March Horoscope 2016

7224355_sFirst Week – Feb 29th – March 6th

Fresh Inspiration

What to expect: Restlessness
What to watch out for: Unrealistic expectation
What will it affect? Relationships

Let me start by saying that the trick to getting through March, both professionally and personally, is to lay low. It is an eclipse month — solar and lunar eclipses tend to cause direction changes and they bring things to light. March is a month of responding rather than taking action.

On March 2nd, we may flirt with the idea of taking a break from our partnerships. We may be tired of the same old struggle. We can connect with people who are a breath of fresh air and help us with fresh thinking. But just remember people come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. At this time, it’s definitely ‘a reason’.

Why? Venus sextile Uranus and Juno retrograde.

Reading the Labels on Our Roles

What to expect: Uncovering our needs
What to watch out for: Over-identifying with roles
What will it affect? Relationships, nurturance needs

We are still very focused on our health, our spiritual growth, and our nurturance needs in March. Vulnerability comes up a lot and the things that must be purged and cleansed come into focus. We are reminded of this between the 3rd – 5th when the Sun connects us to our nurturance needs. Are we identifying with a role that seems nurturing but is actually detrimental? Are we giving without receiving? We have an opportunity during the first week of March to connect with others and to develop fulfilling, harmonious connections that are truly nurturing.

Why? Sun conjunct Ceres and Sun trine Juno.

Buttons and Triggers

What to expect: New emergence
What to watch out for: Clinging
What will it affect? Conflict or potential conflict

On March 5th,Mercury will be at the last degree of Aquarius and will square Mars at the last degree of Scorpio. This is a day when our buttons will be pushed. We’ll easily unravel into lower consciousness with just a simple comment or action — especially ones that faultlessly touch our triggers. Yet this is a time when we can tap into our leadership and the tools we have learned on the way to higher levels of consciousness. We can step back to allow whatever childish behaviour or tantrums that need to take place. We are not acting superior here; we are just enacting our adult centre. An emergence into a new reality is happening and those who don’t want to grow into this new reality will feel the need to clip our wings. They will try anything to keep us back, including temper tantrums. Remember, if a child is having a tantrum, the more you try to talk to them rationally the worse it gets. And, unless and until they start hitting you, you can allow the arms to flay and the rolling around on the floor. Their drama is not really affecting you. By the end of it, if you’ve not been pulled in, you will have strong wings ready to fly off into new adventures.And they will have let out their emotions – so all will be good…. at least until Mars goes retrograde!

Mars moves into Sagittarius on March 5th. There are a couple of important things to note about this. The first is that Mars is now in its shadow zone. In the next month, Mars will go retrograde. During Mars’ retrograde, hold off on all legal action. Disputes will rise and the reality of loss will feel real. While Mars is in Sagittarius, it will be energetic, adventurous, and slightly tactless. When Mars starts its backward move, it will go back into Scorpio where it will have a tendency to be strong and wrong. So if things fly out of our mouths that are on the offensive or judgmental side in March, it will hard not to want to want to fight it to the bitter end when Mars moves back into Scorpio. Remember the movie ‘Black Hawk Down?’ We can be so sure that it’s no big deal. We can hold strong to ideals and ideologies, saying,“We’re gonna win this thing.” Then suddenly we could find ourselves in a mess and unable to quit because we’ve told ourselves and convinced others that “nobody gets left behind.” The trick to getting through this time is to lay low, hold your tongue, and delay your actions. If you do find yourself embroiled in a battle next month, do constant check-ins on the cost of your beliefs and know when to admit you made a mistake. I’ll talk more about this next month when it comes, but here I am just giving you a heads up!

Why? Mercury square Mars, Mercury moves into Pisces, and Mars moves into Sagittarius.

Managing our Responsibilities to Others

What to expect: Requests for compromise
What to watch out for: Over-giving or under-giving
What will it affect? Self expression, Sense of Self

There is an opportunity on March 6th for transformation through our partnerships. There is a sense that something is being challenged or blocked in our self expression which may be related to our spirituality. Maybe there is a selflessness that is being asked of you that challenges your sense of individuality and feels restricting. The question at this time will be how to give to others while also maintaining what we need. If we work together, we can find a way to get there.

Why? Sun square Saturn and Sun sextile Pluto.

14472647_sSecond Week – March 7th – 13th

New Moon Solar Eclipse – Graduation!

What to expect: Commencement
What to watch out for: Fear
What will it affect? All that we have been learning

On March 8th we have a New Moon solar eclipse in Pisces. Something or someone leaves us at this time. Along the path to this time, the elders will have realized that their days on this earth are numbered. And becase of this, their job was to teach and to pass on the knowledge. In the eternal search for youth, they may have had difficulty letting go of the reigns. Not only that, but their students may surpass them in genius and so ego may have interrupted the passing of the baton. If they did their job correctly, they will have taught well and will leave with a deep sense of pride that their student now has the tools to become the next excellent elder.

