New Moon – Sept 2, 2024

September New Moon

The new moon on September 3 is at 11° of Virgo. Virgo rules routines, health, work, and service. It rules details, organization and planning. Virgo is meticulous and fussy. At this New Moon, we can set intentions around any of these areas.

This new moon widely squares Jupiter and opposes Saturn. The square to Jupiter may make us prone to over-promising so you will need to be extra careful when setting your intentions. Jupiter will make us feel that we can do more than what we actually can. The opposition to Saturn however, brings some measure of structure and restriction and is asking us to contain or at least make sure that our approaches are not unrealistic or fantasy. The trick to these two is to have an equal dose of optimism and structure and to not allow any pessimism or pushback to burst your bubble and stop you from moving forward.

The ruler of the New Moon is Mercury, which has recently gone direct. During the retrograde phase, we likely did a review of our creative projects and our leadership role within them. By now we should be clear and at this new moon, we have a perfect opportunity to set intentions around moving forward. It’s also a good time to start writing, initiate communications, and sign contracts. We have the green light to move forward with projects and plans. The new moon in Virgo will help us to dive into the details, get organized, and see into the nifty-gritty, making sure that we are not making mistakes or overlooking details.

Mercury the full moon ruler, is sextile to Mars and Jupiter, making it easy to put things into action. It’s also giving us a boost to learn new things and to have fun while doing it. If your project involves learning something new, this aspect will help you to come up to speed fast! Mercury is also trine to Chiron, the wounded healer. Any wounds suffered in the past can now be channelled into our projects, our communications and any plans we make. For instance, you may feel the need to write about a painful experience which you’ve now learned from and will help others. Or you may want to create teaching videos, sharing the lessons you have learned. Mercury is squaring your Uranus, which is giving us a lot of unusual and innovative ideas. Some of the ideas will be ingenious, but a square to Uranus can cause us to lose the idea just as quickly as we receive them! You’ll need to walk around with a pen and paper or a voice recorder ready to keep up with your mind and to capture everything.

Virgo is related to health, and at this particular new moon, we can direct our health towards mental health or better said, spiritual health. The reason is that the asteroid Apollo is conjunct with this new moon. Apollo’s motto was “Know thy self“ It was a dictum carved in stone on his shrine in Delphi. But how do we go about knowing ourselves? This requires going within and examining our values, desires, and goals including our shadows, or anything lurking in our unconscious that stops or sabotages our goals. Asteroid Apollo gives us the energy needed to raise our consciousness. Doing so will help us to understand who we are at the deepest level, and this can be beneficial in allowing us to infuse our intentions and projects with expressions of our true selves. Using the Virgo energy to help sift through, categorize, clear and discard anything no longer needed.  Be reminded, however, that Virgo can also be judgmental and perfectionist challenging us as we sift through unconscious matters. Remember that you don’t need to be perfect or pure! Perfectionism is the enemy of progress!

Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without. ` Confucius

The Sabian symbol for this new moon is “ a husband snatches away his new wife’s veil”. If we are truly being ourselves, as we inevitably will be after marriage, we show all of ourselves the good the bad and the ugly. This Sabian symbol serves as a reminder of the love we can experience, warts and all when we love and accept all parts of ourselves and others.