March Horoscope 2014

March is all about making love, not war! 

Vesta, goddess of the hearth and keeper of the sacred flame, gives Scoprio a brief kiss and then goes retrograde back through Libra on March 1st. Mars, also in Libra, decides to go retrograde as well. Mars and Vesta are within two degrees of each other on March 1st , so they are traveling together. Both Vesta and Mars are pretty intense and retrograde forces their intense energy inward. Both also possess a fiery sexual nature.  With the two joining hands and moving backward together through Libra… Well, I would call this an extreme, raise-your-kundalini kind of energy. “Extreme” always means that there is some danger. It is said that raising our kundalini has the potential to pushes us toward enlightenment, awakening the psychic within us and putting us in touch with the Divine. Sounds good, right? So why are we warned against raising our kundalini energy?

Well, it’s due to something called Kundalini syndrome otherwise known as a “spiritual emergency.” Kundalini syndrome arises when the energy is misdirected or unsupervised which leads to negative experiences such as accidents, near-death experiences, emotional trauma, and/or extreme mental stress.  Some people pursue the experience of raising their Kundalini without being ready because it is said to awaken a sexual kind of experience. Others get to brag that they have “raaaaised their Kundalini”… but really, that comes from a place of ego – and that Ego vs Spiritual enlightenment will be the focus of this Mars/Vesta energy from now until May.

On March 2nd, Venus will square Mars and Venus will square Vesta on March 5th, thus putting a little more detonation to the passion. It is highly possible that the ego could get in the way during this time. Venus is still in Capricorn so she can be very status, material, and success-conscious.  The good news is that all of that sexual energy can be sublimated into our collective spiritual growth and toward universal love. If we are successful, the result may be a quantum leap. If not, then this will become a bit of a war scenario.  It’s fairly significant that this is all happening in Libra as Libra is the sign of balance and it is clear that we are all being called upon to balance.

Balance can be achieved in a number of ways. Some of the most successful methods are related to self-mastery, ones in which we can stand back from our emotions, look at whatever we are experiencing, and, from a place of objectivity, calculate our future moves. We’ll be helped in this venture by a New Moon on March 1st.  The New Moon is conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer, meaning that a spiritual awakening is being beckoned forward. Both the moon and Chiron are in spiritual Pisces, putting us in touch with deep emotions and allowing psychic material to float to the surface.  The New Moon/Chiron conjunction is sextile Pluto and trine Jupiter. Pluto and Jupiter are still opposite one another, pushing for transformation and change while idealizing the whole thing. When we bring this New Moon into the mix, the flowing energy from these two to it gives us the potential to bring about new ideals and transformation in collectively healing ways.  Also the north node is sextile pallas, helping us to see patterns and sending us in the right direction on March 2nd… if we take the time to stand back, master ourselves, and truly look.

make-love-not-war-1So you can see that March hits the ground running with some intensity!  On March 5th, Venus will enter Aquarius, cooling her off a bit. From there she will square the north node, helping us see who’s on our team and who is against us. On the 7th, she will square Ceres, separating the unhealthy from the truly nurturing. By the 9th, she will trine Juno, now in Aries, helping to form a dynamic relationship duo.

Saturn goes retrograde on March 2nd , directing us to review our commitments and responsibilities. Jupiter finally goes direct on March 6th which has been retrograde since November. During that time, we likely focused on introspection regarding our belief systems – once it goes direct, we can move forward with our new insights.  We can then use these new insights to do a further assessment using Saturn’s retrograde energy.

We also had around three weeks to reflect on our thinking and communication processes during the Mercury retrograde cycle which ended Feb 28th. Now that Mercury is moving forward in March, we can start putting our thoughts into action.  Mercury squares Saturn on the 13th, helping us to reap the rewards of past decisions.  Mercury is trine Mars on the 14th which pushes us in to act on our practical decisions. The very next day, Mercury is opposite pallas and we may hit a momentary block in our creative thinking. Luckily Mercury trines Vesta on the 16th, helping us to refocus.