Along this path, the student will have realized that they did not have all the answers. They may have felt frustrated that they had to do grunt work. Though they may have had a sense of their genius and felt above the idea of paying their dues, their humble and diligent approach will now earn them a title, metal, or award.

This eclipse will reveal how we have taught or what we learned. We are now reaching a new level of discipline, spiritual practice, or level of spirit.

Why? New Moon at 18°Pi55′

Inner Processing

What to expect: Processing information
What to watch out for: Thinking others process the same way you do
What will it affect? How we are nurtured, how we process

In the days following the eclipse, many spiritual truths will emerge. There is structure in creation. If we look at the Mandela, sacred geometry, or musical composition, we see patterns and structure implicit in beauty. This is a time when we can merge metrics with spirit to find answers. We may feel austere with ourselves or others — maybe others will act that way toward us. Just remember that, as we all move through emotions, our needs and ways of grieving differs.. Some of us need to be left alone, while others have a clinging-return-to-mother’s-hem need, and the two can clash. Asking for what we need and giving what others need is ideal right now.

Why? Saturn sextile Pallas and Saturn square Ceres.

Connecting with Spirit

What to expect: Spiritual experiences
What to watch out for: Becoming ungrounded
What will it affect? Our purpose and direction

On March 10th the Sun will meet up with Chiron. We may reach the other side of our emotions and feel a renewed sense of purpose. The Sun will also be at the South Node, so we will now see that what has gone needed to go and feel good about its departure. Mercury will also conjunct Neptune, bringing in higher awareness and spiritual transcendence. By the 12th Venus will join the rest of the planets in Pisces to bring in universal love. If we have felt lost, we now have the opportunity to connect with inspiration, vision, and heavenly support. We may be pulled into intense spiritual experiences. The tendency will be to become ungrounded.

Why? Sun conj Chiron, Sun opp North Node, and Mercury con Neptune.

Processing Emotions

What to expect: Intense emotions
What to watch out for: Trying to control
What will it affect? Relationships, our needs

On the 13th/14th, our need for connection and spiritual nourishment will be high. We have a window that will allow us to tune into other people’s thoughts intuitively and to talk things out. We may move quickly into base or raw emotion and the trick to finding nourishment in this situation lies within our ability to connect while simultaneously letting go.

Why? Pluto Sextile Ceres, Mercury Trine Juno, and Jupiter Opposition Ceres.

28107221_sThird Week – March 14th – 20th

Need for Pause

What to expect: Questioning ourselves
What to watch out for: Rashness
What will it affect? Relationships, our passions, what we are committed to

On March 14th, Mercury is in Pisces which strongly connects us with our intuition. But as it squares Saturn, we start to question: “How do I know the difference between my intuition and my fear?” Pessimism can be strong and we can experience mental paralysis as we try to decipher how much we should trust ourselves. Someone may be leading us down the garden path. So single-minded and sure are they that even when your intuition sends you a signal, you may ignore it and get pulled in the wrong direction. We really do want to be committed to a cause at this time and the energy is such that our desires can be strong but still lead to rashness. In our haste, we don’t take the time to make sure it’s what’s good for us. For this reason, it’s also not a good time for a business launch or major business decisions. Our intuition and decision-making are off and it’s guaranteed that you will look back and say, “Why didn’t I follow my intuition?

Why? Mercury Square Transiting Saturn, Venus Sextile Transiting Vesta, and Venus Square Transiting Mars.

Inspiration and Excitement

What to expect: Powerful messages
What to watch out for: Missing details
What will it affect? Communication, Messages, Speeches

On the 15th, someone is coming across very powerfully — maybe it’s even you. Someone is picking up on the collective needs and is hitting the sweet spot. Maybe it’s a powerful speech that has you saying “TRUTH!” Inspiration is strong. Not only that, but we will also feel highly optimistic. The problem will be that we may be losing the trees for the forest. Details can be missed in our optimism. We can hear what we want to hear at this time. Feel the optimism, but remember that things might be overstated at this time.

Why? Mercury Sextile Pluto, Mercury Opposition Jupiter, and Mercury Conjunction Ceres.

Re-narrate the Story!

What to expect: Old stories resurfacing
What to watch out for: Holding on to old un-useful perspectives
What will it affect? Healing, Thoughts, Perspectives

We are still in the eclipse window. Eclipses happen most times in pairs. The eclipse window is the two weeks between the first eclipses and the second. During the eclipse window, information is coming to light. It’s generally not a time to take action, but rather to respond to things. Generally, lots of things will be happening without us needing to make things happen. This week in particular, lots will come to the surface. Mercury connecting with the wounded healer will bring a wound to the surface — or back to the surface! This combination is also connected to the South Node which has a tendency to bring up our past. We have two really good energy aspects that will help us to transform that pain. The first is Jupiter trine Pluto. This is powerful energy that will help us to unearth whatever is there, reorganize it, and reclassify it. A powerful technique in psychology, organizational psychology, and therapeutic realms is the narrative approach. In the narrative approach, we can take all of the facts and re-write the story. What really changes in the narrative approach is our perspective. We have an opportunity here to take what we find as ‘fact’ and re-tell the story. Make sure to include your wins, the strength that you received from it, and the lessons that you learned that now make you a more powerful person!

