Leo New Moon – August 2022

The New Moon on July 28th is at 5 degrees of Leo. Leo is about our creativity, our sense of fun, and our creative expression. It’s our sense of competition and our delight at the risk in play. Leo calls on our courage and conviction.

Normally I write the horoscope and then I head on over to Amanda Ellis on YouTube, who speaks occasionally about planets and always about the energy of the moons, but from a card reader perspective. Invariably we are always on the same page! She is my confirmation that I’m on the right track! I usually watch her video after I’ve written and posted my horoscope, but this time it was posted early and I couldn’t wait! Initially, her reading for this new moon was quite dire. But she then got to how we navigate the energy and it’s in how we navigate the energy that the Leo moon energy came to life (the rest was the backdrop). She imagined a dark tunnel and us crawling through it commando style to get to where we needed to go (the lions gate on Aug 8th). This is exactly what the Leo moon is calling us to do.

The new moon is conjunct Valkunus which brings in a volatile component. It’s like Indiana Jones; dark tunnels, bridges with alligators or fire licking up, pits with snakes or spiders… this all represents the explosive chaos that is around us. Instead of seeing it as a reason to stay put, we see an obstacle course ahead.  Something wants to erupt and we respond to it with our own explosion of courage, creativity, risk, and sense of competition! We summon the Leo new moon courage, we make it an adventure and we go for it! It feels scary (as we are dealing with the real world) but fun!

We are not alone. We have the rest of our group is trying to get there too. We egg each other on. We shout words of team spirit and encouragement that we/you can do it. This is symbolized by Ceres, which is conjunct the new moon, and which uses praise to make us feel nurtured, and cared for and to summons a deep belief in ourselves.

Our goal and destination has something to do with Isis, which is also conjunct the new moon. Isis is the Egyptian goddess whose husband Osiris was killed by his jealous brother twice by cutting him into pieces. The first time Isis reassembles him, but the second time she was unable to find a piece. Isis is associated with putting the pieces together or finding the missing link. In Egyptian times, her tears were a symbol for the flooding of the Nile, so she is also associated with agriculture and the star Sirius, which at its helical rising signalled like clockwork, the rise of the flood waters in Egypt. Interestingly, as a historical fact, the Nile does not flood anymore. Due to British colonization, damns were built to stop the flooding in the early 1900s. The final version was built in Aswan, ending the flood in Lake Nasser in 1970. It displaced the Nubian inhabitants that lived there, required the relocation of many ancient Egyptian temples including Isis’s temple, and ended the natural seasons. Isis is calling on us to find the missing pieces, reconnect, recreate, re-incorporate natural seasons, and connect with our guiding stars. This is reinforced by the fact that the Sun and Moon are also conjunct the asteroid Varuna. Varuna is the Indian god who brings in rules associated with the creation of the earth and the limits and order around it, including the horizon, the seasons and the cycles of the planets.

Our mission… this obstacle course we are running requires us to reconnect with natural cycles and obey the rules of the universe! As above, so below

We have lots of optimistic help at this new moon. The new moon is trine to Jupiter in Aries, expanding the desire for new starts and unexplored territory, and jumpstarting our assertiveness.  It’s also sextile Pallas, which allows us to build a new strategy for the future.

The Sabian symbol for the new moon is An old-fashioned woman and an up-to-date girl and reflects changing values and norms. Many times what is old fashion is seen as built to last. While up-to-date may be fashionable and trendy, it breaks down or doesn’t last long. As we move forward, is there a way that we can incorporate the best of the old-fashioned and the up-to-date? As we find our way, reassemble, and reconnect, we are called on to reflect on the values and norms we want to mainstay and what is no longer useful and needs to go.

Happy New Moon in Leo!

Values, Food and Finance Revolution – Mars, Uranus and the North Node

Mars, Uranus and the North Node meet on August 1st. Since the North node oscillates and Mars likes to trigger a couple of days in advance, we are in for about a two-week period of groundbreaking energy. Everything is about to get a little bumpy… Since this energy is happening in Taurus, I wanted to write a post getting you thinking about how to work gracefully with the energy. Talking leadership in your life means being forewarned and making conscious decisions

First I’d like to start with what each of these planets/points means and how they operate together.

