Horoscope: Dec 11 – 17, 2017

Dec 11 – 17

Photo by Baim Hanif on Unsplash

Reappropriating Vesta

What to expect: A new level of taking back the night
What to watch out for: being triggered
What will it affect? Beliefs, power and power imbalances, work, passions

Jupiter conjuncts Vesta expanding the Scorpio on Dec 12th. As Jupiter has been moving through Scorpio we’ve been focused on abuses. #Metoo and a plethora of disclosures have revealed the deep, dark and sexual mixed with the use of power to harm not just woman but also men. Vesta’s meet up with Jupiter on Dec 12th brings us into High Priestess energy. Consider the distortions of Vesta. What do we understand about virgin and prostitute?

The famous Vestal Virgins were thought to have practiced secret sex magical rites in honor of the Roman Goddess Vesta, the same as the Greek goddess Hestia — Goddess of the Hearth, or “center of the world.”
and If we explore the etymology of the words “whore” or “harlot,” we find that the split between “priestess” and “prostitute” is a relatively recent one. In her book When God Was A Woman, Merlin Stone informs us that the Hebrew word zonah means both prostitute and prophetess.

What happened to the power and sacredness of sex during the reign of the patriarchy? Secrets are revealed early this week delivered straight from the tora “ book of secrets”. As Jupiter expands the Vestal energy in Scorpio we are delving deep into our psyches, descending into the mysteries and listening to our intuition and finding the resources of our sacred sexuality.

From moondance.com – Sacred Prostitute

Vesta is also associated with work and while work is not the only place for abuses, it now provides the forum for us to sort through the sordid sexual power imbalances. With the Sun conjunction Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, we have a chance check in on what we believe and to re-clarify, re-claim and reappropriate.

Why? Jupiter Conjunction Vesta, Sun Conjunction Mercury

The Kids are Alright!

What to expect: Reunions
What to watch out for: Come here/go away dynamics
What will it affect? Partnerships, relationships, communication, direction

Mercury meets up with Venus in a conjunction on December 15th. Mercury retrograde can bring past partners or past loves back into our lives. Maybe, someone, you met on vacation or while traveling or while at school/university or even a conference… all areas ruled by Sagittarius. If it’s not a person, then it might be old ideas or beliefs that come back to revisit. It could be both. This should be a lovely reunion of people and ideas. But queue the needle on The Who album… and play “the kids are alright” – Sagittarius is a freedom lover, and even if in a relationship, is the consummate bachelor. Mercury and Venus trine Ceres and the North Node in Leo bringing out the kid in us and along with it, deeply nurturing fun. The kind you get when you spend a day at an amusement park or frolicking at the beach filled with horseplay and beach volleyball. This is much needed and will help us find, access and get on the right path.

The Sun in Sagittarius will square Chiron in Pisces, so even though it feels good to connect with our past, past hurts may reappear. Sagittarius wants to be free and Pisces wants to merge. A come here/go away dynamic may emerge and we’ll need to assess our boundaries. The best approach is welcome the adventure without expectation.

Why? Mercury Trine Ceres, Venus Trine North Node, Mercury Conjunction Venus, Mercury Trine North Node, Venus Trine Ceres, Sun Square Chiron

New Moon

What to expect: Powerful Intention setting
What to watch out for: Letting it pass
What will it affect? Intention setting, visions, divine inspiration

The New Moon in Sagittarius will focus on optimism, inspiration, and ideals. The New Moon is at 26 Degrees of Sagittarius right on the Galactic Centre and is trine Uranus and Pallas. We’ll see a speedup of changes and innovations and with it, feminine strategy. The New moon is a time for setting intentions and planting seeds, and we can plant the seeds for the change. The Sabian symbol for this New Moon is “the sculptor’s vision taking form” and suggest that now is the time for us to visualize and vision. Tired of the same old vision board idea? Take any materials that move’s you and sculpt what you desire. Get out your Lego (or steal some of your children) for some Serious Play, or sink into a meditative state to access your higher mind through guided creative visioning. Whatever approach you take, it’s essential that you allow yourself to go into that space. What will come through will be a mixture of something deep within and divine inspiration from the universe all of which may seem absolutely brilliant and will undoubtedly be little ahead of their time. Not to worry about that. We’ll chat up. We first need the idea so we can start reaching towards something.

