Capricorn Full Moon – July 21, 2024

Capricorn Full Moon

The Full Moon is at 29° Capricorn on July 21, 2024 – The full moon is at the last critical degree of Capricorn. This is a time for letting go of structures that no longer serve us. Capricorn rules structures, our reputation, ambitions, rules and regulations. It also rules large corporations and governments, and old money. Capricorn is connected with time, clocks, and archeology. Capricorn is said to be a feminine sign and is associated with grandmother energy.

The full moon is also conjunct Pluto at the critical degree of zero in the next sign of Aquarius. Both Capricorn and Aquarius are traditionally ruled by Saturn. Saturn is karmic! Have you done the work, learned the lesson and grown personally and spiritually? Something is ending and another is beginning. This full moon is its completion time. It makes clear what’s done and what needs to be carried forth. With Pluto conjunct with this full moon, it will bring that transformation into Aquarius.

My barn having burned down, I can now see the moon. ~ Mizuta Masahide

The barn has burned down, now we can see the moon! Take a good look at the view and feel deeply the benefit of all that has ended. Feel the relief, the sadness, the opportunity, the shock. Feel it all!

The full moon is making a trine to Mars and Uranus and this gives us help in breaking through and breaking free. This is helpful because Capricorn doesn’t like to feel emotions; the moon in Capricorn is in its detriment… but the karmic release will be powerful if we do.

The full moon is also sextile to Neptune connecting us to the guidance of spirit. Maybe we hear the whispers of our grandmothers or our ancestors. Listen as they have wisdom to share. Hear their ancestral wounds. The ones that you also share. You have an opportunity to witness them and to transform them at this time.

The wounds are likely around father, patriarchy, and being punished for standing up for yourself and standing in your truth. The full moon is conjunct asteroid Kassandra. Kassandra was the unrequited love of Apollo. Because she did not return his love, he gifted her with the ability to see the future, but also cursed her so that nobody would believe her. Apollo was vengeful and abused his power. Kassandra suffered for setting her boundaries and being true to herself. But Kassandra wasn’t the only one who suffered. Those who would benefit from hearing her prophesies and taking heed also suffered. They were also denied the advantages of forewarning. With Kassandra at the full moon, we have a chance to come to terms with all of the times we have stood up for ourselves, and have been punished. We will also shed tears for all the times we were not heard or could not get through to others to help them. At this full moon something related to these old patriarchal and unfair structures; the Apollos of the world, will come to a head and a culmination. This is further supported by the Sabian symbol for the full moon “Directors of a large firm meet in secret conference”. Yaaaaa… they are meeting in secret… and trust me, this is an emergency meeting as those large institutions will face the biggest transformation! This may also be a meeting of the highest counsel… those in the angelic or alien (whichever resonates with you) realm, making critical decisions for humanity.

I’ll also share the Sabian symbol for Pluto at 0 degrees of Aquarius. It’s “An old Adobe mission”. The Old Adobe Mission in Scottsdale Arizona was built in the early 1900’s with adobe brick of clay and straw and competed with the community spirit. The women in the community fund-raised and supported the workers with food, water and encouragement, with one woman in particular spearheading the movement. This Sabian symbol tells us that the power is shifting into the community. And there is transformative power in community and helpfulness. If you decide to have a community event, Venus is sextile Jupiter at the full moon making it a perfect day to bring together fun, learning, adventure and beauty!

Happy Full Moon in Capricorn!


Cancer New Moon – July 5, 2024

The New Moon is on July 5/6th depending on where you are. It’s a cancer new moon at 14 degrees of Cancer. Cancer rules family, tribe, lineage and family trees. It rules archeology and history. It rules food, meals eaten together; family gatherings and picnics. It is connected to real estate and homes. It is also associated with business, especially family business. It is a water sign and is therefore connected with emotions and nurturing. At this New Moon, we can set intentions connected with any of these Cancer topics.

This new moon is making lots of aspects! It is conjunct fixed star Sirius, Venus and is trine Saturn. It is in aspect to the following asteroids; Pallas, Ceres, Hades, Askalaphus, and Apophos.

The new moon makes a grand trine with Saturn in Pisces and Pallas in Scorpio. Grand trines provide opportunities and this grand trine will help us to work through our emotions and spirituality. We can also use the energy and channel our emotions into finding creative solutions to anything that has been perplexing us; Pallas rules weaving and strategy. Pallas was said to have been birthed out of her father’s head. She is, logical and somewhat masculine. Saturn in Pisces is calling us to put a structure around our spirituality. Saturn in Pisces has at times created depression or an existential crisis, but now we have an opportunity to alleviate some of our angst by taking some well-placed steps. You may find yourself connecting with a group, or joining a church or other spiritual establishment where you feel emotionally safe.

