October 2015 Astrology

single - coupleFirst Week in October

The first week in October is relatively quiet on the major planetary action, but that’s okay. So much happened in September that we likely need a couple of days just to absorb, regain our balance, and figure out what it all means.

I haven’t spoken in a while about the asteroids, but if you have gotten my free report, you will know that they provide the detail in between the spaces of our planets. So without much going on the surface, I will tell you what’s going on between the spaces this week.

Co-dependent or Co-creative?

What to expect: An evaluation of our relationships.

What to watch out for: Deciding if we are team co-dependent or team co-creative.

As you know, Mercury is retrograde. We are about half way through it now. This week on October 1st, Mercury is conjunct Juno. Juno is the asteroid that speaks about marriage. With Mercury retrograde in Libra, the sign of partnerships and balance, we will be going over and rethinking how much balance we have in our relationships. This was also the theme of the recent eclipse. Marriage will be on our minds; it’s up for review and reconsideration. We have some help in breaking through barriers and will be able to approach things in an innovate way.

Why? Mercury conjunct Juno, Mars in tense aspect to Uranus.

Strong and Wrong?

What to expect: To be very certain and passionate about our positions.

What to watch out for: Self righteousness.

What it affects: Things/causes we are passionate about, thinking, communication, and expectations.

On October 2nd, Mercury is opposite Vesta. Vesta is the holder of the sacred flame. She is passionate, dedicated, and self –contained. Our thinking will turn into a review of our commitments, what we sacrifice for our passions, and whether or not we’re balanced (especially in regards to communication). We may be worried that everything is coming out wrong. It’s the difference between the non-violent communication of Ghandi and the violent communication of moralistic, judgmental, and coercive communication that starts wars. How are we communicating our passions to the world? We will have some help breaking through. There is a tense aspect that might make us a little aggressive, strong, and wrong. We might feel like others owe us understanding and become a little bit obnoxious about it.

Why? Mercury opposite Vesta, Mars in tense aspect to vesta, and Venus in tense aspect to Ceres.

Second Week of October

The World’s Biggest Eye Contact Experiment 2015
Taking a Stand

What to expect: Revolution.

What to watch out for: Resisting or resistance to change.

What will it affect? Our Values and our ego.

On October 6th, the planets seem to wake up again – when they do, they’ll have a lot to say.

The Sun is in Libra and squaring the Pluto in Capricorn. Those seeking fairness from established institutions, the government, and the status quo will be taking a stand. Libra doesn’t like conflict, but more than not liking conflict, it doesn’t like things out of balance. Where there are perceived imbalances, you will see a stand being taken. You might get a demand letter from a lawyer or a call to answer for unfair actions if you’re a large institution not playing fairly; if you are on the other side, you may be demanding fair play. It’s a day when values are strong and defending them will be high priority.

Why? Sun square Pluto; Venus in tension with Pluto.

Last Days of Mercury Retrograde

What to expect: Crossed wires.

What to watch out for: An intensification of mess-ups.

What will it affect? Travel, communication, relationships, and technology.

Mercury will go direct this week on the 9th, which is good news if you’ve been getting frustrated with all of the communication disturbances. I’ve heard everything from car breakdowns to phones going kaput, but the most common Mercury retrograde experience has been crossed wires. I myself had a conversation with my mother about a TV box – after about 5 minutes of total confusion, we realized that she was talking about the box that transmits the channels and I was talking about the box that the new TV came in! On the Oct 6th, Mercury retrograde is in communication with Saturn, so our thoughts and communications will be turned to serious matters. Questions like “is this logical? Does this make sense? Is everyone on the same page?” will come up for review. There might be some confusion, especially in relationships that needs clarification. When you have those conversations, make sure you’re both talking about the same thing. Our faith may also be challenged.

Why? Mercury Direct, Mercury sextile Saturn, and Mars opposite Neptune.

Getting Our Finances in Order

What to expect: Assessing our values and our valuables.

What to watch out for: Letting it get us down.

What will it affect? Relationships, money, and plans.

On Oct 8th, Venus goes into Virgo and on the 9th the North Node will be there too. Now is a good time for us to go through our stuff, organize, and make a plan. If you need to sell things or give them to charity, now is a good time. Take a look at your finances and plan out your backup, insurance, and other security plans. Our minds will be very analytical. Even if we’re not very good at this or it’s something that we avoid because it gets us down, our financial and other advisers will be on their game. On October 10th, we will be armed with information and will be in serious assessment mode. What needs to go, what is worth staying in our lives?

Why? Venus in Virgo, North Node in Virgo, and Venus square Saturn.

Moving Mountains

What to expect: Ahha moments.

What to watch out for: Uncomfortable feelings.

What will it affect? Old wounds, self esteem, ego, and personal power.

On Oct 11th, we are experiencing another wave of spiritual awakening. It’s a good time to keep a dream journal by your bed and to write out your feelings. We may be experiencing a need to break away from something or make big changes that will help us move forward. There is a tremendous amount of energy for self-empowerment. We will feel empowered, powerful, and ready to stand up for ourselves. Join the world’s biggest eye contact experiment or something like it to share your power.

Why? Sun in tension to Chiron, Jupiter trine Pluto.

Third Week in October

New Moon in Libra – Oct 12th

What to expect: A need to create balance .

What to watch out for: Hasty actions.

What will it affect? Relationships, partnerships,and our sense of self.

The Libra full moon will be at 19o of Libra and opposite Uranus. Throughout the month we have been connecting with our sense of fairness to ourselves and to others. At the New Moon our emotions will be supercharged and we will feel like taking sudden action. There is a bit of tension with our wounds. Maybe we don’t think we can make a difference or we get confused about what is ours. At the Moon, we can sift through the emotional landscape and figure out what we need to do for both ourselves and others – but one word of caution. Because the New Moon is opposite Uranus, we may want to make rash moves. But sometimes we can take actions that we regret so play out your decisions to their full conclusion. Including both worst case scenario and best case scenario in your assessment before taking action will ensure that they are good moves.

