Horoscope: March 5- March 11, 2018

March 5-11

Time to Reflect…

What to expect: “What about me” energy
What to watch out for: Rash decisions
What will it affect? Communication, values, relationships, truth.

One by one the planets move into Aries. First Mercury on March 5th and then Venus on March 6th. We’ve been lost in a fog, a dreamworld of romantic thinking. We’ve scarified and now we’re a little ready to focus again on some “me” energy. We start thinking about ourselves and what we value and the energy shifts to independent thought. We know what we want and we become assertive and sometimes rush to make decisions with respect to our money, values and relationships.

Not so quick…. The retrogrades are starting! Retrogrades are all about pausing to reflect on what just happened. They make us review, reassess and reconsider. Jupiter is the first to go Retrograde on March 8th. The planet Jupiter brings the energy of questioning truth, justice, ethics and morality to all things Scorpio related– shared resources, secrets, the underworld, and things hidden. Since Jupiter moved into Scorpio, the sign that is all about sexuality in October, we’ve seen the #metoo, #timesup and #neveragain movements. As hidden as things have been… they have also been in plain sight, but something has caused us to shut our eyes and deny the truth. Now the truth won’t be ignored. The problem is that Scorpio also has a huge lesson around anger and how to handle it. In a recent comedy skit by Dave Chappelle, he takes a sober moment to reflect on this very thing and reminds us that blame doesn’t work. He says:

“The end of apartheid should have been a f—ing bloodbath by any metric in human history, and it wasn’t. The only reason it wasn’t is because Desmond Tutu and [Nelson] Mandela and all these guys figured out that if a system is corrupt, then the people who adhere to the system, and are incentivized by that system, are not criminals. They are victims. The system itself must be tried. But because of how the system works, it’s so compartmentalized as far as information, the only way we can figure out what the system is, is if everyone says what they did. Tell them how you participated.”

Scorpio can also be very resourceful and strategic. During the retrograde reflect deeper on the issues that have arisen, and how you are responding to them. Find your inner Tutu, Mandela and United Nations and strategize to devise better ways to make the changes that many of us seek to make.

Why? Mercury Entering Aries, Venus Entering Aries, Jupiter Retrograde


Serious Humour

What to expect: Mix of serious and fun
What to watch out for: Pessimism
What will it affect? Communication, nurturing, big picture thinking, life lessons

Between March 9th and 10th, Mercury will trine Ceres, who is currently in Leo. With these two getting along and in fire signs we can expect some loving, playful teasing banter. Mercury will then square Saturn which while good for focused mental work and discipline, may be a bit of a Debbie downer. They say that comedians are those who are deeply pained inside. They find an outlet through comedy – this is a time when we bring some relief to our negativity through witty dry humour. The combination of playful, teasing and dry wit can help us to ground and deal with the reality of things, even if they are not so pleasant.

Why? Mercury Trine Ceres, Mercury Square Saturn


Need for Praise

What to expect: Wanting the spotlight
What to watch out for: Overrunning others
What will it affect? Self-concept, nurturing, ideas

On March 10th, the Sun still in Pisces will sextile Pallas in Taurus we’ll be able to connect to an inner wisdom and meaning in grounded and practical ways. On the 10th,Venus in Aries will also trine Ceres in Leo and we find ourselves aggressively going after our needs and desires. This includes the need for praise and recognition. We may run over others with our desire. This is a time when we might talk over others with a need to have our story heard first. The Sun will also sextile Pluto so this is a good time to work towards transforming our self-image. Work with a coach or other form of personal development counselor, whose job is to listen, reflect and make it all about you, otherwise you may grow and develop at the expense of others. On March 11th, Mars will trine Uranus. This is a good day to go with the flow and to experience whatever comes up. Expect innovative thinking and the ability to making breakthroughs.

Why? Sun Sextile Pallas Venus Trine Ceres, Sun Sextile Pluto, Mars Trine Uranus


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Horoscope: Feb 26 – March 4, 2018

Feb 26 – March 4th

Money & Market Transformations

What to expect: Money transformations
What to watch out for: Passionate conflicts
What will it affect? Money, markets, relationships, communication

Over the past week, during the days following the Solar Eclipse and the unfortunate events of yet another school shooting in Florida, the students have taken a stand. They are gaining traction and notice, calling for action and change. They had their biggest impact in the days leading up to the Mars Vesta conjunction in Sagittarius. Their passion was strong and the message clear. “We don’t want your thought and prayers, we want your action and if you don’t take action, we’re coming for your jobs!” This has sparked many companies, (most related to the Sagittarius ruled travel industry – car rental companies and airlines), to pull their financial relationships with the (NRA) National Riffle Association.

