Virgo New Moon – August 27, 2022

The new moon in August is at 4 degrees of Virgo on Aug 27.

Virgo is about organization, routine and health. In order to do these things it uses categories, lists and the mind to plan. Sometimes guilt plays a part in the Virgo world, often as a motivator…. motivating us to clean up our rooms, go an a diet, plan out our lives. Virgo symbolized as a woman holding a shaft of wheat. Virgo interacts with plants, not so much as a gardener or a farmer, but as a doctor, herbalist, shaman, witch.

The Sabian Symbol for the new moon is a man dreaming of fairies. The sabian symbol speaks of becoming aware of earth elementals. Elementals are messengers and guardians of Gaia. Fairies, for instance are said to protect the forests. They provide help with their magic, giving us medicine in herbs and plants but they can also be tricky and mischievous and can deliver poisons. The elementals remind us that if we respect plants, their virtues can be allies, but if we disconnect or even have distain, they can be cruel and poisonous.

The new moon is squaring mars in Gemini exactly, giving the new moon an assertive, even aggressive edge. Mars in Gemini, the sign of communication can be a bit of a shit talker, may spread gossip, may lie (or misinform/disinform).

The ruler of mars is mercury. In the plant world, mercury is the plant teacher. Once it enters you, it becomes a part of you. Plant teachers can bring you into the depths and bring you back out, purging you of demons or bringing them into your life.

Also mercury is at 1 degree of Libra. The information will also come to us from close relationships, legal proceedings or mediations.

The new moon is also sextile Pallas. Any information we gather can help us to build a strategy for what’s next. The information will be synthesized into a mindmap and a future path.

The asteroid GongGong is at 5 degrees of Pisces, opposite the new moon. GongGong in Chinese mythology was a dragon and ruler of the world. It was responsible for floods and for the changing tilt of the earth. It’s energy is associated with cosmological disaster and environmental change. With this energy opposite the Virgo new moon we can expect metaphorical and actual floods. Dramatic polar shifts representing new directions… this may even mean starting over from scratch.

As always the new moon is a time for seeding new beginnings. Use the new moon energy to set intentions.

Happy New Moon

Aquarius Full Moon – August 11, 2022

Throwback Thursday! The full moon on Thursday, August 11th is a throwback to 2021. The Full moon is at 19 degrees of Aquarius and is conjunct to Saturn and square to Uranus. This throws us back to the 2021 Saturn Uranus square energy.

Saturn square to Uranus brought in an energy of restriction vs freedom. In 2021 this was channelled through the covid pandemic responses around the world – lockdown, curfews, restrictions and medical mandates and the responses to them. This energy is revisited at this full moon. The full moon is also highlighting the recent Uranus, North Node and Mars conjunction, tying together the events of 2021 and its impact on events now. Changes in food security, money supply, farming and agriculture responses are the culmination of decisions made in 2021 – The cracks are starting to show and the collateral damage is being assessed.

The Sabian symbol for this full moon is a “Big white dove, a message bearer.” The wide dove is a message of peace.

In 1948 Picasso painted an image of a dove. About it, he said, “I stand for life against death; I stand for peace against war.” It was in response to totalitarianism and became a symbol of communism around the world. In 1949 this was a big deal as at the end of World War II and the beginning of the cold war, communism was a dirty word. Picasso however saw it as the solution to the lack of freedom in totalitarian regimes.

The dove is a beautiful white bird. They are said to be excellent navigators, able to bring messages. This is likely why Noah after the flood sent out a dove to take stock of the situation. If it returned with a stick, it meant dry land was nearby. It signified that the turbulence is over and peace and normalcy were on their way. It should be noted that It didn’t mean that when you reach land, that there was no loss or damage. It’s only a reminder that even if things fall apart, this is the worst of it and there is hope in the future!

This provides an important comparison for the energy of the Aquarius full moon on August 11th. Aquarius is about humanitarianism, love, and peace. It’s also about rebellion, change and reform. It’s able to achieve that through innovation, advancement and invention. So this full moon while we may be facing some uncomfortable situations, we have so much material to work with to construct a better future.

Siva is conjunct the full moon bringing in the energy of breakdown, regeneration and destruction of fixed beliefs. Siva helps to fuel the emotions needed to examine what needs to go and what should be held on to be carried forward.

Opposite this full moon are three asteroids, Amor, Apollo and Praamzius.

As opposing energy, Apollo represents plague and disease. It also represents attracting recurrent and familiar crises. Don’t be surprised if something that you thought was over (AKA a pandemic) rears its ugly head. In it, we are challenged to connect with true healing. Apollo is also connected to prophecy and oracles, so we may need to tap into a sixth sense to really understand what is right for us.

