Aquarius New Moon – Feb 1, 2022

New Moon Feb 1, 2022

The New Moon on February 1st is at 12 degrees of Aquarius. It is conjunct Saturn and squaring Uranus. Saturn and Uranus are now moving away from their year-long 2021 square with each other. This new moon brings this energy into focus. This energy brought a fight between government, structure, old systems, and Uranus’s need for change, revolt, disruption. Saturn is cold and contracting. Uranus is excitable and electric. This clash saw governments impose mandates, one fixed solution (Aquarius is a fixed sign) in the vaccine a new and innovative solution (also Aquarius). It saw a move to QR codes, passports, and the focus on the group (Aquarius) over the individual. This clashed with Uranus in Taurus, which rules the five senses, things that are tangible, reliable, and predictable. It rules plants and gardens, as well as money. Finally, it rules all things of worth, including ourselves. The push triggered the buttons of those who care what they put in their bodies, who rely on alternative health, who distrust the government, and who believe money is behind all motivations. The result was a split society! Those behind the government and those fighting it.

Because it is an Aquarius new moon we have the chance to set new intentions around this energy. Do you want to form a new group? Do you want to spread love and peace? Do you want to innovate?

The asteroids Astraea and Diana are also conjunct this new moon. Diana symbolizes freedom. She is the goddess of the hunt. She represents strong feminine warrior energy. Astraea, represents moral values, reasoning, and good judgment. This new moon will be a good time to defend our freedoms and fight for what we believe in, but with a feminine warrior approach. Think of Moana restoring the heart in the movie Moana. Something new wants to come in. We are done with the Saturn Uranus fight… what do we now want? Use this new moon energy to set intentions for the coming age of Aquarius… how do you imagine it?

Happy New Moon!

Cancer Full Moon – Jan 17, 2022

Full Moon in Cancer Jan 17, 2022

The Full Moon in watery Cancer is opposite earthy and structural Pluto in Capricorn making this a very emotional and explosive Full Moon. Things come to a culmination. Already we have had a pacific underwater volcano eruption (how literal is that!). It’s something we have apparently not seen in over 900 years! Said to be bigger than a nuclear test explosion, the sonic boom was heard far and wide and the rippling energetic moved around the entire world. Tsunami’s hit the Pacific coastal areas and we are yet in the early days of what this all will mean.

Mother earth released her emotions and so must we!

The Sabian symbol for the moon degree is an Indian girl introduces college boy-friend to her tribe. Does this go well? They may have lots of feelings. The girl, adopting a newer more modern way of choosing comes up against family. Do they still hold the traditional feeling and thinking of “no, we choose for you”? The Indian girl takes a risk to share her heart hoping to find acceptance, knowing there maybe fallout.

Like the Indian girl, we too share our emotions. The emotion erupts in ways that will surprise us. We may receive acceptance, bringing on a deep sense of relief and surprise in a positive direction. Or we may experience more resistance than we could have ever imagined, calling on us to dig deep within and continue on with our heart’s resolve. The Moon is sextile the North Node in Taurus, letting us know that if we follow our heart, we will arrive at our deepest values and ultimately a deep sense of inner security. The moon is also widely trine Neptune. We’ve had intuitive whisperings from spirit that we can rely on.

The asteroid Burney is beside the moon, Burney was named after the child who named the planet Pluto. She had suggested the name to her grandfather when Pluto was discovered in 1930, that same year the Disney Character Pluto had been created, and she liked the name. They sent it in, and it was accepted. The asteroid Burney symbolizes “very personal approaches, that later has validity at the collective level” At this Full Moon, Burney is again sitting across and looking at Pluto encouraging us to include in our approach the ability to stand back, witness, and name… in this case our emotions. It’s sometimes said that the masculine has two emotions; anger and sex. Naming, witnessing, and allowing the breath of emotions at the personal level. It helps us to understand the source and to fully process and allow our emotions to move through us. When we do this at the personal level, it will help this to happen at the collective level.

Also at the full moon, within 2 degrees of Pluto is Amycus. Amycus represents “the proper way to treat people; the consequences of not doing so; innocent victims of violence or getting caught up in violence” If we deal with our emotions in a healthy way, even though they may be deep, dark, and scary, that approach will ripple out into our world, much like the sonic boom waves that covered the earth this past Saturday, we can ripple out love or we can ripple out terror. Amycus reminds us not to lash out or project onto others our own negative stuff through words, actions, or intentions as there will be repercussions.

