Astrology; A belief? or Weather Report?

12790138_s“Astrology is something to know about, not something to believe in” Noel Tyl

In a weather forecast the meteorologist looks at the temperature, wind, sea level, dew point, sky cover and air pressure. She’s got a thermometer, radar and dopplar to aid her prediction. Most times she is right, but on occasion she is wrong.

Astrology is much the same. The Astrologer takes the movement of planets, stars, location, time of birth (for a person, country, event, entity) and is able to put it together to make predictions. Not predictions like ‘you WILL do this or that’, but predictions that let you know what energies will be at play in your life and at a given time.

We know that the moon for instance has an effect on the tides. Ask any doctor or nurse about the moons effects on pregnancies, surgeries, emotional states and you will hear story after story. Recently we have been learning more about the Sun. The strength of the Sun via solar flare can knock out or disrupt technology… And so we now have space weather.

This is all that astrology is… Space weather!

Though Astrology has had a hard time gaining legitimacy (at least in the West), attempts have been made. William Lilly wrote the book Christian Astrology in 1647, perhaps naming it that way and presenting it to the house of Parliament to gain it’s respect.  Regardless of it’s struggles, it has always had an allure. Throughout history, legitimate or not Kings, Queens (Queen Elizabeth I), Politicians (Adolf Hitler and Ronald Regan) and business men (J.P. Morgan) have used astrology to aid their counsel.

What does astrology have to offer? Well each planet has an energy pattern that has an impact on the earth and everything in it; People, Cities, Events, Politics, Business. The astrologer takes all of these energies and looks at location, aspect between planets, time, space. Like the weatherperson, she has her tools, charts etc to make a report.

In the days of William Lilly and John Dee (Queen Elizabeth I’s astrologer), you needed to be a mathematician. The protractor and hand drawn charts were only replaced by computers in the last 25 years. With technology astrology has become very precise and room for human error has been reduced. In 1973 the first computer generated ephemeris was produced and there after came computer programs that produced birth charts.  And though the astrologer makes predictions and may be off (just as the weather woman may be off) The mystery is gone. And so too is room for the terrible astrologer or worse yet, the charlatan that Sir William Lilly so worried about. This is because everyone can be informed and learn about their astrology and what is going on in their own ‘weather report’

We all have a purpose and we all have lessons in life… and in the end, we all have free will. Knowing what challenges and opportunities are presented in your birth chart can help you to deeply understand yourself. Knowing what transits (the planets currently in the sky) are making a contact to your natal chart, can help you to understand what energies are at play and help you to make better choices. We can chose to carry an umbrella with us for the times when it will be stormy. Pack our car with a safety kit, when we know we’ll be in for a long journey or when to do our hair, put on our make-up and ‘our best’ because we have an opportunity blowing through that if we are not ready for, we could loose out. These are all ways in which knowing your astrological weather report can help you navigate life.

Here is a list of what you can expect from each planet:

The Sun – the Sun is the light of being. It illuminates the personality, the ego.

Moon – emotions and effect on emotions. During a lunar eclipse the earth blocks the light of the sun and disturbs the energy pattern of the moon on the earth. This is why lunar eclipse often trigger events, births, deaths, earth quakes, salient events.

Mercury – I think of mercury as quick movement between two bodies, so it often shows up as communication, transportation, cars, emails. Mercury retrograde is when the planet looks to us on earth as though it is moving backwards and this movement causing disruptions in all of these areas.

Venus – I think of Venus as the energy of give and take. And so Venus has everything to do with love and money

Mars – Mars is your drive and energy, It’s passion and action. Mars energy is all about doing and it doesn’t like to be held back.

Jupiter – Jupiter is a large planet and it’s energy is also large. It’s the planet of expansion. For this reason if it touches something good, it expands it and it looks to us like luck. So Jupiter is the planet of luck. But it can also expand our waists or create excessive behaviour, such as in shopping or having fun, which at the end of the day, may not be so lucky!