Why? New Moon in Libra and Sun opposite Uranus.

Say What You Need to Say

What to expect: Speaking our minds.

What to watch out for: Weirdness in how we come across.

What will it affect? Communications, things we are passionate about, and serious matters.

In the words of John Mayer, “say what you need to say.” On October 13th, with Mercury finally direct and in an amazing connection with grounded right brain thinking, we can say what we need to say. We’ll have some help connecting our words to our left brain. But, if you’re not comfortable with expressing your feelings, it will come across.

Why? Mercury sextile Saturn, Mercury opposite Vesta,and Saturn trine Vesta.

“Big Magic” Strategic Planning

What to expect: Amazing ideas.

What to watch out for: Limited thinking.

What will it affect? Plans, business, goals, ideas, and visions.

The 15th is a great day for strategizing and creating long term plans. It’s also a good time to understand your motives and the motives of your company. Use the 2016 Astrological Business planner to help you. If you want more help, jump into the Astro Strategic Planning Program with Ingrid Insight (keep you’re eyes peeled on your email for this!). We’ll be taking some time to understand what the planets say about each aspect of your business and then using the timing of the planets to plan for 2016. It’s not yet time to take action, but the energy of the planets will give us the opportunity to brainstorm how it should be done.In time you can whittle away at what won’t work, but now you can allow yourself to be idealistic. Because there is not pressure to act on it, we will be able to get it all out there in the realm of possibility. If you tend to get in your own way with this kind of energy, pick up a copy of Big Magic, and read it before you get to this date. If you have confidence and upbeat energy, you can make anything happen – even what seems impossible.

Why? Mars trine Pluto, Venus opposite Neptune, and Mars conjunct Jupiter.

Fourth Week in October

2015-10-04 11.39.10The Lies We Tell Ourselves and Others

What to expect: Things not adding up.

What to watch out for: Dishonesty.

What will it affect? Communications, relationships, and power dynamics.

On the 22nd, Mercury will square Pluto. Mercury has had us thinking about relationships. Communication is the cornerstone of relationships, at least in this day and time. How honest have we been with ourselves and therefore others, especially our significant partner? We may feel like we can outsmart the situation or someone might try to pull a fast one on us at this time. By the next day, we may feel a need to express our truth, but it will depend on how accurately you value yourself. Here’s a hint: we are all valuable. So as we express and exert who we are, we can know that it will be all worth it in the end – even if it doesn’t go well with others.

Why? Mercury conjunct Juno, Mercury square Pluto.

“I love you” – Oops! Did I say that?

What to expect: Confessions of love.

What to watch out for: Uncensored expressions.

What will it affect? Relationships, social situations, and communication.

On October 25th, “I love you” might accidentally float out of your mouth. It could be some equal sentiment that you may not have wanted another to know, but found yourself saying anyhow. We are discovering our true passions and their intensity may have us bubbling up beyond our ability to hold back. Even if your timing is all off, let yourself enjoy the feelings unapologetically.

Why? Mercury opposite Uranus and Venus conjunct Jupiter.

Last Week in October
43274876_sFull Moon in Taurus

What to expect: A bounty.

What to watch out for: Not allowing yourself to receive.

What will it affect? Our spiritual connection, receiving, and security.

It’s a Taurus Full Moon and a farmer’s moon. We are cultivating at this full moon and reaping the harvest in both our lives and our businesses. It’s in a positive aspect to Neptune so we may be experiencing the tactile with the divine. A ceremony using your five senses, one that puts you in touch with your spirit, would be a great way to use this Full Moon. Think of Yoga or dance and definitely include music. Give thanks. Even though you are harvesting and you are receiving, you want to make sure that you are fully receiving and in celebration. Receiving with gratitude creates the cycle of abundance.

Why? Full Moon in Taurus.

Letting Go of the Pain.

What to expect: A little bit of hurt.

What to watch out for: Letting disappointment overwhelm.

What will it affect? Relationships, money, and childhood wounds.

On the 27th, we might experience a little bit of wounding related to love or money. It likely involves money as Venus in the sign that loves to have a back-up plan (Virgo). But just as easily it could be that someone who we rely on lets us down. Whatever pain we experience at this time will help us to see things in their true light and will redirect us back to the truth within.

Why? Venus opposite Chiron.

Read your sign for tips on where to use the energy this month (read both your sun sign and rising sign)


The new Moon is in your relationship house this month to bring clarity to your relationships. Personal relationships are always the hardest area to restrain ourselves and think before we act. But it will help you to take your time and feel out your plans first. It’s a great month to build a plan around your career and your work. The full Moon brings a bounty of resources or money. It’s directly related to and can be measured by your faith in the law of abundance.


The new Moon clarifies relationships at work. Take time to think over things before you confront your boss or co-worker. This month is a great month to make plans and brainstorm how to bring your creativity into the world. You may not have the intention for it to be a medium for teaching, but that’s what it’s likely to do. The full Moon brings a bounty of friends who accept you for who you are.


The new Moon brings some clarity around your relationship with your children. Though they usually have quick comebacks, yours are quicker this month. Just make sure to take time and consider how you would really like the relationship to develop and if your words will help that along (even though you are witty). This month is a great month for making plans and brainstorming around real estate, estate planning, or family investments. The full Moon brings a bounty of realizations and connections with spirit, especially if you have managed to incorporate the divine into your work.