Mercury then enters Pisces on March 17th and trines both the North node and Ceres (which are conjunct at 0o Scorpio).  I am always amazed at what happens when the North node conjuncts a planet! When these two come together at the critical degree of zero in Scorpio, I think we might see some more scandal come to light. Ceres has a long history with the underworld and she will stop at nothing short of starving herself and others in order to uncover the truth. Fortunately the trine to Mercury in Pisces will highlight bang-on intuition!  Mercury will conjunct Neptune on the 22nd, trine Jupiter on the 26th conjunct and Chiron on the 29th, which will help to move along the energy of the New Moon. Communication will either be insightful or illusory, seeing potential or taking the easy way out, healing or a repeat of patterns. We get to choose.

The Full Moon on March 16th is in Virgo. On that day, the Sun forms a Yod with Pallas in Leo and Mars Rx in Libra. Pallas and Mars are sexile, creating a nice flow of energy for political activism. A while back, we were seeing quite a few celebrities voicing their political concerns , so we may see these guys speak up again and maybe even take action. The two planets are slightly out of sync with the Sun, which is in Pisces, and may cause overwhelming emotion or wavering indecisiveness. Luckily the Sun boomerangs this need for adjustment back to the moon, which is full and in Virgo. I don’t often talk about Sabian symbols, but this one is just too good to pass up: the Sabian symbol for this full moon is “elderly ladies drinking afternoon tea in a wealthy home.”

Ah, the ladies who lunch! Don’t be fooled. The ladies who lunch are a powerful bunch.  Think of Diana, think of Michelle Obama, and think of all of the first ladies, who to my knowledge do not work but do! Another example can be found in Violet, the woman who holds the power in “Downton Abbey.” I just loved the episode when Tom Branson, the fiery Irish political activist, who was to attend a wedding refused to wear “tails” because of the repression they symbolized – Violet set him straight by asking if he was done. Guess who turned up in ‘tails’ at the wedding? Even though it’s just a TV show, Violet’s character symbolizes this powerful elderly women, gifted with both time and money. Family and morality reside at the centre of her concern.  Yes, there are other bunches who lunch like the Real Housewives, some of the Kardashians, etc., and they have a lot of power too (media power), but I’m really referring to the Clan Mothers . These women have the wisdom, power, and the money to make a difference.  The key to the resolution of this disjointed Full Moon energy will lie with them.

Toward the end of the month, there will be some relationship stuff coming up. Juno in Aries loves her independence and that get’s kicked up a notch on the 23rd as Jupiter squares Juno. We might be pushing for inequalities to be corrected in our relationships at this time; we could also become very idealistic.  On the 25th, Juno and Uranus conjunct. This conjunction will bring about a surprising upset to the relationship structure, one that is most likely needed. On the 28th, Pluto squares Juno which brings out power imbalances in relationships including possible power plays and manipulation. These upsets could be in marriage relationships, but I also see it playing out in the way we sociologically define marriage and the role of marriage.

The second New Moon is in Aries on March 30th. Venus is in a trine to Mars and square to Saturn that day and, though they are not aspecting the Moon, the Moon will be within degrees of Uranus and Juno. They will also resonate with the marriage drama of the last couple of days.  With an Aries New Moon, we can set intentions for new beginnings and new directions in this area. Venus/Saturn will help us to sober up and give us the ability to realistically re-evaluate our relationships. The Venus/Mars energy will add an ability to meet our needs and the needs of others in new ways.

All in all, March is the awaking of old wounds and new possibilities.  If we can use the intensity of the energy for enlightenment and growth, we will be moving in the right direction.



You have the potential to heal deep, unconscious wounds at the beginning of the month. You’re leading the rest of us with the most powerful guided meditation ever. The more you swim in the deepness of your own unconscious, the more you are able to lead the rest of us into the emerging healing.  Mars, Vesta, and the North Node are traveling in your 7th so partnerships are your key to evolutionary growth.


You might find yourself writing a manifesto that you feel needs to be shared with the rest of the world, but really you’re doing it for your own healing.  Maybe you’ve been reading the French manifesto (le manifeste des 343) and feel a similar need to declare. Mars, Vesta, and the North Node are traveling in your house of service. Your passion is high and so is the potential for your contribution.


 You don’t seem to be a deep person – at least, not on the surface. Because of that, this month you will likely blow some people away. It’ll probably happen like this: you’re making a presentation at work about something (let’s say the financial impacts and the rising cost of insurance due to workplace health.) It’s pretty dry so you throw in a joke and also a profound quote you’ve found floating around Facebook and bam! Something floats out of your mouth that is not only pretty damn enlightening, but also profoundly healing. Didn’t think you had it in you, did you? Mars, Vesta, and the North Node are in your fifth house making you pretty damn creative.


