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Horoscope: March 20 – 26, 2017

March 20 – 26

Happy New Astrological Year!

What to expect: A new cycle
What to watch out for: Leaving loose ends
What will it affect? New plans, new goals, women, relationships, the coming year

Welcome to the Astrological New Year! It starts at Equinox – March 20th! It’s been a long winter here in the Northern Hemisphere and this a time that many will welcome as the days get longer and warmer. The beginning of spring is also the beginning of the Astrological year. As we move into Aries we set in motion a new cycle. This is often a time when governments and companies start their budgetary cycles. It’s when performance plans get put into place and when we start to think about what we want for the coming year. Many also receive bonuses now. It’s also a time when were completing our taxes and wrapping up the last year. For the business world, the end of March is often seen as the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. But what will the new cycle bring?

On the March 21st Neptune will lovingly connect with Juno the marriage and partnership asteroid. This is this energy start our new cycle and puts a focus on spiritual relationship. They are not just spiritual, but also ones that are achievement oriented and who’s purpose extends beyond the two as a unit. This is the year of the power couple, the business couple, the dynamic duo. Twin flame relationships or any relationship that founded in the co-creative model will have a impact. These couples will take centre stage and will be leading through the example of unconditional love with projects or business.

The Moon will also conjunct Saturn at the start of our new cycle. These two are in Sagittarius and are close to the Galactic Centre currently located at 27 Sagittarius. The start of the astrological year forecasts seriousness and karmic readjustment as it relates to women, our emotions and the home. This will not always be an easy adjustment. For some it will be lonely and difficult. But it needs to be remembered that Saturn as a karmic planet that also rewards. And so we can see things in the coming year being set right.

Why? Sun Entering Aries, Neptune Sextile Juno, Saturn conjunct Moon

Saying What you Mean and Meaning What You Say!

What to expect: Unintended thoughts and words
What to watch out for: Being offensive
What will it affect? Communication, large scale change, causes

Between March 23 and March 26th Mercury will make some comments that might send us all into a war of words. Mercury is currently in Aries, where it has little censorship. Whatever Mercury thinks in Aries comes out of Mercury’s mouth. It’s not meant to be offensive or abrasive. It’s just that thought has not been put into its impact on others. Aries after all is centered more on its own goals. Mercury squares Pluto on March 23rd and our minds will have the ability to see into great depths. But it leaves us suspicious and argumentative. And with Pluto in ambitious Capricorn, it also leaves us with a desire to coerce or steamroll for our own goals. Mercury then opposes Jupiter on March 24th setting up an increased likelihood of foot-in-mouth syndrome. The overconfidence and faulty judgement meter will be high! Add to the mix that mercury will be squaring passionate and purposeful Vesta now in Cancer, and you can expect land feuds, family feuds and feuds going as far back in lineage that you’ve forgotten the original cause of the feud. By the 26th when Mercury meets up with Uranus in Aries all pistons and neurons will be firing at full throttle. We may have some lightning bolt insights, but wait a couple of days to check out if the logic flows before sharing your thoughts.

Why? Mercury Square Pluto, Saturn Square Pallas, Mercury Transiting Jupiter, Mercury Square Vesta, Mercury Conjunction Transiting Uranus

Cheeky Fun or Trouble?

What to expect: Challenge to our morals
What to watch out for: Being immoral
What will it affect? Relationships, money, egos

On March 25th Venus retrograde by this point has disappeared from the night sky and will return in a couple of days as a “morning star”; it no longer showing up at night, but instead in the morning. It’s in a conjunction with the Sun and “combust” meaning that she a little too close to the Sun. When any planet comes too close to the Sun, they get burned up and the Sun takes over. But Venus will be making a trine to Black Moon Lilith and is, as I said, retrograde, making her a bit cheeky. She’s under the table at the family dinner party doing naughty things with her boyfriend that nobody can see, but are none the less perverse. This is a time when you might find yourself temporarily losing your morals. If you’re going for a harmless shock, go for it. But if you think “I wouldn’t want this on the front page of the local Star or Sun” (newspaper)…. then don’t do it!

Why? Sun Conjunction Venus, Venus Trine Black Moon


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Horoscope: March 13 – 19, 2017

March 13 – 19

Writing First Draft

What to expect: Energy to get our projects going
What to watch out for: Perfectionism
What will it affect? Projects, communication

On March 13th Mercury enters into Aries bringing in pioneering and assertive energy in our communications. Aries is action oriented and impulsive so it’s a great time to direct that energy into brainstorming or getting the ideas out on paper. It doesn’t need to be perfect – Aries is okay with that. There is a considerable amount of energy for getting our projects going and moving them forward. Sometimes all we need is just a rough draft. Mars in Taurus will give us the focus and will connect with the North Node, ensuring that we are on the right path.

Why? Mercury Entering Aries, Mars Trine North Node

Somatic Bodywork

What to expect: Healing
What to watch out for: Being cheap with yourself
What will it affect? Healing, connections to ourselves, connections to our path

On March 14th the Sun connects exactly with Pallas and Chiron. We’ve been in this energy since the weekend when the moon was full. We’re breaking through to some truths, able to see the big picture. Lots of wounds have been erupting to the surface. We may have been in a sea of emotions. Neptune is also connecting with nurturing Ceres on the same day currently in the sensuous sign of Taurus. Its great energy to connect with ourselves through healing touch (Massage, Reiki, and Energy Healing), sound therapy or other healing that uses any of the other five senses. This will also help us to connect with our sixth sense (psychic ability). All of us have it! And more and more we are learning how to connect with it, give it validity and trust it. This connection will not only help us to heal and connect, it can help us to gain access to information that will assist in our next steps.

Take some time this week to treat yourself.