The new Moon brings some clarity around relationships with your parents. You might normally side with Mom and this time you side with Dad. Alternatively, you might find they are both unified and challenging your career choice, in which case you will feel the need to break free. This month is a great month for planning and brainstorming alliances, networking, and contracts – but that doesn’t mean you need to be traditional. You can come up with new interesting ways to partner. The full Moon will bring a bounty in friendships and connections, especially if you have been investing in ones that share your beliefs and ideologies.


The new Moon brings some clarity around your communication with others. You may be getting insight because you share beliefs or you may experience a surprising situation that helps you to understand your beliefs and helps you to better align and balance your communications. This month you can plan and brainstorm how to make money – and the kind of work you need to do to make it happen. The full Moon brings a bounty of career opportunities, especially ones that align with your spiritual beliefs.


The new Moon will bring some clarity around your relationship to money. You may be faced with a surprising situation regarding your shared resources that will help you to seek balance and clarify. This month you can plan and brainstorm around how to express yourself with your creativity, children, or in your romantic relationships. Choose one that you would like to come to fruition. Creative solutions beyond what you see as possible will be available to you now. The full Moon brings a bounty in travel. You may find yourself getting in your car to travel long distances , but the bounty will come from not just the destination but also the journey. Think of Jack Kerouac’s On the Road, or Dr. Seuss’ Oh The Places You Will Go.


The new Moon will bring some clarity around your relationship to yourself. It might be in the face of a surprising relationship situation – a breakup or a confession seemingly out of left field. This month is a good month to make plans to dive into your unconscious and inherited patterns. The traditional way may be seeing a therapist, but allow yourself to explore other ideas that really speak to what you need. The full Moon will bring a bounty of shared resources and the possibility of deeper intimacy, especially if it is connected to a deeper and more spiritual place.


The new Moon brings some clarity around deep and hidden motives that have been running both you and your relationships. There might be a health issue or an issue with your animal that helps to bring this to light. This month is a great month for planning community, political, or networking events. You may have a tonne of great ideas about how to mobilize your alliances in new ways. The new Moon brings a bounty in the area of partnerships or your personal relationships, especially if you connect on a creative level. This might be through art or through child-rearing.


The new Moon brings some clarity around your relationships with friends. You will get a clear of how self involved and/or giving you are. You might be surprised that what you think is fair is not considered so by others or vice versa. This is a great month to think about publicity, particularly the kind of publicity that will help you earn money. The new Moon at the end of the month will bring a bounty of work and career opportunities. Be welcoming and grateful.


The new Moon will help you balance your relationships at work, particularly if they have been infringing on your home life. A home situation may bring it to light. This is a great month for considering how to present yourself and some of your newfound beliefs. You may have been hesitant to step out with it, but now you can come up with ideas for your coming out or debutante party. The full Moon brings a bounty in the area of connection with your children or creativity. You will be communicating more spiritually and intuitively..


The new Moon will help you to balance your relationship with religion. You may have a situation that pierces your perceptions, helping you to form new and more balanced beliefs. This month is great for bringing the psychic and unconscious realm into practical purposes. You will have the ability to bring it down to earth. The new Moon will bring a bounty in the area of family support and resources, especially if you have connected with your spiritual/intuitive gifts and inheritance.


The new Moon will help you to balance your shared resources. You may have a surprising situation that impacts your self-image – it will help to balance this area of your life. This month, examine your partnerships and connections. You may come up with new and empowering ways to connect with others, thus presenting your gifts to the world. The full Moon brings a bounty in the area of communications, especially if you have been expressing the spiritual side of yourself. It might show up as positive feedback or a community built from just being yourself.


September Horoscope 2015

2015-09-01 21.42.43

First week in September


What to expect: Heart-to-Heart’s, Break-ups and Flings, Return of the Mack, and high spending!

What to watch out for: High spending, unnecessary outlay of cash.

How long is this happening? Sept 1st

Who and what does it affect – Love and money related to children, creativity, romance, banks, leadership, risk, and precious metals.

How it will feel:

The Love Drama will continue this month. It starts with a bang on Sept 1st when Venus, still in her retrograde motion, meets up with hot and fiery mars in Leo. The combustion will take place in your love relationships and in your spending. The saying “all that glitters is not gold” is especially important on this day – and sometimes real gold doesn’t even glitter! We will be looking for love and money in all the wrong places. Mind you, it may feel extremely good… so if your goal is to get something that feels good but that may have a huge cost and won’t last – go for it!

Why? Venus Retrograde conjunct Mars in Leo

Powerful urge to analyse and transform

What to expect: The need to analyse all areas of life.

What to watch out for: Trying to fit things that don’t belong into a project plan.

Who and what does it affect: Our ego, psyche.

How long is this happening? Sept 5.

On Sept 5th, the Sun will trine Pluto and create a day of intensity. It’s a day we’ll obsess with hardcore analysis over every detail. We’ll make pros and cons lists, we’ll Excel spreadsheet it, we might even run some statistics (regressions and other formulas). But emotions are not easily managed and are often a lot messier than the well-planned-out Sun and Pluto, currently in Earth signs, would like. Letting yourself get a little messier will help the transformation. Even just allowing yourself to see how the mess doesn’t fit into your spreadsheet may be insightful.

Why? Sun trine Pluto in Earth signs.

Surveying the relationship damage

What to expect: Relationship and money drama ends.

What to watch out for: Some final drama.

By Sept 6th, Venus will go direct, leaving in its wake all the damage. It’s time to finally say good-bye to it or see what it’s worth.

There is some tension with our motivations and our old childhood wound. Additionally, there is tension with our values and power structures. We may see a considerable amount of drama which could show up as passive aggression, a throwback to both childhood tantrums and cool, controlling power play dramas. Those controlling our heart strings or purse strings will be involved.