Why? New Moon at 26°Sag, Sun Trine Uranus, Sun Trine Pallas


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Horoscope: December 4 – 10, 2017

December 4 – 10

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Silent Retreat

What to expect: Focused concentration
What to watch out for: Thinking we need to be busy
What will it affect? Communication, ideas, thoughts, focused energy

Mercury went retrograde on Dec 3rd at 29 degrees of Sagittarius. It’s headed back through the sign for most of the month. We’ll get a reprieve just before Christmas on Dec 22rd when Mercury will go direct again. But for the next three weeks are so it will be asking us to review our beliefs systems, our ideals, and all of the learning material – books, magazines, schools of thought. The first thing that Mercury will do, on Dec 6th is conjunct Saturn. This might feel familiar. Well, it is. This same thing happened just last week. It’s going back over the galactic centre and connecting with the cosmic intelligence. As it connects with Saturn and goes over this point again, we have the chance to go back over the messages received and lessons learned. What really was the lesson. Focusing in and meditating on what came up in the last couple of week can help us to peel the layers of meaning and to get to the truth. Or at least our truth. Mars is also sextile Saturn giving us the ability to focus for long periods of time. This is a great time to go back over projects, look for errors and fine tune, but if you find yourself in long meditative states or several days of a self-imposed silent retreat, this is also good. We may feel superhuman as the amount of work we can get done will seem machine-like, even if it’s inner work!

Pallas is also squaring Juno causing a conflict within our relationships. The answer this time might be some alone time.

Why? Pallas Square Juno, Mercury Conjunction Saturn, Mercury Sextile Mars, Mars Sextile Saturn

What’s Old is New!

What to expect: Repurposing ideas
What to watch out for: Brilliant ideas
What will it affect? Creativity, spirituality, purpose, nurturing, direction

On Dec 8th, Vesta the asteroid related to purpose and passion will join with Jupiter to trine Neptune. Artistic creations and spiritual ideologies are now ignited with the sacred flame of the hearth. This adds dedication and love to the recipe and a flavour of “je ne sais quoi”

By the 9th Mercury continuing its backward move through Sagittarius will trine Pallas. Are you the type to have brainstorming sticky notes all over the place? Or a notebook full of ideas? Looking over them will bring you new insight. Something you thought was useless may all of a sudden spark unexpected connections. Ceres the nurturing asteroid of conjunct the North Node in Leo on December 10th, so as we nurture our creativity, we move into our individuality and purpose. Mercury’s next move is to trine Uranus on the same day. Sparks and connections made over the last couple of day will now ignite new electrical and neural pathways, creating a clear path for change!

Why? Neptune Trine Vesta, Mercury Trine Pallas, Sun Trine Ceres, Sun Trine North Node, Ceres Conjunction North Node, Mercury Trine Uranus

Avoiding and Being Avoided

What to expect: Evasions
What to watch out for: Opportunities in going over old ground
What will it affect? Money, relationships, communication, old wounds

December 10th is a red flag day for business. Venus will square Neptune causing vagueness were money is concerned. We may be thinking about all our upcoming Christmas bills and decide to go on a collection drive. It’s not likely to be successful. You know they read your message because their beautiful little face has popped up at on the friendly facebook message you sent reminding them about the dollars, but silence will be your reply.

Mercury will also square Chiron and we’ll feel hurt and maybe indecisive about how we should handle our hurt. Should we say what we are feeling? Communication breakdown is likely. But with Mercury retrograde, if this is an old argument, you know the ones that you keep having over and over with the same person, this is now a good time to hash it out again. Mercury regrade wants us to go over old ground to check in with what we may have missed or misunderstood. Healing is likely if we use the energy in this way. That being said. If this is a new issue and you plan to broach the subject for the first time, expect it to be a bit frustrating.

