Horoscope: October 9 – 15, 2017

Oct 9 – 15


What to expect: Resistance
What to watch out for: Abuse of power
What will it affect? Communication, politics, society, women, relationships, wounds

On Oct 9th, both the Sun and Mercury, still in close conjunction in Libra, will square Pluto. Both of Mercury and the Sun want balance, collaborative dialogue, fair contract and give and take. This may be in short order. As they square Pluto in Capricorn, there is sure to be power plays, lack of trust, destabilizing strategy (divide and concur). Discourse may be coercive, threatening or undermining. This energy has been building since the Full Moon last week, but now becomes even more salient. Libra is often seen as the people pleaser and the mediator, but she also likes the balance of scales as shown by her symbol. When things are out of balance, you can be sure that fighting words will be met with fighting words. A threat of a fight will be met with a fight. Libra will find a way to bring balance and her first step is always to take the peaceful route. But also, don’t be surprised if fighting back doesn’t look like fighting back. Throwing a punch may be unsafe. Retaliation may seem passive aggressive – things like you stop paying for my birth control, may mean I accidentally drop saltpeter in your eggs. Covert means may be as effective as you can be while still remaining safe, so don’t dismiss them as “passive agressive” or view them as not fighting back. Watch Sofia Coppola’s movie The Beguiled for a great film that exemplifies this!

Venus will oppose Chiron, bringing up some collective wounds related to women on 10th. Venus is still in Virgo. She is in service, but is her service valued? It’s time to recognize our nurses, health care workers, and cleaners. The disparity may bring up some collective wounds at this time.

Why? Mercury Square Pluto, Sun Square Pluto, Venus Opposition Chiron

Slow, Steady and With Others Wins the Race

What to expect: Moving forward slowly
What to watch out for: Frustration
What will it affect? Communication, commerce, drive, and ambition, direction

There is an African proverb that says “if you want to go quickly, go alone, but if you want to go far, go together”. Mars is square to Saturn on Oct 11th, slowing us down. These two together create a tension that is asking us to take our time. Be methodical. It may feel frustrating, limiting and as though it is holding us back. But with Mercury and the Sun also sextile the North Node between the 11th and 13th, connecting with others and working as a team is the key. Learning from each other moves us forward on our path. It also builds solidarity. Mercury also makes a sextile to Saturn, so we have the energy to be very detailed and methodical. This can only help to avoid mistakes or missteps and guarantee success.

Why? Mars Square Saturn, Mercury Sextile North Node, Mercury Sextile Saturn, Sun Sextile North Node

Opportunity for Growth

What to expect: Wounds
What to watch out for: Avoiding
What will it affect? Mental processes, wounds, relationships

Mars opposite Chiron speaks of a wound. And while it may be coming up for healing and evolution, we may feel the need to run for our wounds. There are a couple of ways this may happen. One is through spiritual bypass. A tricky one, because it may look like we are doing the work. The other is through disconnection. Our minds are exceptionally busy on Oct 15th. We will have a download of thoughts and ideas coming in at a mile a minute. But we may use our busy minds to avoid; telling others we have “too much going on” or that we “have no time”. Connecting with other is, in fact, the key. The synergy of relationships can help us do the work and aid us in piecing together a pattern or the pattern.

Why? Mercury Opposition Transiting Uranus, Mars Opposition Transiting Chiron, Pallas Trine Transiting Juno


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Horoscope: Oct 2 – 8, 2017

Oct 2 – 8

Constructive Conflict

What to expect: Relationship transformation
What to watch out for: Conflict
What will it affect? Relationships, communication, negotiations

On October 3rd Mercury is square to Juno bringing up relationship conflicts. The good news is that Venus is also trine to Pluto. We can use any form of conflict to alchemize any experience we want to see improved. If we have coal but we want diamonds, now is the time. If you have lead, but you want gold, putting the effort into your relationships will get you there. Creation often involves friction so welcome any that comes your way. Mercury will also make a conjunction with Vesta, the goddess asteroid of work, in the relationship sign of Libra, helping us to work together through dialogue and conversation. This will be a good time for negotiations in any partnerships you may have. Just don’t expect it to be easy. You’ll have to put in the work!

Why? Mercury Square Transiting Juno, Venus Trine Transiting Pluto, Mercury Conjunction Vesta

Full Moon in Aries

What to expect: Inner growth
What to watch out for: Restlessness
What will it affect? Culminations, emotions, relationships, balance

The Full Moon on October 5th is in Aries. The Sabian symbol for the degree of the moon is “A bomb which failed to explode is now safely concealed”, this feels like good news, given the latest tensions in the world. To get there though we must bring a mastery of Aries to maturity. Aries energy is about courage, independence, assertiveness, self-reliance, and action. But, Aries is also known for acting without thinking and the Aries lack of tact can start fights. Aries is also the sign of the entrepreneur. And as an entrepreneur when you combine acting, along with emotional intelligence, decisions tend to be good. Aries does not have easy access to their emotions. In this respect, they are like a teenager. So to use this emotional lunar Aries energy well, we have to admit to ourselves where we lack emotional maturity. The Sun in Libra opposite the moon will help us to bring in the balance. If we want to build the trust of our clients, parents, peers, what do we need to work on to get there? Becoming emotionally intelligent is often a spiritual process. We need to slow down and take time, something Aries is loathed to do. As we integrate that balance though, we gain access to our unconscious. From there we can pause to reflect on our automatic responses and where they come from. Do they come from our upbringing? Are they false beliefs that have been embedded in our thinking? Is it adopted from Society? Or Culture? Neptune will sextile Pallas helping us to tap into and locate our unconscious source and find the answers. Pallas is in Taurus, so use your five senses to help with the process. Somatic experiences and bodywork will help us to gain greater access. Visit your chiropractor, craniosacral therapist, a massage therapist with the intention of locating and release the patterns.