You like tradition and this month Vesta, Mars, and the North Node have you going back through your roots, perhaps researching the family tree. You may have thought you knew yourself and your family well but you might discover something this month that sets you off on a personal pilgrimage, one linked to your heritage, in a place you never expected. It’s also likely to be something that will help in healing.  You could be repairing a relationship that also helps repair something down the ancestral line.


If you have been struggling with your health in any way, this month’s New Moon will help you to put into action powerful thoughts for healing.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a serious illness or just an irritating chronic cold, you can bring about powerful transformation and recovery.  Thoughts have a powerful impact on your feelings and behavior which is why cognitive behavior therapy is just as effective at healing depression as medication! Read Feeling Good by David Burns.


With a little help from your friends and a powerfully transformative experience with your children, you can find deep healing this month that helps you to let go of relationship pain.  Mars, Vesta, and the North Node are moving through your house of self-worth and self-respect. Sometimes we pursue the material to prove our worth, but this month assessing what you have manifested will let you know where you really stand.


There used to be a movement called Spirit in the Workplace whose aim was to encourage employees to bring their entire self to work. It died out, but maybe it did so because it was a movement a little before it’s time. This month you are instrumental in bringing about workplace healing.  You’ve been fighting the idea that “you can have it all, but you can’t have it all at once.” This month, you are redefining work life balance and you’re the perfect person for the job!  Mars, Vesta, and the North Node are moving through your first house of self-definition. You can be an example to all!


You know how powerful words can be – you are the master of using them for your own gain. This month you’re able to bring those powerful words into a creative forum. Although you might not intend for them to heal, they will. Mars, Vesta, and the North Node are moving through your subconscious. Changes are happening within you on a deep level, of which you may not even be aware. Not to worry, let them emerge through your art.


How do the monks do it? Forsake all material things for deep transformation of their spirit. Actually, you may not have not had a choice recently. This month you will really resonate with the following Chinese saying: “my barn having burned to the ground, I can now see the moon.” Not only are you able to see the beauty, you’ll able to embrace it. Mars, Vesta, and the North Node are moving through your house of humanitarian concerns, so I think you will emerge from all of this with a powerful impact to your fellow man.


Normally reserved with your speech, you find expressing yourself powerfully healing this month and wow does it ever impact your relationships.  Normally you’re too worried about what others might think. Mars, Vesta, and the North Node are helping you to question public expression this month. Though it may feel embarrassing and uncomfortable, doing the public thing can be deeply healing to you.


Though you may have been shocked by secrets that have recently emerged and maybe you’re required to give more of yourself at work or in service, it is bringing about healing in your own ideas about how money is made. It’s also having an impact on everyone else. In your usual way, you are revolutionizing, but this time it’s related to the manner in which money is earned.  Mars, Vesta, and the North Node are moving through your house of deeply held beliefs. A revision is on the horizon.


You are ripe for raising your Kundalini. Your hopes and dreams are pushing up against your creativity but they will aid the rising energy within you. You are like a serpent emerging out of the basket for all the world to see. Music will help and so will dance or theatre.  You can stand in who you are being knowing that it will inspire and bring tears to our eyes. Mars, Vesta, and the North Node are moving through your house of transformation to aid this inward energy.

February Horoscope 2014

February, the month of love, starts with Venus finally going direct. It’s still in a close dance with Pluto, God of the underworld, and opposing Jupiter. Pluto and Venus together create passion, sometimes possessiveness, and certainly lots of love intensity which will be happening at the beginning of the month. Pluto, conjunct Venus and opposite Jupiter, is a bit Katy Perry and Juicy J’s ‘Dark Horse’. She says her love is like “a perfect storm,” he calls her “Karma” and she warns against “play[ing] with magic.” He also says “she’ll eat your heart out like Jeffrey Dahmer.”

Yup, that’s about it!  Pluto and Venus alone represent that kind of intensity, but add in an opposition to Jupiter… I’d say that’s the part of Perry’s song where they say “her love is on steroids.” Jupiter expands! Isn`t it interesting that that song is number two on the billboard charts for the week of February 1st? I wouldn’t be surprised if it goes to number one by next week!