Why? Mars, Chiron, Venus, and Pluto will be tense in the days surrounding the direct motion of Venus.


32360258_sSecond Week in September


What to expect: Breakthroughs.

What to watch out for: Fanning flames out of control.

Who and what does it affect: Insights, creativity, sports, and innovations.

How long is this happening? Sept 8th

On Sept 8th, when Mars trines Uranus, we will be having some dramatic breakthroughs. Both are in fire signs, so be careful of the fires you start; it may be difficult to put out the flames. This warning applies to both the emotional and the mundane level (so if you’re late summer camping and the area says “no fires,” don’t light a fire!).

The talons will come out

What to expect: Harsh words, words that have impact.

What to watch out for: Road rage, backhanded comments, passive aggressiveness, and grudges.

Who and what does it affect: Communications, travel plans, negotiations, and balance of power.

How long is this happening? On Sept 9th, Mercury will square Pluto. Mercury is in its shadow stage, getting ready to go retrograde. This transition means that Mercury will move back and forth, squaring Pluto a couple times over the next month before it moves on.

Expect to hear or say things that dig deep. They may come across like a backhanded comment. You’re not sure if you understood what you heard – it might take you a moment to realize that the claws have dug in deep because Mercury in Libra is not always direct. It’s got a frenemy feel to it.

New Moon Solar Eclipse

What to expect: The unexpected.

What to watch out for: Holding on to old structures, roles, guilt, and perfectionism.

Who and what does it affect: Old wounds and childhood patterns.

How long is this happening? The days surrounding the 13th.

September 13th is a New Moon Solar Eclipse and this one is happening in Virgo. It packs a punch! Here’s the thing: the Sun and Moon will be opposite Chiron. This is how Virgo is. Virgo loves to be needed, to take care. They love a messy situation just so they can swoop in and be the saving grace. If you’re a hot mess, Virgo is the loving stable shoulder upon which you can lean your head. Virgo will tell you not to worry when things get hard. They will take on the worry for you and, in the process, they will discard their own lives, their own hopes, and their own sense of self. They have mistakenly defined their sense of self in shouldering a role that involves taking everything on. This solar eclipse will help us to see the ways in which we have all been doing this in our own lives. It will challenge us to step out, be ourselves, and to nurture others in healthier ways. But boy will this be painful! That’s Chiron’s nature. But Chiron, also called the Wounded Healer, has just the kind of pain we need. It’s a small pebble thrown at you if that’s all you need to get your attention and it’s a large brick if you’re a little denser. But rest assured, this eclipse will “eclipse” someone or something that is just not needed any more from your life, so that you can live more fully. Maybe someone is now capable and has left the nest – it’s possible that this leaves you without a role. Now you need to find someone or something new to project that role onto. Or you could try being your authentic self without a role. There is some tension to this eclipse from Uranus, so you can expect a rude awakening or a lightning bolt of insight. Just don’t try to ignore it – doing so may lead to unconscious eruptions that are even more painful.


43779832_sThird Week in September

Mercury Retrograde – AGAIN!

What to expect: Trouble with all things related to communication – travel, contracts, emails, and text messages.

What to watch out for: Pushing forward with new plans instead of reviewing old ones.

Who and what does it affect: Relationships, negotiations, mediations, and legal battles.

How long is this happening? Sept 17th – Oct 9th.

Mercury goes retrograde on Sept 17th, pushing us into a three week period in which we will have some time to review our thoughts, our perceptions, and all of our communications. Frustrations will mount if you try to push forward. If things start to go awry, take a step back and review instead.

A little too much optimism and self-belief

What to expect: Overly optimistic thinking.

What to watch out for: The things we think we know.

Who and what does it affect: Plans, critical thinking, belief systems, and the collective unconscious.

How long is this happening? The days surrounding the 17th.

Jupiter is also opposite Neptune on the same day that Mercury goes retrograde. Our idealism is heightened and we might become heavily attached to our spiritual beliefs. It’s not a day to take risks as our thinking is REALLY not clear.

Two and a half years of lessons in Sagittarius

What to expect: Lessons and reform in education, foreign investments, religious institutions, publishing, and travel.

What to watch out for: Issues in these areas start to show up in the news or in our lives .

Who and what does it affect: Areas that are outdated and no longer work.

How long is this happening? Sept 17th for 2.5 years until December 19, 2017.

Saturn is moving back into Sagittarius, leaving behind the lessons it has imposed on power structures, pensions, insurance, mining, and sexuality. The lessons in these areas may now see reform in the form of new laws. Saturn will now move on to do its audit on education, foreign investments, religious institutions, publishing, travel, and the courts while in Sagittarius.

37103107_sLast Week in September

Possibility for love and money finally working

What to expect: A breakthrough with respect to our values centered on love and money.

What to watch out for: Being too guarded.

Who and what does it affect: Love, money, and any ideas and beliefs regarding these values.

How long is this happening? Sept 22 – 24th.

On Sept 22nd, Venus will trine Uranus. Throughout August, Cupid sent off a lot of crooked, broken, and sometimes resembling boomerang arrows. Now on the 22nd, Cupid will finally hit his mark. We’ll feel a little cautious and a little suspicious and guarded though. The Sun’s sextile Saturn and conjunct the North Node, will make us more concerned about a commitment and something that is in line with our purpose and helping us grow as individuals. Mercury is still retrograde and squaring Pluto on the 24th so those backhanded comments and frenemy attacks can start to fly again.

Spinning our wheels

What to expect: Things not working as we expected.

What to watch out for: Holding on to the old ways of doing thing.

Who and what does it affect: Actions, motivations, beliefs, planning, organizing, and budgets.

How long is this happening? Days around Sept 24th.