Why? Sun Conjunction Pallas, Sun Conjunction Chiron, Venus Square Juno, Neptune Sextile Ceres, Chiron Conjunction Pallas

Helpful Obstacles

What to expect: Frustrations
What to watch out for: Conflict
What will it affect? Our ego’s, money, contracts, relationships

On the 17th pessimism comes up. We may feel held back by obstacles. But, sometimes we need this kind of energy to help stop us. It seems like an invisible hand holding us back, and in the moment we feel frustrated or angry. But sometime down the line, as time passes, we come to realize that we dodged a bullet. It may also have the effect of helping us to discover something about ourselves that we would not have discovered if it were not for that adversity. It is then that we recognize those obstacles actually served a good and loving purpose. This is likely to be the case when Mercury and Venus meet up on the 18th. We may be chomping at the bit to sign a contract or compelled to buy a large purchase… but that Sun/Saturn combination the day before might have caused us to lose our bank card, or caused our visa to be compromised – imposing a wait period for the new card. We may have been blocked by someone; a boss or a spouse. These kinds of frustrations will actually be saving you. Venus is still retrograde and as they say with Venus retrograde, “all that glitters is not gold”.

Jupiter and Juno are also chiming in with their energy. Juno is square to mercury and we feel like playing the blame game. The more you can look on the bright side of any frustrations, the more you will be able to keep yourself out of fights with partners. Jupiter is in the relationship sign of Libra and the likelihood of a clash is also supported by Jupiter squaring Vesta. We could get locked into “should’s”, black and white thinking and spend a lot of time keeping score.

Acceptance and responsibility are the keys.

Why? Sun Square Transiting Saturn, Mercury Conjunction Venus, Mercury Square Juno, Jupiter Square Vesta


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Horoscope: March 6 – 12, 2017

March 6 – 12

Heightened intuition

What to expect: Intuitive hits
What to watch out for: Overspending
What will it affect? Relationships, money, contracts, communication

We are a little bit psychic on March 6th as mercury meets up with Pisces. Normally when these two come together it’s a great time for signing contracts. But because Venus is retrograde, a contract now might end up being a little too expensive. Take caution particularly if you are in beauty or money related fields. It’s also a great time to take a short little vacation. But again with Venus retrograde, expect bad hair, sun burn or other beauty fails. Focus instead on the relaxation.

Between March 7th and 8th mercury will make a positive connection with Pluto and Vesta. Words will be particularly powerful. If you are making a speech or delivering an important email, now is the time to craft and deliver it. If something has not been making sense, you can also use this time to investigate a matter. Not only will we be able to uncover needed material, but we will have impressive intuitive hits on what to ask and what to stay curious about. Mercury is in deeply intuitive Pisces and Vesta is in caring and nurturing Cancer. We often forget how powerful a kind word can be. Or how nurturing feeling understood can be. We often forget how powerful a kind word can be. Or how nurturing feeling understood can be. We can tap into this powerful energy by asking the right kind of questions and holding space for the right kind of curiosity.

Why? Sun Conjunction Mercury, Mercury Sextile Transiting Pluto, Mercury Trine Transiting Vesta

Personal Transformation

What to expect: Uncovering unconscious material
What to watch out for: Resisting change
What will it affect? Personal power, women’s Issues, unconscious wounds, collective wounds

March 9th and 10th are great days to work with a coach or take part in a personal transformational program. Mercury will meet up with the wounded healer Chiron and the feminine goddess of pattern recognition Pallas. It’s a time when you might think you have nothing to say, but when you start to speak the words start following out of your mouth. Suddenly you realize that there has been stuff lying just beneath the surface that has been bothering you. There is likelihood that this unspoken wound is related to our womanhood as Lilith, the angry feminine squares the nodes. Once it’s all out there, the words have been spoken and you now know you have a problem, you may throw on the breaks. Mars moves into stubborn and security focused Taurus and doesn’t really enjoy change.

Why? Sun Sextile Transiting Pluto, Mercury Conjunction Transiting Pallas, Mercury Conjunction Transiting Chiron, Mars Entering Taurus, North Node Square Black Moon

Virgo Full Moon

What to expect: Opportunity to heal
What to watch out for: Faith and trust issues
What will it affect? Relationships, Spirituality, Family

The Full Moon this month is on March 12th and we are making sense of our deepest wounds. The moon is in Virgo. When Virgo gets emotional, they start cleaning, organizing, classifying. If they are upset, they may be a little judgemental. This Virgo moon sits opposite to the Pisces Sun. Right beside the Sun is Pallas and Chiron. While emotional Virgo may be getting stuck in the details, Pallas in Pisces helps us to take a step back and see the spiritual big picture. It might not be pretty. This might be stuff we thought we left in the past and don’t care to look at again. It may even bring up a collective wound. Allowing it to do so now will help bring a culmination to not only our personal wounds but also our trans-personal wounds. That’s the job of a Full Moon!

Be warned, sometimes the truth of the matter gets us a little down. This will be particularly so because at the Full Moon, Mercury will be square Saturn. Unfortunately, it brings out some negativity and even small mindedness. There may be challenges in our belief system or we may just be scratching our heads wondering what the hell? For example; lately we may have been astounded when, despite solid facts, people still try to hold onto beliefs that just don’t hold up. Rather than going outside and pointing figures, look within at your own thinking. What ways have you put up roadblocks? How have you been approaching things with a small mind? How are you holding up progressive change? Working with tools designed to help shift perspectives will help to reduce any low feelings. Maybe this is volunteering with a group or community you know very little about. The silver lining is that Virgo is always open to helping and serving. So shifting your focus towards helping others can help you to help and heal yourself!

Why? Full Moon at 22°Vi13′, Mercury Square Saturn




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