I should mention that this relationship drama may be personal but Venus is also money, so the intensity may play out in other Capricorn domains. Capricorn is the sign in which Venus and Pluto are meeting up. It rules such realms such as corporations (think crazy-ass bosses) and politics (think crazy-ass leaders) as well as governments/other old and traditional institutions.

Something I really loved about the end of January was the mystic rectangle forming, presenting us with opportunities for optimism, faith, healing, and understanding in the face of this power and possessiveness.  If we have been using this energy creatively and interacting with others rather than going it alone, then we will be in the midst of great benefits. It’s still in action; we could let this energy slip away, but I suggest taking advantage of it.

Here are the gifts still in effect or on their way:

  • Keep smelling the flowers carried over from Jan 30th. Venus is sextile Juno. With this energy, we are able to infuse the creative and the feminine into our relationships.
  • We get Pearls of chocolate spiritual wisdom on Feb 5th. Jupiter trines Chiron which helps us to increase our belief, faith, and hope while mixed with healing.
  • We can clear our mental baggage on the 13th. Mercury is trine to Vesta which will help us to focus our ideas and communicate them.  This may be an inward process though, as Mercury is retrograde. More on the retrograde later.


And if we mess it up?


  • We have second chances. Sun is trine Vesta  on the 17th, helping us to be a little more individual and a little less possessive. Ceres is conjunct the north node on the 19th. It will point us toward letting go of old and outworn attachments.  Ceres is a bit like Pluto. In fact, it was the God of the underworld who stole Ceres’ daughter from her, causing her to face her own relationship with separation and the cycles of relationships. The Sun is trine north node on the 20th , and will help to point us in the right direction.

What comes after all of this? Commitment! Both the planet of love and the Goddess Asteroid of marriage/commitment are linking arms with Saturn. Venus is Sextile Saturn on Feb 24th and trine Juno  on the 18th, By this time, we will start to feel comfortable enough to commit to a path… right or wrong! We will start to feel comfortable with making commitments in our relationships (both personal and professional) but don’t sign the marriage license or business partnership papers just yet  –  Mercury will be retrograde.

Because it is a short month, Mercury will be retrograde for most of February. Mercury goes retrograde in Aquarius on February 6th.  Mercury in Aquarius is about new and innovative thinking. However, while mercury is retrograde it will conjunct with the sun and square Saturn. When Mercury retrograde touches the sun, we become a little frazzled and very subjective, especially if we are trying to force something new into being. Later in the month, before Mercury goes direct again, it will square Saturn on the 19th. We can become very pessimistic; rather than taking that route, it can be a great time to work behind the scenes on things that you feel will make a big impact. By directing your energy in that way, you will get so much done. On the other hand, it can make us hold on to old ways of thinking.  Even though Aquarius is associated with new invention and innovation, it’s also a fixed sign: it can be very inflexible in terms of how to get things done. Mercury in Aquarius and Saturn in Scorpio really do want change and transformation, but, as my father always told me, “crazy is doing the same thing and expecting different results.”  A great way to deal with this energy maybe to role-play. Since we may become stuck in our ways, changing our roles can help us fix our methods by experimenting with a new role. Sneaky, isn’t it!

The full moon on February 14th is on, you guessed it – Valentine ’s Day. It’s a Leo Full moon, so it will make us want to have some fun. However, it’s also opposing Mercury which will make us very subjective in our thinking. The moon will also be squaring Saturn which can make us feel a little lonely or depressed. On a positive note, the moon is sextile to Mars, so it can help you to be direct yet diplomatic  especially if you need to communicate your feelings. January was greedy, having two new moons, so there won’t be another new moon until March 1.  The new moon in March will be conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer, sextile Pluto and trine to Jupiter.  I think this new moon will help us to heal and bring positive changes into the world (which we’ll discuss in further detail in March). Consider this a heads-up; for “intention planning” purposes, the new moon is one in which we can direct our intentions toward healing our emotions on a collective level while healing unhealthy systems that aren’t working any longer.