Mars and Vesta conjunctions are associated with new cycles in the stock market, but having made their conjunction over the weekend, it takes Mercury the messenger to deliver the news of those changes over the coming days. Between February 27th and 28th, Mercury will square Mars and Vesta, still in a close conjunction in Sagittarius. For many, the news isn’t good and disagreements are likely to be filled with aggression, passion and a clear message of not wanting to work together.

Mercury is in Pisces and is deeply in tune with the collective will right now. Mercury is making a sextile to Pluto sparking powerful words and the ability to read between the lines. Venus is also making a sextile to Pluto causing money and finances to experience a transformation. Money normally experienced on a materialistic level takes on a spiritual purpose as Venus in Pisces is the higher octave of love. This is good news for those who have been holding space for a raised corporate consciousness and true corporate social responsibility.

Why? Venus Sextile Transiting Pluto, Mercury Square Transiting Vesta, Mercury Square Transiting Mars, Mercury Sextile Transiting Pluto


Urge to Merge

What to expect: Merging
What to watch out for: Fantasy and sacrifice
What will it affect? Independence, planning, strategy

The Full Moon is on March 1st in Virgo. The Sabian symbol for the degree of the full moon is “A bride with her veil snatched away.” In some versions of this degree meaning, the veil is snatched by her husband.

Veils were worn in marriage as a symbol of virginity. The veil taken off during the wedding was/is symbolic of the marriage. Virgo is known as a pure sign ‘The Virgin.’ It’s important to remember that “virgin” in ancient times only signified an unmarried woman. A sacred virgin (sacred whore) also wore a veil as a sign of her commitment to her position. Somewhere over time, virginity and chastity came to mean the same thing. Virginity in its truest sense signifies an independent woman, whether or not she is chaste. I bring this up because many see the snatching of the veil as a loss of virginity in a sexual sense; an act which has a whole host of connotations and issues for powerful and independent women. This time is not about that. It’s a time when we decide to lose some of our independence in favour of creating a new unit. That new unit being more powerful, healthy and divine.

The Moon in Virgo is opposite the Sun and Neptune. This casts some fantasy into the situation. Virgo wants and needs to understand who she is as a “virgin”- an independent person prior to merging. Yet there is a push to merge that is enticed by the fantasy of the union. Luckily the moon is also making a helpful grand trine with Pallas and Lilith. This energy helps us to strategize and formulate a plan as well as to assess the power dynamic prior to taking the step to “become one.”

What do we need to strategize? The need to let go of the fantasy, how to keep the balance of masculine and feminine energy, and our choice of when and to whom we relinquish or sacrifice our power. The goal… a marriage that brings in a healthy, sacred, higher love.

Why? Full Moon at 11°Vi22′ Sun Conjunction Transiting Neptune


Transcending Money Wounds

What to expect: Opportunities for healing
What to watch out for: Painful discussions
What will it affect? Relationships, money, communication, unconscious drives

Between March 1st – 4th, Venus and Mercury are conjunct in the spiritual sign of Pisces, the sign that likes to merge spiritually. The two make a sextile to Jupiter in Scorpio, the sign that likes to merge psychically, financially and sexually. Mercury and Venus hold loving conversations and together they bring in Jupiter to discuss sex, money and the depths of our psyche.

This is an excellent time to discuss contracts, including marriage or business contracts and specifically, money in relation to those contracts. These are often difficult topics to discuss with unconscious, social and ancestral legacies attached to the way we view love and money. With all these planets in Pisces however, there is a chance to transcend the differences and/or the impact of our past. Chiron also joins in on the action, activating healing during these discussions and on these topics. If you find these discussions too difficult, a mediator, coach or counselor can help to facilitate understanding. It’s worth it to work through wounds as doing so will also have an impact on the collective consciousness and will facilitate healing on a collective level.

The energy is also amazing for a “Stellar Launch.” You will find other Stellar Launch days in the Introductory Business Timing Calendar. For in depth insights, subscribe to the 12 Month Rolling Business Astrology Calendar allowing you to plan and time your business events, leverage productivity and balance your life up to 12 month in advance!