Why? Jupiter Trine Pluto, Mercury Conjunction Chiron, Mercury Opposition North Node, Uranus Sextile Transiting Pallas, and Chiron Opposition North Node.

43794055_sFourth week – March 21st- 27th

Lots of Energy and Ideas

What to expect: Feeling rearing to go
What to watch out for: Moving too fast
What will it affect? Dream, Visions, Ideas

The fourth week in March starts with a desire for freedom as the Sun is now in Aries. Venus also conjuncts Neptune on March 20th. It is an idealistic time, a time when we can enjoy big dreaming. Mercury will also go into Aries on March 21st, so we will be filled with ideas and chomp at the bit to go with them. We need to take our time though. The eclipse this week may bring up some new information that we need to consider.

Why? Venus Conjunction Neptune and Mercury Entering Aries

Full Moon – Eclipse at 3°Li17′

What to expect: Re-balancing and alignment
What to watch out for: Tactlessness
What will it affect? Relationships, our budgets

On March 23rd, the lunar eclipse will happen at 3 Libra. There is also a major energy configuration with Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn in Sagittarius is squaring Jupiter in Virgo. These two connecting in a square generally signal a change in the economy. Virgo likes to be frugal and Jupiter’s presence expands that need. Put it together with the fact that it’s now tax time and we know that something will come to light that may worry us. We may decide that we’ve spent too much in one area last year and we need a better budget.

Also, at this eclipse we are really connecting with our partnership goals. Are we on the same page? The need to get there is great at this time. The eclipse is connected with Mercury and Mars — if our inner equilibrium is off, we may act before with think even though we’re anxious to bring things back into inner balance. Venus is trine to Juno, the marriage asteroid, so I truly believe that we will make the effort to create harmony in our relationships and with our money. But if they are not working, we’ll also be quick to make adjustments. Honesty will be strong. In fact, we may be a little too honest!

Why? Full Moon at 3°Li17′, Sun Conjunction Mercury, Venus Trine Transiting Juno, Jupiter Square Transiting Saturn, and Mercury Trine Transiting Mars.

Taking the Big Leap!

What to expect: A decision
What to watch out for: Staying in your zone of competence
What will it affect? Relationships, money, new directions

On the 25th, we will struggle with the ‘should I stay or should I go?’ question. Should I stay in my job, relationship, circle of friends, money or other situation? Or do I risk taking a leap? We are doing a serious assessment at this time. On the heels of an eclipse, all decisions made will be final! If you want to make a big positive leap, check out Gay Hendrick’s ‘Big Leap!’

Why? Venus Opposition Jupiter and Venus Square Saturn.

Saturn Retrograde

What to expect: Relaxing and review on structures
What to watch out for: Avoiding reality
What will it affect? Structures, finances, beliefs

Saturn is going retrograde on March 25th. In business astrology, this is a time when we might loosen the grips on our financial structures. This situation is more likely if you’re the sort to deal with money situations by pretending it’s not happening. It’s a good idea to get your taxes done before the retrograde and, if you happen to have some trouble with spending, pull out your money tracker of your budget and have it within eye view for the next couple of months. Saturn retrograde is a time to review and since it’s in Sagittarius review your beliefs. Downturns in the economy don’t always affect everyone and likewise we may pretend that a downturn in the economy won’t affect us — when in fact, it will. Now is a time to assess what is really going on for you and the best way to approach it is with realism, not fear.

Why? Saturn retrograde.

Lots of Energy!

What to expect: Coming across strongly
What to watch out for: Not directing it
What will it affect? Projects, Relationships

On March 26th, we have a day when we can really express ourselves! We may come across a little strong. The sun in fiery Aries will connect with Mars in fiery Sagittarius. Wild horses won’t be able to hold us back. We may also come across in overwhelming (though likely inspirational) ways in our partnerships. Transmuting all this energy into creative projects is ideal!

Why? Sun Trine Mars and Venus Sextile Pluto.

Last week – March 28th – April 3rd

Need for Classy Candidness

What to expect: getting real
What to watch out for: Irresponsible or passive aggressive words
What will it affect? Relationships, Communication

During the last week of March, we enter into serious discussions with others. We may also become absorbed in our solitary projects. However we handle this energy, we will be communicating strongly. Venus is also opposite the North Node, so we may be ending a relationship or communicating in no uncertain terms what we need. Remember saying nothing is also communication. Just make sure that you really are communicating in a respectful manner. Our words are powerful, even if they are unsaid or we decide to go MIA. The trick is to let others down without tearing them down. There is likely to be a painful situation that emerges, and we are now being tested in how we handle situations when we are hurt. If you put your mind to it, you can find alternative and inventive ways to communicate. Check out Brene Brown’s ‘Rising Strong’ on tips to having courageous conversations.

Why? Mercury Trine Saturn, Venus Opposition North Node, Mercury Square Pluto, Venus Conjunction Chiron, and Mercury Conjunction Uranus.