There’s another thing happening on the Full Moon, Venus and Mars will conjunct in the sign of Virgo. As we integrate a balanced relational approach with actions, we also have the chance at grounding our relationships and partnerships. Security is sexy at this juncture. Plans are a turn on! Make use of this time to connect with your partner to create shared goals.

Why? Full Moon at 12°Ar42′, Neptune Sextile Transiting Pallas, Venus Conjunction Mars

Partnership Assessment

What to expect: Assessing partnerships
What to watch out for: Pessimism
What will it affect? Relationships, relationship beliefs, communication

On October the relationship/partnership work continues. Venus comes into a square with Saturn. This is a very sobering energy for relationships, but one that Venus might be okay with since she is in the practical sign of Virgo. It’s time to question our relationships and examine the structure and to go through it with a fine tooth comb. Again we have the benefit of the planets in this process as the Sun and Mercury conjunct in the sign of relationships building Libra. We’ll be able to talk with ease about what we are thinking and feeling. This may also be a good time to consider a partnership agreement.

Why? Venus Square Saturn, Sun Conjunction Mercury


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Horoscope: Sept 25 – Oct 1, 2017

Sept 25 – Oct 1

Project Progress

What to expect: Getting lots done
What to watch out for: Pessimism
What will it affect? Projects, work, strategies, and plans

On Sept 25th Mercury is square Saturn. The good news is that we can get lots of focused work done. The bad news is that we may be overly negative, critical and perfectionist. Mercury is in Virgo making us very hard on ourselves and critical of our accomplishments. You may think what you’re working on is nothing or not very good, but keep going, when confidence returns you’ll see how much value the work has. It’s especially important to keep going on the projects you’re working on as Saturn is also trine to the North Node. This energy will help us to let go of bad habits and structures and incorporate new positive ones helping to guarantee success. If you bring new people into your project, you’ll likely work well with them. The energy of Mars trine Pallas on the 26th will also help to bring in practical strategy.

Why? Mercury Square Saturn, Saturn Trine North Node, Mars Trine Pallas

Quick Triggers

What to expect: Disappointment
What to watch out for: Acting without thinking
What will it affect? Purposeful work, social change, collective wounds

On the 27th Jupiter will oppose Uranus. There is a powerful push for balance and freedom. The Sabian symbols for the two degrees speak of disappointment. On one side is Jupiter, normally optimistic in the sign of Libra. It’s in the last degrees of Libra and making its last push to balance things out. The Sabian symbol for the degree is “A man in deep gloom. Unnoticed, angels come to his help.” On the other side is Uranus in the last degrees of Aries. It’s pushing for change and has been for quite some time. The Sabian symbol for that degree is “A large disappointed audience”. Unfortunately, this energy of Jupiter and Uranus will make us quick to make judgments and to act before we’ve completely thought things through.

As the Sun comes into a conjunction with Vesta also in Libra, our identities can be hugely tied up in our work. The kind of work we care about right now is the work that involves fairness and partnerships. At the same time, Mercury will oppose Chiron making it hard to let go of our thinking and perspectives. This may be the culprit in our disappointment. Our disappointment may also interfere with our ability to believe in a higher purpose. The best approach is to wait things out. Wait until you have more information, more time to think things through and for optimism to return.

Why? Sun Conjunction Vesta, Mercury Opposition Chiron, Jupiter Opposition Uranus

Relationship Highroad

What to expect: Working through relationship issues
What to watch out for: A tendency to lie
What will it affect? Relationships, communication, work, money, leadership

Relationships face some difficulty between Sept 28th and Sept 30th.

Dishonesty may be the theme as Venus opposes Neptune. Maybe your partner is dishonest with you or you are dishonest with your partner or as a partnership, you are dishonest with others.

The Sun and then Vesta will square Juno building up the relationship tension. It’s likely to be a tension between balancing partnership needs with security and ambition. Does work get in the way of your relationship? If your relationship is about work, then does your relationship get in the way of work? Work towards honesty. Also, maybe better planning is in order? Venus will trine Pallas helping us to come up with strategy, plans, and goals together. Doing so will help to alleviate the tension. As you sit down to discuss matters, use the energy of Mercury sextile Ceres as it will help smooth out any conversations with playfulness, creativity, and praise.

Pluto will also go direct on Sept 28th, and by Oct 1st Mars will make a trine to it calling forth our leadership. Whatever we do with a positive intention will be highly influential and transformative.

Why? Sun Square Juno, Pluto Direct, Venus Opposition Neptune, Vesta Square Juno, Venus Trine Pallas, Mercury Sextile Ceres, Mars Trine Pluto


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