On Sept 24th, The need to plan things out and taking our time becomes strong. We might be pushing forward but it feels like we are spinning our wheels. The problem is we may be plotting along, stuck in our old rigid belief systems of how things get done. Now is a time to go even slower and to question our beliefs about how things get done.

Why? Mars goes into Virgo and will square Saturn now in Sagittarius.

Sneak peek into new directions

What to expect: Things that are hidden coming to light.

What to watch out for: Expecting things to change right away.

Who and what does it affect: New structures around marriage, relationships, the institution of marriage, and the beliefs systems around relationships.

How long is this happening? 25-26th

Pluto goes direct on the 25th, so some messiness around power structures, authority, other conventional wisdom might pop up as the god of the underworld pulls a U turn and starts going in the other direction. Secrets might come to light. There might be a scapegoat that gets tossed into the world stage to help deflect from responsibility. We are a more educated society these days so when Saturn sextiles the North Node by the 26th, we may have some insights into how we need to change and reform.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

What to expect: Words that threaten to start wars.

What to watch out for: Knee jerk reactions.

Who and what does it affect: Our passions, our sense of self, relationships, fairness, or our sense of fairness.

How long is this happening? Days around Sept 27th.

On Sept 27th, the Full Moon will be in Aries. It’s connected to the South Node (which represents the past), so past wars will be highlighted. At the opposite side is the Sun conjunct Mercury. Mercury conjunct the Sun can lack objectivity in terms of thinking and perceptions. Because Mercury is also retrograde, we can expect words and thoughts that are deceptive, two-faced, and prone to error and misunderstandings. For this reason you will need to take a step back before you armor up and start the charge!


Read what’s in store for your sign (don’t forget to read your ascendant sign)


Aries: A solar eclipse in the 6th house brings about a health issue or a work issue. If you’re ignoring a work issue, it might show up as a health issue. It’s time to pay attention to your health and set powerful intentions for balance. Mercury retrograde in 7th house brings up missed communications with relationships and partnerships. I know it may seem annoying, but double checking the meaning of what was said will save you a lot of trouble. The Lunar Eclipse in 1st house brings about the end of your lonely days or the ones you’ve been creating because of your need to express or work on yourself alone. You might not let someone in immediately, but this is a start.

Taurus: The solar eclipse in 5th house has you planning for a baby, a creative project, or a new sport. Mercury retrograde in 6th house helps you to review your diet. Do you need a vegetarian diet, need to pay closer attention to your macros or just need more B6? These areas come up for review. You may also have to retest for any health tests. Testing errors are possible. The Lunar Eclipse in 12th house brings an end to a coaching or psychotherapy relationship. You’re feeling like you’re now coming out of the dark. Yeah!

Gemini: Solar eclipse in 4th house. You may start thinking about moving or just move suddenly. Mercury retrograde in 5th house has you standing there, wondering where the rest of the team for your final match is or waiting at the wrong school to pick up your children. The Lunar Eclipse in 11th house brings about the end of some friendships, associations, or the need for them to change in some fundamental way. Don’t be afraid to let go of things that are no longer working.

Cancer: Solar eclipse in 3rd house brings a new beginning with a neighbour or a sibling. You’re likely making a commitment to heal those relationships in some important way. Does the fence one half an inch on your property really matter or is it the fact that you can’t stand your sister’s husband worth you losing touch with them? The eclipse will help to sort this out. Mercury retrograde in 4th house brings up communication issues related to your parents or your childhood home. Now is the time to review how things have been working over the last couple of months. The Lunar eclipse in 10th house brings about an end to a career situation. Maybe your boss leaves, creating a gaping hole on the team, and maybe it’ll provide an opportunity for you to end your days as an employee and finally become a boss!

Leo: Solar eclipse on Sept 13th in 2nd house of personal worth and finance brings about new beginnings with your personal finances. Do not make major decisions or sign big deals during this month, but do welcome any new direction with a certain level of commitment. The Mercury retrograde is in 3rd house of local travel, communication, and siblings. Expect some miscommunication or interruptions in these areas during the retrograde and consider it a time for review. The Lunar eclipse on Sept 27th in 9th house brings about convocation, commencement, or rite of passage.

Virgo: The Solar eclipse is on Sept 13th in 1st house of self presentation. You are embarking on a new definition of yourself. Mercury retrograde in 2nd house of personal resources causing mix-ups with your personal resources. Schedule payments or collections ahead of time and take care to review your budget closely. Lunar eclipse in 8th house in the house of transformation brings about a culmination of a divorce, inheritance, or psychological insight.

Libra: The Solar eclipse in 12th house of the unconscious making it a good time to embark on sharing your secrets. Find a trusted adviser or counselor. Mercury retrograde in 1st house of personal presentation causes you to be off a little later this month. Take the time to review how you are coming across to others. The Lunar eclipse in the 7th house of relationships brings about the end to a relationship situation. This may end an issue in the relationship – or it may end the relationship all together.

Scorpio: The Solar eclipse in 11th house brings about new associations. Now is a good time to join a community, tribe, or humanitarian organization. Mercury retrograde in 12th house. You may have a case of Tourette’s syndrome as unconscious material pops out of your mouth. Use this information to review your psychological health. Lunar eclipse in 6th house brings about the end to a health situation, either by bringing something that has been hard to diagnose to light or by an end to the health situation all together.

Sagittarius: The Solar eclipse in 10th house brings about new beginnings in your career. You may land a new job or reach a level of recognition this month. Mercury’s retrograde in 11th house signals a need to review your politics and your associations. You may need to upgrade the kinds of conversations you’re having. Lunar eclipse in 5th house brings about the culmination of a creative endeavor. You may have an unveil, a debut, or a birth.

