Cancer New Moon – June, 2022

Cancer New Moon – June 2022

The new moon on June 28th is at 7 degrees of Cancer. The cancer new moon gives us a chance to set intentions around family, traditions, home, and motherhood.

With the moon in Cancer squaring Jupiter in Aries, a conflict arises around overdoing things related to our sense of freedom and independence. Maybe we are trying to express our independence within our families and are overdoing it and ruffling feathers. Maybe we feel a need be mom, but also be free. Two countries that are ruled by Cancer are Canada having its birthday on July 1st and the US having its independence day on July 4th. A mix of tradition and patriotic ties with the roots of independence and freedom may lead to celebrations that are overdone or over the top!

The Sabian symbol for the new moon is “Rabbits dressed in clothes and on parade”. This symbol reminds us of various rabbits who take on human form. Bugs Bunny or the Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland… these rabbits act like humans. One acts the part, but may not completely know what it is to be a human. The other takes us down a rabbit hole… this Sabian symbol is all about challenging and learning about who we are, or who we are becoming. At first, we may be a little like Alice… sure of ourselves and our sense of reality. Alice’s over-the-top certainty is challenged through the experience, leading to a change of perspective and a changed sense of self.

The asteroid Child is also conjunct the new moon, putting a focus on children or the child within. And within three degrees of the new moon is the asteroid, Lilith. Lilith shows up in Hebrew mythology. Though was equal to Adam, Adam preferred instead that she submit to his authority. She refused and was tossed out of the garden of Eden. God felt sorry for Adam and his loneliness made a mate for Adam from his rib – which he named Eve. And Lilith lived banished from paradise, forever accused of being a seducer of men and a stealer or killer of babies.

The two energies of the asteroids child and Lilith bring up issues of the patriarchal feminine, the divine feminine and who she is in relation to men and children.

But as usual, we have help! Over with Jupiter is the asteroid Salacia “Salica is the Goddess of seawater who presided over the depths of the ocean. She was the wife and queen of Neptune, god of the sea and water. Salacia is represented as a beautiful nymph, crowned with seaweed, driving in a pearl shell chariot drawn by dolphins and seahorses. Salacia is the personification of the calm and sunlit aspect of the sea.” While the energy at the cancer new moon may bring out strong emotions around what it is to be a woman and a mother, Salicia helps to bring in calming higher frequency energy.

Use the new moon to set intentions for the divine feminine and how you see yourself evolving as a woman in a new definition of woman and mother.

Happy New Moon in Cancer!


Sagittarius Full Moon – June 14, 2022

The Full Moon on June 14th is in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the search for the truth. It searches for the truth through study, religion, travel, and the law. At this full moon, we may uncover some uncomfortable truths in one or all of these areas. As this full moon, is square Neptune and conjunct the asteroid Varda, many things will come to light. Lies will surface. Deceit will become clear. All of this is also related to all things Pisces – drugs and pharmaceuticals, spirituality and gurus as well as secret societies, the film industry, Hollywood, and the oil and gas industry. With Saggitarius/Pisces think celebrity gurus, travel vaccines, and gas laws as examples.

Neptune also brings in an element of emotional confusion and hypersensitivity. But the ruler of the full moon Jupiter is in Aries expanding a need for self-expression and freedom. We may see emotional dramas, the need to be right, dogma speech and strong opinions, but also a need to be authentically who we are and forge our own path. Mars is also conjunct Chiron in Aries, so expect attacks on your core identity! Attacks like this will help you to clarify who you really are and push you to stand up for yourself!

Both Sagittarius (where the moon is) and Aries, (where the ruler of the full moon is) are not very good with diplomacy or verbal filters… so things said in the heat of emotions may be true but they will also sting. The truth sometimes hurts! Added to this is the fact that Jupiter is squaring Lilith. This aspect may bring out negative emotional responses such as sulking, blaming, or withdrawing in order to emotionally manipulate. Try your best to approach emotions from a higher level. If someone is trying to draw you in, practice the art of not responding. Let your only response be from a place of love.

Thankfully the full moon is also trine Saturn, which will help to grounds our emotions and bring in an element of common sense. Saturn is in the social media and group dynamics sign of Aquarius. The group will challenge any untruths, or bad behaviour and will put social pressure to act appropriately.

This is a full moon, so use the energy to let go of anything you no longer need or bring a culmination to the truths you seek!

Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius!

New Moon in Gemini – May 30, 2022

The new moon is on May 30th at 9 degrees of Gemini. The Sabian symbol for the new moon is “Aeroplane, after a nose-dive, rights itself gracefully.”

Did you read the story about the passenger who landed a small plane after the pilot passed out and the plane did a nosedive? The Sabian symbol for this new moon calls on us to access some of the qualities that passenger expressed. We are asked to be calm and consider what needs to be done to get ourselves out of situations that may feel, or actually be, out of control.

Gemini rules travel, communication (from letter writing to satellite phones), vehicles (cars, planes, bikes) and learning, especially in primary school or through the new media. It also rules siblings and close relatives. At this new moon, we can set intentions for any or all of these areas.

The moon is ruled by mercury, which is currently retrograde. Mercury is set to go direct in a couple of days on June 2nd. But since Mercury is retrograde in Taurus, this gives us a chance to review how we think and learn about Taurus-related issues. Hot Taurus topics include finances – this may be a good time to review your balance sheet or budget and set intentions around money and/or savings. Taurus also rules farming or gardening. Review and set intentions for your creation of a hydroponic wall, biodynamic gardening or permaculture. Do you have a plan for food security? If you don’t, now may be a good time to learn and put something in place.

The moon is sextile Mars and Jupiter, which are currently conjunct in Aries. Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Aries is high, get up and go energy. Jupiter recently moved into Aries, expanding the energy for freedom and adventure, but also for cutting through and getting to the truth of matters. The New Moon sextile this energy will help you to cut through the fog and confusion that has been lingering since the previous transit of Jupiter through Pisces. If you take the time to curiously review all information, Mars and Jupiter will help you to see where others were deceiving you, and also where you were deceiving yourself. With this clarity, the energy of the new moon will help you to set intentions for course correction.

The new moon is also sextile Chiron in Aries allowing us to also review and set intentions around our self-expression. Aries has been experiencing a considerable amount of wounding… things that have required us to be assertive and courageous have been riddled with problems. During the pandemic, everything from risky adventures to entrepreneurial activities was discouraged. For the independence seeker, this was restricted, for the start-up to small business, this was devastating, for those who like to exercise and play sports, this was depressing. But now with Jupiter in Aries and Chiron at 15 degrees – midway through its Aries transit, we have the opportunity to move from wounding into healing. This new moon is a great time to put together a plan for patching your business venture, restarting your exercise plan, and planning your freedom pilgrimage!

The only asteroid in the mix at the new moon is Juno, which is squaring it. We need to rely on ourselves. Leaning too much on our relationships may be a source of disappointment!

Happy New Moon in Gemini