New Moon in Pisces, Feb 27, 2025

The New Moon is at 9 degrees of Pisces. Pisces is intuitive, compassionate and sensitive. At times it can lack boundaries and at others it can be solitary. It is imaginative, illusionary and romantic. Others can see a Pisces as flighty and self-effacing, but somehow they can dream things into being, surprising those who think making things happen depends on practicality. Pisces can be escapist. They can be swallowed up in substances or taking refuge in an ashram, convent, or solitary retreat. Pisces is Maria…. And how do you solve a problem like Maria? If you watched The Sound of Music, you know that Maria was hiding from her life! And this is the caution at this Pisces New Moon… do not hide from your life!

Pisces is ruled by both Neptune (modern) and Jupiter (Traditional). At this New Moon, Jupiter, its traditional ruler, is squaring it! New Moons are about setting intentions. On one hand, Pisces has the upper hand on this; it can envision, dream, and create anything, but the square to Jupiter is making it complacent. Escapism will be the challenge!

Don’t be complacent! Don’t escape! There is too much potential to let this New Moon slide by. The other ruler of the New Moon is Neptune and Neptune is conjunct the North Node. This New Moon has the latent potential to connect you to your highest goals, deepest dreams and passionate visions.

Like Maria, and contrary to how Pisces normally manifests, you will need to balance your daydreaming with getting things done and making things happen in the real world.

The New Moon is conjunct the asteroids Child, Hercules and Kassandra. At this New Moon you will need to stay true to yourself, dig deep, push through and make decisions based on faith in yourself rather than on fear or societal confirmation.

Any complacency at this time is likely coming from an unconscious childhood wound. The asteroid child is simply about our inner child. What messages did you receive as a child that are currently standing in your way? What do you believe that is simply not true? Do you feel that you will never amount to anything? Were the messages you got as a child to ‘not get too big for your britches’? Use the Pisces energy to dive into your unconscious to find what false messages are still lurching there. Time to nip them in the bud.

If in your examination you discover guilt or mistreatment, that’s okay. Allow it to motivate you forward. The asteroid Hercales is about strength, perseverance and overcoming obstacles. Hercales is related to Hercules, who was persecuted by his step-mother Hera for being an illegitimate child of his father Zeus. In Greece he was Hercales, the son of Jupiter, but the story remained the same. Juno, his mother sought to destroy him from the time he was born. In the Greek story Hercales bit Juno’s nipple while she was feeding him – this was apparently how the Milky Way was created. Hercules, the son of a mortal woman, was made immortal because he drank Juno’s milk. This enraged Juno and she cast a spell on him, making him lose his mind and turn against his children. When he came to his senses, he went to the Oracle at Delphi and the oracle sent him to a king who gave Hercules 10 labours which would eventually atone him. When Hercules had completed them without issue, the king gave him two more. The final labour was Hercules most difficult. He was sent to the underworld to fetch Cerberus, the dog that had three heads and who guarded the entrance to the underworld, making sure those who crossed the river Stykx could not cross back. The king did not expect Hercales to be successful, but when he was, he released him from his deeds. Hercules was sent to the heavens and made into a god representing the constellation Hercules.

The 12 labours have often been compared to the path through the 12 signs of the zodiac. The Camino de Santiago is a pillgramage Spain. It represents a pilgrimage for atonement. But it has also been called The Way of The Stars because it is said to represent the path of the Milky Way; the spiritual path to heaven. The pilgrimage is long and after walking 800km to Santiago de Compostela, the end of the Camino, you find out there is another 200km to Finisterre, the end of the world and the true end of the Camino. Along that path you will come across a statue of the three-headed dog Cerberus in the town of Muxía, Spain. As the river Styx is said to be the boundary between life and death, crossing this point represents crossing into the underworld. A pilgrimage puts you in touch with all aspects of the journey of life and self. Having walked the Camino, there is a part of you that wants to quit, and a part that just cannot. Just when a village comes into sight, it looks so close but ends up being farther than you thought. You can feel defeated and tired. It requires that you dig deep and find your Herculian strength. If you make it to Finister, defeating the three-headed dog, you emerge not just atoned, but illuminated. All that time walking puts you in touch with not just physical pain, but emotional pain. 1000 km is a lot of time to think about your life and you can’t help but come up with some answers. Surviving the river Styx builds character. It makes you invulnerable to most attacks. Be they external or internal. At this New Moon, you are being asked to metaphorically walk the camino. Condition your mind to realize that not every road is easy, but that accepting the challenge will bring you rewards.

The last asteroid conjunct the New Moon is the asteroid Kassandra. Kassandra is about having the ability to see the future, but Kassandra was an oracle who was never believed. This brings in an element of frustration at the New Moon. We are being asked not to seek outside validation for what we know to be true, but to instead trust our instincts and inner counsel and to follow through even if it goes against popular belief.

Finally, if you reach, at this New Moon you can connect to the energy of Mars and Vesta. They form a wide grand trine with the moon. Mars is now direct in Cancer and Vesta, the holder of the sacred flame and our passions, is in Scorpio. This water trine will provide emotional fuel needed for reaching your goals. Connecting with a cause or a passion emotionally will provide that fuel. Find something that matters to you!

The sabian symbol for the full moon is An aviator in the clouds.

This sabian symbol speaks to trust. In the clouds we cannot see what is in front of us. But if we build the skills, we know we can fly through without issue! Trust yourself and what you have learned! If you don’t have the skills, go get them!

Happy New Moon in Pisces!