Horoscope: June 5 – 11, 2017

June 5 – 11

The healing nature of talk

What to expect: More communication
What to watch out for: Opportunities to listen
What will it affect? Nurturing, communication styles

The Sun meets up with Ceres on Monday, June 5th inspiring us to nurture our children (or our inner child). These two are in Gemini the sign of communication and nurturing happens through conversation. Saying “hi” to someone can make their day. Listening to a child talk about something that matters to them, even if it takes a long time for them to get it out or it seems uninteresting to you, nurtures their confidence. Taking the time to talk to a senior can take away loneliness and make our elders feel like they matter. Even going  inside and listening to ourselves can also bring us into deep connection and we can feel heard by ourselves. Mercury squares the nodes so we can let go of old ways of communicating that don’t serve us anymore. Are you critical, Judgemental, or too opinionated when you communicate? The nodes are in the Leo/Aquarius polarity connecting us with self-expression. If we take away those harsh communication approaches we can nurture our confidence to shine. Mercury sextiles Chiron on June 5th, so we can work through our harsh communication through writing, journaling, mediation or self-talk.

Why? Mercury Square North Node, Sun Conjunction Ceres, Mercury Sextile Chiron

Full Moon in Sagittarius

What to expect: A culmination
What to watch out for: Conflicting teachings
What will it affect? Youth, beliefs, balanced approaches

The Full Moon on June 9th is in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the sign of the wise sage. The Sun opposite the Moon is in Gemini, the sign that represents the curiosity of youth. These two energies come into opposition at the full moon. The Sabian symbol of the Full Moon is “Pelicans, disturbed by people move their habitat”.

As I pull together they symbolism of this Full Moon I’m reminded of standing on the shore of a northern lake watching migrating swans, who every year pit stop to rest and feed on their way north. As I stood there and watched I thought about another lake not too far from the one I was at. It had experienced “river piracy”. A combination of rising temperatures, glacial melt and suddenly the river stopped flowing in the usual direction and dried up! I wondered if birds had also stopped there only to find the river had gone? The thought made me sad. There is no doubt about it. The climate is changing. Is it a disruption of people? Or is it affected by something much grander? The Inuit elders say the sky has changed! The Sun, moon, and stars have all shifted. This Sagittarius Full Moon brings in elder wisdom and tries to incorporate it with the knowledge of the youth. The planet ruled by Sagittarius is Jupiter, so Jupiter rules this full moon. Jupiter turns direct on the same day and does so in the balancing sign of Libra. At this full moon, as we reflect on the changes that are happening, there is a push towards balance. It would behoove us to seek out our elders for wisdom. It is also wise to remember that  truth also sometimes “comes out of the mouths of babes”. Jupiter will sextiles Vesta on the same day. As we work towards balance and find solutions, we feel a sense of pride in our mastery. Venus and Mars will also sextile, making it a day when we can also bring in a balanced masculine and feminine approach.

Why? Jupiter Sextile Vesta, Full Moon at 18°Sg53′, Jupiter direct, Venus Sextile Transiting Mars

Solid Structure

What to expect: Building foundations
What to watch out for: Surprising Insights
What will it affect? Projects

On June 10th Saturn will trine Pallas. Father energy of Saturn works together with the feminine wisdom of Pallas. Pallas brings in social justice, the ability to see patterns and a just approach to the structured, ambitious and accomplished energy of Saturn. This is a great time for working on projects that require leadership. These two energies bring in a strong foundation, the ability to see all the parts and to incorporate time honoured tradition and skills.

Why? Saturn Trine Transiting Pallas



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Horoscope: May 29 – June 4, 2017

May 29 – June 4

Hearing and Being Heard

What to expect: Relationships improvements
What to watch out for: Flashing of insight
What will it affect? Relationships, partnerships, youth, communication

At the end of May relationship/partnership conversation take a turn for the positive when Mercury and Juno speak to each other; there is a grounded understanding that starts to form. We are gaining in confidence around our ideas and our leadership and work as the Sun in Gemini makes a sextile to Vesta. As we gain this confidence and speak our truth we start to move towards a breakthrough.

The potential for breakthrough is also supported by Mars in Gemini. We are filled with ideas and thoughts and as Mars make a sextile to Uranus in Aries on May 30th, this is likely a brilliant insight that propels us towards a new beginning.

The next day on May 31 Mercury will trine Pluto. If you want to get your message out there, move the crowd, inspire change and shift paradigms in thinking, now is the time to do it. Jupiter will trine Ceres in Gemini, so now is a good time to focus your talk, speak, message, book or research on our youth and our relationship with our youth. Millennial’s get a lot of flack. But they do have wisdom to share. They do. Particularly around fairness or more specifically accountability. They have put ethical businesses and ethic buying on the map, and Jupiter in Libra with a trine to Ceres will help us to deepen that conversation with them around these issues.

Why? Mercury Trine Juno, Sun Sextile Vesta, Mars Sextile Uranus, Mercury Trine Pluto, Jupiter Trine Ceres

Planning our Projects

What to expect: Realistic Planning
What to watch out for: Naysayers
What will it affect? Projects, direction, budgets, personal wounds

The first couple of days in June are good for getting realistic with our finances. If you’re starting a project and need to plan out the details or a budget, now is a good time. You’re likely to approach things and a practical manner with the idea of building success. Mars will also make a nice connection to the nodes, so you’re project has a high likelihood of getting off the ground and moving in the right direction if you do your planning now.