Why? Venus Square Neptune, Mercury Square Chiron


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Horoscope: Nov 27 – Dec 3, 2017

Nov 27 – Dec 3

Breaking Convention

What to expect: Concrete Adjustments
What to watch out for: Backlash
What will it affect? Communication, relationships, belief systems and ideologies

The beginning of the week starts with a Saturn Mercury conjunction. They are both in Sagittarius and on the Galactic Centre. Not only that, they are also both trine Pallas, the Goddess Asteroid of feminine strategy. Divine inspiration helps us to make adjustments to our structures. Challenged belief systems and concentrated thought combined to help us create a tactical plan far different than anything we have ever experienced. We also have the confidence and vision to bring those ideas into being.

Not everyone will be jumping with joy at what we communicate and express at this time. Mars will square Juno. Our relationships could get thrown off balance and as a result, competition may emerge. At the heart of it is a need for equilibrium. There is a need for the conventional in relationships to include freedom. But there still exists a discomfort and even an irrational loyalty to traditional relationship structure. Tradition for tradition sake does not serve us anymore. Allow freedom of thought and divine guidance at this time, as it can help us to envision and adjust to a more workable structure.

Why? Mercury Trine Pallas, Mars Square Juno, Mercury Conjunction Saturn

Inspired Guidance

What to expect: Need to break free
What to watch out for: Self-sabotage
What will it affect? Feminine emergence, relationship wounds, spirituality, art

Between Dec 1st – 2nd disruptions are likely. Mars opposes Uranus and Pallas and impulsive actions are on the rise. We may demonstrate it or we may experience it from others. This strong rebellious energy emanates and with Pallas there and involves rebellion against the “weak” aspects of being a woman. As the mythology goes, Pallas was not born of her mother’s womb. Instead, she sprang out of her father’s head. She saw herself equal to men and when she experienced inequality, she didn’t hesitate to sell out her feminine side in order to keep her power.

Happening at the same time is Chiron sextile Juno and making a tense aspect to Mars. Chiron is there to help relationships with old wounds, but Mars gets a little defensive and confrontational. The issue is equality and freedom. How can we bring this about without abandoning our perceived weaknesses? The answer may lie with Jupiter and Neptune!

Jupiter will trine Neptune. This is the first magical exact trine between Jupiter and Neptune. Two more will happen over the next ten months. Spiritual teachers may emerge, showing us the way. Esoteric secrets may be revealed that help us let go of grievances and aid a compassionate approach. Throwing ourselves into art as a spiritual expression can serve to provide insights and answers. This is a mystical time which as a by-product can produce great works of art and inspiration. Don’t strive for it though. Allow it to come through you without agenda. Instead listen to its guidance and allow it to inspire you in whatever way it moves to manifest in your life!

Why? Mars Opposition Uranus, Chiron Sextile Juno, Jupiter Trine Neptune, Mars Opposition Pallas

Full Moon in Gemini

What to expect: Elusive truths
What to watch out for: Making any decisions
What will it affect? Culminations, truths, relationships

Ignorance is bliss! You can’t handle the truth! Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt! I could come up with more… but I think you get the point. Ice fog will settle on the December 3rd Full Moon. Here’s the recipe that leads to all the smoke and mirrors… The Full Moon happens at 11 degrees of Gemini and will square Neptune (planet of fog and confusion – especially when forming a tense aspect). The Moon also forms a tense aspect to Jupiter, causing a stretch of the truth. What exactly is the truth? The truth will, for now, be out of reach as the planetary ruler of the Full Moon, Mercury also goes retrograde on Dec 3rd. Nothing makes sense. And even if it does make sense, it’s sure to be missing critical information that will poke a hole in that theory. It’s an information gathering time. Warning; the information will seem weird! And with Uranus squaring Juno, there is a chance that we can make some rash decisions in our relationships – sans any reliable information! The best thing to do is to STAY AWAY FROM DECISIONS.

The moon is making a wide trine to the north node, so even if things hinge on the unbelievable (or believable depending if we’ve sunken into a feather bed of denial) they are likely pointing us in the right direction. The path to OZ is riddled with test and disappointment, but that doesn’t mean it’s not the right path. The best way to handle this Full Moon is to keep moving forward and to keep the faith while doing it!

Why? Full Moon at 11°Gemini, Sun Square Neptune, Uranus Square Juno


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