February Astrology 2016

9705836_sFirst Week – Feb 1 – 7th

Deepening Feminine Values

What to expect: Relationship drama
What to watch out for: Cat fights
What will it affect? Relationships, women’s rights, masculine/feminine energy

There is some strong feminine energy at play during the first week of February. It comes into alignment at the end of January and will continue through the first week of February. Radical change, new ideas, unconventional truths about women, women’s power, and women’s purpose are emerging. Here’s the thing: as the story goes, Lilith was Adam’s first wife. He had a problem though. He didn’t want to be on equal level with a woman and so the myth was that he banished Lilith, God drew a rib from Adam’s being, and created Eve. Now Lilith is back and she is asking for fairness. She’s asking not just for equal pay, equal rights and an end to #genderpricing – all of the political stuff that woman have been “fighting for in the last 30 years or so,” but she is asking for her rightful place as his wife and equal. Black Moon Lilith is in the sign of balance and love (Libra) and opposes the planet of change, Uranus. Vesta will catch up with Uranus on the 4th, putting fire on the flame, but on the 1st Vesta squares off with Pluto. This is not a male/female fight (though it might show up as that), it’s a masculine vs feminine fight – which is all about a way of thinking. Every woman is cool with and will fight for equal rights, equal pay, and fair #genderpicing, but what happens when Eve and Lilith go head to head? In the patriarchal world, it’s a cat fight. In the new emerging feminine world, Lilith waits for Adam puts his rib right back, reclaim the feminine parts he rejected, and she realizes it has nothing to do with Eve. How will the week play out for you? Depends on the universe in which you exist.

If you’re wondering how this will affect your business, know that we are in the midst of social change. If your policies, practices, and culture supports things like #genderpricing, this time could be hard especially for your cash flow. Time to rethink your culture and message – making friends with the feminine should be your first priority.

Why? Pluto Square transiting Vesta, Sun square transiting Juno, Uranus conjunction transiting Vesta, Venus conjunction transiting Pluto, and Venus square transiting Uranus.

Making Decisions in The Light

What to expect: Moving forward with new decisions
What to watch out for: Getting pulled in by drama
What will it affect? Conversations, projects, and strategic directions

February 3rd has an enormous amount of potential to direct any relationship drama in the right direction. Mercury, which was retrograde for most of January, is now direct and moving back over some of the same old ground. New decisions are being made. The potential for healing is available on the 3rd, particularly if you took the time to review and go within to examine your thoughts during January. Even if you didn’t, you can now get a glimpse into healing your thoughts and perceptions, which goes a long way in changing your life and circumstances. It might also show up as a conversation that on the surface is difficult, but brings much relief and healing. You can talk about money or see your loved one’s good points at this time if you chose to pay attention. Doing so will go a long way to helping us get through the other, more difficult energy of the week. There is also a great deal of energy available to create strategies and take strategic action. If you work toward something in a methodical and consistent fashion, you’ll be able to make headway. The trick will be to stay away from any other drama surrounding it at this time.

Why? Mercury sextile transiting Chiron, Sun sextile transiting Saturn, and Mars sextile transiting Pluto.

Eureka Ideas

What to expect: Lots of ideas
What to watch out for: Letting them slip away
What will it affect? Thinking, innovations, and communication
On February 6th, flashing insight and eureka ideas may come furiously. I would advise you to have a pen and paper on you at all times – or do what I do and dictate notes into your iphone. What’s really great about the energy on this day is that we not only are able to have a big picture, but it’s also accurate, filled with optimism, and we’ll have the energy to implement whatever we dream up.

Why? Sun sextile transiting Uranus and Mercury trine transiting Jupiter.


What to expect: Constructive Conflict
What to watch out for:
Too much push
What will it affect?
Relationships, Money, Commitments

On one hand, we are a bit combative and competitive on the 7th of February. On the other hand, we just want to be held close (but can you do it without touching me, please?). If we can manage the push-pull of this energy, there is a great deal of problem-solving to be had. But conflict is important. Without it, we don’t grow. If you have ever read the last chapter of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, the last habit is “sharpening the saw.” In it, he tells two stories that relate to the energy right now. The first was how he and his wife spent a number of days discussing things while riding slowly on a motor bike. He spoke of a comfort level in being able to talk and not have to face each other. The slow pace allowed them to hear one another. The second story was of a lumberjack trying to cut down a tree with a dull saw. He didn’t want to stop because he didn’t have time, but his method didn’t pan out. Now is the time to sharpen the saw in your relationships. Take it slow, create a comfortable amount of distance, and just remember to protect your hands while you’re sharpening it. Balance, safety, and patience is the key.

Why? Sun sextile transiting Vesta, Venus sextile transiting Mars, and Venus square transiting Vesta.