Capricorn: Solar eclipse in 9th house sees you making plans for a new learning experience, whether it is through education or an adventure abroad. Mercury retrograde in 10th house cautions to check everything before you send it out. Mistakes can lead to an embarrassing and very public situation. Lunar eclipse in 4th house brings about an ending in a home situation. Maybe the stress related to a parent ends in some way. You may finally finish those renovations or maybe you’ll just decide to move.

Aquarius: The Solar eclipse in 8th house brings about a situation related to shared resources. It may be a divorce, an inheritance issue, or fights with your spouse about your guarded-ness. Whatever is happening on the surface has deeper psychological reasons that have nothing to do with what appears. Mercury retrograde in 9th house has you questioning your beliefs, which is a good thing. Take the time to check your perceptions and how they influence your thinking. Lunar eclipse in 3rd house brings about an ending to the way you communicate. Also don’t let anger get you so worked up that you jump in your car and drive like a crazy person – it won’t go so well.

Pisces: Solar eclipse in 7th house brings about a new relationship or partnership. Mercury retrograde in 8th house cautions you to check your current insurance policies, credit cards, and tax issues. If anything comes up, you’ll need to take your time to check out everything for errors. Lunar eclipse in 2nd house brings an ending to a financial situation. Perhaps you’re finally done with that debt or conversely a source of income comes to an end. Whichever way the situation develops, it is highly reflective of your self-worth.


August Horoscope 2015

2015-07-31 23.43.22This will be the most productive and insightful month so far this year. Insightful because we are now turning inward to evaluate our values; how we spend our money and what we love. Productive because, Jupiter is heading into Virgo… the sign the loves productivity!

To set this off, we may have had some challenge, good or bad, that brought these current issues to the forefront. This started when Venus was retrograde in Virgo at 0 degrees last month.

In astrology 0 degrees is an important degree because it is the initiation. Out of nothing comes something. And with the retrograde, it bring in the infinity symbol as we loop back and circle back on what needs our attention. For many of us, this process will bring up the obvious—though not always comfortable or what we thought. It’s a time for refocusing our expectations instead of lowering our standards.

On August 1st, Venus moves back into the last degrees of Leo, and our pride or our ego may need to grasp these new insights. If we have a healthy ego, the process will be smoother, but those who hang onto fixity and an unevolved direction will feel uncomfortable.

On August 2 Mercury, which rules the mind, will have an easy aspect to Uranus, the planet of change, so we will be more open than usual, allowing our minds to see different perspectives and to change. Saturn goes direct on the 2nd as well. Saturn is about structure, restriction and responsibility. It took a turn a couple of months ago, leaving Sagittarius and going back into Scorpio, where it had its last lessons with all things Scorpio; our sexuality, our shared resources and our use of power (which Scorpio rules). If we had been responsible in the past with these areas of our lives, this time felt only as light feeling of restructuring. But if we were irresponsible, this was a hard time in one or all of those areas. Venus retrograde will help us to review all that we have learned, helping us to make adjustments.

Some of you who are a little more astrologically savvy may be wondering what Scorpio has to do with Venus. Well, here’s what – once upon a time before the Greeks got hold of the constellations and created a new sign (Libra), Libra was part of Scorpio. But Libra is actually the tail in the constellation of Scorpio. In astrology, Libra is ruled by Venus and Scorpio ruled by Mars (at least traditionally). This suggests that at one point male (Mars) and female (Venus) planets were together and harmonized. When the Greeks, the patriarchs and rulers of law came into being, they separated. The symbol of the scale was placed there to symbolize the balance instead . This is why Libra is the only sign thats symbol is not an animal or mammal.

So now provides a moment in time when you will be able to move into those ancient energies of balance, re-evaluate the current (by current I mean the Greek creation) and replace it with new structure if we desire. This is the energy of Jupiter (in Leo) square to Saturn (in Scorpio) on August 3. The energy is a square … so this may not be a smooth process. If you are business-focused around banking or shared finances, this energy will help to push you in a new direction. Leo rules banks and risk while Scorpio rules shared resources. Other industries that may see a reorganization of structure and values are the religious, entertainment and creative industries and even the mafia (or mafia-type structures). Expect some drama and, if channeled properly, some change (rather than destruction). Balance is the key.

Venus will conjunct Jupiter (a second conjunction this year) on August 4. Venus will also square Saturn on the 5th. Two seemingly opposite things will then happen. The first is that whatever came up at the first conjunct on July 1st will come into focus again and be up for review. Again, this review may be happening due to Venus retrograde. This is likely to do with expanding our authority in some way and it could have to do with love or money. You may be asked to expand your leadership role or to commit to a relationship in a deeper way.

There is seriousness to this energy and this is due to the second energy at play with Saturn, but there is also a depth of fun, entertainment and creativity because of Venus. Liken it to doing business on the golf course or to doing fun team-building activities, which actually have the deeper and more serious business objective. In fact, if you do mix business and pleasure during this time, AND you make sure not to overdo things, you it will be extremely productive and “lucky”—Jupiter rules luck. Soooo, one glass of wine at that work summer party (not ten—even if they ARE free). And no overdoing your overly competitive need to win by instead adopting a “you win some and sometimes you need to lose some” attitude. Venus loves pleasure, Jupiter loves to expand and Saturn likes to restrict, so striking a balance is what is called for.

On the 6th and 7th Mercury in Leo jumps in on the action, joining up to conjunct Venus and Jupiter and to square Saturn. Expect lots of conversation on the topic. This might be in the form of negotiations, agreements, speculation and with Saturn it will either bringing exacting judgements or narrow-mindedness. If you have done something out of boundaries—it will be discussed! But if you have stayed within the bounds, my guess is that this will be a couple of days of lively debate or argument that is ultimately productive. If there is a large outlay of money required in any of this dialogue, wait until early September when Venus will be direct if you can. Mars in a easy aspect to Saturn on the 6th will help us to have that restraint with our money. And we’ll need that restraint and time to evaluate all that is said and really push into “is it worth it?”