The New Moon is conjunct with the fixed star Sirius. Sirius is a beneficial fixed star that gives us success in business, along with honours and riches. Sirius is also family. It’s the only star that does not precess like the others (as in precession of the equinox).

For it is remarkable that owing to the precession of the equinoxes, on the one hand, and the movement of Sirius on the other, the position of the sun with respect to Sirius is displaced in the same direction, almost exactly to the same extent. [R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz, Sacred Science, Inner Traditions (1982)]

Since Egyptian times, Sirius has barely moved at all. For this reason, many believe that Sirius is a binary star of our Sun and some believe it’s a double-double binary star with our solar system. Sirius B is 205 times smaller than Sirius A and moves around Sirius A in overlapping orbits. Mars is 205 times smaller than our Sun and Simon Shack has geometrically proven that Mars and the Sun are in a similar dance. The Dogon tribe, (who told us that Sirius B was there before our telescopes could see it) tell us that there is also a Sirius C. This one we haven’t been able to see, but scientists speculate that it is there. Could Earth, the Sun and Mars be in a similar dance as Sirius A, B and C? As above so below! This would make our solar system a double-double binary system with Sirius… which would mean we are either sisters or cousins! At any rate, we are family! Cancer represents our family and how perfect is it that Sirius is there in Cancer? But what does it mean for the New Moon? Maybe it’s time to explore and find out who is in our family and what relationship they have to us. The New Moon is widely conjunct with Venus in Cancer, emphasizing building stronger bonds and family ties. It’s a great time to define our tribe!

The New Moon is opposing Ceres. Ceres is similar to the moon in that it represents feminine emotions. It is also associated with seasons and the change of seasons or loss. In the myth, Ceres lost her child to the underworld and then starved everyone by refusing to allow crops to grow until she got her child back. At this new moon, we need to acknowledge loss and how it plays into building a new future. Ceres got her child back, but only for half the year. We may need to factor such compromises into our connections and realize that we cannot hold those around us too tightly. This is further verified by the fact that asteroid Hades, the one who tricked Ceres’ daughter into the underworld, is conjunct with the New Moon. Hades is the Roman equivalent of Pluto and Demeter is the Roman equivalent of Ceres.

Askalaphus is also conjunct with the New Moon. Askalaphus also played a part in the myth related to Hades/Pluto and Ceres/Demeter. Persephone/Proserpina was the daughter who went into the underworld. She was told that if she didn’t eat anything in the underworld she could return to her mother. However, she had eaten six pomegranate seeds! It was Askalaphus the gardener who saw and reported it! Askalaphus in astrology is related to truth-telling, spying, eavesdropping or meddling. We won’t be able to get away with trying to pretend that things have not changed. If we have moved on from certain circumstances, a truth will come to light to make that clear. If we are trying to pretend nothing has changed to hold on to the old ways, someone will meddle to stop that from happening.

Klotho is also conjunct with the New Moon. She is one of the three fates and signifies new beginnings. Though she doesn’t play a part in the story of Ceres/Demeter, she does have the power to return to life those who have visited the underworld. Astrologically this represents new beginnings and the circumstances with which those new beginnings are initiated. This is a time to embrace the new, even if it feels weird, unfamiliar or makes us sad that it is not the same as before.

The Sabian symbol for the new moon is a “group who have overeaten and enjoyed it” reminding us of moments of the satisfaction that come from breaking bread with those we love. It highlights that satisfaction comes from the right food and the right crowd!

Finally, the new moon is widely squaring the North Node, so this is a time for making decisions about which path we will take, however, it’s likely that the path has already been chosen for us!

Before I end this post I will mention one more asteroid. It’s Apophos… and it’s also conjunct with the New Moon. In fact lately, Apophos has been keeping pace with all full and new moons as it is currently keeping pace with our sun. Apophos is choas… so yes, there is still chaos around us. Yet we don’t have to be pulled in by the chaos. Check out my last New Moon post for a New Moon ritual that you can incorporate into any New Moon intentions you make. It’s a ritual for getting rid of chaos!

Gemini New Moon – June 6, 2024

Tomb of Inherkau no. 359 Second chamber, South wall “The great cat of Heliopolis” killing the enemy of the sun, Apophis.

New Moon in Gemini

The new moon is at 16 degrees of Gemini and its conjunct Venus and the Asteroid Apophis, also called Apep, Panacea and square to Saturn in Pisces.

The ruler of the New Moon is Mercury, which is conjunct Jupiter…  and all of these planets are in Gemini!

Gemini rules learning, communication, news, editors, and reporters. Storytelling and gossip. Vehicles; planes, trains and automobiles. It also rules twins, pairs, and any two. It’s comedy and trickster energy. And it’s writers, mathematicians and magicians.

