Juno – The good news about marriage

Remember Eat, Pray, Love? Remember how we all ran to the bookstore after seeing Elizabeth Gilbert on Oprah, bought and devoured her book? (okay some waited for the movie with Julia Roberts). The story was a woman’s search for herself after a horrible divorce. How she did it? She hopped on a plane, ate herself silly in Italy, went deep within in India and found love again in Bally! And then she wrote her next book Committed, A skeptic makes peace with marriage. Well we didn’t hear much about that one. Most, including myself, only made it half way through the book. Does she make peace by the end of the book? Honestly…. someone will have to let me know! The marriage picture historically and across cultures was so depressing that I had to put the book down!

Read the chapter on Juno in Demetra George’s, Asteroid Goddesses  and you have a similar experience. The asteroid Juno in one’s chart show’s how, where and with whom we are likely to show our commitment within relationship and our style of relatedness. However in Greek Mythology, Juno, who was the wife of Jupiter, though committed, never attained the relatedness she so desired. One account of their marriage tells of a rape and resultant guilt of Juno (or Hera) as the reason for the marriage, and another tells of a forced marriage. Curiously, in pre-Greek (Pre-Hellenic) times, the Goddess Juno (Hera) ruled alone and had no consort (or spouse). At that time she was called Three Moon Goddess. More on Three Moon Goddess in future posts… but for now we can note that somewhere between between Egyptian times and Greek times, a great female wound occurred in commitment and relatedness.

Though Astrology was developed in many cultures and across time, it was the Greeks who brought it to the form it is currently in. This is why all of the planets are named after Greek gods and goddesses. Before Greek times, the constellation of Libra, which describes relationships and marriage, didn’t exist. Libra was a part of Scorpio; the tail end of it. The Greeks created Libra, and the 7th house during the rise of patriarchy. This she is told in Libra, she cannot do unless she signs a contract. And in the marriage contract (the 7th house also rules business contracts and other partnerships) the contract is steeped in the patriarchal history of marriage.

I hope you are not depressed by all of this because thankfully, this is a wound that is healing.  It is my feeling that we are are in a time where relationships are finding a deeper connection and deeper purpose. There are whole sections of bookstores, programs, talk show and so on that are making sure of that. Astrologically, there are many who have Juno and the principles of relatedness well integrated in their birth charts and then there are those who struggle. And as women in this day and time we have been able to step into our power both economically and to a power within ourselves. As a result relationships have been forced to develop away from marriage as a contract in law, were women are regarded as property etc to marriage as soul contract, which has the potential to really transform the self and the world. I see this as Scorpio reclaiming and reattaching it’s Libra tail. As we are in the midst of this transition, finding out where Juno is in your chart and what aspects she makes will tell you lot’s about your own style of commitment and relating and quickly give you hints on how to heal.

Tools that will help Juno on her path: Check out the Goddess Report on my website www.threemoongoddess.com. There are many books and programs that are fantastic in helping to heal Juno, but some of my favorites are,  Marianne Williamson’s book Enchanted Love, Katherine Woodward Thomas’s book Calling in the One and 7 week program. Also helpful is the crystal, rose quartz.

When Juno is in her flow her gifts are: loyalty, steadfastness and the willingness to work it out (separate and return within relationship).

Note: Maybe you do not resonate with the Greek names of the Goddess Energy… One of my goals in explore the feminine in Astrology, is also to explore what names, goddesses, archetypes in other cultures and times describe the same energy… more on that in later posts!

February Horoscope 2013

February starts out with Ceres, the universal mother, going direct on February 4th, joining Jupiter who went direct just a few days earlier on January 30th. Both are in Gemini unleashing nurturing and fertile communications, joy and gathering. If you find your Twitter, Facebook and all other forms of social chit chat lighting up and feeling especially warm and fuzzy, blame it on these two!

February is a short month and before the blink of an eye it will be Valentine’s Day. Venus squares Saturn on the 10th, but any difficulty experienced then is well ahead of the break up to make up due date of the 14th.  Lilith will be moving into trine Venus bringing together sex and love.  They are in Gemini and Aquarius respectively, keeping it cool and intellectual, but let’s not forget the best sex starts in the mind and in the words of Confucius “words are the voice of the heart”.

Another formation is taking place in the sky on February 14th, a Yod, with Vesta forming a lovely sextile toPallas but in a stressful aspect to Saturn in Scorpio.Vesta and Pallas play nicely together, mixing their goddess strengths of focus and dedication and finding the right words to mix with intellect. The tension comes with Saturn challenging this to be done in service, with right purpose and without resentment. Time to grab our goddess bosoms and dig deep for the love.

