Sacred Economy Business Support

What does the economy look like in the Age of Aquarius?

We support entrepreneurs and small businesses who embody the sacred in their business!

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Business Timing Calendar

The calendar provided offers so much more than just a standard schedule of days and months. It is a comprehensive tool that helps you align your business operations with the natural rhythms and energies of the cosmos. By tapping into the movements and influences of the planets, this calendar gives you invaluable insights to maximize your productivity and success. Each day is imbued with its own astrological significance, guiding you on when to take action, when to rest and reflect, and how to harness the celestial forces to your advantage. For example, you’ll learn that a new moon signals a time of new beginnings, ripe for launching innovative projects, while a full moon brings a surge of energy perfect for finalizing deals or making important decisions. The calendar also provides customized tips to help you flow with these cosmic tides – suggestions on scheduling meetings during auspicious planetary alignments, planning marketing campaigns around favourable planetary transits, or even adjusting your daily routines to sync with the moon cycles. With this level of astrological awareness at your fingertips, you can confidently navigate the ebbs and flows of your business, riding the waves of universal energy to achieve your goals with grace and ease. This calendar is truly a powerful ally, empowering you to work in harmony with the celestial rhythms that govern our world.