Things get a little intense again at the end of the month, but in a different way. Neptune in Pisces is opposite Pallas in Virgo on the 18th and we can feel confused about our perceptions. Watch out for attempts to persuade us of something untrue or even brainwashing. Sun is opposite Pallas on 22nd, creating a fear of our own authority. Also perceptions of authority can be skewed. Neptune is conjunct the sun on 23rd. Neptune is really a two sided coin. We can feel like our sense of self is derived from being of service to others on one hand while deception may abound on the other hand.  These feelings all combine at the end of the month – Jupiter square Uranus on the 25/26th adding an impatience for change to the mix. Jupiter is in Cancer and Uranus is in Aries, so these changes may relate to the safety of our sanctuary: the sanctuary of our home, our homeland, our hearts, or our nourishment (food). Combine any threats to these with the element of surprise inherent in Uranus plus the fiery and self-protective Aries and you may witness a revolt!

 What’s going on for each sign:


You’re likely to feel intensity in your career or other public arena toward the beginning of the month.  Support may come from secret sources if you tap into it. Healing family relationships can lead you to these sources. Your ability to see the big picture and make sense of the investment game is being recognized. This clarity might change to foggy unconscious material toward the end of the month . Try to see what’s actually going on before jumping to irresponsible reactions.


You may be surprised by the opinions and hard line taken by your pastor, priest, or other religious leader this month. Maybe it’s your own belief system that surprises you. Sometimes we don’t know what they are until something pushes up against them. Your beliefs and perceptions are warring with each other and you are wondering whether to follow your intuition or your instincts; are they one in the same? Surprising material may emerge from your unconscious toward the end of the month. You may start reacting to false friends or kangaroo courts… or are they?


Jealousy and crazy behavior may be rearing its ugly head in your relationships right now.  If you’re going through a divorce or any type of separation, there may be a spike in craziness. Just remember to take the high road – Nelson Mandela and Gandhi were masters of non-violence. Taking lessons from them will help you to win. Taking the low road could mean losing more than you know!  Toward the end of the month, you may be confused by the words or actions of your furious leader. Don’t let it throw your hopes and dreams off course.


“Where are you going?”, “who are you seeing?”, “where have you been?”, “did it really take you that long to pick up milk?” These questions may be coming from either you or your honey this month, making one of you feel claustrophobic.  Taking responsibility for your part in this dynamic will help dissipate the tension and allow for a much-needed conversation. Warning: the opportunity can slip away if you overacted to situations. You may embarrass yourself if you don’t take the time to understand fully what is being said toward the end of the month. Are your false beliefs getting in the way? Or have you just misunderstood what was being said? Taking way more time than usual to listen and absorb the words will help.


The potential for your boss or a co-worker to lose their mind this month is high.  This should turn out okay, especially because you have an angel sitting on your shoulders this month. Your days will be numbered if you’re pushing your luck. The best approach is to strengthen your self esteem and safeguard your resources. Toward the end of the month, you may hear of some sketchiness with respect to money – maybe it’s related to a budget or a rumored merger. But even if you can’t put your finger on exactly what’s up with the whole thing, you’ll feel save with your safeguards.


You can pour your intensity into creative pursuits at the beginning of the month, but don’t go over the top in your need for creativity. For instance, maybe you paint; you might suddenly feel the need to swing from the top of a building with a pail of paint in order to fling paint on the building housing your art across the way in order for you to properly express “exhilaration,” the painting’s title. This intensity may also be coming out in a romance or with your children. Easy does it! Some deception may emerge in your partnerships toward the end of the month. It may be related to shared resources. Remember that every bump in the road is an invitation to evolve.


Let’s say you didn’t take the warning not to renovate during Venus retrograde in January. The beginning of this month may feature your biggest, most childish hissy fit yet.  Whatever the situation, something in your foundations or childhood is coming up in a big way. Whether you have handled it poorly or with some decorum, you will now start to realize that it’s time to dismiss your childish ways. This is the time when a psychotherapist can be really helpful.  Toward the end of the month you may be feeling confused and uncomfortable. If you get the common cold or the flu, take it as a sign to slow down and spend some time with your inner world.


Your words have the potential to be especially powerful this month. Will you use them to manipulate or to transform? Your choices: inspire hope or destroy it, be cutting and undermining or witty and perceptive.  Whatever you say will inspire your audience in whichever direction you intend. Towards the end of the month, stifled creativity may push you to shake things up in your work. Aim for something that serves a humanitarian purpose.


