a strong concentration and focus on effort. Mercury is still retrograde though, so while there may be clarity and commitment, wheels might spin a bit.

We are back to relationships on the 9th when Venus conjunct Chiron. With both in Pisces, there’s a chance for collective wounds (with respect to relationships) to be healed. There is an imbalance in masculine and feminine energies, but the energy will allow us to see the patterns and also find a way through them. We might feel some difficulty in trusting our own intuition at this time. We are learning new ways to nurture and trust our own inner voice. On February 11th, Mercury goes direct again which will help a little by clearing up muddled communications and thinking.

Between the 10th and the 15th, Ceres will square the North Node, square Uranus, and will conjunct Pluto. This movement will bring up strong themes of needing to let go and to transform. In the myth of Ceres, the universal mother, Ceres, starved the world by causing famine when her daughter was taken by Pluto. Ask any mother who has lost a child: this is one thing that you don’t let go, but let go we must. Ceres is in Capricorn, so the things we may need to let go of include the idea of equating achievement with love. Can we let go of the idea that we need achieve to be loved?

2015-01-30 10.49.50The New Moon is on February 18th at 29’59 degrees of Aquarius, square Saturn. This is our second New Moon in Aquarius this year. This is an energy that can make us feel pessimistic. We may have great ideas and possibilities exist, but this is a ‘quit just before the miracle’ aspect. If we can push past the negativity then it is a powerful New Moon upon which to set new intentions. The New Moon is one second away from being in a new sign! That’s right, one second. Don’t quit before the miracle – push through. It’s widely conjunct Neptune, so if you can lean into that Neptune in Pisces, you may find some spiritual inspiration to pull you through. Here is a trick when things seem beyond you: admit it to the Universe. Just say ,“this is beyond me… can you help an earthling out?” You’ll be amazed at the inner resilience and courage that you will find.
The next day on February 19th, the surface tension will break. Mars will move into Aries – its home – where it will feel comfortable taking action. Mercury will also sextile Saturn, clearing up any negative thinking and helping us to be rational and logical.

On the 20th, Venus will move into Aries. On the 22nd, Mars and Venus will be conjunct! It’s too bad Valentine’s Day didn’t fall on the 22nd this year because that’s the day when sparks will fly. Also on the 22nd, Saturn will trine Juno (the marriage asteroid) and Venus and Mars will trine Saturn/Juno on Feb 24/25th. What does all of that mean? It means that in a couple of days, we might see relationships form and deeper commitments take place. This is also true of business partnerships.

At the month’s end, Mercury will trine the North Node. It’s a Friday and a great day to connect with your tribe. If you don’t have a tribe, this is the day you might link in with the right one.

You may be pushing people out of the way to get on that soapbox at the Full Moon. It’s in your 5th house of drama and theatre. Try to remember to share the stage and limelight. The New Moon is in your house of humanitarian efforts. Set intentions at that time for anything related to helping others. You’ll be able to find your tribe through humanitarian involvement toward month’s end.

Are you the golden child in your family? You may not know how much influence and sway you hold – or maybe you do. At the Full Moon use your golden child influence for good. Remember the famous are so for either good or evil. At the New Moon, you can set intentions for the right kind of recognition. At month’s end you’ll be able to find your tribe at a career-related conference, maybe where you or others are featured as a thought leader.

You may be very opinionated at the Full Moon this month. You will need to be impeccable with your words as your opinions may be taken as fact. At the New Moon, you can set intentions for higher education. Maybe you have always wanted to get a degree or a particular certificate. You will find your tribe at month’s end by attending something like a Ted talk.

Your emotions will be on the theatrical side at the Full Moon. The emotions that emerge will be heavily based on your self esteem. Yes, the squeaky wheel will get the oil – emotions that are unhinged will get attention but try to stay away from emotional manipulation designed to externally reinforce your self esteem. Emotional theatrics based on managed emotions (and internally achieved self esteem) will make you feel better about yourself. Try a little meditation before expressing yourself. At the New Moon, you can set intentions for how to better share yourself with others. You will find your tribe at month’s end at through group therapy or a strangely enough… a funeral.

You might be fluctuating between projecting out a persona: one that others expect you to be or allowing your authentic self to shine. You can allow yourself to be authentic at the Full Moon. You can be extremely convincing either way, but being fair to yourself will make you feel better about your presentation of self. You can set intentions at the New Moon for better partnerships. At month’s end, you will find your tribe by attending a business partnership event.

Sometimes you don’t need to say a word to lead others. It’s your actions that will speak louder than words. Believe it or not, being extremely self-indulgent with sleep, rest, and renewal (maybe even a spa day) will communicate leadership to others more than you know at the Full Moon. You can set intentions at the New Moon for a new and different kind of health regiment – one that fully supports you. You can find your tribe at a group where you compete with your new telemetry band (is it a Garmon Vivosmart? Who got the most sleep?!).

At the Full Moon you will have an audience for your political opinions. Just make sure you’re not debating for the sake of debating. Have true conviction behind your political campaign, and stop trying to please! You can set intentions at the New Moon for stepping into your authentic leadership. You can find your tribe at month’s end at an improv class.

Whatever you have been working to achieve will now bring you into the spotlight at the Full Moon. Others might join or oppose you; your influence will make others either love or hate you. Standing strong in who you are will help you grow a thicker skin. At the New Moon you can set intentions for your emotional involvement, security, and family ties. Toward the month’s end, you can make connections through family ties or the Grand Poobahs at the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo.