Saturn – Saturn’s energy is restrictive, but with a point. It’s job it to help you to learn and to be responsible. Saturn is like pruning a plant, so that in the end it can grow lush. If you try to be lazy or to cut corners with Saturn, your plant will not look so good.

Uranus – Uranus loves a surprise. With Uranus it’s like your driving along on a road going in a direction and suddenly you realize that the exit you want is two feet away and 3 lanes over. So you make a sudden move to get over there. Uranus course corrects or it throws you off course. This is why Uranus can cause what seems like a sudden divorce, earthquake etc.

Neptune – Neptune’s energy is like collective unconsciousness. It causes us to loose boundaries, live in shades or grey and force us to follow our noises (aka intuition). Neptune is like looking into a house of mirrors. To navigate this we need to either become spiritual or hit the bottle. Neptune is about loosing yourself in order to find it. Neptune is a momentary escape or fantasy, this is why Neptune also influences the film industry.

Pluto – Pluto causes intense experiences. In one way or another it completely transforms.

Additionally the Asteroids give a deeper picture of your relationships to yourself, people, the universe. The are about getting your needs met and meeting the needs of society.  I see the asteroids as providing the winds of sociological change, which at it’s basis starts with the relationship with ourselves. So mastering the lessons of the asteroids can have huge impacts on ourselves and also change our world.

Juno –  Juno is all about relationships. It is the attempt to get what one needs in a relationship, so when the Juno transits a planet, needs can be highlighted that can bring out score-keeping or entitlements. Juno brings up issues of fairness and justice within relationships.

Vesta – Vesta is all about sacrificing oneself for a greater purpose. It is dedication to ones goals and may even show up as workaholic tendencies.

Pallas – Pallas shows where one is good at noticing patterns and figuring out things in order to get what she needs. Pallas is the strategist and likes to win. Transit’s bring out these qualities for good or bad. I find Pallas interesting because astrologically she is “daddy’s little girl” and on a societal level she is the one who has tripped up women in service to the patriarch, by being the daddy’s little girl of society. But she is also one of the key players in balancing the masculine and feminine energies because at her best she can be just and wise.

Ceres – Ceres is the all about nurturing. Nurturing that takes place with the mother and especially with taking care of the basic needs of food-shelter-love. Transits can bring up issues of how well we are taking care of ourselves and others and their care taking of us.

You can learn more about your own astrology on the by clicking on the birth chart on the homepage of

Don’t forget to click the section to make sure all of the asteroids also come up. Clicking on each of the glyphs will bring up more to tell you about yourself.

Also, don’t forget to like me on facebook or googleplus me!

updated with mars (ops! I forgot) August 8, 2013 11:41am

From wounded…. to healer… When Pluto meets Chiron.

PlutoIn 1992 I was in a bank robbery. I walked into a bank in Ottawa, Canada with a friend. She was at the teller and I stood at the back of the bank waiting for her. As I stood there I had the thought… ‘what if the bank was robbed’ and seconds later… it was. We were all on the ground as the masked man pointed a sawed off shot gun at my friend and then at the teller and collected the money. It lasted all of 3 minutes, and changed my whole world.


Here is the chart of the event.

  • Pluto square mars – classic transit for such dramatic and shady experiences
  • Pluto opposed Saturn – Saturn is in my third house of local surroundings (the bank was down the street) and rules my 11th house of friends (was with my friend) and the 12th house of the subconscious
  • Pluto inconjunct moon – moon ruled 2nd house of worth (self worth on a psychological level and banks on mundane level)
  • Saturn is coming up to cross my ascendant and is in minor aspect to my Mid-heaven – the ascendant or mid heaven are usually involved in big life events
  • Mars square my chiron (mars often triggers events)
  • Chiron is coming up to conjunct my mars 
  • Jupiter conjunct Pluto – another confirmation of shady characters
  • Sun conjunct Uranus – Surprise! 
  • Throw in the moon passing over Pluto for added measure and extra emotion! 

As Pluto squares my Chiron today, I reflect on this past event. It has some of the same qualities of awakening and transforming old wounds that the event of the past held. Well Pluto was involved and so was Chiron. I was young at the time, with no knowledge of astrology. I didn’t see this coming, but if I could have would I have avoided it? I was completely unconscious and this event sent me straight to the 12th house of the unconscious and left me there for several years to uncover.