Why? Mercury Conjunction Transiting Venus, Mercury Conjunction Transiting Chiron Venus Conjunction Transiting Chiron, Venus Trine Transiting Jupiter, Mercury Trine Transiting Jupiter


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Horoscope: Feb 19 – 25, 2018

Feb 19 – 25

Questioning Control

What to expect: Manifesting power
What to watch out for: Unexpected manifestations
What will it affect? Relationships, love, values, inner wisdom

On February 19th, Venus and Pallas work together to help us develop a strategy around our deepest desires. Venus in Pisces is working its magnetic magic and connects with Pallas in Taurus to weave a tangible Venusian beauty within our world. The two are helping us connect and manifest that which we value with our desires. Venus is also working with Lilith to help us question our need for control vs. Venus’s need to “be” and “allow.” Lilith’s ways are irrational, instinctive and sometimes undermining. For example, the other day I had a craving for pizza, but I ignored it because it meant eating that would take me off my path. But I desired it. And the next day guess what showed up at lunch? Two boxes of hot freely offered pizza! I manifested the pizza. After eating it, I felt bad. I was disappointed with myself and angry that I had no self-control. But where does this need for control come from? Truthfully it comes from a socially imposed idea that beauty equals slim and the concept that being slim is the only way you can ensure being loved. This is the type of wrench that Lilith will throw in our manifesting path. She has us go deeper in understanding our values and desires. Maybe contrary to our conscious mind,… pizza is what we desire! The question is, are there ways to have pizza AND love?

Why? Venus Sextile Pallas, Venus Sextile Lilith

Spiritual Practice

What to expect: Spiritual Discipline
What to watch out for: Opportunities to ground
What will it affect? Communication, relationships, personal development

There is a whole line up of planets in Pisces! By February 23th we’ll have Sun, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Chiron and Juno in the sign. Thankfully we’ll have Saturn to ground the energy as the rest of the planets attempt to pull our energy upward. On February 21st, Mercury which is now in dreamy Pisces will sextile Saturn and we get a balance of dreamy vision with conservative caution. It’s almost like being able to see in the dark. We’ll be able to see mistakes without seeing them, using caution guided by something intangible, and finish projects while lost in concentrated thought that feels like time warps.

Venus will also conjunct Neptune on the 23rd, also in Pisces. This can be a highly creative time. Channel this energy into any art form; Fantasy, film, painting or other forms of design are highly favoured. However, anything that taps into your muse is also good. It doesn’t need to be the traditional forms of creativity. You could find it while cleaning!

By February 25th, the Sun will sextile Saturn and will draw the light from above to join with the grounded energy of mother earth to help us plan, organize and focus our concentration on developing our vision. We have a nice blend of mystical with discipline. This is also a great time to develop our ability meditate, connect with the divine or practice our ability to bend time.

Why? Mercury Sextile Transiting Saturn, Venus Conjunction Neptune, Juno Entering Pisces, Sun Sextile Saturn

Trusting Our Gut

What to expect: Being frazzled
What to watch out for: Ignoring intuition
What will it affect? Work, money, thinking, intuition

On February 25th, Mars and Vesta will meet up in a conjunction and the two will square Venus. Things will be off in terms of work. The problem is not that we won’t feel motivated to get things done. We will and we’ll feel highly passionate about it, but the energy is gangly. We’re likely to be distracted, inattentive and maybe even careless. Mars conjunct Vesta is also said to start a new cycle in the stock market. Watch your investments! With Venus squaring Vesta we’ll feel a conflict between what we value (including what we value in terms of how we spend our money) and our passions. This conflict may have lead us into inaction or alternatively, combined with the other energy, scattered action.

On the same day, Mercury will meet up with Neptune in a conjunction and will sextile Pallas. The energy is great for writing and expressing a vision, but not necessarily for decision making-it’s too vague. To be able to tap into trusted information we’ll need to connect with our intuition. The question is, do you trust your knowing? Neptune will sextile Pallas, which will give some additional balanced information from the cosmos; but Pallas is also in a square to the North Node, so the information we get may be a huge departure from what we know or might expect.

The combined energy of the day, however, will leave many of us kicking ourselves that we didn’t listen to our intuition.

Why? Mars Conjunction Vesta, Venus Square Vesta, Venus Square Mars, Mercury Conjunction Neptune, Mercury Sextile Pallas, Neptune Sextile Pallas, Pallas Square North Node

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