The full moon on February 25th will form a stressful square to Jupiter.  The mood may be overly optimistic and prone to unrealistic tendencies. Decisions made now may be unrealistic.  The Sun conjunct Neptune doesn’t help matters, making us more apt to want to escape ourselves.  Hopefully, it will be a clear night as the best way to use this energy may be to stare at the moon and dream without trying to make them a reality just now.


With Jupiter and Ceres in your third house of communication, you will be the one starting all those joyful and nurturing conversations at the beginning of the month.  The Sun, Venus and Mercury will have you sharing the love with your friends as it travels though your friendship house. Mercury goes retrograde on the 23rd so miscommunications are likely during that time.


Your career has been flying high with Mercury, Venus and the Sun all on your side. Watch for some disruption as Mercury goes retrograde on the 23rd. The Sun will catch up with Neptune on the 20th in a combination that can see you momentarily confused about your hopes and dreams; and when the full moon squares Jupiter on the 25th, relax and have some fun.  This may help you refocus.


Have you got the travel bug? With Saturn traveling through your house of work and health, maybe you’re off in distant lands working or taking care of your health in some way. Don’t let that stop you from learning the language of love in distant lands. The Sun, mercury and Venus in your house of long distance travel will help you along.


I hope you’ve been taking care of your finances. Shared resources may have been a pain in the butt as of late, but Jupiter will be a like an angel on your shoulder. Ceres moving forward will help you get in touch with unconditional love. These are two aces in your pocket.


Are family responsibilities bumming you out? Gratitude is the key. You’ve got friends and partners on your side.  Try not to have “foot in mouth” syndrome later this month when Mercury turns retrograde in your partnership house. Even in you do find yourself in the dog house, you’ve got lots of joyful and nurturing supporters in your friendship pool.


You’ve been working tirelessly, being of service and maybe you have been seeing nothing in return.  Jupiter is finally moving forward in your house of career and Ceres moving forward on the 4th will make sure that you are recognized for your tireless efforts. I know your motto is that it is much better to give than receive, but let yourself take in some of that nurturance.


Sookiesookie… you’re on a romantic high all month. When the sun shines a light on your house of romance and creativity on the 18th, you’ll be flying high. Mercury goes retrograde on the 23rd in the same house and don’t forget Neptune will be fogging things up by the full moon. Having fun and not taking it too seriously is your best bet. Libras know how to stay out of conflict, so I know you will fare well.  Just don’t mislead anyone and nothing will need to catch up with you later. Keep creating that positive karma!


Have you been feeling serious about everything, family, love, your community, yourself? The Sun will move into your fifth house of romance, fun and children on the 18th, letting you lighten up for some fun.


Never one to sit still, you have been doing your thing for your community. Your focus will move to home projects. Even if the start gives you a little grief, by the 18th you will be in your element. Maybe you don’t really feel like getting into those deep unconscious issues that have been giving you trouble, but with Saturn retrograding through your 12th house starting on the 18th in the house of the unconscious, a meditative home project could be a step in the right direction to help sort a lot of things out.


Money is likely to be on your mind all month. Boundaries are important. Knowing your worth is also, but remembers that it is better to give than receive. Jupiter and Ceres are moving through your 6th house of service making this even more true. You will find giving, even in your seemingly dire moments, to be rich and fulfilling and healthful.


The first part of the month is yours. Taking care of yourself and having fun are top priority. Later in the month your drive to make money will really heat up. Watch out as Neptune is also there fogging things up. Saturn also goes retrograde in your house of fame and career. Careful planning and even retracing your steps and some gentle reflection on how you are projecting yourself may be in order.


You’re in a cocoon for most of the month. Mars has already got you fired up ready for the world, but there are still some behind the scenes or soul seeking that needs to be done. Jupiter and Ceres will be moving forward in you 4th house of home and family, so spending some time focused on these areas will serve you well and will recharge the batteries for next month when it’s all systems go.



Aleph – A Vesta Story

VestaI just finished reading Aleph, Paulo Coehlo’s latest book. A friend lent it to me and I devoured it in a day.  In the book Paulo takes a journey across Russia and encounters a past life love. Hilal who is without doubt Vesta. In a post earlier this month when describing the goddess asteroid Vesta and the essence of who she is, I referenced Paulo’s book Eleven Minute’s, I hadn’t read Aleph yet.

Hilal in Paulo’s book is a woman who in her past incarnation was burned for being in touch with her feminine power and Paulo is partly responsible. In this incarnation his Karma is to be in service to the feminine and in this book he has a beautiful description of the injustice to the feminine, describing it in a way so as to right the wrong.

There is also a beautiful description of how Hilal transmutes her devotion and love into music.

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