You may find some challenge in the background of your projects, particularly if they have a spiritual, social change or political change flavour to them. There may be an unconscious need to block the truth because whatever you are doing may trigger painful wounds in some. There may also be a “mother knows best” approach to you, that suggest that you’ll never succeed, or that it’s impractical. Behind the resistance is not necessarily a lack of belief in your ability, but a fear that you’ll get hurt or even a fear that you’ll do better than they ever did. Now is a time that you may have to realize that you have ancestral or socially accepted patterns that need to be broken, and accept that you need to do so in order to move forward.

Why? Venus Trine Saturn, Mars Sextile North Node, Mars Square Transiting Chiron, Neptune Square Transiting Ceres

The Gift of Feedback

What to expect: An opportunity for growth
What to watch out for: Self-delusion
What will it affect? Relationships, ego, learning

On June 3rd Venus meets up with Uranus in Aries. My third sale of my astrology calendar that I sold online (the first two people said nothing), I got a scathing email telling me what a bunch of crap it was, not worth the money with a demand for a return. I was floored. I thought it was good. This person obviously didn’t see its worth. But sometimes we put our creations out there and they are not met in the way we expect. When Venus conjuncts Uranus in direct and unfiltered Aries, we may all have a similar experience. But feedback is always a gift. Even it if it is feedback given in the most impolite and crude manner. Even if it comes from a troll. Your reaction to feedback is always a sign of something inside of you. Your own fears, conscious or unconscious, and more importantly your own level of maturity and professionalism. How you handle surprising likes and dislikes right now will shine a light on this. I took the person’s dissatisfaction and realized I could use it to make my product better. And I did. What a gift! If we take these kinds of experiences and turn them into something positive, we increase our self-knowledge and our confidence. The Sun trine Jupiter will help us to see ourselves in loving and balance way. Hidden in the nugget of any surprise is the potential for more confidence and more income! As we take that hidden nugget of information and take upgraded action, it sets us on the path to fortunate finances.

The only problem is that on June 4th, the sun is also squaring Neptune, so we may delude ourselves about something. The more honest we can be with ourselves the more we can take advantage of the other transits.

Why? Venus Conjunction Uranus, Sun Trine Jupiter, Venus Trine North, Sun Square Transiting Neptune

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Horoscope: May 22 – 28, 2017

May 22 – 28

Finding Your Voice

What to expect: A feminine approach
What to watch out for: Discrediting behaviour
What will it affect? Communication, status quo, work, relationships

Theodore Roosevelt said, “When you play, play hard; when you work, don’t play at all”. The week starts off on May 22 – 23rd with strong opinions about this sort of approach to work and play. A need to have fun in our work may be met with serious types who say things to you like “stop bothering me with your monkey business.” This is because mercury, in very serious minded Taurus, is squaring Vesta in Leo, who enjoys playing at work and making work play.

At the same time, Pluto is squaring Pallas. Pluto is all about transforming the status quo; governments, big business, and all things patriarchal. Some in this realm are embracing change and others are holding on tightly to their power and to the status quo. And, while Pluto makes a square to Pallas, it brings out feminine insecurity. We may find ourselves speaking up and then saying “sorry” or standing up for something and then obsessing over if we came across too strong. The problem is that we obsess over how we see things and we also doubt our power. The other problem is that we may be getting signals from those who are not willing to give up their power that makes us waver.

Don’t looking for this to happen only in scenarios with men up against women. There are women who are still stuck in patriarchal thinking and are aligned with the status quo. These are the woman who appear to stand for all kinds of things that are harmful to women’s rights in the interest of standing by their man. On the other side of the struggle is the warrior woman. She is strong, independent, goes after what she wants and doesn’t care for her freedom being limited in any way. As Venus also squares Juno, we’re likely to see the power struggle happening also between these two types of women.

Why? Mercury Square Vesta, Pluto Square Pallas, Venus Square Juno

New Moon in Gemini

What to expect: Opportunity for intention setting
What to watch out for: Power plays
What will it affect? Communication, relationships, strategy

The New Moon is in Gemini. It’s all about communication and we can set intentions for our communications. This New Moon is great if you are in a communication field like news, publishing or social media. Whether you want to strengthen your communications in your personal life or in your business, now is a great time to get clear and make it known to the universe what you want. If you planning a New Moon ceremony, use the element of air. Write with your favourite pen, on your favorite type of paper in a space that inspires you and music that stirs. Get the words just right. Make them poetic, or rhyme. Send them out into the universe for your creations and intentions to manifest!

Venus will also square Pluto the same day, so you may plan to spend this time alone, but your partner or significant other may feel a little jealous about that. You may find that there are small manipulations or sabotaging moves. They may even be initiated on a purely unconscious level. And they could happen by either party. The problem is that Venus will also be aligned with Pallas in Aries, making her a little bit political, very feisty, and extremely independent and with Pallas the goddess of strategy at her side; she may have the upper hand. Don’t be too mad. She’ll likely use her ability to outwit and outmaneuver for the greater good.

Why? New Moon at 4°Ge46′, Venus Square Transiting Pluto, Venus Conjunction Pallas

The Frustrated Artist

What to expect: Creativity
What to watch out for: Perfectionism
What will it affect? All creative expression

By the end of the week, we move into a beneficial energy for artistic creation. But, as we are pouring out hearts out into our mode of artistry, we stand back and find ourselves dissatisfied with our artwork. We are critical of our creations and may feel frustrated by what we feel we “should” be producing. This may be a time when we paint over the painting in white, starting over several times again. Slowing down, be methodical and take your time. Your creations are good.

Why? Mercury Sextile Neptune, Mars Opposition Saturn.


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