Uranus is revolution, change, and technology. It’s the planet of the unexpected, of surprises and of sudden moves or upsets.

Mars is an action-oriented planet. It’s movement, ambitions, drive, fighting and war.

The North Node is the direction in which we are evolving or meant to be evolving. You’ve likely already become aware of the topics Taurus is bringing up; money (finance, banking, investments), values (our enduring beliefs), valuables (car, house, jewels) and land (agricultural, farming).

So when you add Uranus and Mars to these evolving directions, then you get tectonic shifts in any or all of these areas.

Our governments are guiding the direction in a particular way; implementing new structures; policy, legislation and guidance. Their plan all over the world involves revolutionizing money, food, valuables and even our values. Globally the governments are planning for digital currency, chocolate-covered bugs and other bug food products, and ownership of nothing. New values include a focus on gender inclusion and reducing your habits for the good of the environment, for example flying less or eating less meat. Maybe you are happy with these changes, maybe you don’t really know what they mean or how they will affect you or perhaps you are just plain opposed to the plan.

Wherever you are coming from, things are going to change. What I always say about Uranus, whether in your personal life or in the world at large, is that you need to make it conscious and to make conscious choices around it. If you don’t… it will make choices for you and not always in the direction you would like.

How are people reacting so far? Riots are happening in countries currently going broke, farmers are rising up in Europe against policies that will negatively affect them, inflation is skyrocketing everywhere causing our possessions to hold less and less worth and for people to panic in terms of where to put their hard-earned cash – real estate? Bitcoin? Stocks? Bonds?.. they all look bleak. All of this plus backlash against movements that are trying to shift our values; gender identity, abortion rights, freedom rights and our right to eat meat and potatoes daily!

If you are happy with the direction… enjoy the ride… if not… design your own ride! Like I said, resistance is futile. We must change! Uranus will make sure of that. If you don’t like what is happening, you cannot stand still! You cannot stick your head in the sand and you cannot revolt without a replacement plan. What does your Taurus look like? What is your vision for the future? Don’t like digital currency? What currency system would you have instead? Don’t like eating bugs and no meat? What would you need to do to ensure a table of the foods you love? Make a list of changes to the financial system, food system, and changes in societal values that are pushing your buttons then don’t just take to the streets, dig deep and develop a new way. Like I said, revolting to what we find revolting is not enough… the north node in Taurus wants a redesign!

Let me go back a little bit to share the astrological setup for this…

In 2020 we entered a new economic epoch. This forms the backdrop of economic changes. On December 21, 2020, the Jupiter and Saturn conjunction in the sign of Aquarius started a shift to a new form of economy. One based on air qualities rather than the last 300 or so years of earth. This shift will help to bring us into the age of Aquarius. My personal opinion is that the earth energy for the last 300 years or so enjoyed a centralized system. While earth is concentrated in one spot, the air is defused… it’s decentralized. In fact, we’ve slowly been moving towards it. The internet disrupted everything, decentralizing music, media, travel, transportation, learning and more. To put a cap on further decentralization, governments need to regulate… they need to stop the decentralization of money – crypto such as bitcoin and Ethereum are a big threat. Media has decentralization a little too much for their comfort level, so has the ability to organize and protest. New legislation is all about controlling crowds, controlling media information (revolution), and controlling the currency.

But do we need government? Do they have our best interest at heart? or can that also be decentralized? Pluto has been transforming government and large corporate structures since 2008 and with its stay in Capricorn coming to a close by January 21, 2024, we are seriously questioning “what have you done for me lately?