Pluto is slow moving and so is Chiron, so I am not the only one experiencing a stressful transit to Chiron. If you have Chiron in a Cardinal sign (Capricorn, Libra, Aries or Cancer) between 8-11 degrees you will be experiencing a hard aspect with Pluto this year as well. This is a transit that pushes at your wound. If you are unconscious it will make you conscious and if you are conscious… (maybe you’ve already had something wake you up, like I did).. perhaps this transit will gently push you to heal and transform yourself and others… and become the wounded healer!

So I share my healing journey during this Pluto/Chiron transit, with the hope that you will look at any scary experience as an awakening and a time to heal.  

In my healing journey, there have been many people who have come into my life to help me and the Universe has always seemed to drop the right book in my lap.

Here are some of the books and people who have helped me along the way:

The Courage to Heal, Laura Davis – This book is old, but constantly updated and is like the essential handbook for dealing with abuse. I was in a bank robbery, but the fear of the event woke up every fearful situation I was ever in. Child Help calls child abuse the hidden epidemic. 3.3 million reports in the United States per year (there are tonnes more stats on their site and on it’s horrible impacts). In Canada the numbers are similar

Tony Crisp’s Dream Dictionary – If you have a crazy dream life like I do, you can use your dreams to give you clues to what is going on in the subconscious. I bought my copy in Jamaica (I know a weird place to pick up this book… but the universe dropped it in my lap) just before this event. It’s a great book because it looks at the dream symbols in a psychological light (not as omens or other weird meanings).  Keeping a dream journal by your bed will help with this. Also Tony now has a website (which obviously was not around in 1992) where you can look up dream keywords… but I still love my dog-eared book!

I kept journals consistently from 1992 till 2009 and then I shredded them all in a releasing ritual. (I love shredding, I find it very satisfying.. Some people like to burn, some just toss in the garbage… shredding is my thing!). I did go over them before shredding and interestingly I could pick out any point in almost any year, read it, and read basically the same old problem over and over… Wow talk about churning things! Journaling is good. It helps to get it out, but you also need a process that will help transform.  The most transforming tools I have found are Cognitive behavioral therapy. Finding a therapist or psychologist who uses this can be key! Again the angels put in my lap a booked called Calling in the One, Katherine Woodward-Thomas…. 

Oh and by the universe always put books in my hands that are written by authors who actually respond to me when I write them emails. Katherine was one (Paulo Coelho was another). Katherine offered me a coaching/counseling session where she used a combination of cognitive behavioural therapy and spirit which has now evolved into a transformative process used in her online/tele-class course called ‘Calling in the One’. Calling in the One is a book about attracting the love of your life… but first you have to be attracted to yourself…. agh! that old thing again… You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else! But it’s true!!! The process she used with me was one of connecting with yourself at a younger age in a somewhat meditative process, asking her (or him as the case may be) what is going on, how she feels and what she needs. This is when you uncover all those false beliefs that were created in childhood about yourself. This is when you really get to the wound. But if it’s hard to get to exactly what the wound is you can watch my video on accessing the wound in your birth chart for clues on what your wound could be. The real transformation comes in when you have a chat with that little girl (or boys) false belief, challenge and then change them. 

This process is not in Katherine’s book, but if you can’t take her course another book that guides through a similar process is Mind Over Mood, Dennis Greenberger with their ‘thought record’ worksheet.

