The Full Moon is at 24 degrees of earthy, practical, solid, reliable, Taurus. It’s predictable and dependable… unless it’s mixed with Uranus. Which it is! Taurus is ruled by Venus; the materialistic, stable, preserving, side of Venus, often associated with money, security and with meeting our needs. Taurus is also associated with the five senses; Taste, Touch, Smell, Hearing and Sight. It is therefore connected with beauty, fashion and things of worth such as jewelry. Taurus loves to surround itself with cozy fabrics, melodic music, art to adore, and most importantly food… delicious, nutritious, colourful food!
As always, at the full moon, things come to a culmination. In this case, things that are related to Taurus.
As mentioned, this Full Moon is conjunct Uranus. It is trine Pluto and Ceres in Capricorn and sextile Neptune in Pisces. It is also conjunct Lempo (a trans-Neptunian planet) and the asteroids Magdalena and Alicanto.
The Full Moon conjunct Uranus highlights the ongoing changes we’ve been experiencing with money, food, and security. Now, however, Uranus is in a trine Pluto and this is waking us up to the need to create a better society and for large-scale social change. Many of us are saying “Hold on a minute. Something isn’t quite right”. We are now looking at and addressing how we take care of ourselves and others. We are realizing that the structures in our lives need to change. We also have a distinct feeling that it will not be easy and that we need to step up and fashion the changes that are best for us. In this situation, we can’t rely on partners, family, or government. This is supported by the fact that Venus, now in Capricorn, is squaring the nodes. The nodes are in the Libra/Aries axis which is pushing us to consider our own needs, values, and sense of identity. It’s making sure we speak up and take control to ensure they are met.
Lempo is also conjunct with the Full Moon. Lempo comes out of Finnish folklore. She was believed to represent love and fertility but got a bad name during Christianity. When Christianity came along she morphed into a mythological character representing the energy of an adulterous wife. Lempo is related to fire and attractiveness, and the feeling of being out of control when in love.
Magdalena, the second asteroid conjunct the Full Moon is associated with Mary Magdalene, who also received a bad name during Christianity. She was a main feature in the biblical story of Jesus, but shade seemed to follow her. She was known as a prostitute and was the one possessed by seven demons. During the height of the Roman Catholic Church: the councils which decided on which books should be canonized and the crusades that rooted out the pagan and gnostic beliefs, also suppressed the divine and sacred feminine. The goddess, the power of fertility and love, and the expression of sexuality were frowned upon. With the discovery of the Gospel of Mary and other Nag Hammadi texts, we have seen a return to the Divine Feminine and a resurgence of religious practices such as Catharism or sacred feminine mystery schools that reawaken the goddess. Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute, she was a temple priestess. She was not alone in being possessed by seven demons. Everyone was; that was encompassed in the gnostic belief that attributed the 7 planets to seven demons.
Mary was wealthy and prominent. She was said to have been the person who funded Jesus and all of the 12 disciples. Magdelena can be associated with Mary Magdelene’s story and the reemergence of the divine feminine. At this full moon, we turn another corner in the resurgence of the Divine Feminine. With the Full Moon in Taurus and conjunct Uranus, we may see surprising developments concerning money. Some years ago it was determined that a great wealth transfer was looming and that a majority of it was set to transfer to women. How women handle money is much different than men! Mary Magdalene, for instance, invested in Jesus and his disciples and essentially in spiritual growth. Asteroid Magdelena conjunct the Full Moon may share some powerful lessons around financial stewardship, commitment, and devotion.
Finally, on the other side of Uranus, at 26 degrees of Taurus is another asteroid named Alicanto. In Chilean folklore, the Alicanto is a pretty bird with glittering feathers. It is considered a symbol of good luck and fortune. Alicanto often leads lost travellers to safety, guiding them with the glitter of its feathers. Alicanto’s feathers were either silver or gold. This was because it was said to eat those precious metals and following the bird was said to lead to one of those precious metals; follow a silver bird, you would find silver. Follow a golden bird, and it will lead you to gold. Alicanto is auguring good news if we are feeling financially lost.
The Sabian Symbol is “A large well-kept public park”. This suggests a shift towards investing in things that bring us beauty, peace, community, and connection.
Happy Full Moon in Taurus!