39314417_sSecond Week of Feb – Feb 8th-14th

Progress and Breakthrough – New Moon at 19°Aq15′

What to expect: Breakthrough Ideas
What to watch out for:  Anger and aggression
What will it affect? Social Change, Humanitarianism

February’s New Moon is in Aquarius. Normally Aquarius loves change, revolution, and progress and right now it’s positively connected with Uranus, the planet that rules Aquarius. All that means is that they both carry the same energy. It’s a great time to set new intentions for anything that you want to change, pursue, and revolutionize. Plus it’s helping out the energy from the beginning of the month that was centered on relationships and masculine/feminine dynamics. Inter-dependent relationships, women’s rights, and positive feminine energy now have the potential to be galvanized in a powerful new direction. Aquarius is also associated with humanitarianism and activism. In business it represents trend setters, futurists, and the internet. The degree upon which .the moon sits brings a message of peace, so we can focus on the areas in which we would like to see progress and breakthroughs as they relate to peace. This New Moon is in a difficult aspect to Mars, so the more we can direct our anger and aggression into positive outlets, the better off we will be. Protest with non-violent approaches. Let any anger serve to fuel your imagination and creative invention – many businesses are created to serve a frustration or problem!

Why? New Moon at 19°Aq15′ , Mercury trine transiting North Node, Venus sextile transiting Chiron, Sun/Moon square transiting Mars, and Mars trine transiting Chiron.

Back on Track

What to expect: Getting on track with money and love
What to watch out for: Disappointment that it’s not more romantic
What will it affect? Expansion, relationships, love, and money

We experience some reprieve on Feb 10/11th when Venus is trine to Jupiter and the North Node. Our relationships, our values, and our money will get back on track. If they left the track, they are now on a better, smoother track. Venus is in Capricorn and Jupiter – the North Node is in Virgo. Both are Earth signs, so love might look like planning and de-cluttering. This process makes room for more: more love, more money. In the days leading up to Valentine’s Day, it might not seem romantic… but these days we are more turned on by a clean house and balanced books than by roses and chocolate.

Why? Venus trine transiting Jupiter and Venus trine transiting North Node.

Continuous Improvement

What to expect: New systems or new enterprises
What to watch out for: Not including your sweetie
What will it affect? Communications, Organization, and Business Deals

By the weekend, Mercury will enter Aquarius and Mars will be in passionate Scorpio will make an aspect to Jupiter. I know that you want me to tell you about the passionate and romantic time you will have for Valentine’s Day, but honestly this is amazing energy for clearing up your email, researching, and putting into place systems and technology that will make you life easier. It’s great for making deals and negotiating. Maybe you can turn that into a romantic Valentine’s Day gift for someone or even yourself. Hopefully you have an enterprising sweetie!

Why? Mercury entering Aquarius and Mars sextile transiting Jupiter.


Business AstrologyThird Week in February. Feb 15-21st

Moving Projects Forward

What to expect: Moving forward with inventive ideas
What to watch out for: Not asking for help
What will it affect? Values, communications, and ideas

The third week of February, Venus will be going into Aquarius. We now have Venus, Mercury, and for a couple more days, the Sun in Aquarius provides us an incredible amount of energy in terms of being inventive. Why not get into action with your intentions made of during last week’s New Moon? You and your inventive creations (even if they are off the wall, out there or people look at you strange when you tell them about it) can now get some extra energy. We will be more open to new ideas and even our values can be a little unconventional at this time. Plus, if your project requires some research, now is the time to do it! You’ll be able to dig up and get the help that you need from resources that you may not have realize were available to you. It can help any project that you’re working on the move ahead quicker.

Why? Venus entering Aquarius and Mars sextile transiting North Node.

Making Sense of It All

What to expect: Detailed Visions
What to watch out for: Too much sensitivity
What will it affect? Self expression, communication, perceptions

By the 19th, the Sun will be moving into Pisces. They say that Pisces are the best entrepreneurs because they can envision and visualize what they want, they’re a little bit idealistic, and they don’t see any obstacles before them. This combination helps them achieve what they want. We all get a little touch of this when the Sun goes into Pisces. By the 21st we will have the energy available to make sense of the piles and piles of information we have been gathering. Not only that, it will take form and shape a vision that will help us to fit things into the big picture. The Big Idealistic Picture! We’ll also have very nurturing and transcendent mother energy available to us. You know that supersonic hearing that moms get when they hear their baby cry and no one else has heard it? This kind of sensitivity will be available to us all, which will help us to connect with the needs of those we are servicing in whatever we are envisioning.

Why? Sun entering Pisces, Mercury conjunction transiting Pallas, and Ceres conjunct Neptune.

 50988930_sFourth Week – Feb 22nd-28th

You Are What You Eat – Or Are You? Full Moon at 3°Vi33′

What to expect: Health concerns
What to watch out for: Hidden information
What will it affect? Mental, emotional, and spiritual energy

The Full Moon in Virgo will be opposite to the Sun in Pisces. The Sun in Pisces is holding hands with Neptune. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, so they have much of the same energy. Together they are like double chocolate! This Full Moon is bringing to culmination something about our health and health regiments. It’s taking a look at what we eat. We are what we eat takes on more meaning at this time. It’s not just what we are putting in our mouth, but the Full Moon also connects this to religion, spirituality, values, and healing.