The new moon, as always, is a time for setting new intentions. With all of this Gemini energy, the focus of your intentions can and should be on any of the above areas ruled by mercury. Do you want to complete a book? Are you planning to go back to school? Have you always wanted to do stand-up? Set intentions to make them a reality! With so much Gemini energy, powerful manifesting magic is available to us. Venus conjunct the New Moon invites us to include our partners (relationship, marriage or business). The power of two will be magnified.

The ruler of the New Moon, Mercury is also trine Pluto which adds power to your thoughts, feelings and words. This recipe for powerful manifestation must be approached with maturity as there are a couple of challenges to this powerful magic. Saturn is square to the New Moon and Venus causing us to feel insecure in our thoughts and feelings and to have difficulty expressing ourselves.

The New Moon is also conjunct Apophis. Does Apophis (also called Apep) sound familiar? During the eclipse in April, NASA sent up several probes in a mission they called APEP (Atmospheric Perturbation around Eclipse Path). This was on top of the ‘devil comet’ passing by the eclipse and the reactivation of CERN on the eclipse day had everyone freaking out! This was because the mission was named after the Egyptian god who was an opponent of the light or MAAT and therefore the opponent of order and truth. In fact, Apophis/Apep was a giant snake that tried to swallow the Sun in its journey through the underworld (nighttime). Apep was temporarily successful when darkening the Sun during an eclipse. Eclipses happen twice a year and are mostly unnoticed, but this one pushed everyone’s fear button. This fear energy is reignited at this New Moon!

Apophis is not a god to worship. In ancient Egypt, rituals instead were performed to banish chaos/Apophis/Apep. They created an effigy to burn once a year, and worrying about creating chaos with the image, they also made sure to create images of other chaos-conquering gods.

The Sabian symbol for the new moon is “The head of a youth changes into that of a mature thinker.” What do you need to do to change from a youthful to a mature thinker? While the ancients used a ritual to defeat chaos, all of this mercury energy is inviting you to learn, study, communicate with your lover or business partner, and avoid gossip, lies or trickster energy. This is easier said than done! To create powerful magic with our partners, we need to be on the same page or at least able to hold our center and “banish chaos” when we are not in agreement.

F Scott Fitzgerald wrote “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time. H. Maynard Smith said, “A broad-minded man, who can see both sides of the question and is ready to hold opposed truths while confessing that he cannot reconcile them, is at a manifest disadvantage with a narrow-minded man who sees but one side, sees it clearly and is ready to interpret the whole Bible, or, if need be, the whole universe, in accordance with his formula.”

Recently the Internet has been abuzz with the ideas of Terrance Howard. He starts his many arguments with the idea that 1 x 1 does not equal 1 but rather it equals 2. This has created two opposing camps; camp Terrance and camp ‘stick to acting’. However, with all of this Gemini energy, we are being asked to be mentally flexible, and curious, to develop our minds to hold two opposing ideas. A good Gemini will get you going, piss you off mentally, and once you are good and pissed off will say “I was just being devil’s advocate”. Can you withstand Gemini’s upending?

Perhaps a Terrance exercise can help you. If you are camp ‘stick to acting’, stretch your mind to consider Buckminster Fuller’s quote “unity is plural and at minimum two. In his book Physics Aristotle wrote “the smallest number, in its strictest sense of the word, is two” In fact according to D.E Smith, up until the late 1700’s “school arithmetic’ still taught that one was not a number. You can find these quotes and more in this video on court astrologer and polymath John Dee’s Monas Hieroglyphica, wherein Dee refuses to use the number 1 and instead replaces it in all instances with an L –  Check out videos 2 and 3

If you are team Terrance, explore the ideas of his detractors. Dr. Hossenfelder is a good one

If you are not interested in the least with what Terrance Howard has to say, try the exercise with whatever conflict of ideas or opinions that arise – challenging yourself to hold two opposing views. This is the trick for banishing the Apophis, or the chaos in our minds, and more importantly, It is the Panacea, the other asteroid conjunct the New Moon, which represents finding solutions and healing.

At this new moon, burn an effigy of all that is creating chaos in your life, but make sure to also create, welcome, and embrace things that will overpower the chaos (curiosity, communication, understanding, and mental flexibility). This will be the key to working magic with your partners and manifesting any intentions you seek to create.

Here is the Apophis/Apep Ritual:

In the The Books of Overthrowing Apep or the Book of the Ritual consisted of a making wax model or small drawing of the serpent, which would be spat on, mutilated and burned while reciting spells that would aid Ra. These are the chapters from the first book:

    • Chapter of Spitting Upon Apep
    • Chapter of Defiling Apep with the Left Foot
    • Chapter of Taking a Lance to Smite Apep
    • Chapter of Fettering Apep
    • Chapter of Taking a Knife to Smite Apep
    • Chapter of Putting Fire Upon Apep

Happy New Moon in Gemini!