Intrinsically there is nothing wrong with a new upgrade financial system, or farming system. There is nothing wrong with supporting the environment or even evolving what we can possess. The First Nations owned nothing and didn’t even have a concept of it. Nor is there anything wrong with upgrading our values. Ultimately Taurus wants us ALL to recognize that worth doesn’t belong to just a couple of powerful (Scorpio)… worth belongs to us all (Taurus). And so the more we operate from a place of valuing ourselves, the more that we increase the value of the environment, the things we own, and the food we eat. We treat it with respect as the first nations did, and don’t rely on our governments to direct our behaviour to do so.

As Uranus, Mars and the North Node meet up, the acceleration for changes speeds up. Time to figure out where you stand!

Capricorn Full Moon – July 13, 2022

Full Moon – July 13, 2022

The full moon on July 13th is at 21 degrees Capricorn. While the full moon usually brings out our emotions, the moon in Capricorn is uncomfortable with them! This is stiff upper lip energy. We may feel the need to hold back or censor our emotions. Or we may feel cold, distant and out of touch. The third option is that we may feel overly invested in ambitions, putting our emotions on the back burner.

The Sabian symbol for the full moon is “A general accepting defeat gracefully”. This symbol is about learning from failure. The problem is, that not many of us enjoy failing. Most of us would rather not. However, facing and experiencing our emotions related to failure or loss is the key to learning and growing at this full moon.

At the full moon, as always, the sun is opposite the moon. At this full moon, there are many asteroids infusing the full moon with their energy.

With the Sun is with Osiris, Persephone, Ceres and Kassandra. All four of these asteroids bring in the energy of loss. In mythology, all experienced the cycles of life, death and rebirth in different ways. In Egyptian mythology, Osiris is killed by his jealous brother, twice! He comes back to life, but the second time is patched together only for a while. Osiris in astrology is associated with death and rebirth or transformation.

Persephone and Ceres are mother and daughter in Roman mythology. Persephone is pulled into the underworld one day while out in the field picking flowers. Unable to find her Persphone’s mother Ceres, the grain goddess goes into mourning. In her loss she causes the grain to stop growing. In astrology, Persephone and Ceres are associated with the loss of a child, food shortages, and famine.

Kassandra is a Greek goddess who has the gift of prophecy. While she is able to see the future accurately, she is never believed. This causes her to lose her sanity. In astrology, she represents doubting yourself, not being believed, and being silenced.

There is no doubt that this full moon is about loss. Loss of life, food, security, children. Loss of our minds, or our sanity, in all these four represent various ways in which we can experience loss – mentally, spiritually and emotionally. However, within these stories of loss is the path to a transformation into a new way of being. Osiris is put together long enough to bring forth his progeny, Persephone and Ceres transform their loss into the cycles of life and the seasons, and Kassandra transforms her loss into a deep trust in herself!

So how do we process and handle all of our emotions to get to these golden nuggets of transformation?

Opposite all of that energy with the moon is Hylonome. Associated with profound emotional loss, she processes with the use of grief counselling or elimination rituals such as discarding letters, photos and clothing of the deceased person.

Arrokoth and Minerva are also conjunct the moon. Arrokoth is associated with the sky, astronomy, astrology, space travel and exploration. Minerva represents wisdom and courage; the ability to analyze and strategize and the ability to take a different perspective. They offer us some additional tools to help us face our emotions and deal with the loss. Along with rituals that Hylonome suggests, we can also use astrology or the idea of space and different timelines to gain deeper insights and to help us to make sense of the loss we feel. These tools will help us to see things from a spiritual or cosmological perspective!

Also while the full moon is also conjunct Pluto promising deep transformation and opposite Mercury in Cancer, making our thinking fearful and muddled, we do have some support! A partner or a lover can be there for us during this full moon. This full moon is ruled by Saturn, which is in a tight trine with Venus. Our partner will stick by us and will offer different perspectives or ideas. They will not let you get stuck in an emotional rut! The moon is also trine Neptune which is conjunct the marriage asteroid Juno, offering us sacred support and connection from our divine consort or twin flame! They are there for us. We just need to let down our Capricornian emotional guard!

Happy Full Moon in Capricorn!