Years ago when I worked in the downtown financial district, I used to go to lunch with a very strict observant Jewish woman. Every day in the food court, she ordered the schnitzel. Then one day, I decided that I might try it too. I asked what kind of schnitzel it was and the guy said “pork.” She looked at him in horror – all along she thought that she was ordering veal! This is the kind of stuff that might come to light at the Full Moon. We’ll have more information to guide us and some things that we might have missed or that have been hidden, might come to light. Within a day of the Full Moon, Jupiter will also oppose Chiron exactly. We are finding balance in our lives and with our own version of spirituality and included in our path is food, health and healing. Some may consider substances like Ayahuasca or Marijuana to help them connect with the divine or healing and other might believe the route is through a fast. The opportunity for profound healing exists, but make sure it aligns with your inner wisdom and feels right.

If your business revolves around health and health products, you can bring things to culmination, particularly if they are centered on nurturing, children, or higher values.

Why? Full Moon at 3°Vi33′, Jupiter opposite Chiron, Sun conjunct Neptune, and Ceres.

Over-Thinking Things?

What to expect: Having lots of critical thoughts
What to watch out for: Not fact-checking
What will it affect? Thinking, perceptions, and relationships

On Feb 24th – 26th, we are putting a great deal of thought into plans for our relationships, which is likely to bring up mental tensions. We are examining everything with a critical eye. We might not reach out to others for their opinions on the matter, preferring instead to make up in our minds. If we have fears, they may fuel our fear and keep us stuck. The best approach is to present our thoughts on the matter with a level of curiosity and fact-checking. The process may bring up some surprising truths and things you don’t expect! If you need some tips on how to have this kind of conversation, read Brene Brown’s book Rising Strong.

And, If you have something to work on that requires focus and detail, now is a great time to take on the task.

Why? Mercury square transiting Juno, Mercury sextile Saturn, and Mercury sextile transiting Uranus.

The Financial Big Picture

What to expect: Seeing patterns
What to watch out for: Avoiding the money truth
What will it affect? Money, relationships, our self perception, and ego expression

 On the 27th you may have an ah ha! moment when it comes to your finances. It’s a great time to look at the big picture, weave together the entire story and see what exists. Many of us avoid our finances, preferring to give it to an accountant or to not even look at it, but looking closely will reveal a great deal of information. Not only that, but you may also get some intuitive hits on how to make things better or different. If you are normally sensitive (i.e. you feel other people’s energy), you may be able to tap into all kinds of information at this time and see what may not be immediately obvious.

Why? Venus conjunction transiting Pallas and Sun conjunction transiting Neptune.

Leap Year! – Last day of Feb

What to expect: A call for commitment
What to watch out for: Commitment phobia and anxiety
What will it affect? Relationship and money ventures.
Conflicts arise again on the last day of February within our relationships. Money may be at the heart of it. Some unusual ideas may present themselves and you may be getting excited by them. But now you need to put your resources to your ideas and this level of commitment may bring up some anxiety. Truth be told, today is great for making good judgment, Even if things seem outside the box, we will have a healthy conversation about it. It makes for a good formula if you are planning to venture into the unknown.

Why? Venus square transiting Juno and Venus sextile transiting Saturn.




January Astrology 2016

January Astrology 2016

4061969_s First Week Of Jan –  4th – 10th

Mercury Goes Retrograde!

What to expect: Review, rethink, revise.

What to watch out for: The usual travel and communication mess ups, plus pessimism.

What will it affect? Thinking, communication, new ideas, and practical assessments.

The energy shifts as we move into 2016. Mercury moves into Aquarius and will stay in the sign for just a few days before going retrograde on January 5th. Zero degrees is a very important degree in the zodiac. It’s the degree of initiation, when things move from nothing to something and, with Mercury in the sign of Aquarius, this is a beginning in new and innovative ways of thinking or communicating. But sometimes when we take a leap forward and we get scared. we move backwards. When Mercury gets to one degree of Aquarius, Mercury backpedals and moves back into Capricorn.

When Mercury goes retrograde, it’s all about hitting pause and taking a look at everything we have put into action over the last couple of months since the last retrograde. It’s a time to review, re-evaluate, and reconsider. It’s going back into Capricorn which is concerned with quality, structure, foundations and achievement. We need to consider if the direction we are going is practical. We might get caught up in being skeptical and find ourselves uttering a lot of ‘shoulds.’ We might even begin to think those thoughts we had at the beginning of the month were crazy talk, but this is a necessary process and it sets the groundwork for moving forward once Mercury goes direct on Jan 25th. Use this time for making practical assessments and reworking what may not be working.

Why? Mercury goes retrograde in Aquarius, back into Capricorn.

Putting your big toe in your mouth

What to expect: Someone yelling “fight!”

What to watch out for: Big crowds spurring it on.

What will it affect? Thoughts, words, and actions.