Use this full moon to create a ceremony using the element of water. Have a good cry in the shower, letting the water wash away your emotions. Or bath in water and Epson salts, pulling out all the impurities and letting them wash down the drain. Or send your intentions to water, changing the crystalline structure.

Happy Full Moon in Cancer.

New Moon – January 2, 2022

New Moon

The January 2nd New new is in Capricorn. This new moon is at 12 degrees trine to Uranus and semisextile to Saturn. Saturn and Uranus were in a square in 2021. They were responsible for the clash between rules and control and freedom and revolt that we saw displayed all over the world over lock-downs and mandates. Difficult and divisive on a global scale, these issues also crept into our homes, work and relationships. and they caused us to review the structures in our lives. Maybe we ended a relationship or a living situation. Maybe we left a job. It may be that we were forced out, either by a decision-maker outside of ourselves or by circumstances that left us feeling like we had no choice. This New Moon is throwing light on these two planets still in a relationship, but starting to separate. While the experience is still fresh, we are given a chance to look at the circumstance it brought to us and to set intentions for what we now want. Trines and semisextiles bring opportunity, but they require us to act and can easily be missed opportunities.

Not to worry, the asteroid Toro is conjunct the New Moon helping us to “take the bull by the horns”. Toro is the asteroid that signified moving forward with precaution, unusually in a dangerous situation.

The New Moon is also conjunct Tantalus. This asteroid tempts us with something we desire but is likely out of our reach. Maybe we are tempted by the idea that things will go back to normal… pre-2020. These very real temptations represent our needs and our desires, but the temptation, should we decide to indulge, will certainly fall short. Don’t let the temptation lead you away from the opportunity that is now available.

The final asteroid conjunct the New Moon is the asteroid Sphinx. The Sphinx conjunct this New Moon helps us to peer into the mysteries of the ages. The sphinx represents the fixed signs of Taurus (the body of a bull), Leo (the feet and tail of a lion), the Scorpio (the wings or an eagle), and Aquarius (the human head). These are also the elements of Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. The Great Sphinx of Egypt tracks the cardinal directions and the turn of the seasons. The Great Sphinx is also aligned with the procession of the equinox and the turning of the ages. Said to be built in the age of Leo, we are now embarking on the age of Aquarius, the opposite sign to Leo.

Edgar Cayce channeled that the Great Sphinx was created by the Atlanteans. He also said that the sphinx contained a hall of records, containing records from that time and that they would be found at the opposite time of Leo, the Age of Aquarius. If we are really at the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, this new moon may bring those mysteries further into the light.

In the series Initiation on Gaia, Matias De Stefano explains from his memories that we are in a direct timeline to the time of Atlantis – time and space dimensions allow us to connect with that time. What do we have in common with that age and what does it suggest about the times we are in now? Plato told the story of Atlantis and described an advanced society. Said to have been so advanced that it became evil, it was submerged underwater. If we in these times somehow mirror the Atlantian times, what lessons can we learn so that we don’t repeat mistakes?

In his Yosoy project, Matias De Stefano suggests that the key is to align ourselves – a process that  Matias, suggests started on November 11, 2011 (11.11.11). At that time we began a process of balancing ourselves in line with the turning of the ages – the processional clock reset of Dec 21, 2011. Now, he suggests this window comes to a close and we move into a time of balancing the world on Feb 22, 2022 (02.22.22). This job of balancing the world he says, cannot be accomplished without first balancing ourselves.  The sphinx conjunct the new moon brings in the elements, the seasons, the directions, and the passage of time for us to reflect on just how well we have accomplished this and points to what we do now as being very important to the turning of the ages.

This New Moon is a great time to bring in any ceremony that brings in the elements and the concept of space and time. Indigenous cultures with shamans have a wonderful practice – the sand painting. To create a sand painting draw a circle, call in all of the elements, collect sticks, stones, leaves representing the elements, and then blow into each item the items of your being calling to be balanced. If you have anger towards your mother… take that stone and blow with your breath and intention… “clearing the anger I have for my mother”. If you have money issues, take a stick and blow into it “my issues with money”… and so on. Then place them into the center of the circle and allow mother nature.. the matrix of life, to balance.

Happy New Moon.