The 2012 Call to Rebalance

December 21, 2012 marks the end of the Mayan Long count calendar… and December 22, 2012 marks the beginning of the Winter Solstice.

So what do the skies say about this time.


Above is a chart for Dec 22, 2012. Included in the chart are the traditional planets as well as the moderns and Asteroids.

What we see are Saturn and Pluto in mutual reception bearing down on Jupiter in what is called a yod. And the goddess asteroid’s forming what is called a t-square.
A yod, also know as the ‘finger of god’, is a formation of planets that creates a tension seeking release. The release point is where the triangle is pointing… in this case Jupiter. This is where all of the energy of Pluto and Saturn are pointing. Each of the planets are at 8 degrees of the sign they are transiting in. (For those new to astrology the yod is the triangle with green lines in the chart).
What is seeking release?
Right beside Jupiter is Lilith. The story of Lilith in the Jewish story was that Lilith was Adams first wife.  When she would not bow to him, he cast her out and pulled from his rib a second wife, Eve, created out of his own image. If we stick to the mythical stories, Jupiter (also called Zeus), was said to be the father of human kind.  So there sits the father of mankind in Jupiter, in Gemini (where he is in his detriment) beside Lilith. Across from him is Venus, who we all know as the goddess of love.In mythology, Jupiter was married to Hera (also called Juno). Juno is the goddess of marriage. Juno’s relationship with Jupiter in mythology was long suffering. Juno was continually searching for a connection with Jupiter, which never seemed to be forthcoming. Juno in the sky is conjunct the Sun and right beside Pluto, the planet of transformation. They are also squaring Uranus, the planet of surprises and revolutions.Well what can we say, Jupiter in mythology was known for his many consorts… And here in the sky it’s as though all his women have gotten together and are calling him to task. How will he respondSo what does it mean when Juno is conjunct the sun? Demetra George,quotes Gloria Steinhem’s famous answer to the question “Why didn’t you ever get married?” Steinhem (who has the Sun in Aries square Juno in Capricorn) replied, “I don’t mate well in captivity.” The Sun conjunct Juno are in a less tense situation and in a nicer way are asking for balance in relationships. Uranus and Pluto are their to help the conversation to move forwards. It seems to me that this is not just a conversation about relationships between men and women. But also a conversation between the masculine and the feminine. This is about the planet, resources, the way we work and live.

Every planet and asteroid has a positive and a negative expression. Since Jupiter is having his judgement day… that could mean faith, relying on a higher power or plan, openness to grace and optimism. OR it could mean overconfidence, laziness, irresponsibility.

The moon is opposing Saturn. The moon being emotions and Saturn being discipline. Saturn in Scorpio is a call to stabilize one’s emotions. Here I think of mindfulness mediation. The ability to see and acknowledge emotions and not be carried away with them.

This brings us to what the Three Moon Goddess is all about. There is another triangle in the skies. This one with three goddess asteroids (it’s the light red triangle in the chart). This is also tension, one that is wanting to incorporate relationship to nurturing to wisdom and courage. Juno (goddess of marriage), Pallas (goddess of wisdom) and Ceres (goddess mother).So the dialogue in the sky is very much a feminine one. And the response, the one’s that each and everyone of us will make to how this all shows up in our lives, will make the difference in how we move into the future.

The New Emerging Feminine…

The Three Moon Goddess  Blog was created to explore the Feminine in Astrology.

When it comes to astrology, I wanted to really bring the feminine into the conversation at all times. For thousands of years the luminaries (Sun and Moon) and the personal planets of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn ‘dominated’ astrology. These guys were called the Traditional Planets. But something happened that seemed to speed up time and evolution. Modern planets were discovered!

Uranus in 1781, Neptune in 1846, and Pluto in 1930! Wow that’s pretty recent!

Just as Newtons discoveries related to gravity helped us to understand the universe, so did the discovery of new planets help us to understand  personality (astrology became more psychologically based) as well as the events of the world.

Uranus coincided with the Industrial Revolution and exploded on our consciousness true to its revolutionary and abrupt nature exploding with changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology and having a revolutionary change on our economy and the way we live.

Neptune coincided with metaphysics and psychoanalysis, reflecting Neptune’s nature of the unconscious, the dreamlike state, the unseen and the collective unconsciousness.

Pluto with its trans-formative nature and emphasis on power coincided with the atomic age and the rise of dictatorships.

These planets had always been there, but their appearance in our collective consciousness, helped to understand the growth and expansion that was happening in our world. For the most part these planets helped to frame our world  and understand it.

But what about the Feminine?  In traditional astrology we only had two feminine planets to explain the feminine nature. The Moon and Venus!

First Wave of Feminism 

But the feminine was also emerged and in line with that the Astroids were also discovered. Ceres in 1801, Pallas in 1802, Juno in 1804 and Vesta in 1807 coinciding with the first wave of feminism that gave rights of citizenship and right to vote to women in North America.

Second Wave of Feminism  

In 1973 the first Astroid Ephemeris appeared coinciding with the second wave of feminism that saw the rise of many social justice movements and rising awareness.

Third Wave of Feminism 

In 1977 the Astroid Chiron known as the ‘wounded healer’ was discovered and on it’s heals a third wave of feminism that sought to give women the same power as men, “taking back the night” and beginning a healing process for dis-empowered women.

In 2012, is a fourth wave of feminism emerging in the World? Venus crossed the Sun in June of 2012 a rare occurrence happening twice every century or so… symbolic of women standing in front of men… or with men… What is emerging is less about women and more about balancing, reincorporating feminine values  and calling for a rebalancing of the earth, of business, of relationships, jobs, communities and so much more.

How can astrology help us to re balance? In  the Next blog more on Vest, Pallas, Ceres and Juno and their special meaning for us in these changing times….