You may find yourself saying these words at the beginning of the month: “My name is__________ and I am a shopaholic.”  Maybe you’ll make it rain (rap video, gold tooth, and throwing your money up in the air style). Whichever direction it travels, It`s likely to be over the top.  Towards the end of the month, public perception may be interfering with who you know yourself to be. It may have some unique and surprising effects on your creativity.


You are very powerful this month. If you are operating on an unconscious level, you can be a downright tyrant this month.  Let`s hope that you are doing lots of self-reflection and have gotten in touch with your unconscious instincts; you can use that at the beginning of the month to work powerfully for change in the world.  Focusing on positive communication in your relationships will heal.  Partnerships can be truly inspired by your optimism. Communication can catalyze healing in your relationships.  You might feel like you`ve lost your grip on the truth toward the end of the month. Surprises may arise with your parents.


Powerful unconscious material is seeking release.  In your attempt to keep it down, you may involve yourself in some sketchy behaviour. You might also become a workaholic in order to avoid your feelings.  Another manner in which this may manifest when you find you have a secret enemy who is tripping you up in some way at the beginning of the month . They may seem relentless. Don`t avoid this situation; it can lead to something worse. Some surprise communication at the end of the month may lead to confusion or, alternatively, to finding your way toward healing.


Do you have a friend who is acting like a boyfriend (or girlfriend)? Sometimes friends can get confused with what`s appropriate in a friendship versus what`s appropriate in a relationship. Perhaps you may be the friend who is acting possessive. Boundaries are important this month. Turning your friends into surrogate partners might mean that you need to examine the needs of your relationship.  Try to be up front in your relationships toward the end of the month. The way you are coming across may be confusing or even unintentionally deceptive.  It`s less costly to simply be direct.


January Horoscope 2014


“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.”
― William ShakespeareJulius Caesar

I think it’s a bold statement to start the New Year with not just one, but two new moons. The first one on January 1 is conjunct Pluto! It just says bold, authoritative and fresh. Following on the heels of a very messy end of year, all I can say is Open Government! I know it’s much more interesting to read a horoscope about love, relationships or what luck Jupiter is going to bring you in 2014, but government is what is in the stars; at least at the beginning of the month! Pluto the planet of power, transformation, death and renewal is in Capricorn calling for change not just in government, but also business and financial structures.  Any misuse of power is now being called into question and the result… social change! Which come on… can be interesting, right?

Here is my conspiracy theory on the whole thing.  I worked for government for years, at all levels and in various positions, from Meter Maid to Consultant. In my role as Consultant, I noticed that it wasn’t me, but KPMG, Deloitte and other consulting agencies that were hired to study everything from employee engagement to customer service, while I was numbed in the job of shuffling paper. They got all of the interesting stuff that I had all kinds of great ideas on, but they figured someone outside of themselves had a better answer to. This was so much the case that I finally left and became a consultant myself! These consulting firms figured out the problem, they outlined their recommendations and then the powers that be in government did… dun dun dun… nothing! Instead they treated the report like it WAS the solution. Governments are notorious for doing white papers, studying the problems and then doing nothing. I don’t think consultant firms have any problem taking the money, doing the studies and giving themselves some work, but after a while you start to scratch your head and then you realize that, as my father used to say “crazy is doing things the same old way and expecting different results.” So they offered up a solution in a book called The Solution Revolution, which among others things, calls the government on their BS. Not only that, it challenges us to look beyond traditional financial bottom line to something they call impact currency. Now you might reading this and say “Pie in the sky!” Nothing will change.  That would be true if it were some unknown, like the guy who wrote about Sacred Ecomonics (which is absolutely brilliant), but it wasn’t! It was a top consulting firm and Harvard! All I can say is…. All you social entrepreneurs out there, this new moon is for you. Time for real solutions! Time for change! The new moon, Mercury and Pluto will form a trine to Pallas in Virgo, helping you to see the big transformational picture in all the fine minute detail. Set an intention, being as detailed as you can as this is the year for following through with actual solutions! This is the case not just for government solutions, but also business and financial solutions!

Mercury and the Sun will oppose Jupiter in the first couple of days of the year making us confident, optimistic and apt to push limits. The Sun is also squaring Mars, so we can have that extra push needed towards our goals. All of this can also make us overly optimistic and conflict oriented, so we’ll need to manage our new enthusiasm and projects so that they don’t nosedive or alternatively, piss people off.

And now on to relationships! What would life be without relationships?