Here is a list of some wounds based only on chiron and the false beliefs that may accompany them:

Chiron/Sun – wounds around the self – “I don’t matter”, 
Chiron/Moon – wounds around emotion – “I’m a burden”
Chiron/Venus – wounds around love – “I am unlovable”, “Nobody love’s me”, “I don’t know how to love”, “I am an ugly”.
Chiron/Mercury – wounds around communication – “Nobody understands me”, “I am dumb”, “I’m not smart” “I am always wrong”
Chiron/Mars –  wounds around doing – “I can’t”
Chiron/Jupiter – wounds around knowledge, customs and beliefs – “I don’t know”,  “I don’t belong”, “I am different than others”
Saturn/Chiron – wounds around success and importance – “I am inferior”, “I am not important”
Uranus/Chiron – Wounds around the unexpected, freedom or uniqueness – “I am not safe” “I can’t be myself”
Neptune/Chiron – Wounds around knowing, intuition – “I am crazy”, “I don’t know”
Pluto/Chiron – Wounds around power – “I am powerless”

Those with Chiron/Pluto in their chart always have a tremendous amount of transformative power, but if unconscious and un-evolved it can be directed negatively. To those and to all of us going through a Pluto/Chiron transit right now, let’s all raise the consciousness of our wounds and channel our wounded power for some good.

The 2012 Call to Rebalance

December 21, 2012 marks the end of the Mayan Long count calendar… and December 22, 2012 marks the beginning of the Winter Solstice.

So what do the skies say about this time.


Above is a chart for Dec 22, 2012. Included in the chart are the traditional planets as well as the moderns and Asteroids.

What we see are Saturn and Pluto in mutual reception bearing down on Jupiter in what is called a yod. And the goddess asteroid’s forming what is called a t-square.
A yod, also know as the ‘finger of god’, is a formation of planets that creates a tension seeking release. The release point is where the triangle is pointing… in this case Jupiter. This is where all of the energy of Pluto and Saturn are pointing. Each of the planets are at 8 degrees of the sign they are transiting in. (For those new to astrology the yod is the triangle with green lines in the chart).
What is seeking release?
Right beside Jupiter is Lilith. The story of Lilith in the Jewish story was that Lilith was Adams first wife.  When she would not bow to him, he cast her out and pulled from his rib a second wife, Eve, created out of his own image. If we stick to the mythical stories, Jupiter (also called Zeus), was said to be the father of human kind.  So there sits the father of mankind in Jupiter, in Gemini (where he is in his detriment) beside Lilith. Across from him is Venus, who we all know as the goddess of love.In mythology, Jupiter was married to Hera (also called Juno). Juno is the goddess of marriage. Juno’s relationship with Jupiter in mythology was long suffering. Juno was continually searching for a connection with Jupiter, which never seemed to be forthcoming. Juno in the sky is conjunct the Sun and right beside Pluto, the planet of transformation. They are also squaring Uranus, the planet of surprises and revolutions.Well what can we say, Jupiter in mythology was known for his many consorts… And here in the sky it’s as though all his women have gotten together and are calling him to task. How will he respondSo what does it mean when Juno is conjunct the sun? Demetra George,quotes Gloria Steinhem’s famous answer to the question “Why didn’t you ever get married?” Steinhem (who has the Sun in Aries square Juno in Capricorn) replied, “I don’t mate well in captivity.” The Sun conjunct Juno are in a less tense situation and in a nicer way are asking for balance in relationships. Uranus and Pluto are their to help the conversation to move forwards. It seems to me that this is not just a conversation about relationships between men and women. But also a conversation between the masculine and the feminine. This is about the planet, resources, the way we work and live.

Every planet and asteroid has a positive and a negative expression. Since Jupiter is having his judgement day… that could mean faith, relying on a higher power or plan, openness to grace and optimism. OR it could mean overconfidence, laziness, irresponsibility.

The moon is opposing Saturn. The moon being emotions and Saturn being discipline. Saturn in Scorpio is a call to stabilize one’s emotions. Here I think of mindfulness mediation. The ability to see and acknowledge emotions and not be carried away with them.

This brings us to what the Three Moon Goddess is all about. There is another triangle in the skies. This one with three goddess asteroids (it’s the light red triangle in the chart). This is also tension, one that is wanting to incorporate relationship to nurturing to wisdom and courage. Juno (goddess of marriage), Pallas (goddess of wisdom) and Ceres (goddess mother).So the dialogue in the sky is very much a feminine one. And the response, the one’s that each and everyone of us will make to how this all shows up in our lives, will make the difference in how we move into the future.