Mercury will then enter Virgo on the 7th until the 28th, giving us time to organize, plan and map it all out. You’ll probably notice your calendar out A LOT during this period.

On the 7th just before Mars moves into Leo, we might see a little bit of family drama, but by the evening when Mars moves into Leo get ready for creativity and play. Mars in Leo will fire us up in this direction for the rest of the month.

On August 8th Jupiter leaves Leo and goes into Virgo, where it will stay for about a year. This moves Jupiter’s expansive energy from all things Leo to all things Virgo. I’ve already heard some buzz about some really cool Virgo-like businesses that will come into being in the next year. I can’t tell you until it happens, but if you have a Virgo-like business, particularly one that is inventive and meets a market demand, you will feel charmed this year.

Timing will also be important, so refer to my 2015 guide, look out for the 2016 version or book a biz astrology assessment (notice my new ‘book a complementary clarity’ call button on my site) with me for thorough and more precise (I couldn’t help using a Virgo-like word here) advice. Virgo rules health and wellness, crafts, organizing, pampering and service so you will see those types of industries grow.

During the year Jupiter and Saturn will square two more times (their first square this month has a bit of a different energy because they are in Leo and Scorpio), but in general when Jupiter and Saturn square we see a shift in the economy. So later on when the that energy moves into Virgo and Sagittarius, we might see lots of advisory services pop up. Virgo likes to budget, pay bills on time and avoid debt. They like to know where the money goes. And all of this will expand with Jupiter in Virgo—especially with news of economic change—in Virgo’s mind. It might be nothing, but it could be something—and Virgo likes to make mountains out of mole hills in the economic sense, guiding them to stay on the safe side.

On August 12th we have a day of confusion. We may teeter back and forth between our logical mind and our heart mind, but if we allow ourselves to lean on our right brain, the one that connects well with the heart, we will be able to pick up on the subtleties of this energy and benefit.

On August 13th the sun is trine Uranus and Mars is sextile the north node. These are two easy energies that will bring fresh insight and direction and will build up the energy for the New Moon which happens on August 14th.

The New Moon on the 14th will be at 21 degrees Leo. Does this degree sound familiar? This is the same degree that Venus and Jupiter were conjunct and so bright in the sky a couple of months ago. I love the sabian symbol for this degree, “ a carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission.” Many of us have been wandering, having spiritual growth spurts, feeling at times like we are lost, or actually losing our way at others. But now we have been blessed with the energy of finding our way home. We are returning from our hero’s journey with that feeling of “it feels so good to be  home” and, with that return, we have news, intelligence and vital supplies. We now have the energy of the New Moon to lay it all out in front of us and decide how we want to use it. It’s implementation time. And the Leo energy will make sure we implement with good leadership.

On the 15th we can celebrate. What a great day for a BBQ or a pig roast (sorry, vegetarians!). The Sun will be conjunct Venus, which should promise to be a day of pure delight … AND maybe a little too much food and drink! Mercury will also be in a trine to Pluto on that day, so we can expect to have conversations that are deep and meaningful and that stir our insides.

On August 19th Venus is trine to Uranus. Uranus is the planet of surprises and both are in fire signs, so I think we can expect the unexpected when it comes to love and passion. It’s likely got to do with past loves (include past life loves) and pleasant surprises. On August 20th Mercury is opposite Chiron. It’s a day that we may need to think about forgiveness. Mercury is in Virgo, which makes it highly critical and perfectionist, but if we can see that we are all perfectly imperfect, we can find the much-needed path to forgiveness.

On the 21st of August we may hit an obstacle or be faced with a tough decision. This is because the Sun lights up the energy of Saturn with a sideways glance. Saturn is making its way back out of Scorpio, but this may be one last power struggle to finish things off.

On the 26th we have another sunny and optimistic day as the sun conjuncts Jupiter. It might be a great day to sit down and do some brainstorming or masterminding. We’ll also have the energy of Mercury in an easy flow to Saturn, giving us strong concentration and a practical mindset, sans the pessimism or “we can’t do that” attitude. Another great day for this kind of activity is August 29th, when Mercury will conjunct the North Node. It brings together the right people, with the right mindset and the right ideas!

August 29th is also the Full Moon. This Full Moon is full of expansive, high-minded and service-based ideas! However, we may also have some ideas that conflict with newer spiritual stirrings. We are getting rid of the old and moving more deeply into the new. At the heart of it is a message to follow your own inner counsel and be true to your own beliefs. At this full moon, however, it might come with some cost. But rest assured, following your own inner guidance will never lead you astray. You may not see the wisdom of your own actions in the moment—feeling confusion instead, but trust yourself and eventually you will.

Read your sign (and don’t forget to read your rising sign too!):

Aries: The first part of the month you are focused on just having fun, letting your creativity spill forth and being romantic. Make sure you’re not spending too much money on these activities. Someone (the bank, your spouse, the credit card company) will comment! The second half of the month puts you into work mode. You might also get serious about cleaning up your health act! Jupiter moves into your 6th house for the next year, expanding your focus on these areas.

Taurus: You may be in the midst of a home renovation project and find yourself yelling, “Everyone stop!!!” There is something about it that you’re not sure about. Or maybe it’s just that you have had the last straw with all of the power struggles with that person you share your home with. There is a lot of creative energy available to you in getting this project done. You’re almost there … the answers will come. (P.S. this might also be a psychological renovation project on your inherited childhood patterns). Jupiter moves into your 5th house and for the next year will expanding your creativity, focus on children and/or romance.