Neptune, the spiritual planet, and Juno, the marriage/relationship asteroid will conjunct on the 8th and both will be trine the North Node, helping us to connect with our soul mate or soul group. The energy will be in play all the way up to the 13th. Mars is also square Jupiter on the 8th, so you may be connecting with those who share a passionate cause. Venus and Sun are conjunct on the 11th, supporting the meet-up of a love connection, but Venus is retrograde (it went retrograde on December 21), so this person may be a past love. The Sun and Venus are also sextile to Saturn, so it could also be a business relationship that shows up. Don’t make any firm commitments while Venus is retrograde. Even though I think this has the potential to be long lasting, there is some stuff to work out, which you will see later in the month. At the moment, the difficulty will be in integrating materialist goals with spiritual goals as the Sun will square Vesta, having an either/or feeling to it.  Also, the full moon on the 15th is square to Ceres, bringing up some intensity around either separation or feelings of being smothered. This relationship could be a good thing, but as they say, good things take time.

The chance to work it out will come at the second new moon on January 30, which will be highly focused on relationships. The relationships I am talking about here could be personal, work, business or they can be to the collective. Pallas and Jupiter moving into a configuration called a Yod with the new moon. Another Yod will involve Uranus, the new moon and Pallas. Also, Jupiter will be opposing Pluto exactly! In addition, there is also a mystic rectangle with Jupiter, Chiron, Pallas and Pluto. Finally, the ongoing T-square with Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter will be present. Oh, one last thing… Venus will be right beside Pluto on the last day of its retrograde. What does this all mean? Well, sometimes the universe just throws all of the blocks out there and like a two-year old, we have to take those blocks and figure out how they fit.

The energy of the two Yods are like trying to push that rectangle into a square. To make it work we first we need to make some adjustments.  Jupiter and Pallas are working together to come up with big ideas and grandiose schemes. They are thinking outside of the box. Actually, they may think there is no box… But these ideas are out of step with the airy, somewhat detached, and surprisingly inflexible revolutionary new moon. The new moon in the air is being fueling by the fire of Uranus in Aries, both of which are out of step with the big picture that Pallas is presenting. We have all the blocks; we just don’t know how to make them fit. Everything seems possible and impossible at the same time! There is however, a solution or better said, an opportunity! It’s found in Chiron and Juno, which are conjunct and whom together speak about a healing in our deepest relationships! And since they are both in Pisces, this could also be healing of the collective, the world and mankind. To describe this kind of collective relationship, Jesus called the church his “bride”. But here is the problem with the relationship; Jupiter in home loving and nurturing Cancer is opposite Pluto who is hanging out with Venus in Capricorn. This is a bit of a Mommy Porn combination. If you’re feeling super uncomfortable that I have just used Jesus and mommy porn in the same paragraph, you are likely connecting with the energy of this combination. Its Christian Grey’s controlled, severe, power and corporate success filled sexuality versus the tortured-by-her-subconscious-mind Anastasia and her desire for love nurturance and something quite normal and homey. Forget that 50 shades of Grey is a poorly written book, we all have a secret fantasy that we can change another to suit our needs. With Jupiter opposite Pluto/Venus we may have an overwhelming desire to make this happen and will attempt to do it. However, how we go about it will be all that matters. We can use and abuse the power of Pluto and Venus which tends towards jealousy, and control. We can go over the top with expansive Jupiter in the mix. Juno and Chiron are also opposed by Pallas, so it might be easy to nitpick, focus on the hurt or all those ways it won’t work. There are a whole host of ways this can go wrong.

But… there is a way through this!

The mystic rectangle presents us with the opportunities for optimism, faith, healing understanding, by taking the opportunities presented to us and diving into it together and in creative ways. Big fat hint… Trying to figure it out on your own won’t work. Going deep and into the scary or taboo subjects through shared experiences will.  Here is something else that may help. Start every conversation with “yes, and…” rather than “yes, but…” and you’ll be on the right track.

The month will end on January 31 with Venus going direct. With all of the relationship work you’ve done you should now be clear – or at least well on your way to being clear – on where you want them to go and with Venus direct, you have the green light to move forward.



You can rise to power or have a very public fall at the beginning of the month. Set intentions for using your power wisely. Later in the month, the focus shifts to humanitarian causes. You just need to figure out how to merge your desire for status with a need to selflessly serve. There might be some karma to work out here.