There is a lot of passionate energy at the beginning of January; Mars goes into Scorpio on Jan 3rd, making us forceful and at times suspicious. We’ll have a tendency to want to be manipulative and a jealous nature might emerge. These feelings are complicated by the Sun meeting up with Pluto on the 5th which pushes our need for intensity — our egos may get involved. Mercury is also in a face-off with Mars. It’s the same day that Mercury goes retrograde. Mars in Scorpio is a sign known for its sting as Mars was the traditional ruler of Scorpio. Expect passionate, fighting words. There’s another planetary thing happening on the 5th which makes it a day to avoid getting carried away with unrealistic expectations. Venus is square to Neptune, making us unclear or clouded about our love and money situations. Committing to anything on this day will be source of a great turmoil in the future. Instead, go see a futuristic war movie like Star Wars and allow your passions to play out on the big screen.

Why? Mars in Scorpio, Mercury rx, Mercury square Mars, and Venus square Neptune.

Inner Cleanse

What to expect: Self development.

What to watch out for: Ignoring the inner call.

What will it affect? Beliefs, plans, and health..

Jupiter goes retrograde on Jan 7th. Jupiter is expansion — when it goes retrograde it still expands, but inwardly. Its job during retrograde is to help us turn inward and reevaluate our beliefs, the ways that we have been expanding and growing. It’s an expanded inward journey and we can take time to work on our self development with respect to our productivity, our plans, and backup plans in the sign of Virgo. We can clear out the inner clutter of our lives. On Jan 7th, the Sun also makes a square to Uranus and we might find that this generates an inner jolt (or even an outer jolt), causing us to take action to make the necessary inward look.

New Moon at 19°Cp13′, Jan 9th Music of the Spheres

What to expect: A new time for intention setting.

What to watch out for: Aligning what we really want.

What will it affect? Achievements, healing, and expanding what we w


When notes are played in a particular order they can move, heal, and inspire us. Truthfully, music can move us to almost any emotion. If I am driving and I hear Ludacris’ ‘Move b*tch get out the way,’ it is almost certain that it will channel my inner road rage. If I am listening to classical piano music, it channels another emotion. Pythagoras postulated that music had a structure: pitch was in proportion to the length of a string and sound frequencies were in relation to a ratio between harmonies. Long story short, there’s mathematical reasoning behind the structure of music. He related all of this to the Moon, Sun, and other planets in a theory called the Music of the Spheres. You might think to yourself that Pythagoras was all about triangles and wonder what he has to do with the New Moon. At this New Moon, we are invited to join with the healing music of the universe. It is a time when we can lift our spirits in gratitude and send out intentions to increase our vibration. Pay attention to whatever music with which you align yourself. If it’s the road rage variety but you want something different in your life, play a different song and you will most certainly change the math of your manifestations. Venus and Saturn will help us to assess what we value.

Why? New Moon forms helpful angles to Chiron in Pisces and Jupiter in Virgo. Venus is also conjunct Saturn.

32377995_sWeek of Jan 11th – 17th

Tree top adventure anyone?

What to expect: Learning from adventure.

What to watch out for: Being too scared.

What will it affect? Values, adventure, groups, and affiliations.

Venus is in Sagittarius on the 12th and it’s making a nice aspect to Uranus, creating a fiery adventure-seeking combination. Since Jupiter has just gone into retrograde, it’s a good time to work on personal development with inner work. This aspect from Venus can manifest in the form of a team exercise, something like the amazing race, or in the workplace as a facilitated team adventure. Not only will these kinds of adventures take you on a necessary adventure out of the ordinary, but they will also help you to assess your real values and help you understand what needs to change.

If you not able to out on the 12th, the 13th is also a great day as the Sun will be making a nice aspect to Jupiter and it’ll be very optimistic. It’s also the day that can be used to unpack what you’ve learned and to put into place any steps for implementing new ways of being. We can easily let go of things that are no longer necessary.

Why? Venus trine Uranus and Sun trine Jupiter.

Deep learning

What to expect: Peeling another layer of the onion.

What to watch out for: Trying to move forward with new plans.

What will it affect? Communication, plans, old projects, and old teams.

The review continues as Mercury makes aspects to the Sun, North Node, and Jupiter. This week centers on a deep review of our plans.

Get out a pen and paper on Jan 13 – 14th and make a list of all of the things that you’ve started and haven’t completed. Things won’t go well if you’re moving forward on a new project. But if you’re moving forward with things that you have yet to complete, things that have been shelved and ignored, now is the time to act. Mercury is retrograde but it’s making aspects to planets that, if used wisely, will help move you through some of these projects. It makes an aspect to the North Node which may bring together the old dream team. Maybe you all had good intentions, but just got too busy and ended up going in different directions. Now you may find the chance to come together. It’s also time to decide if something needs to be put to bed for good. As Arianna Huffington says in her book Thrive, “Did you know you can complete a project by dropping it? ” But if you’re going to drop it, drop it mindfully. Tell yourself it’s done and remove it from your life.

And if you need to purge, Mercury is also making a nice aspect to Jupiter which is in the sign of Virgo. Virgo loves a nice clean-up.