Praamzius is the sky god of peace and friendship, but when challenged it represents feeling doomed to no escape. The reappearance of issues may really bring us down. This energy challenges us to connect with the sky and the idea of timing to understand our fate. Astrology helps us with this. There is a time for everything, and with time, all things shall pass. If we work with this energy, we can shift our feeling of doom and envision a better future. What will help is if we connect with that energy of peace and the energy of friendship and connection.

Finally, Amor is opposite the full moon which brings in the energy of love. Like the doves, Amor represents love and peace. But like Picasso and his ideas around communism as the solution in his time, we may have different ideas of how peace is arrived at. We are challenged to find the place where we agree with our loved ones instead of looking at our separateness. There is no doubt during 2021, we saw family and friends separate over their views on pandemic measures. Even though we may see the solution differently, what Amor is asking us to do is to find the place of commonality where we find love, loyalty and peace.

Happy Full Moon in Aquarius!

Leo New Moon – August 2022

The New Moon on July 28th is at 5 degrees of Leo. Leo is about our creativity, our sense of fun, and our creative expression. It’s our sense of competition and our delight at the risk in play. Leo calls on our courage and conviction.

Normally I write the horoscope and then I head on over to Amanda Ellis on YouTube, who speaks occasionally about planets and always about the energy of the moons, but from a card reader perspective. Invariably we are always on the same page! She is my confirmation that I’m on the right track! I usually watch her video after I’ve written and posted my horoscope, but this time it was posted early and I couldn’t wait! Initially, her reading for this new moon was quite dire. But she then got to how we navigate the energy and it’s in how we navigate the energy that the Leo moon energy came to life (the rest was the backdrop). She imagined a dark tunnel and us crawling through it commando style to get to where we needed to go (the lions gate on Aug 8th). This is exactly what the Leo moon is calling us to do.

The new moon is conjunct Valkunus which brings in a volatile component. It’s like Indiana Jones; dark tunnels, bridges with alligators or fire licking up, pits with snakes or spiders… this all represents the explosive chaos that is around us. Instead of seeing it as a reason to stay put, we see an obstacle course ahead.  Something wants to erupt and we respond to it with our own explosion of courage, creativity, risk, and sense of competition! We summon the Leo new moon courage, we make it an adventure and we go for it! It feels scary (as we are dealing with the real world) but fun!

We are not alone. We have the rest of our group is trying to get there too. We egg each other on. We shout words of team spirit and encouragement that we/you can do it. This is symbolized by Ceres, which is conjunct the new moon, and which uses praise to make us feel nurtured, and cared for and to summons a deep belief in ourselves.

Our goal and destination has something to do with Isis, which is also conjunct the new moon. Isis is the Egyptian goddess whose husband Osiris was killed by his jealous brother twice by cutting him into pieces. The first time Isis reassembles him, but the second time she was unable to find a piece. Isis is associated with putting the pieces together or finding the missing link. In Egyptian times, her tears were a symbol for the flooding of the Nile, so she is also associated with agriculture and the star Sirius, which at its helical rising signalled like clockwork, the rise of the flood waters in Egypt. Interestingly, as a historical fact, the Nile does not flood anymore. Due to British colonization, damns were built to stop the flooding in the early 1900s. The final version was built in Aswan, ending the flood in Lake Nasser in 1970. It displaced the Nubian inhabitants that lived there, required the relocation of many ancient Egyptian temples including Isis’s temple, and ended the natural seasons. Isis is calling on us to find the missing pieces, reconnect, recreate, re-incorporate natural seasons, and connect with our guiding stars. This is reinforced by the fact that the Sun and Moon are also conjunct the asteroid Varuna. Varuna is the Indian god who brings in rules associated with the creation of the earth and the limits and order around it, including the horizon, the seasons and the cycles of the planets.

Our mission… this obstacle course we are running requires us to reconnect with natural cycles and obey the rules of the universe! As above, so below

We have lots of optimistic help at this new moon. The new moon is trine to Jupiter in Aries, expanding the desire for new starts and unexplored territory, and jumpstarting our assertiveness.  It’s also sextile Pallas, which allows us to build a new strategy for the future.

The Sabian symbol for the new moon is An old-fashioned woman and an up-to-date girl and reflects changing values and norms. Many times what is old fashion is seen as built to last. While up-to-date may be fashionable and trendy, it breaks down or doesn’t last long. As we move forward, is there a way that we can incorporate the best of the old-fashioned and the up-to-date? As we find our way, reassemble, and reconnect, we are called on to reflect on the values and norms we want to mainstay and what is no longer useful and needs to go.

Happy New Moon in Leo!