Pope Francis was named man of the year by People magazine. The reason? He has mastered being conventional and unorthodox at the same time and this is your challenge this month. You can have the institutional structure and have true spirit within.  Transforming your belief system or awakening your Kundalini can throw some of your relationships off later in the month. Your ability to hold the complexity of yours and others’ perspectives will help.


It may seem like your insides are turning out. This month you are phoenix rising.  A healing is also happening in your career. Towards the end of the month you start to redefine your relationship to your career and ways of making money. What are those people who make millions, loose it all, and then make it all back again made of? Have the rules of the game changed? These are the questions you will answer as you clarify this relationship.


How’s your love life? You can make a new beginning this month. Communication is key, but loosen your need to feel superior and be strict. Using optimism, deep faith and your uncanny ability to be perceptive, this month will help find and communicate common ground. Relationships formed with others from diverse backgrounds can help to expand yourself and broaden your perspectives in positive ways.


Games, power trips and subversive tactics used to work in the workplace, but you will be finding out this month that this is no longer the case. Which end of this dynamic are you on? If you’re the instigator, these moves will backfire. If you are the victim, how can you have the courage to speak up? Everyone knows what really happens to a whistleblower, right? But maybe the rules are changing. Issues of trust power and the real meaning of the agile leader comes up for you this month.


This month you’re like the suffering and tortured artist, the strict and patriarchal father, the love-sick and tormented lover. You may be shadow-boxing as you spar with what you think you own and what is not in your control. You want to be still-life, but life is calling for abstract expressionist.  What shows up on the outside is often just an expression of the inside. Examining the patterns that lie within will help.


Your relationship with your parents (even if they are no longer around) is going through a renovation.  You are challenged this month to allow rather than force. Not only will pushing have you looking like a spoiled brat, the finished product might look god-awful. Later in the month, let your creativity guide you as you tap into the collective unconscious. Doing so will help you heal the relationship you have with the way you serve others. Maybe you know that you’re supposed to be charitable, but deep down you know you’re really not. Examine where that comes from, without judgement.


You’re known for your scorpion sting and this month you can be extremely powerful with your words. Conflict with your thoughts and words can manifest as a sore stomach or jangly-accident-prone energy. Keep calm and carry on.  You might want to try something like a Vipassana retreat, where you can collectively gather with others who are collectively silent and collectively meditate together. You’ll be surprised at how much it heals your mojo.


Use the energy this month wisely and you could be very lucky. Let’s say you launch a crowd-sourcing campaign, what gets people on board is what you’re currently valuing and how you intend to use the power of money. You may even have a situation where people are surprisingly overly confident in you and your cause and now you’ve got to step up your game to measure up. Ever notice how important the First Lady is to the President’s success? Healing and valuing your family relationships later in the month will help in how you are being perceived.


Everything is right in the world. You’re asserting yourself, being recognized, reaching a place of status. This is exactly as it should be in the Capricorn life.  You will come across with public approval if you project yourself respectfully, but there is a tendency to ego trip now, which will engender backlash. If your ego is in the way, expect situations to arise which will send you into self-examination. Also the jig is up with the old style of political posturing or networking. At the end of the month you can really come to understand the new rules if you approach your relationships with mutuality and authenticity.


It’s like you are all snuggled in a cocoon and things are happening, but you’re not sure what is happening. You’re all cramped up inside there, not even realizing that you are growing wings. You are still unaware of just how beautiful and free you will feel once this process is over.  This month, you will be challenged to do the work and not push your growing thoughts and ideas on others just yet. You’re at the conscious. competent stage of learning and may feel the need to “teach what you need to learn to others.” Learn it first!  Self-esteem rises when you heal your sense of worth through play. Even though you’re in that cocoon you’ll need to find a way to play with others, not by yourself. There are ways. Think of a baby in a womb, who plays by kicking.


There might be a bit of a blow-up in your financial situation. Both your personal cash flow and your shared resources might be seriously comprised or conversely, has increased in a way that has left you very uncomfortable. This situation is helping you to discover who your real friends are?  Also, you’re making adjustments to your hopes and dreams. Does what you think matters, really matter, anymore?  At the end of the month, there is an opportunity to see relationship patterns clearly and to heal your relationship with yourself, which invariably changes, your relationship to others.