Don’t forget to communicate your plans as the Sun will connect with Mercury on the 14th, giving us time to communicate and assert ourselves. We may still have to contend with email glitches or computer problems, so don’t be surprised to see or send out a lot of messages in the form of ‘correction news.’

Why? Mercury trine North Node, Sun conjunct Mercury, and Mercury trine Jupiter.

Share knowledge, Insights, Best Practices

What to expect: Synergy.

What to watch out for: Trying to go it alone.

What will it affect? Relationships, teams, networking and connections.

The 15th is a prime time to get together with others and enlist their help. It’s a great day to connect with your tribe – you’ll be able to get what you need from each if you spend the time brainstorming. If you have trouble reaching out for help, give it a try today.

Why? Venus trine North Node.


27274938_sWeek of Jan 18 – 24th

All talk no action

What to expect: Loving concern and great ideas.

What to watch out for: Doing nothing about it.

What will it affect? Beliefs, values, and the collective good.

You may wake up on the 18th with great intentions for doing all kinds of things for others. We are all selfless and we have many ideas on how to help. The only problem is that we are a little bit self-indulgent so, though we have these great ideas in our minds, we may end up spending the day watching Netflix. It’s a day when we may be all talk and no action. Don’t get me wrong – even if you end up doing nothing, it will be an enjoyable day. But we will feel much better about ourselves if we actually take action with our selfless and loving ideas. It’s a time when we will need to act without expecting others to do the work for us. AND, If you happen to be the one doing all the work, by the 19th we can let go of relationships that don’t serve our values or support us. The Little Red Hen fable comes to mind here.

Why? Mars trine Neptune, Venus square Jupiter, and Venus square North Node.

Communication breakdown and breakthroughs

What to expect: Intensity around communication.

What to watch out for: Fear.

What will it affect? Governments, power structures, and personal changes.

The third week of January builds up to some intense communications by the middle of the week. Mercury Rx will be squaring Uranus. Later in the week it will be conjunct Pluto. These events all come very close to Mercury’s stationary period just before it turns direct again, making it a time when the intensity of Mercury retrograde will speed up. Anything from technological breakdowns to breakdowns in structures will make themselves known. We’re also at the end of the tail end of the Pluto-Uranus square. It’s that big energy that has been playing out over the last couple of years, causing huge revolutionary changes in power, governments, and social groups. Officially we left it behind last year, but these two are coming very close together again and, with Mercury in the mix, announcements may be made

with respect to what has been going on with these two. On the social level, this change could be talks of war or it could be talks of changing governments/leadership. In our personal lives, it could be the final breakthroughs, the culmination of all the breakdowns that you have been experiencing in the last two years. With the Sun moving into Aquarius this week, we’ll be motivated to make changes.

Why? Sun in Aquarius, Mercury square Uranus, and Mercury conjunct Pluto.

Full Moon at 3°Le29′- January 23rd

What to expect: Looking for a sense of achievement.

What to watch out for: Discounting the feminine achievements.

What will it affect? Courage, leadership, and relationships.

At the Full Moon, we want to feel a strong sense of accomplishment. On one hand, we are recognized for our courage, our intelligence, and our strength of character. But at the same time this desire is at odds with our feminine aspects. As we’re hanging up our trophies, are we losing our feminine identity? Now is the time to acknowledge our feminine intelligence and achievements and to stop discarding that which is feminine as lack of accomplishment. We tend to discount stillness and retreat. We reward the fight, rather than the flight. But now is the time to acknowledge the courage in those other approaches.

We are especially concerned with our relationship at this Full Moon. How do we protect our partners? And what is the best approach to creating solidarity?

As powerful words are spoken and words of fear are tossed around, we can access these tools and acknowledge their source of accomplishment in our lives, whether they are of the fight or flight variety.

Why? Mars conjunct Juno, Venus in Capricorn, and Full Moon in Leo.

37216611_sJan 24th – Feb 1st

Escalating communications

What to expect: Fearful communication.

What to watch out for: Missing the opportunity for loving approaches.

What will it affect? Communication, social changes, personal changes, and spiritual approach.

Mercury goes direct on January 25th and, in its forward motion, it goes again over first Pluto on January 30th and Uranus on January 31st. This energy consumes the week. It’s a little bit of a repeat of last week except now the energy is freed to move forward. We may hear powerful speeches from politicians or world leaders. We may hear radical challenges of the status quo. The passionate energy of Mars is still in Scorpio so we may also hear some fighting words or words of manipulation.

At the same time, Venus is making a nice aspect to Neptune. Venus is in Capricorn and Neptune is in Pisces which is an energy that helps us not to suffer fools. This is a time that we can connect to the divine and unconditional love without being duped into unhealthy sacrifice in the name of spirit or the collective good. All in all, we have the ability to be spiritual and unconditional while keeping our feet on the ground. This grounding helps us to assess what is going on around us and to take loving actions both for ourselves and others without resulting in spiritual bypass – if we so chose. This choice is the key to dealing with the intensity of the communication this last week of January

Why? Mercury conjunct Pluto, Mercury square Uranus, Venus sextile Neptune