Gemini: You are being called on to review your communication patterns at work. It may be that you will need to draw on more creative forms of influence other or to learn how to speak up in ways that draw followers. In one sense you are on the mark, but Saturn is calling on you to polish it up a bit. You have the ability this month to charm a snake or sell a brick to a house once you really get this, but you’ve got to leave them feeling good about it. The energy shifts to your home by the middle of the month when Jupiter goes into your 4th house. Real estate, parents and babies may all be on the agenda for the next year.

Cancer: Out of all of the signs in the horoscope, you will be the one who will be dying to pull out your cash, ready to spend on things you cannot afford! Don’t do it! As they say, all that glitters is not gold. This month everything will seem like a steal, a bargain, or like something you’ve just got to have. You are being called to review the kinds of risks you take and also how much you try to buy love. Buying love is fundamentally an issue with our sense of worth. If you’ve got this nailed, you can see bank digits roll! The end of the month Jupiter moves into your 3rd house, moving the focus away from money and expanding communication, transportation, siblings and your neighbours for the next year.

Leo: You’re on fire, Leo, especially for the beginning of the month. Jupiter and Venus have been charming you and you have been charming others with these two planets giving you a helping hand. Expect lots of attention and praise – two things you love. Yet here’s the weird thing! Sometimes when we receive more love than we are able to accept, we sabotage. This has to do with our beliefs about ourselves, often etched into our being by our parents or even our heritage. This month will challenge you to get a handle on your internal saboteur. Toward the end of the month Jupiter goes into your second house of earned money. Jupiter will expand this area in your life for the next year. Clearing out the cobwebs will help Jupiter do his job!

Virgo: The beginning of August would be perfect for a Vipassana meditation retreat! You are taking a deep dive into your own secrets and maybe your guilt. You may be feeling a deep need to be alone, and purposely removing the distractions will help the angels and guides come in and do their work. You are finding your own inner beauty, how you are perfectly imperfect and that it’s perfect! A silent retreat like Vipassana also helps to show you how your own speech, ways of communication to yourself and others have helped this belief or damaged it. Jupiter moves into your sign toward the middle of the month, putting a focus on you, your self-presentation and the discovery of who you really are for the next year.

Libra: You might be feeling at the beginning of the month like you can’t stop partying. In fact, you might be overdoing it! Oh, but it’s so much fun! Yes, but fun can put a strain on your pocketbook and, if you’ve got a hangover, your ability to earn. You are learning how to socialize with moderation and within the confines of your resources. Just because everyone else is doing it doesn’t mean that you need to. You struggle with giving in to the group due to your own lack of self-restraint. Toward the middle of the month Jupiter moves into your 12th house, connecting you with a deeper sense of spirituality and perhaps even a guru for the next year.

Scorpio: You’re finally reaching a pinnacle in your career. You are receiving notice and are getting the rewards and recognition that you have worked so hard to achieve. Your business associations are highly rewarding, but there is something more that you need to do to really make them work for you. Are you being selective about whom you surround yourself with? What criteria do you use to evaluate who gets to be a part of your inner circle? But, most importantly, how are you projecting yourself in order for them to want to associate with you? This month you have some finishing touches on “who you are being.” Jupiter moves into your 11th house by mid-month. This will expand the focus on your hopes, your dreams and your associations for the next year.

Sagittarius: They say that everyone has a place in the world where they find their power. It’s their personal place of power! The seeker in you has been on a mission to find that place. It’s a place you know you will find for yourself and your own spiritual growth. This month you may travel to foreign lands or you might find a book or even a person so different from yourself that will take you on that journey. Just make sure your journey isn’t a spiritual bypass. Spiritual bypassing LOOKS like you’re doing all the spiritual work, but it is actually a defense mechanism to avoid fear. Dealing with your own fear will be useful when Jupiter moves into your 10th house of profession, career and status. You’ll be on top for the next year and you’ll want to make sure you’ve done the work making you ready for that headship.

Capricorn: This is a very Karmic month for you. This month you could win big or you could lose fantastically! You may even have a conversion experience. Whatever happens, you are definitely moving from one stage into another; whether that stage is lightness or darkness is hard to say, but it’s just going to happen. The trick to this time is faith and acceptance. The more you hang on to expectation the more you will feel the discomfort of change. Expectations are linked to our hopes and dreams—so high on your experience list this month will be either disappointment or reward. Jupiter moves into your 9th house for the next year, expanding higher learning, religion and/or travel in your life.

Aquarius: You are smoking right now in your relationship or partnership. It’s feeling good, but there is also some work that needs to be done. You’re reassessing your contracts and relationships to make sure they are aligned with your career aspirations. The type of contract you negotiate will be important here. If it’s a love relationship, are you operating in an old-style role-based contract of love or a new, evolutionary-focused one? If it’s a business one, is it focused on prestige, status or on something more? Do you undermine each other or do you have a shared goal? Jupiter moves into your 8th house of shared resources for the next year, making it a good year to enter into business partnerships or other shared arrangements (like with a money lender or investor).

Pisces: You may feel on top of the world at the beginning of the month and this is because your health and vitality seem to get a boost. Work may also be going really well. You are finally getting the politics. The questions this month will be things like are these politics that you want to work within? No matter where we work, there will be politics, but in some environments the politic borders on dysfunctional. Are you willing to drink this particular corporate/biz environment Koolaid? On the other hand, you may have a moment of cockiness that you “know this game” that ends up tripping you up. Whatever the case, now is a time to check your beliefs and what you value. Jupiter moves into your 7th house of partnership toward the middle of the month for the next year. Legal cases, partnerships and work with any kind of professional (consultant, coach, counselor) will be expanded and favoured.