Your teaching others now and they may see you as the latest and greatest Guru. You might need to make some adjustments in your teaching style to incorporate new learning. Remember we often teach what we need to learn. At the New Moon you can set intentions for getting to know your neighbours. Maybe your idea is to promote an inventive community program. Toward the end of the month, you can connect with your tribe at your local community center.

You’re like the Mata Hari at the Full Moon but make sure to use your hypnotic influence to promote love. At the New Moon you can set intentions for increasing yourself, your esteem, and your wealth. Grab the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. You can connect with the right tribe at the month’s end at a Think and Grow Rich meet-up group.

You may be handshaking a deal at the Full Moon. It’s one that will put you in an influential and leadership position. You may be feeling unsure about your ability, but you have a unique perspective to offer. Plus, they wouldn’t have struck the deal if you were not the right person for the job – you know more than you think you know. At the New Moon, you can set intentions for how you want to project and brand yourself now. You can connect with your tribe at the month’s end by just being yourself – you’ll make yourself magnetic to the right people.

You make an impact and gain respect by focusing on detail at Full Moon on the 3rd. Others will be impressed by your thoroughness. At the New Moon you can set intentions for a deeper spiritual connection. You can link up with your tribe at a meditation event when you meet like-minded people. You might even realize that your tribe is your spiritual guides.

2015 Business Planner Using Astrology

32753500_s2015 Business planner using Astrology

2015 will be an interesting year. I definitely see this as a year that power will shift and move around – hopefully into good hands. I have put together a general overview of good and not so good times to move forward with big projects and business launches.

There is definitely more to it – the timing has to be right in your personal and/or business chart for success. And there shades of grey and finer details to consider. But here is a general overview for the year. Look for white space in the chart below for better days to move forward with big plans.

As well, If you are in the day to day of your business you may want to consider if any of these times will affect what you’re doing.

First Quarter (Jan, Feb, March)

The biggest problem with Q1 is the Pluto/Uranus square.  That will happen exactly on March 16th. But leading up to it there are many ‘triggers’; The New moon Jan 4th  forms a square to it.  On March 11 Mars is conjunct Uranus and square Pluto. And the eclipse on April 4th will also be conjunct Uranus and square Pluto. It’s a volatile period of time. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t move forward with plans during the clear days, but the second half of the year is going to look quite different from the first.  After the mercury retrograde period is complete in February there are some days wide open. But depending on your business you might want to consider what the volatility will mean for you. Pluto and Uranus are tearing down the status quo in business, government, the steel industry, currency and banking. If you are emerging with new approaches and technologies, this may be a good time. If you are forging ahead with the status quo, you will need to be thorough in your research and investigate whether the approach is still working.

Second Quarter (April, May, June)

April May and June has lots of red flag days as well as retrogrades. In general the red flag days are when important planets are in a square to one another, especially to Neptune. Neptune creates a fog and confuses things. If its mercury – it’s the products and communications, Venus -cash flow, and mars brings up problems with strategy or the motivation of staff.

Here’s a list of the exact dates. If you are launching something big you will also want to avoid the days surrounding it (shown on the chart in light grey):

  • Mercury square Neptune (May 9th, 29th, June 23rd and Nov 25th) – this is a time when wires are cross or there may even be outright lies.
  • Venus Square Neptune (April 19th) – Problems with cash flow will be inherent or an inability at some point to be able to pay the bills.
  • Mars square Neptune (May 25th) – a lack of motivation with employees, difficulty with strategy and strategic planning or the inability to follow through with strategy.

Mercury is also retrograde during this quarter from May 18th – June 11th. Again, it’s a time to avoid starting anything new especially if it has to do with communications (written, spoken, internet) or travel.

Third Quarter (July, Aug, Sept)

The last couple of days of June and into July are good times to move forward with major launches or incorporation plans. If you want to take advantage of the energy of Jupiter in Leo, this is a good time for those endeavours – This includes recreation, entertainment or anything that creates fun. Also leadership types of business, products and services.

Fourth Quarter (Oct, Nov, Dec)

Venus is retrograde for 40 days beginning July 25th.  This is not a good time for spending, product launches – Especially anything to do with the beauty industry and food type products (as it will be in cancer).

Also, during August the energy will change considerably. First Jupiter and Saturn will square on August 3rd. This signals a turn in the economy. It’s a purging, letting go, clearing out the old stage of the current cycle. Spending might slow down and it can look like we don’t have much, but it’s creating fertile ground for the new. This is a time will that will lead up to an economic shift in 2020 with these two will conjunct and start a new economic cycle.

On the 12th of August Jupiter will move into Virgo, leaving behind the fun and good times of Leo. It will go into the more serious health and service centered sign of Virgo.  Other areas that will see expansion during Jupiter in Virgo include the military, drug companies, any company that focuses on efficiency and any service related industry.  Jupiter will be in Virgo for a year, until Sept 10th, 2016.

Mercury is retrograde during this period November 21st – 28th



2015 Astrology
Click on the calendar for better viewing


* pink shaded days are solar/lunar eclipses – these are often times when things can change, seemly out of the blue. Not good times to move forward with new initiatives, but definitely times to respond if need be.