The solar eclipse is happening at 19° of Aries. Aries is the sign of ‘I am’, it signifies courage, independence, and defining the self as separate. It is the sign of the pioneer and those who are enterprising.
A solar eclipse is a supercharged New Moon. New Moons are generally times for setting new intentions and becoming clear on what we want to manifest in our lives. Eclipses magnify this power. Intentions set can move us towards our purpose. The points where the plane of the Moon’s orbital path meets the ecliptic are called lunar nodes. Eclipses happen when the moon comes in front of the Sun on that path. The lunar nodes are always closest at eclipses. The north node is also called the dragon’s head and the dragon’s tail is the point on the other side, the south node. This eclipse is a north node eclipse, which makes it a more positive eclipse, moving us in the direction we are meant to go.
The eclipse is conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer. Chiron is an asteroid that represents our wounds. In Aries these are wounds related to being ourselves, who we are, striking out independently. These wounds generally come from others not liking or accepting our individuality. Those wanting us to conform or remain part of the tribe. Thinking differently, dressing differently, and striking out on our own requires courage.
Chiron deeply colours this eclipse as it is at the exact degree of the eclipse. Those Chiron wounds we have suffered for standing up and being ourselves can be eclipsed during this time. If we need to fight for our right to be ourselves, we will be well equipped as Chiron will allow us to access the right skills and to balance fighting with peace.
In Chiron’s myth, he was raised by Apolo, who taught him many skills including medicine, music, prophecy, poetry and law. Chiron was kind, wise and mild. He became the teacher of many men and always taught them to balance “ reason and wildness”. Chiron was immortal but became physically wounded, could not die and experienced constant pain. He gave up his immortality to allow Prometheus to live. In so doing he was rewarded with a place in the stars.
The eclipse has a sacred warrior energy to it. The ruler of the eclipse is Mars, which is in Pisces, the sign connected to spirituality, unconditional love, and the collective unconscious. It’s conjunct Saturn in Pisces which does bring a challenge to the sacred warrior. The challenge has a karmic feel as Saturn is connected to Karma. It’s also connected to time, the status quo, and institutions. In its role as karmic, it brings lessons, structure and responsibilities. Pisces is also the highest octave of Venus, which speaks to unconditional love. Chiron will bring up attempts to wound our identity, courage, or physicality. The key to overcoming these wounds is generosity; giving to others what you have learned through the pain you have endured unconditionally!
If you are planning to have a ceremony at the eclipse, tap into chitons the healing power through music and vibration… drums, flute, singing bowl or the voice… 174hz is said to have the frequency of healing, 396hz removes fear, 417hz is said to heal past trauma and may be a good one for this eclipse because it’s related to the sacral chakra, as is mars.
Mars conjunct Saturn has another energy associated with it. Mars is our sexuality and in Pisces, it can have the energy of sacred sexuality. Mars in connection with Saturn can take on a darkness or in its highest expression can be disciplined and structured.
As a dark expression, Mars and Saturn would show up as bondage, domination and submission, sadism and masochism.
According to the Merck Manual
“Sadomasochistic fantasies and sexual behaviour between consenting adults is very common. Masochistic activity tends to be ritualized and long-standing. For most participants (similar to most other paraphilic interests), the humiliation and beating are simply acted out; participants know that it is a game and carefully avoid actual humiliation or injury, often through the use of a prenegotiated “safe word.” However, some masochists increase the severity of their activity with time and may stop using their safe word to protect themselves, which can potentially lead to serious injury or death.”
In other words, the professionals say that there is a healthy and an unhealthy expression of this side of Mars and Saturn.
I think there is a higher expression of this energy. The highest expression is hieros gamos” or sacred sex. Sacred sex invokes structure and discipline through structured practices such as seed retention and energy direction. The goal is to reconnect with the divine through integrating masculine and feminine energies and to create positive alchemy.
This brings me to the asteroid Magdalena. Magdalena is conjunct with the North Node. It is associated with the energy of Mary Magdalene.
Mary Magdalene has been connected with Inanna, Ishtar, and Isis and all are associated with the divine feminine. Mary Magdalene was accused of being a prostitute but was likely connected to sacred sex practices. Mary Magdalene was also connected with gnostics and the catharsis, religious groups who held importance to the divine feminine or Sophia.
At the eclipse, the Sun and Moon are united. On its own, this unites masculine and feminine. The fact that the eclipse is happening in Aries, draws in Mars, the ruler of the eclipse. This is also masculine energy! Mars is in the sign where Venus is exalted or in her highest octave and this draws in Venus. Venus will be Aries, where Venus is said to be debilitated and ruled by Mars. So in a way, they are submitting to each other and taking on the energy of each other.
Sun and Moon, Mars and Venus coming together is powerful alchemy!
To add to it, the asteroid Magdalena is there with the north node and she is calling us to move towards the divine feminine. To remember the ways of sacred sexuality. In Aries she reminds us of a time when Venus was associated with war… when She was associated with Inanna, the goddess of love and war. She reminds us to fight for the return of the divine feminine. But also the healing of the masculine!
When the divine feminine was submerged and suppressed, it is said that the alchemy of sacred sex went underground and became misused showing up as sex magic, designed for only material gain. It is rumoured to be used by the likes of Jeffery Epstein and others that likely show up in his little black book, but also goes back in time. This energy can and will likely be used by dark forces, but it is also equally available to those who carry the light!
The Sabian symbol is A young girl feeding birds in winter. It reminds us that we can survive in harsh conditions, but life is made easier by giving, sharing and compassion.
Happy Solar Eclipse!